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Muscular Female Frame Anyone???


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I would just like to point out that a woman in heavy armor looks completely the same as a man in heavy armor. Boob dents in plate armor are complete fiction and nonsense (the blade is supposed to slide down the armor, not get caught on your boob protrusion). There's no reason for heavy armor to show off female figure, that is just as much a trope as the things some of you here are complaining about. Rhino could be female for all we know, he does have somewhat slimmed down waist, thick thighs and you could fit breasts under the breastplate no problems at all.

Look at pictures of women in combat gear and tell me that they're distinguishable from men figure-wise (no matter how muscular they are).

So when portraying muscular women people tend to fall back on the boob dents I mentioned or half-naked amazon stereotype. Zarya has both boob dents and exposed arms in addition to impossibly wide hips. Ok design but not something you can rip off wholesale and transfer into WF. It's akin to pointing at Ellie from Borderlands 2 and suggesting a frame made in her image, it's ridiculous.

Lastly, OW is pretty cartoony while WF is not. It's not direct comparison.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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im not shure if this is a useful discussion as well as we have all this different looking frames in the game ... also that what TO is aiming for

im not bored enough to think about ^^)


and all this games with "muscular" stuff exist allready: http://game-oldies.com/

LOL ^^)

muscular, then only muscular like this one:


chuck norris in warframe ? change the threadtitle =))))))) lets chuck the world ... (=

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I dont really care what designs they make***

...as long as its part of DE's vision of this game and not to knuckle under any PR pressure. If that happens, then this game is lost to the whims of a selfish and bipolar community. (dont worry, i still love you guys)

It would be like sticking creatures from Pans Labyrinth into the next Alien movie. Creative expression of the original artists would be out the window.

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16 minutes ago, Hayzemet said:

Lol, what are you talking about, I never said warframes were human. "Your in denial" (top kek) Denial of what?  I explained everything you wanted you just disregard my comment because you are unable to argue with it, that's fine.

You are acting just like an SJW would, not reading whatever is not convenient for you, avoiding answering with coherent responses, just look at what I wrote and at your reply, they have nothing to do with each other XD

And I never said you said warframes were ugly, what is wrong with you hahaha?

Please find any quote that saying it's against the rules. Find a lore quote please. I want to end this.

Honestly, am starting to get tired. Alot of you guys are repeating samething. Honesty,i f you can find a quote in the game saying that Warframe are design on how they are. Then, I'll accept it.

Anyway, am getting tired of this. I might just misread it

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36 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

We can't be sure exactly what the Orokin standards for appearance were. This is true.


We should compare them to other futuristic societies? Which other futuristic societies? From other works of fiction? Why? No, really, why? Why should we compare the Orokin to other futuristic societies? On what grounds should the societies for comparison be chosen? Is there a common thread? Provide an explanation. Hint: I'm going to ask you to back up every statement which you make. 


We know Ballas loved, or claimed to love, Margulis. We have no idea what Margulis actually looked like. It's pure headcanon and speculation that she looked like the Lotus does today. In fact, if you think about it for a moment, that makes no sense. None. Whatsoever. The Lotus had to infiltrate Orokin society and get to the Tenno. She couldn't do that if she looked exactly like the dead woman who created the Dream project. She would have been spotted.


Your last point is circular. "We can't have a muscular female 'frame, female 'frames resemble the Lotus, and a muscular 'frame wouldn't resemble the Lotus." Circular arguments are bad because they have no support other than themselves. You cannot construct a building with no foundations.


Also, female Warframes resemble the Lotus....including Nova. And Mesa. And Equinox. Warframes with builds which are actually rather distinct. In other words, no.



I mean, if you don't like the idea of a muscular female 'frame because you just don't like it, that's fine. You are completely, 100% allowed and justified in stating your preference, and your preference needs no support other than "I just like things this way." But....if you put forward weak arguments to defend your position and insist that your statements are true, I'm going to point that out and ask you to back up your statements. 

We can't be sure exactly what the Orokin standards for appearance were. This is true.


