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Star Chart 3.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but some of the Junction tasks only count if you do them personally, not just someone in your squad.  For example:

Mercury Junction -> Defeat Jackal: only seems to count if you personally deliver the killing blow

Mars Junction -> Sabotage 3 toxin injectors: only seems to count if you personally trigger the injector overload panel

You need to either solo these or find a squad of good friends and do it 4x times, one for each squad mate.

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Node names need to be bigger on higher resolutions. I play on a smaller screen so things are fine, but when you play on a 20+" monitor, the names get way too small, making things harder to see and annoying to click (a small cursor trying to click a small button in a large screen should've been explained in UI design 101)

Needs more zoom levels. Like the above problem, higher resolutions tend to result in your zoom level making you look at nodes either somewhat smaller than comfortable and way too close for comfort.

Dark icons on dark background is a no no. Corpus ships and archwing nodes especially. They lose their silhouette and you may as well not have icons there. Make the icons brighter or give them outlines or both. Could be graphics settings making things harder to see, though.

It's also annoying to zoom all the way out and have your warframe in the center of the solar system and distracting your view

14 hours ago, Centuras said:

The mission auto counts down in solo mode, so if I click the wrong node by mistake, I have 5 seconds to cancel it before it starts and I have to wait for it to load, then abort it. Perhaps revert to the old system where we have to click 'Play Now' for it to launch?

That needs to be added as an choice in the settings. Some like it this way and some prefer playing it safe

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Since everyone already said just about everything i'll stick to one or two things. Certain parts of the warframe in the background of the Starchart are shown as invisible, for example my warframe has those samurai shoulder guards on, yet in the chart they are shown as invisible along with the sigil I put on his chest. Hopefully you guys can eventually get to this i know it isn't that important lol

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Aside from the void rework and junctions I prefer the old map in every way. This one is terrible.

The market is also suffering from similar issues.

Old UI for both was superior. Feels like you went back to the drawing board on both rather than improving what you already had.

Edited by Sapphic-Sandra
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Before I give my take on starchart 3.0 a little backround on myself.

I am a mostly (95%) PS4 player for this game. Though I am no stranger to PC gaming. Built my 1st 8088 in the early 1980's and still play a large number of games on the PC across a number of genre to this day.

On the PS4, I am a MR21 and only have been playing since 10/2015. Granted not a long time, but I am a quick study, playing with a small group of friends. So the following can be taken as coming from a "new" player that try to read and understand most things about a game when new to it.

This is after trying things out for about 5-6 hours. A lot of time in chat tring to get questions answered, looking thinks up in the wiki, and just trying to understand just the starchart portion now. (I didn't even bother with any of the other new things due to how confusing this starchart is)

On PC, I am only MR4, completed Vors qst, once awake, Natah, 2nd dream, and have Archwing and Howl of the Kubrow to finish.... which now with these changes, seem to be a long long way off. I use the PC version of this game to check out what is new, look and try out all the "new" stuff, see what crafting mats will be like  to have them ready on the console, etc....  Also so that when it does all show up on consoles, I can help my firends/clanmates navigate through and answer questions for them. this way we get in more playtime and less BS time tring to figure things out (a most like to figure things out, however when time playing together gets tight. they get the cliffnotes version of bare min info to get things done now and go figure the rest out later)

While the new star chart looks nice. EVERYTHING is to small and transparent to read. I play this on a 28" widescreen monitor and have trouble making anything out. I even went as far as to run an hdmi cable to my 48" hdtv. While it made the lettering larger, due to color combos of everything around the text. Still made it hard to read. There is overall to much "noise" around anything important.

There is no clear info on what means what for the lines/lack of lines and colors of those lines between nodes. Even after reading the build notes while waiting for the patch to download, closing the game and reading them again ( a few times to make sure i didn't miss anything ) and still coming up with no answers to what should be basic questions and information about the star chart. Those of us that used to be able to get to the void (because we have the Howl of the kubrow quest started before this update) to try to farm up an argon crystal, now have no way to do so. Even at only MR4 and not so great mods/gear, I could run and solo most T1 missions save Def/MD/Cap (D/MD no frost so to much work with current mods, capture only because of said low ranked mods, hard time doing enough damage to bring down cap targets OP shields with anything) trying to farm an Argon Crystal to make a Incubator Power Core.

