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U19 will be a turning point... or will not.


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This thread is moving fast.

I'm seeing Nitaine come up as your main complaint and to be honest, it is valid.  Much like Oxium when it came out, it was almost impossible to farm effectively in any version of time efficient.

Eventually DE listens, so making a thread like this will help bring attention to the issue, hopefully DE can comment about in the works solutions, like Star Chart 3.0, or something.

Brain is turning off, kthnxbai.

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24 minutes ago, p3z1 said:

No, I am not mad at PA buyers (read last part of OP).

Oh, I read your whole post.

...I also read your post's title. It tells me that you understand the division and don't like it.

I'm telling you that you are looking in the wrong direction... The players who buy PA aren't your problem.

The amount of time needed to acquire the item is the only fodder for comparison you need... Not other players. 

For my part, I can build the whole thing the moment I get the parts ( I am completely casual) and I may still buy it whilst getting the parts and selling them.

So which camp do I fall into?


Wallet Warrior?

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Just now, p3z1 said:

Price to pay for skipping that HUGE grind-wall and time-wall.

I have nothing against PA, but the walls, a lot of problems.

the only thing i can tell you to console you is that the star chart rework will help in making it feel less-grindy. honestly i was so mad at DE because the rework and blowing up the void was taking forever. and it still hasnt come out yet. i'm also a kubrow breeder and like egg drop rates were so horrible (until i discovered that they drop quite nicely on Pacific). the star chart rework is the update i've been waiting for since U17. =\ 

and we still dont have it yet. coincidentally i was away from the game due to school. Now i'm back to the grind wall again. taking time out from the game especially grinding games is essential to your sanity. that will power depletion will consume you. i had a horrible time farming ivara because it was so depressing.

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1 hour ago, kiteohatto said:

Look at it from a different angle, why should those who play less still keep up with those who play more ? That is without compensating for low ingame time with money every 3 months.

Dedication should be rewarding, you spend more time ingame = you should get further.

It wouldn't be fair on those who choose to pay if everything new was easily available week 1 to those who don't play much and don't wish to pay.

You have to make sacrifices somewhere, at the end of the day....

If you play less and don't pay = you don't get latest stuff quick, but you DO get it eventually.

If you play less and pay = you get stuff right away. You sacrifice gametime for IRL grind(work) to bypass ingame grind.

If you play a lot and don't wish to pay = you get stuff relatively quick,  as long as you have made some preparations beforehand.(having some forethought and spending your time wisely).


Come on, life isn't fair, yet people are used to it, but get up in arms if a loot hoarding game doesn't reward casual players ?

Time is a humans most valuable resource and the problem is if a majority decided to spend that Time on other games with more fun factor and less grind.

In my case most of my clan and friends list went viva ze fun and off to newer games like smite, gems of war, ratchet , uncharted 4, paragon , 

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you missed the major lens grind that takes once a year to make with the ever expanding seasons...although the only major update to the focus system was to nerf focus gain, so it seems like it had already been abandoned anyways.

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...What does this have to do with "wallet warriors" at all? Your only complaint is drop rates and alerts taking too much dedication/time. That's the only part of your post that is valuable feedback for the devs, as these wallet warriors aren't impacting your gaming experience in any way. 

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4 hours ago, matto said:

What happened the past hours must not be ignored. U19 being closer and closer, starchart 3.0 sooner and sooner, we will finally see if everything we were told will actually be implemented.

Here you are wrong.

If starchart 3.0 it is implemented, the drop chances will be the same.

Drop chances could be just a little bit higher or lower: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4js064/vauban_prime_akstiletto_prime_and_fragor_prime/

Frost Prime or Ember Prime having a 5% drop chance... i will be glad if they will never see the void day light and they will disappear forever, also i will not farm Vauban Prime.

After seeing so much salt and burns everywhere i just realize DE are milking this game franchise and is pointless to talk about the aspect of the game.

I play this game for over 6 moths and i'm already salty and burned, thank God this game is only "the break" from another game and i didn't put a penny in DE pockets.

