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Star Chart 3.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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There needs to be a quicker way to see which resources are on each planet/sector.  Right now we have to click and then hover over the Extractor icon on the bottom right, which is also WAY too easy to miss for new players.  You should make it like before so when players click on a planet the materials are displayed on the side of  the screen with names and icons.  In addition, to make extractor deployment and material viewing more accessible without having to zoom in and out of planets/sectors, I made this quick mock up of how the icons for materials and the button for extractors could pop up when hovering over a planet/sector. 


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Alert, Syndicate, Nightmare, Regular Mission Selection. *removed* FIXED (finally)

Wait for a Squad or Play now. *removed* NOPE, NOT YET FIXED. (Only encountered 3 out of   missions I ran that let me wait for a squad)

Probably already mentioned, but gonna mention it again.

The new star chart is beautiful, cool & slick, Yes. BUT functionality wise, it's really lacking good features that I mentioned (probably some more features that's been removed that I couldn't find), it simply removed the choices/options of selecting mission type which was a far better experience than "Play this specific mission! You have no choice! Go now!"

Please bring these features back, they were more efficient. The current features is more of an annoyance than an improvement.


Edited by ZakhSilpheed
1st problem is fixed, 2nd problem still remains
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I can't seem to select the regular mission type of a node if a syndicate mission is there. Apparently, the new star chart forces you to do the syndicate mission first. Please make it like the old Star Chart where you were given an option to select the normal or syndicate version of a mission.

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1. Please consider removing of this transparency gradient on mission info / making it less transparent, it's unreadable on bright backgrounds.








2. Shape of mission nodes located on planet changes in a wrong way when you move camera.

And not sure if related, but navigation UI shows clan (alliance too, I guess) emblems as default.

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Loving the feel of the star-chart, needs a few tweaks (all mentioned previously) to be great but defiantly a great step in making the setting have a feel of being a solar system.

Option to hide frame
While I understand that its desired that your current warframe is a focal point in the game, it would be nice to have an option (in settings) to not show it when in the navigation screen as some colour schemes cause the map itself to blend with the frame.  
As much as the game is a third person thing we don't really need to see it at all times in every menu and screen. Forcing it to be that way really just distracts from it being your current game avatar and some annoying image getting in the way.


Junction Awards for all players: Slots
Likewise I cant help but think junctions rewards are missing out on a great opportunity to give rewards valuable to all players (from newbies to vets) while taking care of a problem with the amount of growing gear.  That is in slots.

Junctions make for a great place to supply players with a handful (13 in total) of additional slots beyond those of a starting player.  This is needed as currently the starting slots we have are very small and haven't changed from the start, when we had a few frames and a handful of weapons.  Now we have a plethora of weapons (200+, many unique), over 30 odd individual warframes (a few you can only get the once), companions and now newly added Archwing gear all taking up slots.  Giving out a few would help new players to keep up with the every growing collection of gear and give the experienced veterans some reason to actually bother completing junctions at all.

The upside of using junctions is the rewards are only ever able to be gained the once, no grinding will enable players to farm them up in large quantities, yet will still give players an incentive to keep going through them (regardless of experience level), while still keeping the free collection of slots low enough that players will still want to buy them.

Edited by Loswaith
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Really want my ability to select normal, nigtmare, syndicate etc... mission like before, really boring when we don't want to fight the phorid or complete a void fissure but just complete the objective of the junctions.

Please, rebalance the position of ressources, newer player may have some difficulties to build some item, and they may require some of them if they want to go on other planets.

I find the old system (kill the boss from a planet) better than the junction, the older starchart was easier to use when you want to find syndicate, nightmare mission.

anyway the is one is more beautiful :)

Edited by Soketsu
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Some missions unplayable, or very hard to access, due to nodes being covered by the alert layout at the top-right.
Playing with x360 controller, BPM steam, 1366x768 resolution.

Nodes: Malva - Venus; Ur - Uranus; possibly Yursa - Neptune( It's not yet accessible to me, so I can't be sure.)


Edited by o-gibre
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Many have mentioned but I wish to reiterate that not being able to choose the mission on the same node left me with nothing to do. I wanted to level my newly formaed frame on "Draco", but the access to that mission was a sabotage syndicate mission which I did not want to do.

I did not like the feeling of being blocked from doing what I wanted to do, and decided to log off, since there was nothing to do anymore. I wanted to level my formaed frame fast, and I couldnt do it, because I could not choose the mission I wanted to do.