We should compare them to other futuristic societies? Which other futuristic societies? From other works of fiction? Why? No, really, why? Why should we compare the Orokin to other futuristic societies? On what grounds should the societies for comparison be chosen? Is there a common thread? Provide an explanation. Hint: I'm going to ask you to back up every statement which you make. (Because its the logical thing to do also societies that seek perfection like the orokin)


We know Ballas loved, or claimed to love, Margulis. We have no idea what Margulis actually looked like. It's pure headcanon and speculation that she looked like the Lotus does today. In fact, if you think about it for a moment, that makes no sense. None. Whatsoever. The Lotus had to infiltrate Orokin society and get to the Tenno. She couldn't do that if she looked exactly like the dead woman who created the Dream project. She would have been spotted.(Would she not be spotted as she looks in the game as well, we don't know enough abut this yet to come to a conclusion.)


Your last point is circular. "We can't have a muscular female 'frame, female 'frames resemble the Lotus, and a muscular 'frame wouldn't resemble the Lotus." Circular arguments are bad because they have no support other than themselves. You cannot construct a building with no foundations.

(Agreed, thats why a stated that it required to much speculation)

Also, female Warframes resemble the Lotus....including Nova. And Mesa. And Equinox. Warframes with builds which are actually rather distinct. In other words, no.



I mean, if you don't like the idea of a muscular female 'frame because you just don't like it, that's fine. You are completely, 100% allowed and justified in stating your preference, and your preference needs no support other than "I just like things this way." But....if you put forward weak arguments to defend your position and insist that your statements are true, I'm going to point that out and ask you to back up your statements. 

(I see so why do you think there could be a bulky female frame, all the female frames so far have not be bulky and they all follow standard female builds{this should tell us a little about the orokins idea of beauty and perfection, learn about a society through their work}  only the males are big and bulky. Now that I have stated why it is highly unlikely why there will be a muscular bulky female frame I want a couple good points why there will be. Everything about the game and the orokin seems to hint: that they wont build a female frame like that.


The answer boils down to we cannot be 100% sure if there will be a bulky female frame or not since well technically there can be , but every one of the orokins designs for female warframes have smaller builds and how male warframes are the only bulky ones hints that there will not be. Im just saying its highly unlikely. As for before the reason we compare the orokin with other futuristic societies that seek perfection is because its logical. Its like comparing two similar types of viruses if you want to learn about one you can look at the other thats very much like it because it will probably have similar traits.

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14 minutes ago, shadrad said:

Wow, suggest a body type well within the normal curve for women and the hilariously self-justified sexism just oozes out. You guys are hilarious. And by 'hilarious' I mean you awaken a great sadness within me.

Anyway, I am dying for more variety in 'female' Warframe body shapes. Equinox was a step in the right direction in variety of looks, but I'd love to see a stockier female frame! My current fan-concept Warframe OC that I've been sketching is female and has curvy proportions. A big, tall amazonian frame would be amazing! A short, stocky, muscular frame would be great! 

In the realm of space-future-cyborg-ninja armor types, if it's physically effective (or even if it isn't), it's on the table. Female athletes-- lifters, wrestlers, sports-players, etc-- are hugely diverse in body type and I don't see why that shouldn't also be reflected in Warframe. I'd also be happy to see a properly-proportioned-strongman-type Warframe, big ol' belly and all (because, let me bio-you-in here, real strongmen are usually bulky and have a big-looking belly because their core muscles are incredibly dense and layered, which adds the bulk, and because they aren't going through a sudden diet-cut (like body-builders do) to remove the fat (aka, eating very lean and starting to starve yourself, which ruins the efficacy of your working muscles) they have a very normal layer of fat over those ridiculous muscles. Similarly, strong and athletic women eat a lot of food to keep their energy up and build muscle-- which also adds a normal layer of fat on top of often bulky, ridicu-strong muscle. It depends on what type of activity you're training for! Lifters add bulk and density, while high-movement, low-impact action requires less density.)

To go even further, it's already very unrealistic and honestly kind of silly to give female Warframes breasts in the first place-- again, props to Equinox for having none at all!-- because breasts are literally nothing but fat and mammary glands, and provide no protective armor qualities at all. Zephyr has her armor plate on top, without any breast-looking-silly-additions, because that's what actual armor looks like on a female person! It's similarly kind of silly to give male Warframes any kind of indication of junk-or-armor-over-junk because jockstraps and other junk 'armor' is a huge hindrance to movement when you do a lot of high-speed running. You're better off wearing a dancer's belt kind of thing to keep everything in line and out of the way! However, there's an aesthetic a la Gundam and Evangelion and other visual inspirations for Excalibur that are there for reasons I understand. 

