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Mirage Revisions Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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I'm glad that mass CC without intent to kill the mobs gameplay is going away because it was very un-intuitive to what you're doing in like, 98% of the rest of warframe.

But it does highlight that 1) Enemy scaling, particularly Armored enemy scaling, is silly. It needs to be looked at. Level 100+ enemies should be threatening sure, but it shouldn't be so binary as to be CC them, One Shot them, or get insta gibbed unless you have some kind of defense that manages to work with the way we have damage now.

A little casting speed bonus for Prism would be nice, not so much that you don't need to use Natural Talent as it should remain a compelling choice to use, but it shouldn't be mandatory to use because casting it is super slow for what it does.

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I found it nearly impossible to blind with Mirage unless it was a close group, and I did the animation, and sacrificed my Prisim.

I got to the point that I would cast Prism, blind, then cast again to allow it to bounce around in the room I was in to finish any stragglers.

Shorten time for cast.  But Have it blind at the beginning instead of the end but still have prisim.  Walls, and floors I can understand blocking LOS.  But some maps have a lot of decorations and I saw on a void interception a enemy sneak behind a tree, and avoided my blind. 

Edited by kkinnison
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8 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

•    Sleight of Hand: We have increased the damage and detonation range of all objects that can be booby trapped. 

Um... am I the only one who wants to talk about Sleight of Hand? More range and damage are great, but that's not the main reason why people don't bother using Sleight of Hand.

The ability is just not useful enough outside Corpus maps. It would be great if DE could expand the list of objects that can be booby trapped.

For example:

  • Bombard's rocket (this makes the ability more useful in void and Grineer maps)
  • Grenades!
  • Mine Osprey's mines
  • Sapping Osprey's damage field generators.
  • Tar-Mutalist MOA's puddles
  • Basically, any object launched or deployed by enemies will turn against them
Edited by yles9056
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I wonder if how Prism works can be switched around a bit?

So when first launched, the Prism is tracking and blinding with the rays of light/lasers, so no damage in this phase, just blinding over the duration.

Then Detonation / Explosion will cause the damage to enemies, at whatever suitable values.

Then some QoL tweaks such as reduced or no more energy drain, longer duration, faster animation, casting on the move and so could be considered.


And what if instead, it is allowed for more than one Prism to be active at a time? So tapping can cast up to four Prisms (that does not reset the timer) and then holding or reaching the end of the duration detonates them.

Such a tweak would require Mirage to be on the move and spend energy to blind portions of maps and can provide interesting possibilities. Besides, it is a 4th ability and could have a tad more mobility like Radial Blind is for Excal, as I've often seen Prism being compared against.

Edited by SPARTAN-187.Thanatos
updating idea
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2 hours ago, DuskLegendary said:

Well, Mirage now has no reliable way to CC. Tested it thouroughly, and I'd honestly rather use Nova for CC or Vauban. Mirage will now be my DPS frame instead.

I agree, mirage has no reliable cc. They nerfed mirage, now its more useful to use Nova, Nyx and vauban. I dont like using Mirage for dps either, so ill never even use her anymore.

the cast time of prism is so slow that you will die before you can even CC anything especially with this nerf.

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31 minutes ago, Bdkay said:

I agree, mirage has no reliable cc. They nerfed mirage, now its more useful to use Nova, Nyx and vauban. I dont like using Mirage for dps either, so ill never even use her anymore.

the cast time of prism is so slow that you will die before you can even CC anything especially with this nerf.

The problem is a lot of the time enemies are behind cover and/or they're not even looking in your general direction, I tested this in about 7-8 different missions, one of them being the potato alert, and I can honestly say that the ability is now worthless. This makes me sad too, because Mirage is my favorite frame, and her CC got reduced to mediocrity. But there is one good thing that came about from this: I slapped 3 more Forma on her and made a Hall of Mirrors build, now I have another DPS frame. But sadly, DPS will not serve you well in raids.

