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Please allow melee stance actions bindings to reload button too. I want to bind controller X to be Reload/Melee Channel then use input mapper to use both O and Right Trigger for Melee, but the inability to bind the melee channel to the reload button means the only option is to unbind the trigger from IM...this was never the case.

Also, the reload button does not work at all when bound separately and separated from context action in settings.

Edited by Demon.King
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On 2018-05-24 at 5:50 PM, Nacond said:

after some update- don't know exactly which, my controller (XBox 360 on PC) is broken...

1. if I move the sticks a little bit, the cursor doesn't stop when I release the stick but moves on- so WF is unable to play with controller 😞

2. if I use mouse/keyboard: If I start steam the usual way and play warframe everything works fine. But I'm streaming to my tv so I'd like to use Steam Big Picture. In this case WF doesn't allow me to click buttons with the mouse, only the controller even if there is no controller used/activated. I can enter the arsenal, but it's not able to select any of the buttons there...


is there any way to fix at least point 1 because I'd like to play with my controller again? 😞

 I've found a fix for this.

Disable your controller through steam. 
Steam top left corner> settings>controller>general controller settings>

Turn off your controller through that.

Now you shouldn't have super sensitivity where just breathing on the right stick will make your camera fly off into space.
Sadly big picture mode must be disabled to get rid of the super sensitivity..

A problem i've been unable to fix though is the look stick having 2x slower movement with up and down but left and right move at normal speeds so it's near impossible to use.
I've given up on playing warframe until this new change is changed back.
Never have I played a game where different directions moved at completely different speeds..seriously,what even.

Edited by wizardeiges
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vor 3 Stunden schrieb wizardeiges:

 I've found a fix for this.

Disable your controller through steam. 
Steam top left corner> settings>controller>general controller settings>

Turn off your controller through that.

Now you shouldn't have super sensitivity where just breathing on the right stick will make your camera fly off into space.
Sadly big picture mode must be disabled to get rid of the super sensitivity..

A problem i've been unable to fix though is the look stick having 2x slower movement with up and down but left and right move at normal speeds so it's near impossible to use.
I've given up on playing warframe until this new change is changed back.
Never have I played a game where different directions moved at completely different speeds..seriously,what even.

Thx a lot - I'll give it a try

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I'd love to try this out, but right now, I can't rebind any of the controls. Everything reverts back to default scheme. Details and video can be found here on my General Bugs post. Please either undo these changes or fix these problems I and others are having before Sacrifice is released...



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Am 27.5.2018 um 08:12 schrieb wizardeiges:

 I've found a fix for this.

Disable your controller through steam. 
Steam top left corner> settings>controller>general controller settings>

Turn off your controller through that.

Now you shouldn't have super sensitivity where just breathing on the right stick will make your camera fly off into space.
Sadly big picture mode must be disabled to get rid of the super sensitivity..

A problem i've been unable to fix though is the look stick having 2x slower movement with up and down but left and right move at normal speeds so it's near impossible to use.
I've given up on playing warframe until this new change is changed back.
Never have I played a game where different directions moved at completely different speeds..seriously,what even.

Thanks a lot - works for me. But I have the same problem like you with the slower movement looking up and down

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15 hours ago, Nacond said:

Thanks a lot - works for me. But I have the same problem like you with the slower movement looking up and down

No prob,happy it could help.

I've found no solutions to the look stick having different movement speeds based on what direction is pressed.

I've reinstalled controller drivers and even went as far as to try third party software to add more speed to the stick and nothing really makes it the way it used to be and the way it should be.
I'd suggest making a thread in bugs about the issue and also reporting it in the bug collection thread at the top in the bug report forum.


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High, Please Give PS4 the ability to rebind keys on the keyboard.. damm console can use Keyboard and mouse exactly like on PC, yet Digital Extremes seems to refuse to support it.


oh and as a VERY OLD GAMER... this virtual Cursor bit is not needed on Controller... Console gamers rarely use this kind of thing and playing on PC with a controller is exactly the same when navigating menus as you would expect your arrow keys and enter to function in any game worth its salt.


the most you get, is the option to move a cursor around if desired, but never is the control setup totally centered around a ever present Cursor when using anything but a mouse.

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On 2018-06-06 at 2:11 AM, (PS4)TheDrift- said:

It’s terrible on PS4! 

To be fair, a virtual cursor for any controller user is terrible, be it PC, PS4, or Xbone.

As for controller bindings for Warframe at the moment, I think I've found a workaround via Steam Big Picture mode...and a possible explanation for why the Right Stick is as sensitive as it is currently.