But that's also kind of silly because Gundams were based on samurai armor, which was built for only a certain kind of movement/combat, and the known identities of the Evangelions are both women! :O Crazy how science fiction works, amirite?

Anyway, point is, there's no actual real justification that makes any goddamn sense to NOT include more diverse 'female' Warframe body types. Not canonical reasons, not 'realistic' reasons, and anything except 'there is a reason that DE's character design team has not done it yet, and that reason is probably based on aesthetics that are influenced by western society's inherent male-gaze-dominated culture-- because no joke, that's 100% a purely cultural thing because it varies within and among global cultures. Many cultures think western concepts of 'sexy' are creepy and infantile, because breasts are there to feed babies. why would you think that's sexy? Wow gross!

As far as the silly arguments, all I'd ask is that the people who are so fervently against the addition of not-skinny-ladyframes really think and ask yourselves why you'd be against it? Is it because it's not 'sexy' to you? Is it because you are very particular about the kind of lady butts you want to stare at while slaughtering your enemies? And do you think these preferences should somehow outweigh the preferences of players, such as myself, who would like to see the addition of something else? Because that's 100% sillytalk. So silly!

So yeah, DE please add in some other silhouette types for lady Warframes!

Your Arguement is weak and full of Cringe.


Like you have have also made design for female frames. "A big, tall amazonian frame would be amazing!" But unlike you my ideas are actually refind by the role they play and not just gender/body size. Or maybe I am wrong..Please wow me.


"Anyway, point is, there's no actual real justification that makes any goddamn sense to NOT include more diverse 'female' Warframe body types. Not canonical reasons, not 'realistic' reasons"


That is true.


"Anything except 'there is a reason that DE's character design team has not done it yet, and that reason is probably based on aesthetics that are influenced by western society's inherent male-gaze-dominated culture-- because no joke, that's 100% a purely cultural thing because it varies within and among global cultures. Many cultures think western concepts of 'sexy' are creepy and infantile, because breasts are there to feed babies. why would you think that's sexy? Wow gross!"


That however is false. The Reason people are getting flake is "Motive" this does not feel like a love the game. This feels Political And it is. Also, the reason we think breast are sexy in the north is because Saxons, years ago. Worshiped Goddes,who where known for giving birth. And Funbags, feed kids. Unlike the desert filled parts of the world that have a dong fetish and keep their women overly clothed.  We also have laws to protect minors from being sex slaves. So,please bash on western Culture some more without knowing about the others you defend.




"in the realm of space-future-cyborg-ninja armor types, if it's physically effective (or even if it isn't), it's on the table. Female athletes-- lifters, wrestlers, sports-players, etc-- are hugely diverse in body type and I don't see why that shouldn't also be reflected in Warframe."


Actually, they are well reflected. People do not get that MASSIVE unless they eat a way that makes them Over beefy. Most Athletes on a Professional level are lean and muscled.  Unless you only do weights usually. Then, that is where it changes, A lot of lifting weights. But warframes are not made to lift weights. They are made to fight. So,their designs reflect the fighting style to be used. 


"To go even further, it's already very unrealistic and honestly kind of silly to give female Warframes breasts in the first place-- again, props to Equinox for having none at all!-- because breasts are literally nothing but fat and mammary glands, and provide no protective armor qualities at all. Zephyr has her armor plate on top, without any breast-looking-silly-additions, because that's what actual armor looks like on a female person! It's similarly kind of silly to give male Warframes any kind of indication of junk-or-armor-over-junk because jockstraps and other junk 'armor' is a huge hindrance to movement when you do a lot of high-speed running. You're better off wearing a dancer's belt kind of thing to keep everything in line and out of the way!"


Well,Zephyr is a bird and also Clearly a warrior of the wind. She is made to be of a lack of a better word "Able to fly without funbags getting in the way".

But also, take notes that the warframes are suits of armor. They all are. And honestly, If you are to make a suit of armor. Why not look nice. That and some fighting styles in the real word center around making your foe..well, squirm. Rather It be thou sexualizing or wrestling. Which If you do fight someone who fist fights with Wrestle they usually Assume you are trying to dry hump them. 


As far as frame desgins go. They look outlandish and odd because Orakin. That and well. Would you want to fight something Clearly alien and otherwordly. Compared to the Grieener and Corpus the Warframes look like Angel/demons. They stand out and honestly. That is not a bad thing.