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2 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

In regards to "primes being limited now because of the vault" my brain is just screaming at that right now.

There are not- they're REALLY not. It took how many YEARS for the primes that have been vaulted at this point to be vaulted after their initial release? They are unvaulted for a while occasionally. To boot, the prime vault is not a permanent thing. It is a temporary measure to keep the void from getting EVEN MORE diluted than it already is- and all vaulted primes will be unvaulted once SC 3.0 hits and comes with the permanent solution (probably in U19). You said this all yourself. If DE says they're going to do something, they're going to do it. The only times they've ever not done something they said they were going to (even if delayed) is when they said something MIGHT happen or when they were THINKING about it. DE said the void will blow up. DE said SC 3.0 will come and bring the permanent solution. 


The Prime Vault had nothing to do with dilution. When the first two sets of Prime items were vaulted, nothing was put in place of those parts in the table. Instead, several more items were crammed into T3/4 Defense/Survival rotation C, which already had more parts than most other places despite only being accessible every 20 minutes. Besides, no one can claim the Derelict is diluted, or that DE tried when they didn't remove things like T1 keys that make up north of a 25% drop chance for some tables.

As for "Vaulted items being unvaulted when the new starchart hits" (paraphrasing), that was only speculation. DE only said they would return at some point--and Frost Prime access technically has already. I hope they return with the new starchart, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I completely agree with OP. I farmed for Loki and Wyrm Prime before they went into the vault, somewhat burned me out.

Farmed for Vauban. Burnt out. And now I have to farm for nitain and cryotic, too? The two most annoying resources to farm, in my experience.

Ty DE. Booben Prime is shrekt :_:

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There are points I Agree with, and then there are many I don't; as well as the following opinions of the reply's to the OP. First off Vauban should imo be the most difficult, and most grind heavy prime off all (10k oxium, 100 nitain, 4 forma, , maybe come greater a few greater lens, or a special sortie only random material). I would have also voted that his parts come from; special, timed, alert, random, sabotage towers... at the availability that Is the current Vauban alert table, giving players a one hour block of time to "try" and get the part (this week is the helm.... AGAIN!!! ahahaha) Yes, honestly I do.

Difficult to obtain items would drive the economy, it would allow for those who enjoy just playing the game to get something of great value, feel rewarded, and gain that sense of achievement. If you aren't willing to do what's necessary to achieve something by the multiple avenues made available to achieve it... then why complain?

One of the things I see when I read the comments, was the fact that they want this game to be there everything, all the time. I get that one can love the game, but when you devour content the instant it comes out and then say you want more, and that wasn't enough... and not even give a thank you, to me that is pathetic. Warframe is one of the fewest games I've played, that has as many content updates as it does, we get new items on almost a weekly basis (steam workshop items even!!!!). What's wrong with taking a break? coming back after several frames and weapons have been released? or waiting for SC 3.0, Lunaro, 19.0, to see if the game has gotten better in your eyes.

Play the game because you enjoy what your actually doing within the game, if you don't like the missions, like using the weapons, or frames, don't find the mechanics of the game enjoyable, then what do you play it for?


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6 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

you missed the major lens grind that takes once a year to make with the ever expanding seasons...although the only major update to the focus system was to nerf focus gain, so it seems like it had already been abandoned anyways.

Almost valid, until you account how easy it is to make 5-10plat to buy the lens off players. I can easily sell 2 or 3 syndicate augs per day. 30 plat buy 3 lenses, get one from sortie. in that time you can build and collect what is needed for resources. I can max rep in under an hour with ease, no draco(homo).

So the 1 year grind becomes a max of 5 days. Make the game work for you.


I will agree the focus gain nerf is crappy, Old way was better, those who went for it got it. Now I have to haul &#! across the t4D map just to get a yellow thing, run back and then watch Ash get all my potential kills...

Edited by (PS4)covan2306
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1 minute ago, (PS4)covan2306 said:

Almost valid, until you account how easy it is to make 5-10plat to buy the lens off players. I can easily sell 2 or 3 syndicate augs per day. 30 plat buy 3 lenses, get one from sortie. in that time you can build and collect what is needed for resources. I can max rep in under an hour with ease, no draco(homo).

