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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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-  shards do nothing compared to weapon damage. 

-  conditional damage buff to magnetized enemies is not actually useful in practice, as most of the time, you will be pulling all the enemies out of the magnetized zone except for the magnetized target.

- flat numbers on polarize make for a very useless skill after level 20s...


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I took my alt account ( no corrupted mods, no primed mods, most mods are half ranked ) went to a solo t2 survival 20min test and left at 60min with all life support available.





This new mag can be very noob friendly : at 60 min i was still able to completely remove armor from the mobs and doing some damage with my crappy set up (ignis gas/atomos corrosive), probably would have totally fall of at 80min but no way those weapon could have gone 60min (even 45min) without magnetize.

cons :

she need more energy than she have at the moment, she need what you gave to Saryn.

She's a bit squishy, augment help but still.

i don't use the ultimate, animation is too slow

Overall that was a fun test, i now need to take my main with better mods and go t4 solo survival to see how she behave there.

Edited by Gilmaesh
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So for me is now also closing! You invest time, maybe even money to shape its frames and then something like that!
For someone who only now the game starts to play, it is maybe ok, but playing for veterans in the High Level is not at all! Too bad ... really bad! I delete the game!


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Shield Polarize should scales with percentage, but without the damage. The reason polarize was broken before because you can take it to Corpus Sortie and completely nullified enemy's shield. I'm totally fine with Polarize not doing any damage, it doesn't have to, but at least make it useful by completely strip away enemy's shields and armors via percentage scaling instead of fixed number. Fixed number quickly became irrelevant as enemies reach high level and recasting polarize is costly as it is. I took my Mag on Corpus Sortie and she literally couldn't do anything against those insane shields (255 Str, 100Dur, 100 Range, 130 Eff build)

What I propose: 

Polarize not dealing damage, instead strip 50% off enemy's shields and armor.

That way, with 200% Power Strength, she can strip off enemy's shields and armor completely, making this ability very useful yet not OP. 

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DE: Rethink the concept of Mag.

Frames/Classes changed this radically become another Frame/Class. Not change a frame that's been used for 3 years as a burst DPS frame to a duration frame.

This change means if she's to be a DPS frame she needs Power Strength, and the mods for her built traded duration for Power Strength. This change will mean changing the mods to fit Power Strength and Duration now, or she's lackluster at best (and she lost soooo much raw DPS).

That's fixing a problem with a sledgehammer.

I was hopeful seeing the results of Rebecca's screenshot, but how Mag plays now, the feel is so off (due to changing the abilities so radically, that the reason I chose Mag [burst DPS] isn't there anymore).

Furthermore, she also still doesn't survive well. In this day and age of gaming even glass cannons have something to survive better -- dying on a health pad (192 health and one shotted with level 15-20 Corpus) -- just shows how bad it still is.

The feel is wrong. Game play has changed to the point it's another frame. Squishy that Corpus can outright kill her like Grineer did. It's essentially trading places with Grineer.

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25 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

Furthermore, she also still doesn't survive well. In this day and age of gaming even glass cannons have something to survive better -- dying on a health pad (192 health and one shotted with level 15-20 Corpus) -- just shows how bad it still is.

you died in the corpus reactor alert mission which had hyenas in it, that's not your usual 15-20 corpus. Still, to be honest i don't how you managed to die.

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Never thought i would say this but I'm slightly disappointed with the mag rework.

Though to a certain extent i could agree that polarise should be nerf to prevent the only one ability frame to win, but the polarise is still heavily nerfed. I mean compared to sayrn's rework with the spores, it is still an ability which can easily kill enemies and the damage tick over time to ensure a satisfying death, but at least there is a certain death after the cast of the ability, whereas polarise which initially can instantly kill, can hardly barely kill lvl 20 plus corpus enemies. Or if we want to compare the sayrn's initial miasma which was press 4 to win, is now damage per tick, it'll be quite the same way to say for Mag. 

Nevertheless, i'm willing to give my feedback on the reworked mag so far and it's based on my experimentation. 

  • Pull - It feels like there's no changes except that the damage is increased. But it's still not satisfying because the pull only works if the enemies had their health/shield decreased to a certain level to be able to damage. But it's still considered not so bad, so i'll leave it as it is. 
  • Bullet Attractor - which is an initial ability of the 3rd, can deal serious damage which is not so bad. But i would sincerely recommend an ability which allows the target that is casted by the bullet attractor to fly up in the air and consume nearby enemies in a vortex-like physics. An example would be like this: 


    Furthermore, it'll be easier to see where the enemies are after the cast. 

  • Polarise - I'm quite underwhelmed by the new polarise rework. Though to a certain extent i could agree that the polarise should be nerfed to a certain degree at least cannot be able to insta-kill lvl 135 corpus or higher levels easily, But i didn't expect that the polarise couldn't manage to kill even a lvl 20 corpus. I believe polarise should be properly scaled in where enemies are still able to suffer serious damage at least cannot kill easily. But to compare with sayrn's 4th ability, miasma still can insta-kill lvl 20 enemies. This.. i don't know. 

