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All these rotation Cs are giving me PTSD to Vauban Access


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its designed to nudge you in the direction of just purchasing the prime access instead. One of three things are going to happen. You'll farm the missions, in which case nothing has changed. You'll buy the prime access, in which case DE is happy cause they have your money. Or, you just stop playing the game all together, and DE doesnt care cause you werent spending money with them anyways.

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4 minutes ago, -Voltage- said:

2k hours on steam. I am not new, I am speaking my mind

Rotation C has always been an issue with those few players looking to play the relatively "Free" route. I ended up buying the parts of Vauban and his gear I needed when he was released. Just because I didn't want to spend countless hours I don't have normally to farm him.

Then you have those people who flat-out purchase everything upon release, and who laugh at those who still have to farm it. They are free to choose and buy it if they wish, but the only reason so many items are hidden behind a huge RNG wall + a Rotation C wall... is because Digital Extremes want s you to buy their Prime Accesses. Which is fair.

At least it is possible to farm, it just takes so much time I don't really see it worth the effort in most cases.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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Yep. Totally agree that this has to stop.

I totally understand that DE also has to earn their money to put food on the table, they are a company after all. But they are just going to far. If they are doing it purposefully or accidentally, I don't give a damn, the simple fact of the matter is that the grind has gone too far. 

C rotation has been dilluted with so much stuff that I can just imagine the 'operative' that has to find that stuff in survival is just literally swimming and drowning in a room filled with prime items, formas and cores as soon as (s)he gets to that. Much like Scrooge McDuck's vault of money. And that we should be glad that we got something at all because the operative barely avoided drowning and being lost to the ages. But meanwhile, A and B rotations remain completely barren, with 1 or 2 prime items at the most and only void keys, cores and orokin cells being given most times. It just seems like DE avoids A and B rotations and drop chances above 5% like they are the black plague.

And that's when I really draw the line. It has gone beyond 'making things a bit more difficult/time-consuming to entice buying', and has headed straight into 'ok screw logic and time required, just make it as long and frustrating to farm as you possible can'.

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Pro Tip: It is faster to join every other void key group and sell off all your prime stuff from those keys and buy the vauban prime parts from other players, than it is to put your faith in RNG and hope to get the 4 parts by yourself.

I farmed up 400plat in 2 days from random t3/t4 pugs and just bought my vaub prime parts. Very few could say they were lucky enough to farm up all 4 vaub p parts by themselves in 2 days.

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This is the reality of f2p gaming. These seemingly ridiculous time/gamble walls are there to entice you to pay. I haven't seen any non-pvp f2p games that didn't go this route. 

There's nothing you can do other than voice your displeasure but please understand that your displeasure ultimately means nothing to DE in the face of money (that they MUST get as their entire livelihood depends on it).

 Accepting this or quitting are your only two real options.

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3 hours ago, Faulcun said:

its designed to nudge you in the direction of just purchasing the prime access instead. One of three things are going to happen. You'll farm the missions, in which case nothing has changed. You'll buy the prime access, in which case DE is happy cause they have your money. Or, you just stop playing the game all together, and DE doesnt care cause you werent spending money with them anyways.

This game economy is based on 2 kind of players.. Who buy the PA saving hes own time spending plat on trading and who dont buy PA spending time farming and selling things, both are absolutely useful.

You should understand that if there are no sellers (mostly of them are people that dont buy PA but they anyway wants plat to spend), all the "wallet warriors" ready to buy any prime trash ingame will just stop buy the PA..

Is just a dog that bites hes own tail and DE knows, thats why they CARE if you stop playing even if you never bought a single PA

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3 hours ago, Zerathos_Dagon said:

Yep. Totally agree that this has to stop.

I totally understand that DE also has to earn their money to put food on the table, they are a company after all. But they are just going to far. If they are doing it purposefully or accidentally, I don't give a damn, the simple fact of the matter is that the grind has gone too far. 

C rotation has been dilluted with so much stuff that I can just imagine the 'operative' that has to find that stuff in survival is just literally swimming and drowning in a room filled with prime items, formas and cores as soon as (s)he gets to that. Much like Scrooge McDuck's vault of money. And that we should be glad that we got something at all because the operative barely avoided drowning and being lost to the ages. But meanwhile, A and B rotations remain completely barren, with 1 or 2 prime items at the most and only void keys, cores and orokin cells being given most times. It just seems like DE avoids A and B rotations and drop chances above 5% like they are the black plague.

And that's when I really draw the line. It has gone beyond 'making things a bit more difficult/time-consuming to entice buying', and has headed straight into 'ok screw logic and time required, just make it as long and frustrating to farm as you possible can'.

Agree and they needs to turn the other way asap, the way they driving the game now is just burning out long time players. Mostly of my friends (100+ days spent ingame) are just logging in for 30 mins a day just if they feel like to raid, otherwise they gets a few talks in chat and then cya tomorrow.