Junctions - their requirments dont take into account some conditions that the game should be able to check to see if they have already been met. Mostly Crafing of items, frames, completed nodes (ie run XX mission type on XXX node). Unless it is for something new to the game, If the node was previously unlocked to the 3.0 release, it should count towards the junction completion.

Alerts - I had a couple of nodes unlocked various planets prior to this update, due to beating bosses on the old starchart and getting my nav segments. Then If the mission types where ones I felt ok with trying solo or there were open groups I would jump in and do what I could.

Because of this had an Alert tonight pop up level range 33-37 and unlocked to me... and a mission on earth ( on a node that was unlocked to me prior to the update) with a much lower level range, on a now locked to me node (3 nodes away from the closest open node).... Yes I know level ranges were adjusted due to some planets being moved around on the starchart.. However this, seems to be a giant oversight. Esp when you see an alert pop up that is unlocked to you, only to check it out and find it is on a now "high" level node you have no business being on due to level requirment changes.

Mission nodes - Hard to understand how to navagte. Hard to even tell if there are other groups playing on the node. No clear way to tell if you have completed a node or still need to do it. No quick overview of the mission types, without mosing over each one. This was made more difficult due to how mouse sensitivity in ship/on starchart is totaly different to that of when in mission and how small everything is.

Extractor info and types of resource drops are WAAAYYYY to far away tucked into a corner of the screen. Out of sight, out of mind. I never noticed the extractor icon was even hiding in plain sight, let alone the need to hover over it to see what dropped on the planet for resources.


As I stated at the top. The new starchart, to try to understand, took way to long. WAY to long and I am not even a new player. Unless I had someone holding my hand and walking me though, explaing everything as we went along. I would probably of deleted this game if i were trying this game for the very first time. Even being walked through it. would be to time consuming.  On PS4, the clan leader, another friend and myself, tried to walk through and help another friend get started in the game (CL and friend both been playing on ps4 since lauch)(new player and friend on 2 boxes in same room{roommates}). New player, even with someone in the room with him, had trouble getting things done. as there was/is a lack of guidance just in the start of the game itself. I would say he is a good example of a casual,the other 2 and myself fall into the min/max semi-casual type (being we push ourselves and eachother on content and builds while not having the game being another job). The now former new player, stated he has had enough, Anything we explained, we could do so, so that he understood it. but it ended up being 80%+ we had to explain sometimes 4-5 times, in different ways. Said he got the jist of things, but no real understanding of it, without more questions popping up.

If this player were to try to come back now, or try to start for the first time. I would say 1-2 hours tops before they get so frustrated, they give up.

As it is now. I am not even looking forward to even being to try to explain any of this to my clanmates on PS4. Only 2 were even playing back when ya'll had SC1.0 and frame powers were still attached to mod cards. They will probably be the hard ones to try to explain it to. Even after it comes to consoles and they can even see it, while i explain it for the upteenth time to them.



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Looks cool. But 3 issues so far:

1.  Get rid of the one click to start mission. Go back to the second click to start the mission. Way to easy to start a mission by accident now.

2.  All nodes need to be a little bit bigger, They are small, hard to see and read, and hard to click on. Just make them a little bigger.

3.  Double missions on a node are hard to tell apart. When you click on the node or even mouse over the node, it should give you the option for each mission available as it used to.

Edited by Sepharoth
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As a veteran player I can't access junctions which require me to complete quests which I have already completed. I can't replay any quests, so some junctions remain permanently locked for me. Also "craft a weapon which requires MR5 or higher" for a MR 22 who has crafted them all is frustrating.

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i like it, but:

- make it so i can scroll out faster

- if im too close and want to open a planet i instead click on a damn node and it starts instantly

- biggest point, show me where my drones are at, you cant ask me to remember 3 drones i place on the same planets since like u14 or so, Im stupid dont do this to me

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I also like the star chart pretty much, it looks nice!
But as others already pointed out:

- it's hard to read - bigger font and darker background might help here

- the nodes are too small and it's somewhat more difficult than before to figure out what mission type they are and where to find what you're searching

I think the nodes should be clickable without starting the mission timer, so we can read the description easily, istead of mouseover.

