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Update 18.13 Passives Feedback


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Hydroid I'd rather see it be like a % chance on damage to spawn a tentacle on an enemies location. Something like 5% chance. 

Or Tentacles randomly spawn to pickup loot for you, given the whole pirate plundering/looting theme. Like the tentacle comes up spins around sucking up loot to the tentacle, then sinks into the ground giving you the loot.

Edited by weezedog
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My simple idea for new Mag's passive: Mag's shields should be affected by her armor (works with overshields too). It will slightly help her with survivability and also will reflect her new status of shields and armor manipulator.

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19 hours ago, Genitive said:

It would only partially solve the issue. More wildlife won't make the passive more useful. It would be nice if Oberon had a chance to proc radiation on each attack.


Personally I think it would be better if Volt's passive worked only on his powers, so normal attacks wouldn't consume the charge.

My idea would be to have his passive's damage be distributed according to how he attacks.  A single burst with abilities, with primary/second get a 5second buff that does a 20% of total per second, melee gets 10 seconds with 10% each second.  This way it isn't wasted on a single target that probably is overkilled anyway, it allows time to locate additional enemies and so on.

Also it shouldn't discharge on attacks that hit nothing or against inanimate objects (containers) so long as the buff hasn't been activated yet, hitting a container will not deplete the chargeup effect.

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3 hours ago, weezedog said:

Hydroid I'd rather see it be like a % chance on damage to spawn a tentacle on an enemies location. Something like 5% chance. 

Or Tentacles randomly spawn to pickup loot for you, given the whole pirate plundering/looting theme. Like the tentacle comes up spins around sucking up loot to the tentacle, then sinks into the ground giving you the loot.

I like the looting one, its kinda cute.  My idea was when hydroid takes damage it spawns as a defense, at say each 5% damage taken spawns one tentacle that can potentially block incoming gunfire or snatch up melee attackers.

How it is now, I just don't see its usefulness against anything other than perhaps infested.  Groundslam to either a) grow a bunch of tentacles (why not hit 4?) while meleeing (hydroid melees?) or b) groundslam to grow a bunch of tentacles then retreat behind them to snare incoming attackers (again why not hit 4?).  I know the concept is 'hey free tentacle!' but in reality its just not practical as far as I can see.

And again, I must reiterate the fact that its supposed to be a passive ability, groundslamming to produce an effect is by its very definition an active ability, not passive.  Especially on hydroid, since who the hell has ever went around groundslamming more than once per mission on purpose? on a caster frame?  On a frame whose main play style revolves around CC and perhaps possibly finishers from said CC.  

I've never done so with hydroid, with Valkyr? yes, I ground slam tons, on Ivara?  Equinox?  Perhaps,  Maybe even Nezha, those are somewhat dedicated melee frames, definitely not hydroid.

Edited by Xekrin
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Oberon: All wildlife (neutral or enemy faction) within a 10 meter range of Oberon will become allies and fight for Oberon for 20 seconds.


Can you explain me why "this" ?

I will say yes if there is many Wild life in different tilset but that not the case !

  • Feral Kubrow -> on earth only and... who care ?!
  • Feral Kavat  -> inaros quest only actually
  • Desert Mantas -> Phobos only

... And nothing else.. Useful !


Why not instead: Armor Buff from Oberon stay last for 10s after out of the area ?


Oberon heal Allies in Affinity Range for X% of the Damage Deals with Spell.

To help him to be a good healing support. TO be honest, even if the Trin nerf is good this will not make her fall from her top tiers first place as support Frame and oberon is baddest than inaros as a healer... that a shame for a frame with a new Syndic mod support oriented ! (and not really usable ! because to heal fast we need duration but duration for the heal reducing the speel time, so that harder to use the syndic mod ... useful !)






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6 hours ago, ziyax said:

The replacement u are asking for is a joke a good replacement  would be that every melee attack loots an amount of credits from the enemy

You mean those things that nearly everyone has billions of? That'd be more of a joke.

