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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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Okay, clearly people are getting a different meaning from what I'm saying than what I'm intending, so I'm going to NOT take part in that argument anymore.

But seriously? Discharge actually had a hard cap on all of its damage? No wonder I couldn't make it do anything. I thought it was already just limited to the pulse damage.

For anyone who might have the answer to this, was I correct in stating that after building Static Discharge and using Discharge, the damage bonus only applies to the initial pulse damage on one enemy?

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The change to 6 is a good one. I still don't expect to see Volt used in high level defense missions, but at least he can go into low level ones without having to drop the objective's protection in order to use his Riot Shield or revive someone.

Perhaps if his shield's size scaled with range it could get big enough to provide real defense of larger objectives (such as in tower defense missions). It would still require 4 uses for each 1 that Frost used, so there would be no deposing the Defense King, but at least we would have another choice.

Still, as it is, more would be better. Mainly I wonder why the devs want to limit it. If we knew that then we could at least understand the change, or maybe even bring up a brilliant idea of how to deal with the issue that nobody ever thought of before.

Edited by EnderDDT
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5 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I don't think I've ever really used more than 6 unless I was at extraction and just messing around

With 6 you can make a sizable bubble, with protection from all directions, plus up and down. I see no need for a cap, but if there is to be one, 6 is quite generous. 

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1 hour ago, SylvenStar said:

For anyone who might have the answer to this, was I correct in stating that after building Static Discharge and using Discharge, the damage bonus only applies to the initial pulse damage on one enemy?

Yes. I even tested it again myself to be certain. It only damages one enemy and deals that damage during the initial pulse.

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I like that they made speed re-castable, it's something everyone's wanted since day one. And being able to put down 6 shields it great, lets hold down more area. There are a few things I think should change though. Number one would be that absolutely horrid energy drain on movement when using the Riot Shield. I mean he's a movement based frame what with his speed ability and now his passive that REWARDS MOVEMENT, absolutely no synergy there. The the lower movement speed I can deal with but seriously, if I bullet jump because i'm being surrounded i'll accidentally use 30 energy. That is not right. While I'm at it, having to press the use button to pick it up is a little cumbersome, as well as the fact that sometimes when I drop a shield for cover when trying to revive an ally, i'll pick the shield up instead. And then put it down trying to revive him again. Make it so tapping the power button drops a shield and holding it equips the riot shield immediately or something, I hate having to use the use button. And if you're going to keep the speed buff coil/drop thing then at least increase Volt's base movement speed to make it easier to get ahead of allies. Right now if a Loki gets the buff instead of me he speeds off into the distance until we either reach the objective or he runs out of speed and I catch up and boost him again.

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11 hours ago, SylvenStar said:

I don't undervalue what he can bring to the game, I'm aware of the things he brings to the table, the problem is he isn't UNIQUE. Speed is essentially war cry except he sacrifices armor and duration for movement speed, and his other abilities are tweaked versions of Frost.

shock: sort of a cross between freeze and ice wave, except you can target other points, and the stun doesn't last nearly as long.

Electric Shield: I'm shielding one direction, enhancing damage in lieu of omnidirectional defense, duration, and a massive slow.

Discharge: Longer stun and more range in exchange for no armor reduction.

I'm not asking for Volt specifically to go towards power damage, I was simply suggesting tweaked numbers because it's clearly what he's trying to be. I'm asking for something unique, rather than this awkward middle ground between Frost and Valkyr that lost all of its defense.

Volt came well before Frost.  It irks me to see him as a pale shadow of that ice block.  I'm not saying they're the same at all, mind you.  However, it seems that DE just WANT him to be Frost, without the benefit of a damage type that currently works.

Speed is what he does differently, and I see little value to it unless you build almost exclusively into Strength.  It's OKAY, nothing more and nothing less.  Shocking Speed never should've been an augment, but a built-in part of his kit.  Imagine if it were, and he could use it instead of recasting Shock over and over, buffing ES and further gimping tesla'd targets by just Speeding by...

There are so many things that could've been done with the hotfix, and yet we only saw the tiniest bandaid applied to the more workable half of the Electric Shield.  No fix at all for Riot Shield, so it's confirmed:  someone actively hates this aspect of the redesign and DOES NOT WANT to fix it.