Firstly, for those unfamiliar, launch BP mode, then head to Manage game; from there, you'll see the option to configure your controller. Using this, I've found that a) this configuration will supersede the in game one, especially useful due to the forced Default if we try and alter it in game so customise as you like it. Also that b) according to Steam BP mode, the Right Stick is being recognised as Joystick Mouse. Cross checking this with some of my other games, namely Sanctum 2, this is very off, as there Right and Left sticks are both Joystick Move. After changing this and testing in game, the Y Axis on the Right stick is no longer an instant snap to the floor or sky with no inbetween. Can't say for the different look speeds between the axes though, so not sure how to remedy that...but if nothing else, this does open the possibility of the game being at least playable.

Unfortunately, no BP option to restore the menu shortcuts in arsenal as I can tell, having only been able to test for a short moment this morning (UK). Hopefully this will help some of the PC Controller users, but really the greater bulk of the issue is going to come down to DE finishing what they've started and actually consider controllers for what they arenot mice and keyboard.

That, however, is heading toward rant territory so...apologies, getting off track. Just a little irritated that, first time able to play in a while, and it's when DE have suddenly decided to make Controller use objectively worse for absolutely no benefit on the end user.

Any rate, sorry for going on, as always.

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7 hours ago, Blakrana said:

...and a possible explanation for why the Right Stick is as sensitive as it is currently.

Then this is what has to be addressed yesterday. The problem with the solution you're suggesting is that BPM is awful, since it constricts you to 'typing' with the same cursor on a virtual keyboard, as well as (last I checked) robbing you of the ability to use other APIs to set up macros for things there simply isn't room for. 

Obviously DE didn't mean for the new API/UI to work as poorly for controller users as it does, but it's very unfortunate that this keeps happening - especially so close to a major update.  

7 hours ago, Blakrana said:

Any rate, sorry for going on, as always.

At this point, and with this being the latest in a series of troubled and troubling changes, I think a moderate bit of ranting is perfectly in order. 

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21 minutes ago, Wiergate said:

Then this is what has to be addressed yesterday. The problem with the solution you're suggesting is that BPM is awful, since it constricts you to 'typing' with the same cursor on a virtual keyboard, as well as (last I checked) robbing you of the ability to use other APIs to set up macros for things there simply isn't room for. 

Obviously DE didn't mean for the new API/UI to work as poorly for controller users as it does, but it's very unfortunate that this keeps happening - especially so close to a major update.  

Indeed. As a long term solution, it's grossly inadequate, but so long as DE continue to forget about considering controllers when they're making an update or patch, which is just painfully ironic when that even extends to changes with controllers supposedly in mind. Second Dream, War Within, Chains of Harrow...each of those launched with blatantly missing controller support, despite supposedly being sufficient for shipping purposes, thankfully TSD limited to the ending customisation stuff, than anything game play based.

We'd have less of these problems of course if they were more willing to test with a controller when making updates for PC, rather than starting to care about it when they're working on the Console builds. Sure, I will accept being told that they do actually test controllers before launch...but as I recall War Within having it literally impossible to Void Dash using the controller, I find myself somewhat unconvinced that tests are done till it's much too late to resolve the problem in advance. One run alone would have flagged that problem right away.

I understand that PC is predominately K&M users. But if DE are going to tell us there's Full Controller Support, then that requires them to put in the effort to properly vet matters relating to it. I'm confident that if Megan or Rebecca had to just play a single Prime time with how things currently stand on the Controller without employing third-party methods to mitigate the current problems, such as the wild Right Stick sensitivity problem, they'd understand that this is far more urgent to remedy than discussing the aesthetics of the plans.

As I've said elsewhere, a pretty cast on a broken limb doesn't change the fact you've got a broken limb. A slow, finicky virtual cursor offers the same awkward fumbling compared to say, having shortcuts for our sub-menus or the like. It certainly feels like the kind of "solution" that's offered without trying to say "we'd really just like you to be using K&M honestly"; a little harsh, but that is the impression it seems to give, least in my perception of it.

Sorry for going on, any rate.

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@Blakrana I think you've summarized it quite well. I do recall there being a couple of fixes (the crouch toggle for Void Dash, for instance) which convinced me that DE do read these threads and work towards fixing things. Belatedly, but still. 

However, I'm afraid you've hit the nail on the head with regards to major updates lacking proper (or any) controller support. I got through The War Within by pausing the game every two seconds and rebinding the controls. That update was something both DE and the community had been agonizing over for years....
Apparently there was a thrilling story in there, but I wasn't in a position to tell.