It would solve the problem with accidentally clicking a node and starting the timer, when you actually just wanted to move the map.
And it would make it possible to hide the names of the nodes until almost fully zoomed in on a planet, enhancing the visibility and the overview we have over the "road map" - since you can always click on a node to see what it's named. Right now while not fully zoomed in or out, the names of the nodes are almost overlapping, making them hard to read.

Also, symbols for the different mission types, so we can see them with one look, could be an option - like the ones for syndicate missions we have now.
In any case, the nodes/symbols need to be bigger!

- the warframe in the background is very distracting

Depending on the color of the warframe, it can be even harder to read the font on the star chart. The transition between the warframe kneeling down in front of the star chart and suddenly seeing it from the front feels strange to me too.

It might already help to make the background darker, so the warframe melts more with it. But... it doesn't really make sense to me that we see the warframe at all, and even less how we see it and how the head is constantly following the mouse...

I vote for removing the warframe from the background entirely - the map would look sooo neat without it - or at least make it an option. Please?^^

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So I'm still not 100% sure what was wrong with the old map. I mean, it was an adjacency thing. Not super complex. It's like Candy Crush. Anyways.

1) The map is very swishy, and that's bad. There's a lot of furious scroll-wheeling and grab-dragging to navigate, which doesn't feel as quick as I would like it to be. Pretty, but not easy to use

2) Nodes are too small. Hard to click on.

3) Can't access the node under an alert. 

4) The threshold where you move from Planet view to System view is far too zoomed out. I can barely see the nodes and the map considers me to be looking for a node, not a planet. The quick jump to adjacent planets helps a bit but it's pointless if you want to move quickly to a distant planet.

5) There should be a tutorial that shows on old player's games when they start up, to take them through the functionality of the map and also the other things.

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1: It looks pretty.

2: It feels extremely disconnected to the Liset. Before, I felt like I was looking at a hologram being projected by the console (same issue with the new market place) Now I feel like I'm being taken to a totally different screen. It's jarring

3: Lack of information being laid out in plain view

4: What the hell have I completed? I can't tell. What do the colors mean? there's no map key. If you're going to give us a new system you need to give us a map key

5: Why do I have to do tasks I've already done for the junctions. This make's zero sense

6: Why can't I select the base mission when there's an alert in progress.

7: The nodes are too small, the font is too small, all the paths are too small.

8: When zoomed out I can't figure out what planet connects to what.

9: It's clumsy to navigate. I'm having to swoosh my mouse all over the place to get anything done.

10: While pretty, I honestly like the old system 100x more. It wasn't perfect, but I could figure out what node connected to what, I understood how to unlock new planets easily (beat boss, get more levels, simple) and I knew what planets had what resources. It was also very fast to navigate in. I also liked how the nodes formed a ring around the planet and I navigated around by quickly rotating the planet. It also felt very connected to the liset, like the navigation screen was a part of the Liset's systems. I also could tell very easily where the Archwing mission was, the boss mission, invasions, alerts, all that stuff at a glance. This is important. Information at a GLANCE. I didn't have to search or hunt for things. I click a planet, and I instantly knew what was what. What was completed, what was locked, where the alerts were, all of that. I'm lost now. I don't understand anything about this map system. It's very confusing and not at all intuitive. It only took me a few minutes of playing with the old map to learn everything I needed to know about it. I've been playing with this new one for an hour and it still confuses the hell out of me.

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After some more time to get get used to it, I have to say I like a few things. Progression is way clearer for new players, and they also get a lot of blueprints by doing the junctions, and that's it, really.

I still don't like how it works with a controller, the reticle does't even point at the right spot, I have to go to my mouse so that the cursor shows up, than I can move the controller reticle and the mouse pointer at the same time with the controller, but they're always in different places, and the one that really counts is the mouse pointer,so my controller reticle is very misleading, specially because by default the pointer is hidden( playing with X360 controller, BPM steam). 

The extractor circle at the bottom right keeps flickering, as if it was trying to show it's stuff, than immediatly gives up. I'd rather see it always on, the info, I mean.

Lines and nodes too small and too much alike( hard to distinguish one kind of event from another). Information clarity problem.

I like the new Void fissures. No more begging for groups at chat, and much easier time farming what you are actually looking for( and maybe some extras you're not looking for but still get).

That's it, looks really nice, makes progression routes much clearer, gets players to play together more easily, but has a lot of information clarity and usability issues. Also feels very disconected from your ship.