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Just a few passive ideas that may be more on par with what everyone else got:

•    Ember: Multiple targets which are affected by a Heat Status DoT from any of Embers abilities who are standing within 10 meters of each other perhaps refresh the DoT's duration of each other / or perhaps remove the fire resistance of each other by some amount.
•    Hydroid: Enemies who damage Hydroid have maybe a small chance to spawn a tentacle directly below their feet or get sucked into the watery depths for a few seconds.
•    Mag:  Mag has a magnetic personality that attracts objects within 3 to 4 meters to her. This additional range stacks with Vacuum effects from other sources.
•    Nyx: Enemies who attack Nyx in melee have a chance to get debuffed with confusion which causes them start hitting themselves in the head for a few seconds.
•    Oberon: When Oberon is in direct sunlight he regenerates 1 or 2 additional energy per second via photosynthesis.
•    Volt: Physical ground-travel distance overcharges his shields for maybe 5 damage per meter traveled with a natural cap of say 150 or 200ish.

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I think the biggest contention is between whether or not passives should be flavorful or practical. The best course when approaching warframe passives is between those two lines. Some passives could use a buff though. I'd prefer Oberon's wildlife to fight for an unlimited amount of time among other things about the warframe passives.

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Some practical feedback:

On 5/30/2016 at 11:35 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

•     Mag: Vacuum effect on every Bullet Jump.
•    Nova: When Nova is knocked down, she will knock down enemies in a 6 meter Radius + deal damage.

Mag: The vaccuum effect is limited to bullet jump only, which is a third or less of your mobility. Not only is it shorter range than Carrier, having its effect only ~1/3 of the time (not when aimgliding, not when rolling-in-the-air) makes it even more unreliable.

Nova: Ignoring ranged knockdowns (Ancient harpoons, Bombard rockets), the KD AoE doesn't override current animations, meaning that it won't actually affect the thing that knocked you down in the first place.

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On 30/05/2016 at 5:35 PM, ryu-hayabusa1 said:

I've noticed that, ash's passive is affected with duration (i guess, most of you know this already, but i just figured it), so maybe put it in the notes.

Regarding Ash's passive, are you sure you tested thoroughly? 

I checked it out in the simulacrum, with both maximum positive, and negative duration builds with Shuriken to proc bleed.

Bleeds always lasted for 10 ticks regardless of the duration stat.  

On a side note power str doesn't boost the passive effects through my testings

Edited by Dragazer
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Ash's passive is an uninspired, overly synergistic numbers buff.  Increasing the overall damage of all Slash procs by 80% is strong even discounting his powers, but that it affects Blade Storm just puts it over the top.  What was the basis behind this addition?


It's also baffling to me that DE has relentlessly buffed Blade Storm over and over since its rework two years ago (BS affected by Steel Charge, BS affected by melee speed, Body Count making chaining BS trivially easy [practically guaranteed, even in mobile missions,] and now a 55% increase in its total damage per hit) despite it being already incredibly powerful after its rework.  It's a bandaid for armor scaling at best, a game trivialization tool at worst, and it keeps getting buffed with no real explanation.  Makes me wonder what's going on up there.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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1 hour ago, RealPandemonium said:

Ash's passive is an uninspired, overly synergistic numbers buff.  Increasing the overall damage of all Slash procs by 80% is strong even discounting his powers, but that it affects Blade Storm just puts it over the top.  What was the basis behind this addition?


It's also baffling to me that DE has relentlessly buffed Blade Storm over and over since its rework two years ago (BS affected by Steel Charge, BS affected by melee speed, Body Count making chaining BS trivially easy [practically guaranteed, even in mobile missions,] and now a 55% increase in its total damage) despite it being already incredibly powerful after its rework.  It's a bandaid for armor scaling at best, a game trivialization tool at worst, and it keeps getting buffed with no real explanation.  Makes me wonder what's going on up there.  

Another rework is around the corner so we'll see what comes out of that.

IMO the passive is fine, Excalibur gets a straight numbers buff as well with swords.

I don't see the issue, Ash trades insane damage for a complete lack of cc and has no team buffs.

Plus Ash gets countered hard by Ancient Disruptors which reduce all ability damage by 90%, Ancient Healers which make their allies immune to slash procs Ash's main source of dmg, and Eximus enemies that halve the damage of all dmg sources including finisher dmg 

Edited by Dragazer
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1 minute ago, RealPandemonium said:

Ash's passive is uninspired and overly synergistic.  Increasing the overall damage of all Slash procs by 80% is strong even discounting his powers, but that it affects Blade Storm just puts it over the top.  What was the basis behind this addition?