Farming keys? After excavation nerf is not worth it (rather buy sundacates keys package)

Farming cores? Excavation nerf -> no ty.. Void and sorties gives tons of them and you wont be happy caus u was looking for something else

Farming prime parts? Frustation and disappointments over and over, just sell one Reaper set to get 200p and fuuk it (we long time players used to credits farm selling Reaper parts, cant believe now they worth plat lol)

Farming resources? Only thing a veteran needs is Nitain and dont even worth to try to farm it (read on Reddit we talking about 8% drop chance, sorry but i rather wait alerts)

Forma items? Forma bp drop chance & interception affinity are nerfed to the ground, plus nowadays DEs used to nerf warframe/weapons in bunch of 6 at time.. I rather save myself from that as well

Play sorties? You cant say thats fun, since you played em 5-10 times you wont see em again because they are cheesy over 9k and best reward you would get will be a bunch of cores no onescreally need anymore.

my 2 cents

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7 hours ago, (PS4)KrakenUnchained said:

This game economy is based on 2 kind of players.. Who buy the PA saving hes own time spending plat on trading and who dont buy PA spending time farming and selling things, both are absolutely useful.

You should understand that if there are no sellers (mostly of them are people that dont buy PA but they anyway wants plat to spend), all the "wallet warriors" ready to buy any prime trash ingame will just stop buy the PA..

Is just a dog that bites hes own tail and DE knows, thats why they CARE if you stop playing even if you never bought a single PA

All trading does is transfer platinum from those willing to buy it, to those willing to spend it. The more trading is done, the more platinum will be spent. Platinum is a finite quantity in the warframe economy. Those willing to buy it once, will be willing to buy it again. I understand very clearly how this F2P model works.

I have around 200 people on my friends list. I only see a handful of them online at any given time. Some of them will never log in again... having been absent for more than 1000 days. The blunt fact is that people do stop playing the game... pretty often. We filled our clan to the top, and I remove people who have been absent for more than 30 days in an attempt to keep active people. We are constantly having to replace people. New people, veteran people... high MR, low MR... doesnt matter. People stop playing for a multitude of reasons.

Because of this, DE constantly puts out content updates and releases. There are 300something weapons in this game, and save for a couple dozen, the community considers most of them "mastery fodder" (I do not share this opinion).  The trick is to release content with shiny bells and whistles to get you to buy it once. Everybody has an expiration date on their time in this game. So content is pumped out to maximize on your willingness to spend real money on it before you stop playing.

In the end, trading for things, or the transfer of platinum, is merely a second tool to increase the flow of platinum. Whether its traded to somebody who spends it on cosmetics, or to somebody who hordes it and never spends it.... at the end of the day, its leaving the hands of somebody willing to buy it. Once they have spent it all, as I said before, they more than likely will be willing to buy it again. Anything that increases the flow of platinum away from those willing to buy it is all part of the plan.

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It would be nice with some generosity on DEs side though. The access packs are ridiculously over-priced. ANY form of generosity would be lovely... like better drop rates. Just a tiny bit of it.

Edited by Hoffler
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14 hours ago, Faulcun said:

its designed to nudge you in the direction of just purchasing the prime access instead. One of three things are going to happen. You'll farm the missions, in which case nothing has changed. You'll buy the prime access, in which case DE is happy cause they have your money. Or, you just stop playing the game all together, and DE doesnt care cause you werent spending money with them anyways.

This argument gets repeated over and over, but can anyone prove it right?? I highly doubt it. People who dont want to bleed out in the unreasonable grind will buy the parts for plat in the trade chat. The only people who will actually buy the furiously overpriced prime access are those who really want it, not those unprone to grind.


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6 minutes ago, Nemsi said:

This argument gets repeated over and over, but can anyone prove it right?? I highly doubt it. People who dont want to bleed out in the unreasonable grind will buy the parts for plat in the trade chat. The only people who will actually buy the furiously overpriced prime access are those who really want it, not those unprone to grind.


Can anyone prove it wrong either? I highly doubt it. Still approve of your message. The grind and the prices are absolutely insane.

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2 hours ago, Senpai-Pie said:

"We want to reduce the grind."

-DE Every Single Day


If Spectres of the Rails introduces rotation C 2.0 instead of fixing this problem then imagine the live backlash at Tennocon.

Everything shown so far makes me believe it won't do much of anything to ameliorate the grind, though it might make the actual misisons more intersting. And honestly, the problem isn't just that stuff is in rotation C, it's that everyone is sick to death of the Void. The fact that certain mission types need a rework (I honestly feel Defense is dysfunctional in its current state, though whether the mission type or the game around it need to be fixed is another matter) doesn't help either.

The reason why people don't complain as much about Capture/Exterminate/Sabotage is that you can get those over quickly, so the pain of repetition isn't felt so much.

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2 hours ago, WjndWalk3r said:

I think you just need to wait for Void rework update (like me) xD If it's like DE said in the lastest live stream, it'll be less RNG xD

If they truly wanted that they wouldn't be putting as much as possible into C rot with a low droprate. So don't get your hopes up too high.

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