Edited by o-gibre
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1 hour ago, o-gibre said:

I like the new Void fissures. No more begging for groups at chat, and much easier time farming what you are actually looking for( and maybe some extras you're not looking for but still get).

Like... I suppose I'm okay with the fissures, (they seem like an unnecessary gimmick, but I can see what the aim was for them?) but the latter part is actually what I don't get.

Having tried them, I fail to see how it's more "deterministic" to get what you want. It's still a random roll from a table; the only difference is the game informs you what that table is BEFORE you start the mission, rather than you having to look it up on the Wiki.

And perhaps a bit worse, but it DOES seem that the tables were ALTERED. I frequently see the same item listed multiple times on one relic's list, often at the expense of having more variety. I'm not sure if it's CONSISTENT for the exact same relic, but it does feel like I actually have no more control over what I'm getting.

What I DO have different, is that I no longer have the option to try partying to stretch my keys/relics, nor do I have the chance to get, say, 8-12+ rewards from an endless (survival/defense/interception) key.

In other words, I can definitely say that my rate for getting prime stuff has gone DOWN. with these chief problems:

  • Missions are longer (I have to deal with a fissure ALONG with winning the actual mission)
  • Missions can now be harder to solo (A frame/weapon setup best suited for the frantic-up-close combat of a fissure might not be good at the REST of the mission)
  • There is much more limited reward for doing in parties. (while no "reward" for soloing)

So, they didn't strictly make it better for solo players (of which I chiefly am) but rather just removed most of the bonus for playing in a group. I'm not saying that the new system is BAD, just that I fail to see how it's really BETTER, and is merely DIFFERENT. (A missed opportunity, if it were)

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Stage on nodes (locked/completed/next) needs to be on the actual name of node (borders) instead of the tiny almost not noticeable dot.


Also, node description/info against some planets fades/blends, making it a little hard to see/read.


Edit: Increasing the size of fonts used on node names would also be appreciated.

Edited by Souldend78
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Ok, first a pic: 


Now, the problem - the lith fissure is in Mot. Mot is the end void node coming from sedna, with L40+ enemies appearing, for advanced players.

Lith fissures happen to be a requirement to unlock phobos, which will unlock Ceres and so other planets... including Sedna

Thanks to the fact that Lith fissures in nodes beyond Mars, it is impossible to progress past Mars 100% of the time. A new player would become stuck until RNG decides to place a Lith fissure on mars.

Suggestion: Always have a Lith fissure somewhere on Mars! (and appropriate fissures at the planets which need them to unlock the next stages)

Edited by TonyWong
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23 hours ago, RMSGM said:

Why are these requirement in junctions? really.. why? for a veteran who has the majority of stuff this update is a kick in the nuts, build a weapon.. really? if i unlocked every missiosn already i should have access to the junction specter no? if you guys did it for quests then why not the rest?

Why the hell do i need a boltor blueprint now? see what i mean its utter bs if you ask me, that could have been useful a couple of years ago, so why make us do it again for these rewards?


Simple, you DON'T have to do them, if you already have all the planets unlocked. But they do give you quite a bit of extra Mastery and the Mars one gives you access to the Relic Refinement.

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Just now, Souldend78 said:



So, was Relic Refinement a thing before? There was no such thing. Then what, it should be granted to us for free just because we had the planets unlocked? Since we have 0 reasons otherwise to do those Junctions, they gave us the reason, so that everyone will play them, it's that simple.

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12 minutes ago, TonyWong said:

Ok, first a pic: 


Now, the problem - the lith fissure is in Mot. Mot is the end void node coming from sedna, with L40+ enemies appearing, for advanced players.

Lith fissures happen to be a requirement to unlock phobos, which will unlock Ceres and so other planets... including Sedna

Thanks to the fact that Lith fissures in nodes beyond Mars, it is impossible to progress past Mars 100% of the time. A new player would become stuck until RNG decides to place a Lith fissure on mars.

Suggestion: Always have a Lith fissure somewhere on Mars! (and appropriate fissures at the planets which need them to unlock the next stages)

I have this issue right now. It's frustrating. I have no way of progressing past it. I was lucky though. Through someone else (before the change) I was brought to do the boss fight on Jupiter, which lead to me unlocking jupiter (backwards) and getting the coordinate piece for Saturn. But I can't get Ceres and Phobos now. I'm not sure if I can unlock sedna (don't know the requirments) even though I've skipped ceres and phobos though. Not sure how far I can progress because of those two being locked actually.