It's also baffling to me that DE has relentlessly buffed Blade Storm over and over since its rework two years ago (BS affected by Steel Charge, BS affected by melee speed, Body Count making chaining BS trivially easy [practically guaranteed, even in mobile missions,] and now a 55% increase in its total damage) despite it being already incredibly powerful after its rework.  It's a bandaid for armor scaling at best, a game trivialization tool at worst, and it keeps getting buffed with no real explanation.  Makes me wonder what's going on up there.  

Bladestorm  ignores armor.

The initial damage of the ability is Finisher damage and altough Slash damage itself is not ignoring armor, the Bleed damage over time effect does. So this was not a 55% Bandaid against the ever so increase in scaling armor. This was a ~55% Damage increase to Bladestorm unless the foe is immune to status effects.

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4 minutes ago, Hellmaker2004 said:

Bladestorm  ignores armor.

The initial damage of the ability is Finisher damage and altough Slash damage itself is not ignoring armor, the Bleed damage over time effect does. So this was not a 55% Bandaid against the ever so increase in scaling armor. This was a ~55% Damage increase to Bladestorm unless the foe is immune to status effects.

I'm not sure what this post is trying to say.  

Good catch though on the "immune to status effects" part, though (though that's implicit.)  

Mag: The vaccuum effect is limited to bullet jump only, which is a third or less of your mobility. Not only is it shorter range than Carrier, having its effect only ~1/3 of the time (not when aimgliding, not when rolling-in-the-air) makes it even more unreliable.

The effect lasts for the whole duration of the bullet jump, which increases the effective range considerably in the direction of your heading.  The base radius is almost as long as Vacuum's.  I find this quite an acceptable substitute to bringing Carrier; i'll definitely be using mag when accumulating scans (and witnessing Deconstructor's carnage) with Helios.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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I favor these ideas:

  • Banshee: Keening Wail - Enemies affected by Banshee's abilities are proc'd with Weaken.
  • Chroma: Primal Surge - Convert 5% damage on Health to Energy, Elemental Bullet Jump, matches chosen Element.
  • Hydroid: Pilferer - Hydroid steals a small fraction of health from foes struck by his abilities.
  • Limbo: Calculating - Increased Crit Chance and Crit Multiplier
  • Loki: Trickster's Intuition - Can see enemy LOS.
  • Mag: Magnetic Attraction - Extended wall cling, vacuum bullet jump
  • Nekros: Soul Curse - Death gives health near Nekros, 20 M range
  • Nova: Quantum Entanglement - Stagger or Knockdown affects enemies proc'ing those effects instead
  • Nyx: Hallucinating Sight - Evasion effect, reduces enemy accuracy when still (like Agility Drift)
  • Oberon: One with Nature - When standing still, Oberon gains scaling armor (increases or decreases with enemy level)
  • Rhino: Momentum - When Sprinting can stagger or knockdown enemies, Heavy Landing.
  • Vauban: Siege Breaker - Disables enemy traps around Vauban
Edited by SPARTAN-187.Thanatos
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Every time I play Hydroid, an idea crosses my mind. Water has such interesting qualities when combined with other elements.

Always think how his water power would work in combination with other frames, like Frost or Volt. So a cool passive for him, would be his powers giving a special "wet" status effect that makes effected enemies extra susceptible to ice and electricity element attacks (and possibly their derivative elemental combos). It would create all kinds of cool synergy with other frames and weapons. Incentivizing using Glaxion, Synapse, Amprex, Nukor... etc.

The slam tentacle is okay... but he already has tentacles. I just feel like Hydroid's water not getting stuff wet, is more disappointing.

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My Feedback:

: As many have voiced, the 50% chance really makes it impossible to use this passive reliably, that being said when it actually works, it's quite enjoyable. The simplest fix would be just make it 100%, but other ideas like making it pop up on taking dmg, or on dealing dmg are also good ideas. Alternatively, it could be moved to "100% on ground finishers" to at least make it so an enemy would have to of been there in order to get the proc off.

Loki: Certainly a substantial increase, however Wall cling, again as other have said is kinda pointless. If the passive's to sty then this opens an entirely new topic on how wall clinging can be made more useful. I will say however that stealth finishers is the wrong way to go with him. Where yes he can turn invisible, there's a few missions this passive would be useful in. I think something more trickster, and less assassin would be in line for him. Melee range disarm is popular, but I'd say chance on dmging him would be better, as a means of possibly saving him from an otherwise deadly situation. 