With Void 2.0 already giving me little incentive to play, Starchart 3.0 is not helping, at all.

Please reinstate the function of being able to select the mission, at least. the other gripes about the one-click mission select and the small font and nodes are something I can live with and get used to, but not the loss of freedom in choosing the mission I want to do.

Thank you.

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Star Chart suggestion:

Separate the current star chart into two modes: Solar System Overview and Planet Centric

Solar System Overview:

  • Remove names and hitboxes of missions (missions can only be accessed from the planet centric view)
  • Leave Relays like they are now (clickable from the solar system overview)
  • Zoom should be centered on the coursor, not on the middle of the screen
  • Show additional info while hovering over a planet
    • Dominant faction, drop tables, alerts, invasions, syndicate missions, void fissues, sorties

Planet Centric View:

  • Can be accessed by zooming in long enough or clicking on a planet while in the solar system overview
  • Mouse wheel rotates the planet
  • Esc brings you back to the solar system overview
  • Spread missions around the whole planet


Also, bring up the Dojo UI instantly when clicking on the Dojo.


And please revert the minimap changes. If you want to show the warframe icons, replace them with the player icons.

Edited by KaeseSchnitte
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The Starmap is nice, but sadly lacks information and updates we had with the old map. What i would suggest:


- Think about makign the planets rotate so they look a bit more 3D, instead of the current 2D look.

- Mission names need to be bigger and their background should not be semi-transparent

- Mission symbols should be bigger to make it easier identify whats on the node, they should also get colors, like in the old system (why was this forgotten while building it?)

- We need the ability back to choose missions behind missions. This also already worked in the old system.

- If we are focused on a planet we sometimes cant choose missions from the upper right menu and have instead to search for the node on the planet by hand.

- Movement on the map should be made more strict. It currently has 2 layers. One shows all planets, the other one focuses on a planet but allows movement between systems and zooming out. The second mode is nearly pointless and should instead focus on the planet, using the connections for movement. I dont see the point why we can scroll out a bit, as mission nodes arent readable that way anyway.



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The nodes (missions) need sub-nodes. Make a fork coming out of a node if it has an alert/fissure/sortie/invasion/etc... add multiple forks if there are more than one thing. Maybe even paint the fork and the sub-node in a different color, so they'd be easier to spot.



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Firstly, a huge thank you to the devs who have worked tirelessly on this update, and on the game as a whole. We really do appreciate your work!

Would just like to mention that I haven't been on WF a ton due to the various bugs and crashes, so the info I have might be a little off. Now on to the feedback.


1) I personally think the icons (that denote special missions) and click boxes (hitbox?) of the various nodes are too small. It feels a little unwieldy to use, and the icons are small enough that I have to spend extra effort to discern what it is. Making both of these larger would be great. The new star chart is beautiful, but is just not very user friendly, at least to me.


2) I think the junction tasks are pointless. They add nothing to the lore of the game, and especially to veteran players, they are just chores we are required to do. A suggestion I have would be to remove junction tasks, but make a planet boss drop an item required to access a specific junction. These drops would be based off a favourable RNG, so newer players can't simply ask for one taxi to access the next planet. There would also be a certain percentage of solar map completion required for the current planet in order to access the next.


3) Not sure if this belongs to this section, but: void and prime drops. I like the idea of decreasing overall grind by bringing multiple relics to a single mission, but the implement leaves some parts out.

3.1) Most of the void is made redundant with the new system, since the rewards aren't that great any more. Players are also restricted by mission type, depending on what void fissure is currently up. This delays farming, and especially affects those who don't have a lot of time to play. For example, lets say I have 2 hours a day to spend on Warframe. I would like to farm a Meso fissure for the rewards, but absolutely detest defence missions. I see the current Meso fissure is a defence mission. I suck it up and don't farm Meso fissures for today. This is a bad idea because as a player, I would ideally like to play whatever missions I want, whenever I want. Also, why would I want to run a defence mission when I can run a capture/rescue for the same rewards? However, I like the fact that the factions for the void fissures rotate. This is a refreshing change to gameplay.

3.2) There is some unfairness in that players can use any relic they want in a mission type. Since each relic has it's own drop table, there is nothing stopping a player from bringing a relic with a poorer reward table (thereby less desirable eg, forma blueprint) to a mission where others bring relics with a better reward table (more desirable eg Nikana hilt YAAASS). There is some sort of unfairness and inequality here. A suggestion would be to ensure every one in the squad uses the same relic, or make it known to other squad members what relic a player has equipped.

