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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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We could use separate keybinds for Lunaro...

For me it's impossible to play it atm, because my PvE keybinds don't allow me to throw/pass the Lunaro.
If I reset them to default Lunaro works but PvE becomes nigh on impossible for me to play :-/

In general it seems that a lot of stuff doesn't work if you don't use default binds.
For example the cipher hotkey is unusable for me as well...

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i will be constructive as possible
Lunaro -
1) Lags = unplayable/gamebreaking
2) No friendly markers (player names are barely visible)
3) Loading in finished rounds (my first gameplay and i was win 50:0 after 1 sec)
4) Its affecting PvE , " Fixed gaining an unintended amounts of sudden..." its directly nerfing PvE for PvP.
5) Tutorial = it should be animation not speaking

Lunaro the gameplay
1) Infinite camp on holes - one player camp and defent his hole = zero score he is jump and camp in air also you cant attack him (in our mach it was immposible) - score holes should be higter
2) enemy attack spam = forever pinned and you cant snad up, if it lag you can go make a coffe
3) Direct score from whole map = its a skill but with velocity nerf you are doomed
4) Profanity - if you lose you will be called "$&*#^%, noob, $&*^head, idiot, etc." (its a direct citation so dont bash me for it) - very funny if you compare when someone say "%!& or gay" in region and he is kicked for two days
 - note: If someone win someone must lose that is basic of all sports but why should i play something where someone lose his mind in game mode what should be fun?! disgusting
5) It should be possible against PvE (like rathumm simulate PvP)

PvP in genaral - you should really consider put PvP on dedicated servers

I hope it will be helpful

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54 minutes ago, MillbrookWest said:

I'm inclined to believe this is not so much a 'bug', as it is a feature of the way Warframe calculates distances, so in a similar vein to the way "Projectile" trajectory is calculated. Because in Warframe, you can legit shoot an arrow backwards.

So similar concept, except the "pass" indicator is picking up the player as he passes behind you (instead of an enemy in normal play), and highlighting him with a "pass" icon - If you aren't aware, if you look at a player and the arrow symbol appears above their head, tapping the fire button passes straight to them.

So i suspect that's what i happening. The player behind you is having the arrow appear above their head, you can't see this because it's behind you, but the game is still including it in the trajectories calculation. 

But, that is just my guess. It is annoying, and DE should fix it, and the arrow trajectories too while they're at it. 

Exactly idk if its intended or not but they really should do something about it

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Yes and when Ferrari lower top speed I can mount my  skis on the roof YES lets break Ferrari for skis lovers.

Warframe is PVE game lets stop on this last fix on PVP and DE please focus on PVE

Edited by kz3dart
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lag and host advantage are strong in this gamemode. obvious goal replays quite often show hosts shooting goals right through other players blocking. same issue with tackling and intercepting where host has very often a huge advantage.


dedicated server would help.

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Stun-locking is a bit of an annoying feature to pop up after the release of Lunaro. I'm not for completely removing it.

I suggest to DE that if a player knocks down another player (with melee or checking, not the Lunaro itself) the aggressive player's Arcata is removed (can't handle the Lunaro or check or melee others) and they must tap the center field ring in order to regain their Arcata.

Video: Slapstick violence in Warframe: Lunaro

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Hi DE, 

I wanted to give my feedback on Lunaro.

First of all great work! Second, I have 2 concerns regarding Lunaro right now, and i think both need to be addressed to make Lunaro even more awesome! :D 

The 1st issue: Matchmaking, Right now there is no match making, even when you start Lunaro with a group you got dumped in a match on either team completely random. Sometimes this is fun, but lets be fair, we play a group PVE game, so allot of players like me like to play in groups with friends. I would like to see a system where you can choice to join up with your friends and end up in the same team. Preferred match making options would be solo-queue, 2-man-queue and team queue, and then at last, random-queue where you can queue up with any number and teams wouldn't matter to you, this last is like it is now, this system would greatly improve matchmaking. I enjoy playing with friends, and actually have somewhat of a tactic or strategy for every player.

Second issue: Conclave points reward, So after playing some rounds with my friends, we managed to sometimes get on the same team, which was really fun. However we often divided rolls to players, like 1 would play front player allot and try to make goals, the other one would stay behind and defend when balls got shoot back. After just one match you could already clearly see the difference in conclave points as a payout. The last game 1 person made 6 goals and had +10,000 conclave points as a reward, I had 2 assist and no goals as i only defended, resulting in 1,200 conclave points... this is really really really bad. I do think people should get somewhat more points then other players if they score more, but i think the amount of conclave points you get as a reward should depend mostly on the performance of the team, and not solo results. With this massive discrepancy in conclave points as a result the game completely and utterly promotes egocentric play and does not promote playing like an actual team. This, i think, is horrible for a team sport (online or IRL) 

An example idea for conclave points rewards: Lets say the whole team gets the same amount of conclave points depending on the score, lets say if your team has 6 goals you would get 3000 conclave points (500 per goal). If you win, the score gets doubled, 6000 conclave points, and if you made a goal you get 100 extra, so if you where the only one scoring, you would get 6,600 points, but the rest of the team still gets 6,000 points. Of course the numbers mentioned could be tweaked to be in line with average conclave rewards, its just an idea and example.