So the 1 year grind becomes a max of 5 days. Make the game work for you.

greater lenses are also 40 plat in the market, so you can also use that similar method, sell mods/prime parts/etc, get 40 plat and buy a lens

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1 minute ago, Zergoss said:

greater lenses are also 40 plat in the market, so you can also use that similar method, sell mods/prime parts/etc, get 40 plat and buy a lens

Thats what I buy, but I didn't want to just say make 40p and buy one. Was pointing out that it can be done with ease for less than just buying one.

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5 hours ago, Shreiko said:

I mean no offense when I ask, is english your first language?

It was a lot of reading so I didn't read it in its entirety, only the first few paragraphs.

But what I did read, I fully understood.  He didn't come off incoherent at all imo.  I've definitely seen worse lol.

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46 minutes ago, XenoFant said:

First, watch your language pal.

I'm not saying that DE has to follow my will. It would be weird if they did, but it would make the game better. Rather it's the overall player. If DE doesn't adjust to the players, they will lose their reputation, eventually their company.

Second, I don't know which games you're playing, except for Warframe, that lead you to say such things. It's ridiculous. You want a game rule your life? Go on, then ruin it. If you want to truly live, then play a game that follows the desire of the gamers. Look for a game that's not selfish and actually cares for their players.

Third, I keep playing the game, because I secretly hope that DE finally makes Warframe playable again. While doing that, I notice over and over again that it's worthless. It never happens. I stopped playing for a year, some time ago, and came back to U18 to see if the game got any better. Nope, it got worse.

Fourth, I play, so I know about the issues and problems in Warframe. If you just caught them, you are no reliable source at all. You have to expirience these things to truly be taken seriously.

I didn't say anything offensive....we are disagreeing, but we are still being civil about it.

1. DE is the man in charge, they choose what changes to implement and they are fully aware that they might lose some players, but they will also retain and bring new players. Look at EvE online, CCP is so focused on retaining vet players that they adjusting the game to suit vets and endgame, new player experience is horrible and that game now has a relatively low playerbase(like....15-20k active users, many of whom are multiboxers). I don't want warframe to be like that and im glade DE is dictating the pace even though some players will leave due to disgruntlement, they would have left sooner than later anyway.


2. Warframe is my main game that i keep coming back to, break after break, i have nearly 2000 steam hours. I also play diablo3, divison and some survival games with friends from time to time. Game doesn't rule my life, if i want to achieve something serious in game then i just accept the fact that i have to dedicate more time towards warframe. If i don't then im perfectly fine with accepting the fact that i won't have the latest stuff asap, but i will have more time to do whatever else i want, be it in games or real life.


3. I also keep playing the game, and it's interesting to see how the game has changed ever since it come out. Maybe, just maybe grindy dungeon crawlers aren't for you ? Maybe YOU have changed since you started playing warframe for the first time and it simply doesn't suit your new tastes anymore.

4. I don't really understand what you are saying here, i also play the game. I just accept the grind and the consequences of my choice of not paying.

Edited by kiteohatto
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19 minutes ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

Time is a humans most valuable resource and the problem is if a majority decided to spend that Time on other games with more fun factor and less grind.

In my case most of my clan and friends list went viva ze fun and off to newer games like smite, gems of war, ratchet , uncharted 4, paragon , 

Yes, time affects us all equally, we are all going to kick the bucket eventually.

If your friends/clanmates got tired of the game then they simply didn't like the game enough, all those games you've listed.....they all have limited replay value and those that are not triple AAA single time experience have much worse cash shops that warframe.

Nobody is stopping you from finding new friends or an active clan so it suits your social aspect and interaction requirement. It's all up to you.

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The grind in this game always will be high because this game cannot shown furthermore just grind. The fun is the point here when you not bored out of grind but otherwise there is no really much meaning behind the grind. They are trying to make difficult to get stuffs because the business policy and they aren't fools to let us get everything too easy. One part is the content wise part if you get everything and playing a game non stop then you get bored and will move away. The other part is the frustration if you really want to get something but the rng kill your dreams and instead you pay for stuff. Sadly there is no middle way because they need money to keep themself up so every move is to the way you need pay money for content.