Suggestion: Marry the old and new system. If the dev's intention was to reduce grind, reinstate the old void system where keys are used to access missions, with each mission having their own reward table. In order to qualify for a reward, the player would have to bring his/her own key. Less content made obsolete, I can run whatever missions I want for their rewards, reduced grind.


4) I have noticed that when there was an alert/invasion on a current node, I can't choose to do the normal mission. Was this intended? I hope not.


5) Because I especially hate this: Credits nerfed across the star chart? Why?? I'm already perpetually short on creds. This makes it a whole lot worse. Sigh.

Edited by AeonZBlade
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Okay, I'm sure this has been said before, but the Starchart feels very disconnected from the rest of the ship, so here's a suggestion:


See where my Saryn Noggle is? How about you put an Hologram of the Starchart there?

Another thing that can make the map immersive again: Instead of the screen fading black and the Chart coming up, you make the camera rotate to show the front of your Warframe while the ship darkens, zooms out a bit and the Starchart appears.

Edited by Venom-Snake
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really like the idea of a starmap, but the UI design could be more informative,
it would be cool to have mission types acronyms, from the planet level view without hovering nodes.
In my personal experience here's my priorities when the planet view is on :

1 - When there is an alert or "special mission mode" : where is it
2 - On regular missions : What type of mission, is it unlocked yet
3 - Did I completed this planet, what's my progression to get to the next one?
4 - What drops this planet can gives me?

A quick draft for fun,
of what i see as the planet view that reflect those points 





Edited by Erathic
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53 minutes ago, Erathic said:

I really like the idea of a starmap, but the UI design could be more informative,
it would be cool to have mission types acronyms, from the planet level view without hovering nodes.
In my personal experience here's my priorities when the planet view is on :

1 - When there is an alert or "special mission mode" : where is it
2 - On regular missions : What type of mission, is it unlocked yet
3 - Did I completed this planet, what's my progression to get to the next one?
4 - What drops this planet can gives me?

A quick draft for fun,
of what i see as the planet view that reflect those points (minus the drops, was too lazy : 


So much detail... looks gorgerous... I dont think my toaster can handle it....

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I have some feedback on the tasks required for junctions – I approve of their drive to introduce new players to a broad variety the game's features, but in some cases I feel this will end up obstructing player progression unnecessarily, even after the bugs are fixed. Here's a list in roughly descending order of problem significance (according to my opinion):

  • My biggest issue stems from Saturn Junction, for requiring the player to complete the New Strange quest. Whilst it's a nice quest, it's also one that requires you to build a warframe to complete it. This would be bad enough, since it's a time-consuming process to build something the player might not even want, but this is not just any warframe: Chroma's parts have nested crafting requirements, pulling components from:
    • Volt, whose parts are available exclusively from clan labs.
    • Ember, whose parts drop from the boss on Saturn, the very world you're trying to get to.
    • Saryn, whose parts drop from the boss on Sedna, which is entirely inaccessible to anyone who has not yet cleared Saturn Junction.
  • Phobos Junction has 'support either the Corpus or the Grineer in an Invasion', which is a rather galling case of waiting for RNG to deliver, since players at this junction will have 2 to a maximum of 4 planets unlocked at this point. Since Phobos is a 'dead-end' world, this wait would not be a problem if beating its boss was not a requirement for the Ceres junction, which is on the main progression route through the system.
  • Mars Junction asks the player to complete an alert mission – which would be a reasonable enough request were it further along the progression path, or not blocking the junction leading to the most other planets. Players at this stage will have only 1 to 3 planets unlocked, meaning they could be tapping their feet a fair while waiting for one to turn up on their doorstep.
  • Jupiter Junction requires the player to complete the Archwing quest. Whilst it's cool to encourage this, having to build the archwing parts to complete the quest introduces a substantial delay into star-chart progression. I suspect this quest's completion doesn't really need to be incentivised anyway, since as a new player I'd want a space-jetpack as soon as humanly possible, but this requirement could at least be transferred to Uranus junction, since having a built archwing is absolutely necessary for sealab missions.
  • Uranus Junction's MR1-weapon-crafting requirement is fine in principle, but any player hoping to complete it will probably need to check the wiki to determine what weapons meet the MR1+ requirement. To my knowledge, weapon MR is not indicated in the UI if you're already of high enough Mastery to acquire the weapon. In my opinion, either this lack of info needs to be rectified or the junction goal ought to be revised (this also goes for Sedna Junction's MR5 weapon requirement).
  • Mars Junction's "Sabotage 3 Toxin injectors at E Prime": Repeating the same mission 3 times doesn't strike me as particularly fun or instructive; I'm not entirely certain why this goal was included except to pad out the list. However, given there are 4 requirements for Mars and 3 for many later junctions, in my opinion this goal could be safely removed.
  • Sedna Junction requires players to acquire mods from Orokin Principle Challenge rooms, but within the game there is very little info on how to find or complete them – I myself only found out about them from outside the game before learning what to look for, and to compound the confusion there's now also that Simon-puzzle room that isn't actually part of the precepts but looks very much like one. Some kind of explicative mouse-over-text for this junction goal (as well as others, possibly) might be useful to save players having another reason to turn to the wiki.
    • This junction also explicitly requires the player to be MR5 – as a veteran it's a little hard for me to say if this is too high of a requirement, but for now I'd at least say it's something to keep an eye on, in the event that stacks of players start to hit a brick wall here.