I'm beginning to suspect that there is a really moronic idea floating around somewhere that Volt shouldn't be viable, due to the fact that he's a starter 'Frame.  Some 'Frames seem to be receiving solid reworks and tweaks, whereas others are garbage-in, garbage-out.  So many options for fixes, so many possibilities.

I can't be suprised that there are serious missteps happening.  There seems to be too much going on for DE to even bother to check whether a new weapon can gain affinity, or mods were properly released.  I'm just very keen on DE focusing back on fixing Volt, and other issues.

U19 isn't worth this mess.

Edited by Cytobel
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7 hours ago, Cytobel said:

Shocking Speed never should've been an augment, but a built-in part of his kit.

I will directly disagree with this. Shocking Speed causes enemies to be altered before you can grab them and melee-sneak-attack them. It's a small thing, but really piss annoying when I forget to take off Shocking Speed for a more stealthy run. It's actually prompted me to stop using Shocking Speed altogether, now with Discharge working the way it does on Armored enemies.

With people calling for more and more integration of powers. I'd rather have seen running Electric Shield and Speed at the same time to generate something like Shocking Speed. Maybe bouncing Shock back onto Volt to charge Speed with aura damage.

Assuming that we can see the Power Costs of Riot ES addressed to something reasonable.

7 hours ago, Cytobel said:

There are so many things that could've been done with the hotfix, and yet we only saw the tiniest bandaid applied to the more workable half of the Electric Shield.

Because a large chunk of the development focus is on Update 19, and not polishing the schlock they rolled out in 18.13. It's kinda a bad excuse for not sticking with resolving the live issues that are being found, but it happens.

What would be nice is to see a Dev Works acknowledging that they've actually read this thread, noted the issues, and have them jotted down (on at minimum a sticky note).

I would kinda-disagree, and say that Update 19 (at least some parts of it) will be worth this mess. As annoying as some of the issues are (drain on Riot ES, Speed as party buff, damage cap & inconsistent CC on Discharge), they aren't unplayable and it many was have put Volt into a much better position then he was prior to 18.13.

I can actually bring Volt into Grineer Sorties and T4 Void and not be a detriment, because Discharge can actually be used as a fairly decent hard CC. Upwards of 30 seconds if you build for duration.

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2 hours ago, Brasten said:

I will directly disagree with this. Shocking Speed causes enemies to be altered before you can grab them and melee-sneak-attack them. It's a small thing, but really piss annoying when I forget to take off Shocking Speed for a more stealthy run.

You say this in so many volt threads. How about this. I want you to show me a recording of you doing a stealth mission with volt and speed(That doesn't involve you going slow and standing still behind walls, contradicting the purpose of you using speed).  That's just not volts job. If you want to take volt to a stealth mission you should be taking your time anyway(No invis) so why would you be speeding in the first place? On top of not being caught? I'm just extremely curious is all.

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14 minutes ago, OzoneSlayer said:

You say this in so many volt threads. How about this. I want you to show me a recording of you doing a stealth mission with volt and speed(That doesn't involve you going slow and standing still behind walls, contradicting the purpose of you using speed).  That's just not volts job. If you want to take volt to a stealth mission you should be taking your time anyway(No invis) so why would you be speeding in the first place? On top of not being caught? I'm just extremely curious is all.

The thing is that speed is a good enough ability on its own. It doesn't need shocking speed, it's just an enhancement. 

There are some abilities that are useless without their augment, thus it should be integrated- shocking speed isn't one of them.

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On 6/8/2016 at 11:54 AM, Wolfnrun said:

I want every ability to be offensive in some way and combining abilities makes it even stronger, I want every ability to be strong on it's own and for more effectiveness if and when combined.  I want to be a storm, I dream of lighting everywhere and a storm like no other. I see me putting excalibur to shame whenever he appears on prime time and lotus to credit me more than him. I want to be another heavily offensive frame like Chroma,rhino and ember. I am volt, I will not let the corpus limit my powers any longer! I will out run them all putting everyone who thinks otherwise to shame! I am the storm! no one will pass! I AM AN ALTERNATIVE TO GUNPLAY!  I DON'T NEED GUNS! 

I like this dream.

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1 hour ago, OzoneSlayer said:

On top of not being caught?