They could reduce the grind and make stuffs more obtainable but they should reduce aswell their prices because without discounts more peoples will stay away from the platinum buying and instead going to trade for plat because there is always peoples with discounts whom buy platinum. Other point if they want to keep the playerbase if they can add not grinding content which only just for fun without any non wanted stuff.


I am playing the game long enough to know about the game enough and personally never bought any platinum without dc's and 2 years ago not got anymore so I am living with what I have got then. I haven't any prime also simply because not interest me but I can feel those peoples pain whom want to get primes and hate any hard grinding content.



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You can add fun to the grind by joining public/recruiting void runs, Choosing ash, get radiated, blade storm you team, then say "wtf happened" continue with giving them build advice or maybe even teabaggin the fallen. Fun is what you make.


Edit: Warning if playing the radiation game don't bring a 6+ forma kubrow...

Edited by (PS4)covan2306
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You know. Once Warframe was a stage of War.

It was Grineer and Corpus fighting each other for ownership of the nodes. We helped, and for a time we had a living and changing starchart.

Then the Relays, the Dark Sector Rails showed so much promise, the Syndicates ( Proxy War ) showed even more Promise. 

Archwing let us enter into space, only to find it a strange add-on in 0-G. But it showed such promise.

Focus finally meant that we had a Path like in RPG'S, we had a chance to make us special. Except it never really gave us anything more than we allready had. But it showed SUCH promise.

The Sentients are coming. The planets will be divided among the Factions,  Infested and the Syndicates. Lunaro sports and new Archwing shows promise.

It ALL shows promise. And it is all Beta. It seems Beta is somewhat damaging the way the pieces that are Warframe fit together.

Prove me wrong, DE.

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I agree with OP.


People have been complaining about the grind basically since U8 when the voids first came out. Maybe DE has just become used to it? But I can see things clearly getting worse. I have seen harsh times in Warframe, but this is getting out of control. The "devs have to feed their families" argument is kinda invalid at this point. If DE have enough funds to make a goddamn Tennocon they have way more than enough, no need to greedily vortex money out of players who have faithfully invested into this game for years.


Warframe was once a game I liked to spend money for, but with these marketing tactics it only becomes worse the more money you invest into the game.

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5 hours ago, Madho said:

It won't be a turning point.

U19 is already packed with stuff. Domestic Kavats, Volt and Mag reworks, starchart 3.0, and who knows when Excalibur Umbra is coming out. It'd be a miracle if Steve managed to add more progression into the game when everyone's been hyped about Vauban prime and new cosmetic items. Grinding was, is and will be a predominant aspect of Warframe as long as DE stop throwing out gimmicks and actually consider adding more depth to lore and gameplay. Plus, there are tons of things to fix already. Warframe abilities are now either game-breaking or borderline useless, enemy scaling is broken, and the maps are old. We should totally pay attention to how DE intends to blow up the void and scatter prime parts everywhere while we continue our core grind on Triton and Hieracon, MR grind on Draco and a 3 hour grind for Equinox. Good job.

The 3 hour grind for Equinox is nothing compared to the Ivara grind.

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15 minutes ago, kiteohatto said:

Yes, time affects us all equally, we are all going to kick the bucket eventually.

If your friends/clanmates got tired of the game then they simply didn't like the game enough, all those games you've listed.....they all have limited replay value and those that are not triple AAA single time experience have much worse cash shops that warframe.

Nobody is stopping you from finding new friends or an active clan so it suits your social aspect and interaction requirement. It's all up to you.

When the ps4 first came out there were few games besides warframe so warframe grew but now when there are many choices its telling that too much grind is shoving players away i.E. Weeks to get parts then days to build then more days to build finished product? Versus non paying play for three days in smite and select god and boom ready to play.

 Too much grind in warframe 

Now excuse me its time for more smite .

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