Best of luck to you guys as you continue to roll out hotfixes, I'm still enjoying myself and looking forward to future updates.

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My main issue with the new Starchart is the supremely annoying throbbing sound coming from the Derelict. Every mission which is registered as available is apparently marked as an uncompleted Node, and throbs for attention, flashing blue and making that irritating thumping noise. Same from the Dojo as well.



Guys, please. Please. I know which missions I want to do. Really. I do. I get it. I understand. It is clear. Make it stop.

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can any1 help me on this ?

i finished everything on the planet, every node done, and i know the blue nodes are optional, and not counted (maybe?).
also checked in my profiler that solar map progress is complete as well.

i just want to confirm is this a legit bug. or its something wrong on my end

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Regarding the starchart i like the idea of a reworked version of the first starchart i especially like that you can see your ship orbiting around the planets, and the void being accesable in the map but there are some points witch could be  improved .

Overal user friendlynes of the chart

Great rework but the paths between planet should be more vissible , greater vissibility of the mission nodes would help players a lot and a slight increase in vissibillity of the still to complete nodes and paths would be lovely ( also I peronally find  that pulsing sound for not yet completed nodes is rather annoying after some time  )

Missions and junctions

First thing i personally find a little bit strange is that an alert mission would overtake a regular mission , i would like to see  the possibility of having to choose between the alert and the regular mission , as it is now it can stop new players in their advancement through the map and is kind of strange for veteran players.

Second issue witch need to be looked into is the auto start if you select a node , it is better to get the button "start mission" if you have selected it ,so that you can get the correct gear for said mission , it would enhance the gameplay and fits more into the lore considering you are in an orbiter witch would allow you to have an overview on the planet and if you have found a suitable mission to change your gear in correspondance to the mission and the occupying faction . See it as a deployment of a army division , you ( The Lotus ) as their general ( and mother ) would never send them into battle with the wrong gear now would you?

Third point of intrest are the junctions it seems a little bit unfair in some of them that  veteran player would have to build a weapon or upgrade a mod since most of us have either got most weapons or fully upgraded mods etc... I would keep it more towards defaeting x numbers of enemy soldiers , completing this or that mission , defeating the boss on the planet  it seems more logical that way to me because sometimes you just dont want to do a certain quest or build something you already have , it seems logical if you are a new tenno tough.

Another point is the missions in the void , it would be to me more logical if there would be a more straight line in the type of mission for example one line connecting al extermination missions , one all defence missions etc...


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6 hours ago, Elzam said:

i just want to confirm is this a legit bug. or its something wrong on my end

Seems to be a Bug, missions that require keys are there in Eris, but they are marked as "not completed", its what @BornWithTeeth said:


12 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

My main issue with the new Starchart is the supremely annoying throbbing sound coming from the Derelict. Every mission which is registered as available is apparently marked as an uncompleted Node, and throbs for attention, flashing blue and making that irritating thumping noise. Same from the Dojo as well.


Guys, please. Please. I know which missions I want to do. Really. I do. I get it. I understand. It is clear. Make it stop.

There's no way to complete Eris right now because Key Missions are always marked as "uncompleted".

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My overall feeling for the Starchart 3 is mostly positive with minor complaints. (Some of them have already has been raised here)

1.  Option to play regular mission instead of the Alert/invasion/syndicate missions. This is really needed.

2. Background noise. I'd love to have an option to disable warfrmae sitting in the background or at least disable it's movement. It kinda distracting and at times your frame breaks a neck. (See spoiler)


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