This would players focus less on just making goals themselves and promote more on actually winning the game as a team. Which, I think, makes a far better match experience.

Greatings, Visione!

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Really like the conclave weapon skins, not sure if they are usable outside conclave.

Tried doing Lunaro. Same as other conclave missions. Seems like host player have a huge advantage, maybe due to ping differences, clients lags behind, left or host migration. 

Joined on a losing side of 12 - 0 match, host player always scores.


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3 hours ago, Z3GR4M said:

Personally I like the game mode, wasn't sure at first but it ended up pretty fun, however there are some frustrating elements that could be tweaked.  This is kind of feedback but also I'd like to just get a discussion going about Lunaro in general.

OK, so one thing that bugs me os the stun-locking basically, I feel like there needs to be a small cool down between being able to check a player, something like 3-5 seconds, so you are able to hold on to the ball for more than 1-2 seconds.

There needs to be an offsides rule or something, so many times when the ball spawns some cheeky player jumps in immediately and checks, grabs the ball, whatever before the team has even had a chance to do anything.  Something like a 5 second timer needs to be implemented before any players can attack a team that just spawned the ball, or if they infringe it should be an automatic reset at center court with your team holding the ball.  

Lastly, I'm not too jazzed about not being able to bullet jump while holding the ball, re-training your brain to move differently after all this time is frustrating, slide/bullet jumping is how we get around, thats our bread and butter, maybe instead of removing that, gove the player holding the ball a slight movement debuff, they are slightly slower for holding the ball, but still able to bullet jump.

Just some thoughts after playing several games this morning, overall I think its a fun mode, and a great distraction from just killing everything everywhere lol.

How do you guys feel about Lunaro?

3-5 sec of cooldown are too much. If I get the ball, and someone waste the dash , I can just walk to the goal without even caring. 1-2 sec cooldown for checks should be enough.

Bullet jump could be abused, it is better as it is. If bullet jump could be used while keeping the ball lunaro would become jumparo. We already got it for normal pvp, I don't want it in lunaro too.

I don't like the 5 sec timer before attack too, it is too long and if you know how to play and move , is not required.

And they absolutely need to fix those bloody passage.

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Just throwing in my two pence. I love lunaro and would love to see some teams develop and have mini tournys. 

Regarding the out the zone after a goal. Yes that can be abused, especially if you score a 2 pointer, your in the perfect position to steal. I would suggest the out the zone rules apply (oposition cant use their catchy things in the zone) untill the ball leaves the zone or 5 seconds have passed (to stop winning teams hogging the ball till full time).

Regarding passing, i agree back passing sucks but regarding a new passing rule, what if the chevron only appears when a team make is holding rmb, more of an indocator that hes ready for it. I would say have the chevron appear always when rmb is down, no matter if your aiming at them, but change how it looks or circle it or what ever when you look at them so you know your ready to pass. This way you can see where all your team mates are on the feild and whos ready to recive and when your pass will register.

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From having played one match, I know one thing that I want to be able to turn off.

Goal recaps.

They don't add anything for my personal play and interrupt the gameplay for me.


The other thing would be the counter-intuitivity of bullet-jumping without the ball and then when you get the ball and you want to keep going (bullet-jumping), you drop it.


Aside from that, I need significantly more play to actually 'git gud' enough to be able to say anything more about it.

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Yeah passing mechanics are B.S.

Also, the movement speed seems dependant on chosen warframe. That's not really fair then; Loki can snatch up the ball and score before u can even jump.

Otherwise, there should be a standardized speed for all frames. 

Lastly, I felt that the syndicate points per match for all matches, not just Lunaro, should be increased. Not including the daily and weekly challenges of course. 

Not just cos the lunaro armor is rather expensive...but also because it takes a while just to reach the limit on the syndicate affinity for conclave as compared to the other syndicates...

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Please give more of a visual and audible cue when the player has the ball

Half of the time, I have no idea I'm actually holding the ball, especially in the scuffles that happen A LOT

I have to admit tho, after the update 2 for Lunaro, I'm actually having...



Edited by xhris
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6.8% speed reduction for checking did not solve anything. I feel like checking should be removed in general or at least limited to one slow move. In a normal teamplay it's completely unnecessary and the ball can be easily intercepted while it's thrown. Checking is spammed and abused by the bad purpose trolls all the time.

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umm - just an idea here - what if you could counter block?

otherwise with the zone clear - i think opposing players shouldn't enter until; the ball leaves the zone or the lunaro drop should be lower/ increase the ball gravity. it's hard to get the lunaro the first time it bounces and players sometimes end up camping outside the zone util the ball spawns and rush in and get like a million goals.

either way, the checking should only dash with out the kicks

Edited by Aquasurge
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Lunnaro's conclave points are all over the place. I just scored a 18k points match(Challenges finished on that match) and when i go back to teshin i have won no points at all. Also, the challenges show as not completed. This enrages me a lot. I am playing awesome matches and receiving no reward whatsoever. Also, there is too much valoration in scoring goals and no valoration whatsoever on saves and assists. That way Teamplay is going down the drain, instead of passing people are just spamming the opposing team's goal. Also, saves are not registering on the system whatsoever, yesterday I prevented around 20 goals and the game only registered 2, what the hell! Doing a support role has(calculated on average both offensive and defensive, 10 matches each) and it shows a 9.73% valoration of passing and making saves compared to going to "just score and screw you team"

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6 hours ago, Windspike said:

No, you don't.  Not by a long margin.  The replays are literally showing the last four to five seconds before a goal.