Lets define not being caught as no alerts (white hack state), because even on a full Invis run on a Loki the unexpected can happen that will put the AI into that "caution" or even "alerted" state. And on a non-Invis melee range run, all it takes is for the AI to turn around suddenly, after you've worked your way through a good line, to spot you and for it individually to be alerted.

Not my best run to be sure. I usually don't run with such a large Enemy Radar, and instead scope rooms with the Synthesis Scanner, letting Animal Instinct on the Sentinel be the final check as I close. But you wanted to see speed with minimal delay. It highlights of some of the things you can get away with at speed before the AI gets past its delay of seeing you in the initial sight cone.



And apologies for the low game audio, I forget to turn the input master volume back up to normallish level from the last time I did recording on Warframe.

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4 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

The thing is that speed is a good enough ability on its own. It doesn't need shocking speed, it's just an enhancement. 

There are some abilities that are useless without their augment, thus it should be integrated- shocking speed isn't one of them.

Implying that Radial Blind was useless? In any way?

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8 minutes ago, OzoneSlayer said:

Implying that Radial Blind was useless? In any way?

After it was nerfed to just Line of Sight, for quite some time yes, yes it was very useless. Almost a waste of energy to cast it.

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15 hours ago, voltocitygel said:

With 6 you can make a sizable bubble, with protection from all directions, plus up and down. I see no need for a cap, but if there is to be one, 6 is quite generous. 

However, that would require lots of ES spamming... 

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One of my biggest concerns here is that even after modifying the mechanics of his 4, Shock is still completely overshadowed by it.

His first ability is a very brief stun with damage that quickly becomes neglible, and unless you heavily mod for efficiency the effects of it won't be worth the cost, and while it can target more than one enemy it's only at a small area with rather random choices. Then comes his ultimate, an AoE attack which covers a long distance, does a prolonged stun and a much more significant damage, with the only drawback being the cost.

To top it all off this rework essentially gave Shock the sole fuction of being a battery for his other abilities, yet has not outstanding or significant feature of it's own, Shock is essentially an inferior version of Discharge that only has the 'battery' function added, that even barely makes any difference when applied.

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7 hours ago, Brasten said:

After it was nerfed to just Line of Sight, for quite some time yes, yes it was very useless. Almost a waste of energy to cast it.

So you expected a move(Especially a second ability) to go through walls and disable everything around you unrealistically? There is a difference between balanced and useless.

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2 hours ago, OzoneSlayer said:

So you expected a move(Especially a second ability) to go through walls and disable everything around you unrealistically? There is a difference between balanced and useless.

Not at all, but it took almost a year for its effects to be balanced better for that reduction and nerf. The immediate result of the LoS nerf was an ability that didn't have significant impact in the very tight maps that were common on Corpus and Grineer ship tiles, and the much of the Void. Where it had to be recast two or three times (now at the cumulative cost of an ult) as enemies funneled into the LoS zone. It also had a tendency to get blocked by things like those crystal tree planters and the edges of Death Orbs (what does and doesn't block it has improved since then). It wasn't till around June 2015 that it opened enemies to Finisher attacks (almost 9 months later), making Blind actually worthwhile to use as more then a "oops, stop shooting me" button.

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19 hours ago, Brasten said:

I will directly disagree with this. Shocking Speed causes enemies to be altered before you can grab them and melee-sneak-attack them. It's a small thing, but really piss annoying when I forget to take off Shocking Speed for a more stealthy run. It's actually prompted me to stop using Shocking Speed altogether, now with Discharge working the way it does on Armored enemies.


Alright, aside from people questioning you for using a 'Frame you like to complete any mission you're faced with (bless you!), I have a quibble to bring up:  approximately 193% of the issue with stealth is a combination of bad math and the enemy AI Hive Mind.  Essentially, there may be a ton of enemies, but there are only a few AI's operating at any time (it seems)

While this makes the incredible swarms possible for lesser computers (or shoddy things like ClayStations and XBones) to operate, it has the MAJOR downfall of borking stealth sideways and back.  The stealth issues of Shocking Speed aren't associated with the MOD, but rather this AI simplification.  Every so often, when I feel like Digital Extremes is deserving of a absolutely awful punishment for egrageous oversights and truely vulgar errors I recommend that AI work be done.