With that meltdown in mind, I'm very confused about these changes so close to the Sacrifice update. 

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1 minute ago, Wiergate said:

With that meltdown in mind, I'm very confused about these changes so close to the Sacrifice update. 

Personally, I suspect it's a mix of the usual Pride and Passion outpacing reasonable restraint.

It's like the Leeroy Jenkins equivalent of coding, perhaps; there's a plan, but it gets lost in the drive to just get stuck in. In some ways admirable, in other ways...when you keep making the same oversight and mistake, one has to wonder where the fellow with the well-meaning post-it notes has gotten stuck.

Hmm. Perhaps that's a little harsh, but it's not intended to be. They over all mean well but...certainly suffer from a tendency to hyper-focus and forget things that aren't in their immediate wheelhouse, such as Controller usability.

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Mentioned it in an art thread, but it'd probably be useful here as well, if not more so.

main issue I'm having with it at this point is as follows 
I go to the menu for binding buttons, set the abilities to the d-pad, as I've done for a few years now, set focus and transference to the Xbox one's menu key, set quick attack to the Right bumper, I hit back, it asks to save and I do, it gives the animation. goes back to the standard menu, I hit confirm, no saving animation, fine. 
But here's the problem, I use half the keys I just set multiple times, and they use the default bindings, consistently D-Pad up, and Right bumper (ability A, and Quick melee). So I go back to the binding menu and it looks like its on 100% defaults. Setting them again likely results in a lockup on that screen. the game's still playing animations, just nothing can be clicked or moved, the bind remains highlighted. Even if it "binds again" it's in quotes because it doesn't, kind of in a loop. 
I cannot play with the key binds you used since.... Second dream? cant recall exactly. especially the whole, focus and transference not being set by default thing. 
Please fix this before Sacrifice, or you're effectively sacrificing your console and PC controller users to Honhow. (oh and yes this is on console too.) 
I'm fine with the UI, it just needs to actually work, the simple things right? 

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having the melee button bound to X means that you CANNOT aim while using exalted blade, nor charged weapons like the sarpa, redeemer, or thrown weapons, (unless you had two thumbs and could mash X button while aiming with the right Joystick)

not having a crouch toggle option means that you CANNOT toggle stealth while in operator form,

this update that forces controller set ups has been very frustrating and feels like a slap in the face, old set up was just fine,

please allow option to switch back,

Edited by CoolHandloot
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Please make the fact that WASD moves the cursor in the PC version of the game an option that can be toggled off. I have a nervous tic/spastic habit in which I spin the character/press WASD in a circular motion whenever movement isn't necessary and this change to better support controllers is driving me INSANE because I can't manage the stations in my orbiter and keep my hand busy at the same time.

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Is it just me or has the Umbra update changed controller movement on PC? I could swear the transition between walking and running was gradual before, you could control your speed smoothly by pushing on the analog stick. Now walking and running are discrete states with an abrupt transition. Am I going crazy here or is this an undocumented change?

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Using controller on PC. When i want to type something in chat/using search function in inventory etc, i have to press X on the gamepad, and the message box pops. But i CANT type anything, i first have to reach for my mouse and move to be able to type. Its ridiculous, and its here since the virtual cursor became "the thing". Didnt had so many problems like i have now with the old UI. After the latest hotfix it feels like we came out of Alpha version of the UI to early Beta, where the old controller UI was a full release but with a bug or 2. Every time at Mission Summary screen im like "Oh God back to operating this UI".

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It's just getting worse. 

Every time I revive someone with the PS button I've rebound as a context key, the frame counter starts or the mission screen opens. Sometimes both. 
Unless it switches me to spectator view, of course. Since that's going to get me killed I'd be pretty keen to leave spectator view by using the keyboard shortcut but it's not happening. I have to toggle back and forth between keyboard and controller to get a mission screen where I may be able to choose 'Resume'. 

....unless I've already been downed, in which case it switches me back to spectator view yet again and I have to repeat the process to choose 'Revive' and then repeat the bloody process yet again to leave spectator view and actually rejoin the fight. 

This is getting completely out of hand, you need to give us the option to get rid of any and all changes to controller mapping and input - flat out revert, roll back, remove the code, whatever it takes.

 It simply isn't acceptable that the game should become gradually more and more unplayable for controller users on PC while this experiment continues. This needs to be taken back and tested more in-house before release, because speaking as a perpetual beta tester/guinea pig I'm thoroughly fed up.  

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