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200th Daily Tribute/Login Rewards


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1 hour ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

Is the extra 25% noticeable tho? Do you think you can help me test it out on War? :D

Consider the how good that extra 25% on any build you run focused on finishers, as the finisher animation is hugely faster =P

And tbh Orthos P kind of gets broken, I literally am unable to swing as fast as the attack speed is with berzerker+pFury and I'd say that pFury alone is more than enough. So for War? I'd reckon it is just frikkin mint! =D

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2 hours ago, spacedkadet said:

yep 200 days since update 18 when the new tribute went live. It is getting longer and longer between releases. The more money and staff the longer it seems to take to get anything done ;)

(it went from being 3-4 months between updates to well over 6 months now)

actually not true its been 199 days, but you accidentally abused a bug that allowed 2 logins in 1 day (20 mins before U18 hit you could login for an extra login).

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5 hours ago, -CM-Voltage said:

actually not true its been 199 days, but you accidentally abused a bug that allowed 2 logins in 1 day (20 mins before U18 hit you could login for an extra login).

Not me, i still have 1 day to go. but still updates are getting further apart, Went from at least 3 a year but now not even 2.

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9 hours ago, -CM-Voltage said:

actually not true its been 199 days, but you accidentally abused a bug that allowed 2 logins in 1 day (20 mins before U18 hit you could login for an extra login).

There was no accidents and there was no abuse nor a bug. Just a simple matter of downloading and starting the game when the update was released. Not my fault they made the update available just before daily reset time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by -Zr-Scroll
nor a bug
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38 minutes ago, -Zr-Scroll said:

There was no accidents and there was no abuse nor a bug. Just a simple matter of downloading and starting the game when the update was released. Not my fault they made the update available just before daily reset time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

there will alway be salty people. huehuehue

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7 hours ago, Nijyumensou said:

there will alway be salty people. huehuehue

salty? Yes I am, I havnt missed a single day and because I missed a glitch (yes 2 logins in 1 day is a bug), I cannot participate in people selling it for 1800p. -_- Looks like Devoted players don't matter because I can use my credit card to get the same mod someone made an effort towards. I only stayed in warframe everyday for the past 7 months because of primed fury and soon prime vigor. I bought Battleborn and really love it, but came back to wf to get these mods. This game is very stale for vets and the only fun I have is helping my friends get what they need. DE seems to cater to new players and forget about some of the vets. I am a little burnt out and "juncture" farming when Specter of the Rail hits isn't going to cut it.

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4 hours ago, -CM-Voltage said:

salty? Yes I am, I havnt missed a single day and because I missed a glitch (yes 2 logins in 1 day is a bug), I cannot participate in people selling it for 1800p. -_- Looks like Devoted players don't matter because I can use my credit card to get the same mod someone made an effort towards. I only stayed in warframe everyday for the past 7 months because of primed fury and soon prime vigor. I bought Battleborn and really love it, but came back to wf to get these mods. This game is very stale for vets and the only fun I have is helping my friends get what they need. DE seems to cater to new players and forget about some of the vets. I am a little burnt out and "juncture" farming when Specter of the Rail hits isn't going to cut it.

Do I have to inform you that money is power in every sort of game? F2P player used time in exchange for platinum while p2p player should be able to settled everything with cash? Oh,do I have to remind you that Warframe doesn't run on veterans but Warframe run on profit? 

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