Make no mistake, we NEED more AI work done in order to make stealthing actually plausible and rewarding.  On the other hand, the few times I tried ANYTHING reguarding game AIs I decided I'd prefer a bad dentist with shakey hands.  Trust me, that way madness lies, but I'm gonna suggest we sentence some minds behind this rework to such pits.  Overly quick work leaves WAAAAY too much room for errors, and EVERYTHING in the last few weeks has felt a bit rickety.

Also, a REALLY quick fix for this would be to make the Shocking Speed augment cause enemies struck to be open to finishers, without alerting nearby foes unduly (if you perform radical chiropractic with a Fragor Prime to some random Grineer in front of a crowd, then you deserve it).  Honestly, if an enemy isn't screaming then the radius for alerting more enemies needs to be VASTLY reduced.  I'm tired of a Grineer 3 rooms over dashing to a panel as soon as a Roller 3 feet from me does the adorable little alert hop.

Ugh, if there're typos here, deal.  I'm too tired to see straight, so g'nite.  I just hope people can follow some thread of logic in this...

Edited by Cytobel
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I have really noticed the ability to make Speed recastable, that is a really nice change that people have been wanting forever and it does make up for how the ability doesn't immediately come into effect when cast.

The ability to see where the drop is is also nice (apparently it pops out behind you, I had always assumed directly underneath you). That isn't really a full fix for how stupidly hard it is to get the buff to allies, but it is better. I think that if DE wants people to not be upset about the "pickup" method of use then they need to realize just how difficult and annoying it is to get the buff to people and work with that. The changes recast-ability is nice and keeps the buff from being left several rooms back, but even if the buff is left in the same room it can be difficult to find, difficult to know where it is, and still forces people to go out of their way to pick it up. A minimap icon would really help people to know when the buff is available and from where. The fact still remains that SOMEONE is going to have to go out of their way for the buff, usually every single person on the team, and this will hold them back from whatever they were doing. This means that at the barest minimum the ability needs a duration increase to help soften the blow of having to hunt the thing down and the wasted duration spent finding a good place to drop it. A good additional change would be to give Volt some extra base speed so that he can remain in front of the group to drop the buff, meaning that HE ends up paying more time to pass off the buff rather than other people. As it is when he drops the buff and others pick it up they often speed off ahead of him and he has to wait for the buff to wear off them so he can get ahead again to drop the buff, that's why base move speed is important for his use of the ability.

I'm not sure what to think about the comparison of his #1 and #4 abilities. On the one hand his #1 is faster and doesn't leave you open to such a long animation while forcing you to be right next to the enemy to use it, but it hits a very few enemies and is unreliable as to what it will and will not stop. On the other hand his #4 is much more reliable about what it will hit compared to his first ability, but you kinda have to expect a second or two of direct fire before it goes off. In my opinion, they both need work.

Also, another request to look at the shield pick up mechanics to keep it from activating when you don't want it to. Nearly every time I try to revive or hack a terminal I end up picking up the shield I dropped for defense. It is a QoL issue, to be sure, but one that can have deadly consequences.

Also, another reminder that having Volt's shield disappear when he dies is a BIG no-no if you want to encourage teamwork in the game. People need to be able to trust that Volt's Electric Shield will do its job, even if Volt himself is suicidal or gets into a bad position. Furthermore it is the only non-self buff that I know of that disappears if the caster dies. Can we PLEASE get this fixed.

As for the shield/riot shield: can we PLEASE just change it so that you get the passive damage bonuses when it is immobile, and picking it up reduces the size and gets rid of the passive bonuses while it is being carried. No other negatives or drains or restrictions or punishments for trying to use it, just the timer till it runs out. After we start there we can talk about what buffs it might need or get, but that basic framework would give everything a place to start from and work our way up with a guaranteed "this is not brokenly powerful nor is it needlessly restricted, this is perfectly acceptable to everyone" starting point.


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7 hours ago, Cytobel said:

Essentially, there may be a ton of enemies, but there are only a few AI's operating at any time (it seems)

Actually part of that is the Sight Cone used. It's actually more like a squashed rectangular wedge with almost no vertical, especially while AI is in motion. You can really see it at work at 2:00 and again 3:11. I've used that fact to Bullet Jump and Aim Guild past pacts of units, skimming maybe a meter over them. DE may be cycling which units can actually "see" each frame, but I'd be more likely to suspect more simple "distance to player" value. It's not overly hard to keep the amount environment sensing the AI is doing down, especially when the AI doesn't actually need to "see" anything closer then their Sight Cone anyways.

