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Should all Vaulted Items be Unvault at the same time in the future?


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As time goes, more Prime will be vaulted. I'm not saying DE should unvault everything for the next Unvault, but in the future, I think DE should unvault all vaulted Prime at once instead of unvaulting them one by one.

I currently have all the Prime (excluding founder, of course) so I did not write this just because I cannot get them. I simply think it would be better for new players that way since if we are to wait for a Unvault Rotation to come back just for for a month, it would take like more than a year to wait for the rotation they want. Or will never get the previously unvaulted items since Unvault rotation is even slower than prime rotation.

Unvault pack rotation is fine as it is, but I think having all vaulted, unvault at the same time within a month is much fairer for new players.


What are your thoughts?


Good Suggestions:
Dhrekr: I think that they might, in the future, just start unvaulting two (or three, when there's really lots of vaulted items) Primes each time. Like that they are guaranteed to rotate them twice as fast as they are vaulted, which would ensure that we get all of them regularly.

Edited by --DSP--
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Just now, --DSP-- said:

Well, as I said, I think the Unvault Prime pack is fine as it is.

Oh, didn't know that's what you meant by that lol

However releasing all of the prime access packs that come with them at the same time might not be the best. People might not be able to get enough money in a month to buy them all. As of now they are spaced out enough where people can come up with the money and not have to worry about missing one. waiting for it to return 2 or 3 years later (if not more)

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9 minutes ago, williamsos10 said:

Oh, didn't know that's what you meant by that lol

However releasing all of the prime access packs that come with them at the same time might not be the best. People might not be able to get enough money in a month to buy them all. As of now they are spaced out enough where people can come up with the money and not have to worry about missing one. waiting for it to return 2 or 3 years later (if not more)

I think you misunderstood what I meant... I'm not saying they should release all the Prime Access Pack, I think the pack should be in a "rotation".

But as for unvaulting the farming part...

If you think about it, it is really impossible to get back to the previously unvaulted items. Imagine each Prime Access Vaulting one frame, and Unvaulting another while releasing another. it is impossible to get back to the one that was already unvaulted if they don't shorten the unvault rotation or unvault all at the same time.

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1 minute ago, --DSP-- said:

it is impossible to get back to the one that was already unvaulted if they don't shorten the unvault rotation or unvault all at the same time.


I think that they might, in the future, just start unvaulting two (or three, when there's really lots of vaulted items) Primes each time. Like that they are guaranteed to rotate them twice as fast as they are vaulted, which would ensure that we get all of them regularly.

But all of them at the same time? Nah. I don't think it would be good practice.

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6 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:


I think that they might, in the future, just start unvaulting two (or three, when there's really lots of vaulted items) Primes each time. Like that they are guaranteed to rotate them twice as fast as they are vaulted, which would ensure that we get all of them regularly.

But all of them at the same time? Nah. I don't think it would be good practice.

Yeah, anything works, as long as they can be rotated and not delay other Prime frames to be rotated.

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De don't gonna do that, that will drop da cost of those prime parts, and that is the main reason WHY De create a Vault in the first place-to artificially increase price of old prime parts. Don't expect that strategy to go away, just don't, coz as we can see ember goes for 1500+ ez and frost is about 800p set, before vault arrive those cost nothing. So this practise will keep going, simple plat making.

Edited by -CM-Hekovashi
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Just now, Cydro_ said:

Who says the vault will even exist after SotR comes out with the changes to how prime parts are acquired? Unless there is some information I have missed, of course.

It will, cuz if it doesn't-there won't that "Mag unvaulting" thing, that comes at the same time as second part of u19 arrive.

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I think trying to make access to various time-limited stuff more fair to new players seriously misses the point of having time-limited stuff. If they wanted new players to have access to this stuff, they wouldn't vault it in the first place.

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40 minutes ago, Cydro_ said:

Who says the vault will even exist after SotR comes out with the changes to how prime parts are acquired? Unless there is some information I have missed, of course.

Well, they did say something about "projections", and I think about a machine that would use them to make prime gear, because they wanted to lessen all of the farming. So really, I think you're right.

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Unvaulting more than 1 set of items at a time would be a bad idea. The chances to get what you want would then be reduced by a lot.

I would just like the unvaulting to happen more often. It wouldn't even have to last a full month then.

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I hate to mention this but....I believe the answer to your question is....

Whatever makes the most sense from a business perspective.