Time is relative. I was just wondering if others view it like I do or not and by the looks of it a majority rather likes it.
To me it's just showing off and I do not really appreciate such mechanics.

How about this question instead:
Would you prefer if it only replayed goals that are worth more than one point?

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Played about 15 matches. Really like the mode (though, i was sceptical), but even so, there are things that frustrate me:

  • Heavy Landing (HL). With Parkour 2.0 released i think Heavy Landing is something that Stamina and Coptering forgot to take with 'em. Now with Lunaro released it started to bother me again. I know you can slide/glide/roll to avoid this, but sometimes it still triggers ignoring movements for me which is really awkward in Lunaro when you intercept the ball/pass and then end up with HL. I think it should be: a) removed from both PvE and PvP, b) from Lunaro only, c) much faster to recover from. 
  • Carrying indication. I don't know how many times i got the ball and didn't even know about this. Right now i'm looking at points to be sure if i got the ball -- but it distracts me from the things happening on the screen/field. I think a louder sound indication or forced channeling on warframe when you get the ball would help a lot.
  • E - spamming. Well, this is very simple. It's annoying and it's just a mindless spamming most of the time. I think just a small cooldown would balance it -- you'd wait for a good moment to strike or stun instead of smashing [E] all the time.
  • Movements. Jumps and Bullet Jumps are OK, the running speed, though, isn't. Feels too slow, the mode demonstrates it pretty well when you carry the ball trying to run from the opponents to pass the bass/score. The first thing i do when i get the ball is panic search for nearby teammates to pass to before i get stunlocked/E-spammed.
  • "Get 4 goals in a match" challenge. Now this is something i was complaining about since the Capture the Cephalon mode. In a teamwork based mode having a challenge like this simply ruins your attempts at "teamwork", since the challenge is individual to each person and most of the people i was playing with simply tried to score no matter what: no passes, no help. They just get the ball and try to score, doesn't matter if they're surrounded by opponent team members or running on the other side of the field, they see you as a potential source of the ball to get from, and after that they most likely won't pass it back. So, speaking of teamwork, @N7-CommanderShepard gave a perfect idea of replacing "Get 4 (personal) goals in a match" with "Help your team to get 4 goals in a match" or simply "Get 4 team-goals in a match" (if someone's scoring, then every member get a challenge updated/completed).
  • Matchmaking/Team Balance. Sadly, isn't OK, too. Although, i haven't encountered a heavy laggin' hosts, the matchmaking with the team balance do weird things like re-balancing to 1vs3 or simply locking you in Solo after Host Migration (i'd list it, too. But unless we get  Dedicated Servers, there's nothing we can do with this, even if you're the host, Alt+F4 all the things). For team re-balance i thing it should restart the game and balance it if the teams are 0vs2 (yep, this is possible), 1vs3 etc.
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Ok DE none of my progress is saved when playing lunaro. I scored 6 goals and none of them counted towards the reputation goal same goes for the checks. The lag is unbareable, and the matchmaking is horrid. i joined on a 2v0 game and it became 3v0 wtf. I want this to be fantastic but right now it's unplayable.

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Every match i hop into in Lunaro is super laggy. right now i'm connecting to the Oceania region which is the closest to me and every time i jump into a Lunaro match my ping with jump from 100-400 all of the place. in Australia our internet isn't the best and hold a good ping with 5 other people in the match connecting to the same host will make the 5 lag super hard. i don't know about other countries but Australian internet can not do this with 5 other people without fibre optic cables (which most people don't have in Australia. DE's please fix.      

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Ok, another issue I found:

When you score, you must clear the defense area, while that is good and prevents you from taking advantage of the team you just scored, its NOT good enough.

An advesary player could be waiting JUST outside the Defensive area, and the moment they regain control they Check in, grab the ball and scores again or just makes it difficult for the defensive team to go back to the offensive, this repeats numerous times.

A solution I find is to reset the teams to their own defense areas after a goal, with the Lunaro still spawning in the team who just got scored. It would give the team enough time to put the ball out of their field and make a difference.

Edited by Venom-Snake
fixing typos
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26 minutes ago, TheCrowBro said:

Ok DE none of my progress is saved when playing lunaro. I scored 6 goals and none of them counted towards the reputation goal same goes for the checks. The lag is unbareable, and the matchmaking is horrid. i joined on a 2v0 game and it became 3v0 wtf. I want this to be fantastic but right now it's unplayable.

Lower your matchmaking ping limit in Options. You will find less games... but they will be stable. Thats is the problem with P2P connection. And no, I dont know if DE has enough resources to keep a dedicated server.

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