Edited by DuskLegendary
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Nice changes. I hope you guys get around to buffing her more though :)

  • More objects affected by Sleight of Hand.
  • Reduced Prism cast time to make Natural Talent not mandatory.
  • Prism lasers also blind their targets, if the targets are facing the Prism (Inaros' Desiccation has this built-in feature).
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8 hours ago, Michelozzo said:

I'm glad that mass CC without intent to kill the mobs gameplay is going away because it was very un-intuitive to what you're doing in like, 98% of the rest of warframe.

But it does highlight that 1) Enemy scaling, particularly Armored enemy scaling, is silly. It needs to be looked at. Level 100+ enemies should be threatening sure, but it shouldn't be so binary as to be CC them, One Shot them, or get insta gibbed unless you have some kind of defense that manages to work with the way we have damage now.

A little casting speed bonus for Prism would be nice, not so much that you don't need to use Natural Talent as it should remain a compelling choice to use, but it shouldn't be mandatory to use because casting it is super slow for what it does.

I like this reply. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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10 hours ago, OzoneSlayer said:

Radial blind is better now. For less energy


10 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

Do you even Excalibur? After this nerf RB is better than (or at least the same as) prism in every aspect, in blinding effect. I believe somebody already provided a comparison above.

That's the point. Excal depends on his instant cast since he is a melee frame and (now more than ever) he needs to be close range to DPS while mirage can (and SHOULD) DPS from afar as she is a glass cannon.

So, personally, I'd like to thank DE for finally giving the needed nerf to the most OP and cheesiest powers in the game. Mirage is a DPS frame and having her being able to permanently lock down the biggest of maps was absurd. 

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Why can't we have a useful sleight of hand effect?? Wouldn't it be fun if it dropped caltrops in a 15m radius around Mirage and enemies got staggered or tripped over as with Vaubans trip wire? Maybe make it into mines with timed explosion that ragdolls enemies. Or if you really want to booby-trap things, at least make them emit noises so that enemies are inclined to go and touch them....there are so many simple ways to make this ability fun...

*Edit: The blind nerf is a good thing. There were way too many missions with a single Mirage locking down the whole map while the team members stood around, browsing cat pics on the interwebz....

Edited by Nudelsupp3
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You guys remember that Prism also damages enemies and you can position it anywhere to detonate instead of going there yourself..... right?

This thread is being all about the "Blind blind blind blind blind". I bet none of you EVER used Prism for more than 1 second before detonating it.

You are proving that this change was necessary.


Edited by Venom-Snake
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Sleight of Hand needs looked at. It's still a fairly useless ability, that can commonly provide a disadvantage when used. The fact it makes you unable to pick up ammo drops, health or energy needs to be changed for one. It's too inconsistent and unreliable. The damage is too low and the situational uses aren't common enough to bother with. It also requires strength, duration and range to be used successfully. Mirage is one of my favourite frames, but this is one of my least favourite abilities. Honestly, I'd be tempted to change Sleight of Hand entirely. 

The Prism blind changing to LoS is a good thing, but its energy cost seems too high to promote using it as a damage source (50 initial and 10 per second, and ignoring the fact that damage drops off quickly) while its animation time is definitely long. Two seconds is a long time for a squishy frame to be motionless. Given that this ability is, literally, a floating disco ball with lasers shooting from it, it'd be nice to see its threat level slightly increased above that of any warframe (excluding Absorb Nyx). This way, you could cast it upwards, leave it for a few seconds so more enemies notice it, then detonate it to blind them. Successive casting could allow enemies to ignore the increased threat level though

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18 hours ago, JDNoey said:

I Fully agree with the Blind nerf, its was realy boring when i once did T4 interception staying on A and nearly doing nothing...

This nerf makes raid missions slightly, but really just slightly more dificult, and mirage has to recast prism more often to hit the enemies who where in cover seconds ago and uneffected by it.

But guys, there is natural talent for casting speed, and streamline for energy cost, sooo in overall i would say its fine the way it is..

Also Speed Drift for casting speed!

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