WF is free to play.  DE needs revenue.  When you think of it in these terms the answers are much easier to determine.

I love WF and have the upmost respect for DE but in order for them to keep making WF as great as it is....they need a revenue steam.

Edited by (XB1)SwagScapegoat
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I think the reason for vaulting is that without it, there will be too many items in the Void's drop tables, making it *too much* RNG and giving players lower chance of actually completing a set. As time goes by, unvaulting *everything* simultaneously will make farming for a specific thing a mess because one "key" will have way too many items attached to it. It's already better to farm derelict for some particular prime items (trinity bp hint hint) because it has less primes in it, giving you a better chance of getting what you want.

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Regardless of if it would be overwhelming or a bad business idea, or anything like that, the vault opening events just seem too rare, last one was frost, and that was in December, just before I started playing.


It is now nearly the end of June, and nothing.

I'm really glad I bought all the vaulted primes before they started skyrocketing in price, and yeah, I want this vault thing fixed because I feel sorry for those that follow, and wont have a realistic chance of getting vaulted gear, because of the insane inflation.


With the prices as they are today, I would have looked at the market, decided this was a ripoff, and not given the game any further chance, so I'm glad I started playing 5 months ago, when none of this stuff was worth over 400p each, and most of them were on 100-200p.

Seriously, Ember prime soon approaches 20$ value WITH the 75% discount, and hearing that I would need to pay that much, for ONE frame, really is something that would just make me quit.


Aside from that, 7 months now since the last vault opened? and several primes have been added to the vault since.

I'm starting to suspect they have changed their minds on the vault opening events, and something else entirely is about to come up, I don't believe they were originally planning to make the events THIS rare.


Edit: Note that this would make a pile of prime gear that's now vaulted that I have gathered plummet in value, I still hope they stop that artificial inflation crap, as it's something that would ruin the fun for a lot of others like me.

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Vaulting is here too stay, if it wasn't they wouldn't be releasing a vaulted pack with projections soo close.

Star chart 3.0 will not re release all primes because it will reduce the revenue.

as for new players this amongst many other things in the game is not made for them, it it's directed toward veteran players who can spare up as muc gear as they can horde in order to earn the plat needed too buy said gear.

and if they can't do that well then there's always their wallet.

besides a newer player should really be focusing on the non prime items first then move into the prime gear when they have become more experience.

this will allow them too become more useful too the teams they join early on in stead of having one or two frames because they spend their time farming for prime gear before they are even ready.

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You guys keep talking about "revenue" but, I'm failing to see vaulted parts being rare and expensive specifically doing anyone any good.

From observing the market, and asking other players, I get the feeling that the vast majority of their income, would be from people buying plat to buy inventory slots, or, completely random crap, and NOT collecting vaulted prime parts from trade chat.


As it stands, this current vault system, means that only obsessive people like me, that play Warframe in almost all of their spare time, have a chance of getting them, and I see this system dampening my friends enthusiasm for the game, as it's a bunch of gear that cant be had at neither the time they are able to play, OR the money they are willing to sink into the game.

I seriously considered quitting because of that myself, because, having gear just be "out of reach" like that, is seriously NOT fun.

And that was over approx 1500p worth of gear that I lacked, and had been vaulted.

Today, those items would cost around 4000p, which is WAY more than I would be willing to pay, my friends who started playing after me reached the same conclusion and simply quit.


Regardless of revenue plans I may lack the details of, I have to consider the current vaulting system broken.


At a minimum, the vault opening is WAY too slow for the amount of content locked in the vault. there have been 3 months or so between things getting locked in, and 7 months between the vault openings?

This is so slow that  at the speed this is working for example, it will be nearly two years until the Loki prime vault opens.

The vaulting process however is adding things to the vault every 3 months, it wont be long until there is more vaulted stuff than stuff available as drops, making prime acquisition mostly about dealing with trade chat.

There has to be a way to profit from the game without it coming down to THAT.

So, you may say star chart 3.0 does not change the vault, like DE said it would many times, ok, perhaps they changed their minds, but that dosn't actually mean the current system is good, in the long term, it's ALREADY quite effective at alienating new players.

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On 6/24/2016 at 9:23 PM, Knight_Ex said:

the vault rotation is fine as is and even wasn't supposed to exsist

So you're basically saying that Frost Prime should never be unvaulted ever again?

since if we continue this rotation, unvaulted will never be unvault again.

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