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Why are there no plus sized frames?


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Wut? Rhino , frost , hydroid not good enough for you? They are all biggish burly frames. Unless you mean they need to be round bellied and well thats up to the Dev's art direction and not your or any body elses views, Hell we dont even have a white guy frame not a black guy frame I dont see the point of all this....

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If the engine actually showed a diversity in size, Atlas and Rhino would be big and tall, and Nova and Ash would be small and average.

But it renders us all equal. It is weird,  and probably a model/rig issue.

- show me an example of a big frame or character. Show me what we are talking about. 

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40 minutes ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

So basically a build along the larger sized Polynesian islander warrior frame. Too be honest a Warframe based on a large Hawaiian Maui deitiy would be pretty interesting. 


I was thinking the same thing. I saw a trailer for a Disney movie about the Maui demigod that I thought looked great. A frame modeled after him really cool.latest?cb=20151009001656

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Plus size is a nebulous term in and of itself which is horrendously subjective. In the Fashion world, it's any female model above a size 8 apparently. For clothing in general, it seems to be that Sizes 12+ (again women) are dubbed 'Plus size' and indeed the range for 'Plus size' product lines vary; for the UK, it seems to be that the lowest 'Plus size' is a Women's 14 and the highest would be an 18 for these range's starting points.

Now for the UK the average size for a Woman is around a size 14-16~, with allegedly 45% falling into the latter range according to a 2013 Yougov article. However, to say that the Average woman is 'Plus' thus begs a question; if you're the average size, are you not...well...normal?

Cue that wonderful social stigma which goes with the idea of being 'bigger than normal' despite that actually being in the right 'range'.

So we arrive at the following:

1) Plus size is a term for Dress size after a certain point

2) It exclusively concerns women.

In theory then, just figure out what the general proportions are of the female frames, run them against some size charts and there you go, any that fit into a UK Size 14 or higher would be 'Plus size', and there's your representation. I'm sure someone bored and mathematical might be willing to give that a shot honestly.


...But of course, when people say 'Plus size' they for some reason mean it as a synonym for fat, not 'Women dress sizes 12/14~ and up'. Even though, as has been mentioned in the thread, you can be 'plus size' whilst being muscular. Still...seeing as we're on the subject...

Fat in animals is for the sake of insulation from the environment and providing energy stores in leaner times; this is why Warmblooded animals have higher inherent mass per Bergman's Rule as you approach colder climates. It also helps absorb impacts to some degree and can protect vital organs and this is best shown by the Gladiators of the Roman empire. You see, Gladiators ate a diet that was predominately vegetarian which, due to the high carbohydrate content, led to them having definite fat whilst certainly being fit and muscular regardless. The reason for this is that the fat essentially served to protect them from blows and cuts whilst being nice and bloody for the baying crowds; a lack of this protection could make such blows lethal, by contrast. They even knew to give their Gladiators calcium supplements of a sort, which is honestly remarkably astute considering the era this was.

By contrast, Warframes...well...they're neither affected by climactic forces for Bergman's Rule to apply whatsoever, what with not actually being a natural life form (if life forms at all), and they lack the need for fat as Gladiators did because they're literally covered in armour; any impact absorption can likely be met by a superior artificial substance with none of the problems that come with Fat or the like. Fact is that Warframes simply don't have to be anything at all...they're not human, so why impose human limitations upon them? They're better than a human combatant would ever be, and I for one would most certainly make my artificial life form have the absolute minimum of non-beneficial components as possible. I can't imagine the Orokin not doing the same; in terms of engineering, if something doesn't necessarily benefit the end result, then invariably it isn't considered useful to do or include. (Least as I understand practical design)

Figure out a practical justification beyond just 'I like the look/idea'. If you are unable to do so, nobody is really going to see this as anything more than tokenism which...nobody benefits from that.

End of the day, apologies for going on, as always.


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51 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

attackhelicopter frame

Actually, some kind of Grineer attack helicopter themed warframe would be pretty nice. Warmachine-like bipedal arsenal of sorts. Although rotary blades would probably  be replaced with jetpacks or something.

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Honestly, I think that DE shows the BMI of the warframes well, but I think that the warframes should be a different height, and not just tophats... but really a different height. I think that Atlas should be taller than Mag...

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44 minutes ago, Emon1000 said:

Honestly, I think that DE shows the BMI of the warframes well, but I think that the warframes should be a different height, and not just tophats... but really a different height. I think that Atlas should be taller than Mag...


23 minutes ago, (XB1)VTG xSTEVIEx said:

The use of because ninja seems like a none option at this point as the stuff we have been getting is not exactly ninja even in the slightest, lore? Can easily be created just as new content releases with lore, this thread is heading just like previous ones 



My argument to this is that they are weapons, not people. They need to function and they need to be within certain parameters to avoid stress when swapping weapons. The essences of familiarity makes for successful adaptation between the different frames.Making every frame withing 5%-10% of an original base model, excal?, means that there is less downtime for familiarizing each operator with the new weapon, thus increase effective combat time and reducing training time.


Would also help with the manufacturing process as you could apply standardisation to each frame and share key parts.

Edited by BritishBob
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On 6/25/2016 at 9:12 PM, TheyreFood said:

Title... please make it happen DE i need this in my life


to clarify because some people do not seem to want to think deeper before posting comments:

i do not mean we should make a fat frame for the sake of making a fat frame, but instead i mean having a larger frame with a theme that matches it would be really cool 

i do not think it is just about representing larger people i mean it would be cool that it does that at the same time but thats not a reason in and of itself to really make a frame 

making it a massively obese frame would look stupid and not match the theme of the game, thats not what i'm thinking, but a pudgy frame with a bit of a spare tire could be made into something like, see samurai and sumo fighters


i think threads like this could be discussed about and commented on without being aggressive and by keeping an open mind on topics like this could help DE see design themes they could look into that could keep everyone happy, being hateful and mean helps no one and posting rude comments does nothing for the topic and just makes you look childish.

i would like to thank everyone that commented and had actual feedback (if you agreed with me or not) for being civil and helping the progression of this game, you guys are great!

The reasoning is that the warframes work out,  you know running, jumping, climbing and killing. You know exercise the true enemy of puginess and the spare tire.

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