Where things get twitchy is physical contact and "did my buddy just get shot" sight/hearing, and why I'm dead set against seeing Shocking Speed (as it currently functions) as a base element of Speed. Making even the slightest connection with the enemies hit-bot will instantly put them in Alert, and voids Stealth finishers (and combo). You may be able to spot it happening a few times when I overshot a bit. Good example at 0:32, as I bump the Trooper's knees. Which is what Shocking Speed is doing. Even just a graze of the Damage Aura, puts them in Alert. It's functionally like having a 3 meter wide hit-box. Which means you can't get away with squeaking through gaps (4:28), or over heads.

7 hours ago, Cytobel said:

Honestly, if an enemy isn't screaming then the radius for alerting more enemies needs to be VASTLY reduced.  I'm tired of a Grineer 3 rooms over dashing to a panel as soon as a Roller 3 feet from me does the adorable little alert hop.

I agree that some of the Sound radius need to be reduced. My biggest pet peeve there is when enemies on Caution (with the increased sight cones) come in from another tile having been set off by Sound coming through Wall on the adjacent Tile, and a close connecting door.

Although if we want to get into "world build", its kinda amazing that the majority of the enemies don't have any kind of Wireless transmission. Of course what would be interesting would be some Game Play, in pre-hacking the enemies Information and Communications. Either temporally disabling alarms, or rerouting reinforcements. Which would be a Game Play counter play to a roller combat hopping resulting in a multi-tile Alert rush.

If a Roller hops in the Woods, does it alert every Grineer on Earth?

7 hours ago, Cytobel said:

Also, a REALLY quick fix for this would be to make the Shocking Speed augment cause enemies struck to be open to finishers, without alerting nearby foes unduly

If Shocking Speed didn't put enemies into an Alert state while Electric Proc'ed I wouldn't have as big an issue with it. Especially with a 6 second window. Even if they just went to Caution, but allowed for Stealth credited Finishers.


I would still also accept a Shocking Speed built into Speed IF IT WAS TRIGGERED BY POWER COMBO. And from a balance perceptive giving a 25 energy power a free Damage and Stun aura on top of it being a group power, and giving enhanced melee attack speed, and ground speed, and reload speed (could use some number tweaking), is kinda pushing it. If Shock could be cast while Speed is active to generate that Shocking Aura. That would to my mind be a good compromise. Now it becomes at 50 Energy Power (in combo) and has an optional activation. This could be extended to passing through a Shock charge Energy Shield at Speed.

While we are on the Subject of Electric Proc's and Volt. Wouldn't a better passive for him to be exactly that. Letting Volt's Electric Procs open Finishers, instead of this "build up damage in socks, that falls off sharply in use past enemy level 30".

Which wouldn't be Tesla Coiled enemies since they actually aren't actually given an Electric Proc.

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14 hours ago, EnderDDT said:


As for the shield/riot shield: can we PLEASE just change it so that you get the passive damage bonuses when it is immobile, and picking it up reduces the size and gets rid of the passive bonuses while it is being carried. No other negatives or drains or restrictions or punishments for trying to use it, just the timer till it runs out. After we start there we can talk about what buffs it might need or get, but that basic framework would give everything a place to start from and work our way up with a guaranteed "this is not brokenly powerful nor is it needlessly restricted, this is perfectly acceptable to everyone" starting point.


In no particular order, starting with this bit.

Alright, I've very deliberately avoided talking about the Electric Shield's "damage" aspect, because there are a few points to cover here:  First, the actual damage buff is low enough to be miniscule and largely overlooked (outside or rapid-fire weapons), and second is the fact that only the bonus crit damage aspect really starts to change numbers significantly.  This means that the "buff" is basically only a serious buff to a handful of weapons that can take advantace of the crit boosting AND have a high RoF.  {I'm ignoring Falloff because I have a longstanding issue with how it's been applied in this game, and I DO NOT need to start a 3-page rant on just that topic.}

This is where I get mixed emotions.  In the past Electric Shield has done many things, and I have a definite fondness for some of them.  Remember back before the Ogris ammo cap was cut back, when you had 540 rockets in your pocket, how the ES of the era worked?  Making energy projectiles hitscan was something I really enjoyed and truely miss.  Remember back when enemies touching the ES tripped the damage buff of ES on themselves as a glitch?  I thought that was totally hilarious too.  I also really loved the way that ES used to extend max range on weapons fired through it.