Just now, KittyDarkling said:

I guess after giving it a bit more of a chance it's not so bad. I still feel like wall clinging needs to be fleshed out a bit more. Maybe have some more mods that synergies with wall clinging.  Also other frames should likely have twice as much cling, mind you Loki's should probably be upgraded to the in-game description of "indefinite" wall clinging, but yeah. I was probably a bit to quick to judge.

Nova: More of the same, to short, doesn't really work a lot of the times. Personally i think it'd be neat if she had an additional component to her movement set. Perhaps if you hold down jump she can wormhole X meters. Nothing particularly impressive compared to her 3, which should maintain longer range and the ability to great the same effect for her allies to use as well, this passive would merely be a way for her to flash a few meters forward once per jump.

Nekros: His passive actually is really not -that- bad, it's just kinda weak, I agree with others %max health is the way to go with it, and It'd be nice if with Vitality that could end up with at least 12.5 health.

Mag: Personally I was actually pretty impressed with it. It felt useful, influenced the way I play her, and made her feel like she had something special.

Frost: Please revisit, it's unreliable and doesn't affect how he plays at all. If it were any incoming dmg, that might be neat as a means to save him from otherwise deadly events, but it's melee... if he gets hit once he'll likely bullet jump out. I'd rather see an innate coolant leak aura on him, maybe even make it have a slightly larger radius then coolant leak. At least then it could be used strategically.

Chroma: I think the consensus of those I've read and talked to feel Passives should affect how you play in mission, and with his affects being very out of mission it creates a disconnect that feels more like a feature then a passive. The simplest fix is to give him a passive that changes based on his energy color, this could be in the form of resistance, proc chance buff, or maybe even adds innate elemental procs to his weapons based on his element. Such as fire chroma getting separate %chance to proc a fire proc on a weapon that didn't otherwise have fire damage on it. .

Ivara: Quite good suits her well

Trinity: I'm a Vazerin user so.. I guess it doesn't affect me? I'm not sure how to feel about it.

Vauban: Please change this to work based on his grenades he has out, this way it works in both team and soloplay, additionally it also works if his team likes to bounce around a lot. Additionally I feel 75% extra armor's not quite enough to really make the difference, I'd like to see 100% extra or maybe even 125% Still in increments of 25% or even 20% so he would need to have a few grenades out at all times to be able to fully benefit from his passive.

Ember: I think enough others have voiced colorful feedback on her passive, to which I'm inclined to agree with.

Mirrage: I really feel like this needs revisiting as well. She just.. rolls faster? Back when passives were uncertain and it was a bit unclear where they stood this was fine as an experiment, however now it's just... pointless? It doesn't change the way she's played at all, it's just kinda there. Considering her squishy nature, I'd focus on something defensive. A small AoE LoS Blind on bulletjump comes to mind, but that feels like it could be to powerful. Though I feel "light themed" should be prevalent in making something a bit more fitting in today's standard of passives.

Saryn: Good, fits her well, works well, changes how she's loaded out, which is pretty interesting when you compare her passive to Chroma's. I feel it's the extension beyond her abilities that makes it special.

Inaros: Top tier

Banshee: Very enjoyable


Valkyr: Very good passive, seriously.

If you read all that, Thank you so much and please let me know what you think!


Edited by KittyDarkling
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15 hours ago, Dragazer said:

Regarding Ash's passive, are you sure you tested thoroughly? 

I checked it out in the simulacrum, with both maximum positive, and negative duration builds with Shuriken to proc bleed.

Bleeds always lasted for 10 ticks regardless of the duration stat.  

On a side note power str doesn't boost the passive effects through my testings

well, i noticed it in a mission, i would cast shuriken, blade storm, use  nikana p and dread , 2 ticks and its gone. the next mission i put more duration and it lasted longer. to be honest i did not test it beyond that, but since you tested it thoroughly, its most likely a bug. 

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13 hours ago, Hellmaker2004 said:

Well you said, quote:"It's a bandaid for armor scaling at best":end of quote.


Blade storm ignores armor, and so does slash procs. So it is not a bandaid for armor scaling.


It is simply a damage increase.

Oh, I was saying BS as a whole is an armor bandaid.  The second paragraph refers to BS as a whole.   

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On 5/31/2016 at 1:35 PM, maimus said:

What if Chroma's First ability had Ivara's Arrow select style ability to choose your Element choice and then give him a proper passive?

this please, let me breath purple poison, and black lightning <3

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