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Ramparts NEED to be nerfed


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Anyhow, the Grineer Ramparts. Nerf their damage output. Lock their swivel bases to a 180* turn radius. Restore punch-through damage to it. Remove the invulnerability to the front face of it. Make the AI hesitant to use them. Limit the number of these things spawned in a 300m radial area. Something. ANYTHING. Nothing is worse than being mobbed my five Arid Hellions, three Heavy Gunners, and a Hyekka Master, just barely tanking all the damage they're whaling on you, then WHAM!, you're never gonna dance again because a grunt just crawled into a Rampart and shot your legs out from under you.

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True their damage output is high. But if u move around they cant hit u. as far as i c this Ramparts. i dont find a use with them and if u dislike getting shot at by it. Move around or simply destroy the rampart. We have parkour 2.0 for a reason we can easily get behind the enemy who mounted the rampart.

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The supposed weakness is the turn radius, and they turn far faster than a player can in the same situation.  Also I think that their hitpoints need to be a lot lower, even if they are still invulnerable from the front.  I shouldn't have to reload my shotgun 3 or more times destroying an unmanned turret on a sortie.

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On 07/06/2016 at 5:56 AM, -PlutoBubble- said:

True their damage output is high. But if u move around they cant hit u. as far as i c this Ramparts. i dont find a use with them and if u dislike getting shot at by it. Move around or simply destroy the rampart. We have parkour 2.0 for a reason we can easily get behind the enemy who mounted the rampart.

Parkour is useless against enemies with high ROF and instant hitscan weapons. You can't sneak around them, they track. 

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Well i dont c myself getting hit by them unless i turn the corner and the next thing i know is a Revive button. U have to act fast to take it down. if i can do it. u can as well. Parkour is part of combat.


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3 minutes ago, cromignon said:

Parkour is useless against enemies with high ROF and instant hitscan weapons. You can't sneak around them, they track. 

I don't think they're hitscan, just fast projectiles.  I mean, I agree with the rest of what you're saying here but I wanted to be precise.

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I like how they are, high damage out put, but easily avoidable with mobility.

What I don't like however, is the inconsistent AI. The idea is supposed to be that if you get close enough to the rampart, the pilot gets out (Presumably because he can't turn fast enough with you so close to it.) And while this operates as it should sometimes other times they simply don't. (And show off that they can actually turn pretty quickly.) Preeetty sure this is unintentional, it's also a bit annoying.

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Their turn speed when manned by an enemy should definitely be as slow as it is for a player, and the damage of Ramparts could afford to scale based on the actual level of the mission so that there's some tactical advantage to using them at higher levels, but otherwise I can't say much else needs to be changed about them. They're fairly easy to avoid and bullet-jumping above them or using almost any CC ability is all it takes to take the gunner out of commission.


EDIT: It would be nice if they had less health or an option to quick-disable them though. Those things are way too tanky to permanently destroy.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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3 hours ago, Paradoxbomb said:

Their turn speed when manned by an enemy should definitely by as slow as it is for a player, and the damage of Ramparts could afford to scale based on the actual level of the mission so that there's some tactical advantage to using them at higher levels, but otherwise I can't say much else needs to be changed about them. They're fairly easy to avoid and bullet-jumping above them or using almost any CC ability is all it takes to take the gunner out of commission.


The turn speed is nearly "Snap-to" speeds when a trooper gets into one. It could be pointing in the opposite direction, but as soon as that trooper finishes the mounting animation, those barrels are instantly whereever you are. A swivel that's been locked to even just 280* would be easier to deal with (because really, who needs a 360* turret that's right next to a wall or placed in a corner?). Bullet jumping and wall running to avoid one is all well and good, but like I said there's always two more that you have to watch out for too.

Most of all, I want to be able to snipe the front face panel again. I have Metal Augur, I have Shred, I have a bow with innate punch-through when charged, that front panel shouldn't be invulnerable to all of that.

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The main issue I have with them is the BLAM time to revive and run back into cover now that you know there is a rampart there with an enemy. Okay jump jump, takes down. Run to next cornBLAM! dead again. 

Or Peak around a corner, BLAM! bullet to the brain pan as you try to prepare to do all these parkour things. 

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On 6/19/2016 at 6:43 PM, LordPreda said:

I think the high damage of Ramparts is perfect. It gives lower level Grineer the chance to actually hurt players, making the missions less one-sided and trivial. I find it fun and challenging.

in the highest level sorties they just instakill you and are near invincible, you also cannot avoid them by moving because if you see one, you're already dead.

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Perhaps a solution to the damage discrepancy could be to make rampart bullets scale with targets' health (or effective health). We need rampart damage to scale so that we can still have a chance at killing high-level Grineer, but enemy and player health curves are completely different, so what feels alright (or even weak) against a level 30+ Grineer unit will shred a warframe in under a second of continuous fire in terms of flat damage. As for rampart durability, I completely agree to removing the situational invulnerability (damage immunity on anything feels clunky and terrible anyway), and perhaps rampart health should always stay at some level 1 baseline and be destructible with a few well-placed hits.

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