The thing is that I never looked at the "damage" ES added as anything meaningful or required.  The ability did other, much more interesting things than just damage.

So I'm against removing damage from Riot Shield now because I'm looking at a super watered-down and very boring move that by-and-large isn't interesting.  If more is pulled from it now I'm going to feel like it's just an energy tax, something Volt is required to periodically use to function, without any flair or style to it at all.  I see that as being just as bad as the current scenario where Riot Shield isn't usable.

On the point of the Speed buff, I'm starting to feel like the pickup is good as is for ALL the wrong reasons.

First, with a recastable Speed we have the potential to keep a team permabuffed should the nature of the move shift, which means we could deal with harassment over NOT constantly buffing random min/max-er X who feels entitled to a buff from a 'Frame he's unwilling to play.  I will not deal with this sort of situation reasonably.  I would sooner creat a mission failure than allow someone like that their way.

Second, health and energy pads have a range, as do some heals now.  I'm starting to feel like DE wants people to group up right at the start of a serious fight, and in a group the Volt can drop a Speed buff to help the team at the start of the fight.  I'm quite happy with a personal buff that can help others instead of a team buff that non-Volts begin to rely on.

Third, I can troll with the Speed buff (I SAID "all the wrong reasons" after all).  Frankly, there is a delicious and evil pleasure to leaving the buff high up a wall, in a laser pit, or on a cryo patch.  Drop it in the sky in mid-jump.  Hide it in the ammo lockers.  The possibilities are endless, and better still most players right now are seriously butthurt by this, even though DE is responsible for making this buff barely sharable to begin with.  I'm NOT going to spend most of the buff duration trying to drop it AGAIN in the "best spot" for people who're whining at me for it.

That last point aside, I get the feeling that DE is doing this in part to wean players away from the buffs aspect of the game.  I HATED seeing Speed go to team buff back in the day, so I'm delighted.  Mind you, I see this as making Speed a non-entity for teams, so Volt just got chucked out the airlock by quite a few people.  As I said, I like this, just NOT for the right reasons.  It DOES hurt Volt.  Then again, if this ONE change made him lose his place in high-end group play, it says quite a bit about how badly off he is.

Edited by Cytobel
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Volt Rework arrived on my system (PS4) yesterday - my impression: 


his Ult. is bugged or misdesinged IMO, enemies have to touch the ground of the same height level as Volt is on during the exact moment the wave passes over them or something? it results in enemies 10m away on the level above the pod in Tower Defense to not be affected it seems, it results in Drones to not be affected it seems, it results in Chargers, Moas, etc. jumping around or lifting each other by a millimeter by colliding slightly during running at you as part of the horde to not be affected it seems - this horrible inconsistency makes it unsuitable for even just CC IMO. and so it was reduced for me from a playstyle to just an unreliable gimmick. sad. 


Shield's synergy with Shock? it should have stunned enemies, even if just briefly, to hinder them from just ignoring it in just marching through... . but since it just applies a damage instance it unfortunately is limited to practically irrelevance at higher levels. sad. 


Volt can pick his Shield up now? but it is unfortunately implemented as a toggle power that on top of it uses up additional energy for every meter travelled. when exactly are the super small timeframes the most fast, most distance travelling char is supposed to use that before his energy is nuked away?? it unfortunately only presents itself to me as just another gimmick extraordinary limited through impracticality. sad. 


the Speed change holds it's benefits and disbenefits though, i personally like it even though i suggested a way different approach to a tweak - but i have read and do understand the complaints others seem to have about the current situation with it.  


please tweak him further DE, this time maybe with a focus on usefulness instead of flashyness please? 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)HELLHOUND_ROCKO said:

please tweak him further DE, this time maybe with a focus on usefulness instead of flashyness please? 

Now you feel our pain =-/ This rework was rushed and needed more thinking prior to release 

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