  • Crush - I must say that the crush's ability is pretty awesome and I like it so far. As a mag user, I'm pretty contented to see that crush's damage is finally on a good level. Thank you DE for the crush's buff, really love it alot. 

Conclusion: I think she is not bad of a frame, but i believe she could get more to be even better at where she currently stands. All her abilities are not that bad except for polarise which is definitely a thing to look at. Once her polarise is somehow balanced in scaling damage to enemies (which i prefer to have the same as the spores for Sayrn), Mag will be an awesome frame to play with. 

Thanks for your time in reading this, it is an honor.  

Edited by -PP-Sonicz
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1 hour ago, 73lac7c said:

Mag is Useless?


Cool, one specific build with one specific weapon, incredibly versatile frame we have here folks, instead of just having one ability that can be modded for how about we *Gasps* make multiple abilities useful! I'm pretty sure most people don't have a problem with Magnetize, it's how useless her polarize and other 2 abilities are, mostly polarize, the ability is completely pointless as there is no scaling, Mag as a frame is inherently now much more useless than what she was before, make her be able to actually strip shields and armour off of high level enemies and then I'll be okay with it, at least, and I'm sure many other people would be okay with it too

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My opinion on the mag rework and what could be improved upon:


At the moment, Magnetize is a nice skill but it has a few flaws.  first of all, it only magnetizes the initial enemies inside it, and any enemies entering the bubble afterwards can run through it without a problem, only taking a portion of the damage the bubble has absorbed whilst it will still rip your bullets out of the sky and most likely preventing you hitting those enemies that are walking through it depending on trajectory vs. location.  As a nice synergy, why not make it so that enemies that are drawn into the bubble with Pull get affected by the Magnetize and pulled into the center like the initial enemies do.  It would mix her two skills together really nicely and make Pull have a bit more practicality other than using it to close distance between you and another enemy.

Secondly, it would be great to be able to end Magnetize's duration prematurely by pressing the button a second time, similar to other frame abilities such as Nyx's Absorb.  Having a Magnetize block a doorway that you need to get through can be extremely detrimental, because if you enter that bubble as an enemy fires something heavy, or another player shoots into it whilst you're in there, you can potentially kill yourself which seems a little bit annoying when you have to stand around for another 10 seconds waiting for it to dissappear in order to progress.

Next is augments.  With Mag's new passive, Greedy Pull's usage has taken a serious drop.  Why bother wasting mod space on something like that when you get a better effect merely by bullet-jumping, which requires no energy and can be spammed easily?  Perhaps if it were changed to something such as increasing it's cone of effect on enemies, for example 90 degree cone by default, 120 degree with unranked augment all the way up to a full 360 degrees at max rank Greedy Pull.  Couple this with allowing Pulled enemies to be affected by Magnetize and you have yourself a really nice augment and power synergy.  Stand in the middle of a Magnetize and use Pull, watch all the enemies around you get sucked into the bubble (instead of ragdolling all over the place), then jump out and fire away!

Fracturing Crush has also lost a lot of it's usage.  Polarize does a similar job to it now along with being a permanent decrease to armour compared to Fracturing Crushes temporary decrease, and Polarize costs a lot less energy and is just generally more usable.  Perhaps then the augment could be changed to increasing the amount of times it does additional damage, at the loss of either a percentage of it's damage, or prolonging it's casting time to account for the extra hits.  Alternatively it could give enemies affected by Crush a slow effect for a short duration, to take into account the fact that all their bones have just been twisted and broken, which would make Crush a really nice CC.

Other than those thoughts and ideas, I really like the rework (and the TennoGen skin!) and I'm happily back to playing Mag now that she's more practical and usable in missions outside of the Corpus. ^.^

EDIT: As a quick note to those saying that she's 'been nerfed' and is 'now useless', I had a friend of mine who was saying the same thing use a Mag build I created after the rework in the second sortie mission (energy reduction Corpus exterminate), and he completely tore them to pieces without any of us having to fire a shot.  If you pay attention to the abilities window, you'll see that both polarize and magnetize come with damage multipliers, so you don't need to stack loads of power strength mods on her anymore, heck even a single Intensify will do, because you combine your powers together now to create your damage, instead of just 'press 3 to win'.  Try using Pull to bring enemies close, then Polarize to rip out some of their armour and shields, then Crush to tear them to pieces.  It works against everything, boosts your allies damage due to the armour reduction and damage multiplier, and the CC is pretty cool too!

Edited by Konachibi
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1 hour ago, 73lac7c said:

Mag is Useless?


That's a bug, so I wouldn't consider that part of her kit atm unless DE states they will allow this. Punch-thru has always had extremely wonky interactions with Bullet Attractor and you could do the same thing before the rework. Granted it was single target based, but still the same thing.

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1 hour ago, 73lac7c said:

Mag is Useless?


Nobody said that Magnetize is terrible in simulacrum after update.
1. It's nothing comparing to what she could do with Shield Polarize.
2. It's pretty hard to pull off on normal mission. In simulacrum you have infinite energy and enemies don't even attacking you. What about doing the same thing over and over again on Ceres without dying?

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