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Titania and Oberen referencing literature?


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1 hour ago, (XB1)Solargeo said:

Rather have an Alucard frame.  


1 hour ago, Vesiga said:

Vampire frame is Trinity, BUUUT wouldnt hurt to have a male Vampire themed too with offensive abilities instead of support


1 hour ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

I'd argue Inaros is the vampire frame. Just replace the sand with blood and he functions pretty much the same.

DE, You have my money if you do dis. COME ON!

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1 hour ago, Dreddeth said:

Actually Oberon is a reference to Transformers. The upcoming Oberon Prime will take this reference further by being colored red and blue and transforming into a semi truck during Reckoning.


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1 hour ago, 360Broscoper said:

If anyone has ever read Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," they would know that Titania and Oberon are the king and queen fairies with their marriage under turmoil. Perhaps the devs did that on purpose to make a bit of lore referencing Shakespeare, with both frames being uneasy around each other? It's a bit of a long shot, considering that nobody reads these days.

Short answer, yes, it's pretty obvious where the names come from. I think the important thing in naming the frames was the fairy theme, not their namesakes' marriage.

But no, I don't believe the frames will exhibit any kind of emotional interaction, since Warframes serve as a neutral proxy for the Tenno and the player.

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2 hours ago, Vox_Preliator said:


Oh god I would have lost it at this.  Neck beard nerd rage just literally everywhere. 

Fae would have gotten my vote, had I been able to, though I would have suggested Morrigan. 

The abbreviation is going to be problematic in recruiting chat though XD 

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5 hours ago, Vox_Preliator said:

That part I have to disagree with, I feel the first few syllables just don't flow well, especially compared to some of the other suggestions, like Aurai, Cyrene, or Edain.  I don't like the feel the hard sounds of the T's provide when I try to apply the name to a fairy.

Also, this is extremely nitpicky and entirely personal but the first three things the name conjures to mind for me is Titanium (element), Titanite (Dark Souls), Titans (Mythology), and only after that does it remind me of Shakespeare.  It makes me think of strong, heavy things, which contrasts with the frame's theme.

I'm not trying to convince anyone, the decision was already made, I just want my thoughts put out there.

Well it does seem rather fitting since

1) It is a Fairy frame

2) She uses metal butterflies

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8 hours ago, yual said:

So in literature, Oberon suck too?

Depends at which point of his mythology you're discussing.

In the root of Alberich, he's a powerful sorcerer and fairy king, and guards the Nibelungen but is bested by Siegfried/Sigurd. In French tradition is where Oberon arises as a name, drawing upon Alberich...and it's from here that Shakespeare later draws upon. There's a lot more to the name than Shakespeare's Midsummer night's dream for Oberon.

The same is not true however for Titania, as before then the Fairy Queen was unnamed in common mythology. Shakespeare granting one is arguably why it became something of a Stock Name for such characters; there was no competing alternative or even root. Which is somewhat interesting in a manner of how mythologies can be formed and such, but that's perhaps beside the point. This isn't grousing by the way...just observation.

Over all, Oberon's got a pretty respectable bit of mythology behind him where he isn't a non-entity by any stretch. Would be nice if the namesake we have could be somewhat better honestly. 

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10 hours ago, Vesiga said:

Vampire frame is Trinity, BUUUT wouldnt hurt to have a male Vampire themed too with offensive abilities instead of support

Trinity is a bee. Her prime even has a bee butt. Through EV she's giving honey to her allies. As we all know, honey is high in sugar and as such it restores energy.

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3 hours ago, Blakrana said:

Depends at which point of his mythology you're discussing.

In the root of Alberich, he's a powerful sorcerer and fairy king, and guards the Nibelungen but is bested by Siegfried/Sigurd. In French tradition is where Oberon arises as a name, drawing upon Alberich...and it's from here that Shakespeare later draws upon. There's a lot more to the name than Shakespeare's Midsummer night's dream for Oberon.

The same is not true however for Titania, as before then the Fairy Queen was unnamed in common mythology. Shakespeare granting one is arguably why it became something of a Stock Name for such characters; there was no competing alternative or even root. Which is somewhat interesting in a manner of how mythologies can be formed and such, but that's perhaps beside the point. This isn't grousing by the way...just observation.

Over all, Oberon's got a pretty respectable bit of mythology behind him where he isn't a non-entity by any stretch. Would be nice if the namesake we have could be somewhat better honestly. 

Today I learned...

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13 hours ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Still waiting for my Puck frame. His 4th is breaking the fourth wall and talking about how he's necessary for the story to remain lighthearted.

Puck is like the Jar Jar Binks of Berserk ;)

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16 hours ago, Vox_Preliator said:

That part I have to disagree with, I feel the first few syllables just don't flow well, especially compared to some of the other suggestions, like Aurai, Cyrene, or Edain.  I don't like the feel the hard sounds of the T's provide when I try to apply the name to a fairy.

Also, this is extremely nitpicky and entirely personal but the first three things the name conjures to mind for me is Titanium (element), Titanite (Dark Souls), Titans (Mythology), and only after that does it remind me of Shakespeare.  It makes me think of strong, heavy things, which contrasts with the frame's theme.

I'm not trying to convince anyone, the decision was already made, I just want my thoughts put out there.

In British English, it's pronounced "tih-TAH-nee-ah".

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18 hours ago, Vesiga said:

Vampire frame is Trinity


7 hours ago, QuietBiro said:

Trinity is a bee. Her prime even has a bee butt.


7 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

Lobster yo not a bee.

She's a SPIDER. She even has additional faux legs coming out her back. First ability paralyzes a foe then drains health from them. EV as well but with energy. Link spreads out like a web. Blessing sacrifices her own health to heal her allies the same way a mother spider is eaten by her offspring.

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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Actually, Oberon is a reference to the Star Wars character Oberon Kenobi. They didn't even go very far from the source material, since Smite is basically just a rename of the Jedi Mind Trick, and they both even look like old goats.

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4 hours ago, Dreddeth said:

Actually, Oberon is a reference to the Star Wars character Oberon Kenobi. They didn't even go very far from the source material, since Smite is basically just a rename of the Jedi Mind Trick, and they both even look like old goats.

You sir tried too hard and just failed miserably.

I award you no points and may RNGesus have mercy on your soul

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