"As far as the silly arguments, all I'd ask is that the people who are so fervently against the addition of not-skinny-ladyframes really think and ask yourselves why you'd be against it? Is it because it's not 'sexy' to you? Is it because you are very particular about the kind of lady butts you want to stare at while slaughtering your enemies? And do you think these preferences should somehow outweigh the preferences of players, such as myself, who would like to see the addition of something else? Because that's 100% sillytalk. So silly!"


I'm gonna flip this argument right back at you.  And ask "Why make more body types, when clearly we make money with the one we are using."

"I'd also be happy to see a properly-proportioned-strongman-type Warframe, big ol' belly and all (because, let me bio-you-in here, real strongmen are usually bulky and have a big-looking belly because their core muscles are incredibly dense and layered, which adds the bulk, and because they aren't going through a sudden diet-cut (like body-builders do) to remove the fat (aka, eating very lean and starting to starve yourself, which ruins the efficacy of your working muscles) they have a very normal layer of fat over those ridiculous muscles. Similarly, strong and athletic women eat a lot of food to keep their energy up and build muscle-- which also adds a normal layer of fat on top of often bulky, ridicu-strong muscle. It depends on what type of activity you're training for! Lifters add bulk and density, while high-movement, low-impact action requires less density.)"


I think you have a fetish of some kind to go into some much detail. Nothing wrong with a fetish but keep It off the forums please. Their other areas for that.



As, I said before. I think It would be cool to have more Frame types. But the way you are going for It is wrong and Political. And Honestly kind of boring.

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[EDIT] - Edited due to posts being removed, makes no sense to reply to that. ;)

I see no harm in the OP coming with this as a suggestion, however seeing the rest of this thread I have to say that DE creates frames whoever they want to create them, without external bulling/pressure.

If they them selves decided to create a frame like that along the line, I have no objections.

In the mean time spread some of this stuff on your frame.

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

Edited by Ahcruna
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23 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:




See, I agree with your first post. A really burly female tank Warframe with a good kit of abilities would be cool, and no-one would complain.


The politics in your video game starts when someone suggests this and the response to the suggestion is eight pages of people very loudly complaining, insisting that you can't have big muscular female 'frames, it's just not realistic and the Orokin would never do it. 


I'm quietly putting forward the idea that "sjw's" may not be the problem.

Both sides are too loud to be honest.


I just hate the "Wall of text" that comes with Social justice. 


Also, This was the OP and some other chump arguing for hours.


he problem is there was ideas for stocky frames and no one was upset. But, Ops wording set off the podwer keg. And everyone went into Defense. I was triggered as well,because I do not like overwatch..I dont hate It. But, I do not play It unless asked.


But, that is not the point. The whole thing is worded and It comes off as kind of a disregard for Lore and just telling people "its just a game,now we should do this to solve this problem."  Which is what set It off the keg. 

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50 minutes ago, friendofvampires said:

so, op is "hey DE, if you make a female tank, maybe make her bulky" and there are 7 full pages of discussion? DE will make what they will and we will play it or not


I said "please consider" but yah this happen.

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1 hour ago, Xiusa said:

I don't understand why you're all so against having a buff female Warframe. It takes literally the same amount of effort to make a buff male Warframe. Women can be strong too I know it's a very difficult concept for some of you to wrap your heads around but strong women exist; don't be afraid of them.

I know that this is a very difficult concept for you but, no one is saying that. Please do not say that, especially in a fourm about a game where one of the strongest/tankiest classes in the game is a female.

So what, nyx, banshee, nova, sayrn aren't strong? No one is saying that women aren't strong. What people are saying is that a overwhelming and destructive majority of women cannot achieve large muscle masses like men (because genetics) and it seems that based on all the frames DE has designed, they seem to agree on it as well. This is not an arm-wrestling contest, it's a question of design and consistency for female frames on DE's end. Do they want giant bulky Snu Snu women? Doesn't seem like it, and we should respect that. 

If DE wants to make a "Zayra" to pander to the "body diversity" crowd let them do so. Although DE has been very strict and static with their art vision of the game. Chroma being the only exception.

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On 6/19/2016 at 2:27 PM, Ibro156 said:

NOTICE: Before you read this just Remeber. This Warframe it literally has no logic in its universe. Even if you had read my post, then explain to me how does Iron Skin work? why are dogs hatched from egg? Why do the Kavats have reptile weird tails? Why do genders yet they mean nothing. So yah remeber that warframe is far, far into the future and it can be anything up.