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6 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

As a veteran player I can't access junctions which require me to complete quests which I have already completed. I can't replay any quests, so some junctions remain permanently locked for me. Also "craft a weapon which requires MR5 or higher" for a MR 22 who has crafted them all is frustrating.

I figure the quest thing will be hotfixed at some point, but creating weapons again you've already created? What? Is there an extremely good benefit to bothering to do this?

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all right, let's start with the bad for a change. 

- junctions require you to do alerts, and those can be done on any planet as far as I know (tested on earth-mars junction, I didn't do an alert on earth) but fissures must be closed on the specific planet. it's not only inconsistent, it's an arbitrary RNG wall to your progression, as you cannot get more planets if there are no fissures avaiable on the planet you are stuck on. the way to the next planet is either open or close, and you can do absolutely jack &%$&& about it. it's also annoying to people who want to do the junction requirements but just can't. please let us close fissures where we please. 

- some junction requirements are oddly specific or things that people probably already did but have to do it again. clear 5 missions on uranus with only a melee weapon equipped really sounds really specific and has no connection to the planet whatsoever. crafting weapons with mastery requirements, well, what if I already did it? this one mostly affects veterans, but ok, I can dig it. 
why do I have to bring a mod to rank 2 or more when I have maxed rank 10 mods in my inventory? and why is it a requirement when the mods tutorial makes you upgrade a mod? this one requirement makes no sense to be, especially not in the earth-venus junction, since earth is the planet you start in. it's not a display of skill or anything like that, it's the question of "did you do the mod tutorial?" which will probably will always be answered with a yes. except if you are a veteran you have to get a random mod to rank 2 now. please change the requirement to "have a mod to rank 2 or higher". 

- right now the only two reasons I see to put the destroyed relays in the map is "remember what you have done" and "don't worry, we will be doing something with them eventually". none of those seem really compelling. you know your timings. I don't think having the relays in the map helps anyone. 

- the removal of loot caves doesn't help anyone. you know that. we know that. just put many loot caves around and lock them off by MR. interception missions look like they are "it" for now, so it shouldn't be hard to do. 

- killing eximus units on earth seems way too much difficult. there are almost no eximus units around; I did a 20 waves dark sector defense and found 1. unless I'm missing something. consider chainging the requirement for the earth-venus junction. 

- when unlocking a junction, you are immediately brought to the planet you unlocked. an ok idea, but not if I have a segment to put down, like the void relic segment. please make so that you are brought to the planet you unlocked the next time you go to the starchart. 

-wen you zoom out almost all the way, you can still select mission nodes, but you can't see them. tweak the range in which nodes are active. 


I think that's it for the bad, so let's go with the good.

- the sight it amazing. I didn't experience starchart 1.0, so I can't be biased. I was really surprised of how much the 3.0 chart changed during development. it's almost like it took a year....

- planets have less nodes, which leads to less redundant missions. +1 from me. 

things that I would like to see: 

a mission search function, because search functions are bae. 

an event just to show off how the map reacts to more nodes added to various planets. 

more color indication of what nodes are alerts and invasions. I do not have a problem with them, but it would be a neat touch. 

good job overall, just next time trim even more update for less wait. tell your producer to hire more producers and train them mercilessly.

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19 minutes ago, (XB1)Onyx Guarrd said:

I figure the quest thing will be hotfixed at some point, but creating weapons again you've already created? What? Is there an extremely good benefit to bothering to do this?

There's no benefit to it whatsoever unless the product will be consumed as a component for something else you have to craft later. You only get mastery for a weapon one time; the first 30 levels it earns ever. Being forced to build a new weapon when you literally own every weapon (someone who is MR22 literally has everything possible mastered) is being forced to flush resources and credits down the drain, especially since they say "with specific requirements". If the freebie blueprints we get from completing other junctions don't happen to meet those requirements, then we have to pay for the BP and the crafting, which is just even more credits lost. 

I believe there are only one or two of these requirements on the junctions at the moment, and hopefully crafting the MR5 weapon will satisfy both requirements at once, but some of the requirements definitely seem very arbitrary. The one that is going to have me in fits is the one where you have to (personally?) recover three mods from Lua challenges. I'm pretty well screwed on that one. 

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