Every since I started playing Overwatch on release. I started to check out the Reddit and ignoring its forums, and basically; Blizz was getting criticized for their female characters during their Bate Stage. So they introduced one of my favorite character; Zarya.

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Okay, some of you might jump to conclusions but I got nothing against the female frames body builds ingame. But when comparing the male frames, I kinda notice that a lot of the MaFrame (Male + Frame = MaFrame) are quite drastic to one and another. For example, you got Rhino and Atlas. They're both have similar kit and fighting styles. Yet, they looked different from one and other. This can be said for most MaFrames. But when I started to check out the FeFrames, I notice they weren't as drastic as the males. There was some body distinctions; for example when comparing Sayrn to Nova. The height, hips and breast where different. Again, it can be said about Mirage and Valkyr. The MaFrame are all kinds of different body types and shapes. While FeFrame tend to fall into two categories; athletic or slim. Don't get me wrong, am not going to cry about it or start calling names. What am saying is if they can, they should try to consider the idea of muscular FeFrame a go. It wouldn't hurt to have a Female Atlas, wouldn't it?


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Am basically, kindly asking DE to consider the idea of a muscular female frame when the ever come across another female tank concept.VAsizzm.jpg


forcing diversity without a stable concept or reason is a dumb plan


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1 minute ago, MorteTacere said:

forcing diversity without a stable concept or reason is a dumb plan


Um. Ok.


The stable concept is "A physically large, strong, tanky Warframe which is female."


The only reason required is "Because this would be a cool design."


See, it's not actually forcing diversity. It's about suggesting a different 'frame.



Here's a quick question: Everybody insisting that this could never, ever, ever, ever work and must not even be tried, do you guys do this same thing in the fan concepts forum when someone suggests a Warframe concept which you don't immediately agree with?

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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

Here's a quick question: Everybody insisting that this could never, ever, ever, ever work and must not even be tried, do you guys do this same thing in the fan concepts forum when someone suggests a Warframe concept which you don't immediately agree with?

You know funny thing is. There a concept frame called Typhs, honestly I like he design. Cool kit, nice theme and looks cool. But I was simply suggesting that DE could use a bit more body types. Yet, people on Typhs pretty much have tried to pressure DE into doing it. Even then, they bashed Chroma the Seahorse Chroma helm. Wouldn't you say that's even worse then what am doing.

@Eureka.seveN I think your going off topic now. If you have something to say; please keep it on topic.

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1 minute ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Just a reminder to everyone that, regardless of who "started it", it's in everyone's best interest to keep the discussion on-topic. The topic in question being the addition of more body types for the Warframes, not whether or not something is politically correct.

This was gonna be Political the moment It was started.


That is the truth of the matter. 


Warframe Attracts a lot of people to It. Of a lot of different ideas and backgrounds. People will clash,when they are not Arguing about DE.

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Just now, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

This was gonna be Political the moment It was started.


That is the truth of the matter. 


Warframe Attracts a lot of people to It. Of a lot of different ideas and backgrounds. People will clash,when they are not Arguing about DE.

It ultimately doesn't matter if politics are attracted to the discussion. It's up to the individual user to decide whether or not to bite. Staying on-topic is as simple as not responding to off-topic posts, regardless of beliefs or background.

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11 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Just a reminder to everyone that, regardless of who "started it", it's in everyone's best interest to keep the discussion on-topic. The topic in question being the addition of more body types for the Warframes, not whether or not something is politically correct.


Anyway, shouldn't this thread have been moved in to the fan suggestion section of the forum?

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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3 minutes ago, shadrad said:



Muscular Maori-inspired woman Warframe, anyone? 

Or is it *gasp* too unrealistic...?


Is one of your skills eating your enemies to get their powers or not?


Also, add a bit of animal to It to fit the theme of animals. I would say Shark

Edited by (XB1)TheRoflLizard
I said shakr
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Just now, (PS4)Romulus93 said:

 I think we need more Hispanic warframes. China gets a clearly "Chinese" warframe (two actually) why can't my people get a Mexican warframe?

Actually, yeah we should.


Ok, by warframe law we need one animal and One Rpg or idea. Got one.


I would say Bandit. But, we already have Mesa.



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