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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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5 minutes ago, Sennera said:

Damn, I'm only at 908 hours. I guess that's why I haven't gotten Hate or Despair yet :|

Anyway, nullifiers going lolololololbumrush at Frost snowglobes with their new changes has caused an interesting change for Frost builds:

It was a long journey, I can't even explain the sense of relief I felt when it finally dropped.. x.x

And that Snow Globe idea is... actually pretty interesting! That brings another thing to mind on the topic though...

DE... why oh why did you make nullifiers even more annoying? These guys need a serious second look IMO. Because...

  • They spawn way too often.
  • They shouldn't be able to block and disable all types of Warframe abilities, Focus abilities, melee attacks, bullets, and all AoE damage. It's just too much.
  • They invalidate weapon types that aren't fast-hitting, forcing you to bring a high RoF weapon just to deal with this one enemy, even if you don't like the weapon.
  • They can nullify through walls, even though many of our Warframe powers are limited by the environment.
  • They aren't rewarding enough to kill for how annoying they are. At least double their affinity reward, or force them to drop a mod/core/resource.
  • They're uninteresting. They're just a crewman with an oversized backpack, using a weapon that another unit already utilizes.
  • They're also an eyesore. That bubble is just... ugh okay maybe it's just personal preference and because I associate it with dread, but still.


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Overall i am enjoying the update i like how there has been more additions to archwing such as new mods and a new archwing and i hope DE adds even more future content to add more to it such as more weapons and archwings though my original expecations had been for archwing was to have it to be able to transition from ground to space combat or space to ground which i would love along with the nodes of ground missions having an archwing counterpart for instance being able to chose a mission where you can decide if you want to do it in space or ground and i can only hope this will eventually be implemented once archwing has more content to it and i love the new star map it is simply gorgeous with another hope that you guys at DE will add battles between the Corpus and Grineer in some of the area's of the map where there is nothing of significance.

But there have been some issue's i have encountered in this update for instance i will touch on the Grineer Scorcher.

Now lately i have been playing derilict missions trying to farm for kavat genetic codes (which is absolutely annoying and is taking forever) when i noticed that i am taking fire damage with no indication of where it is coming from. Now you are all probally thinking psssh as if but test this out for yourself if you don't believe me you will find that you will be a few meters or 7 or 9ft away though this might be slightly exagerated but still it was a considerable amount of distance from the scortcher where if they start attacking other enemies in their vicinity you will begin to eventually take fire damage from so far away that it is redculous or as soon as you begin to close in on the scorcher to kill it and you still take massive amounts of damage even if you are not in their direct line of fire for example you are behind them and they are firing at another enemy and not you but regardless of this you still take damage from being in the vicinity of them i should also note that they even have the ability to ignore solid objects with the damage able to pass through walls and objects of considerable density. I particularly found out this nasty fact when i spawned in the room with the pipes leading out you know the water pipe room with waterfalls etc all i did was take at least 2 steps and walla i ended up losing 700 shields and 200 hp in basicly an instant luckly i was able to survive with the use of health restores and shield restores but this ablity to allow their damage to pass through walls is rediculous as well as their damage in general which in my oppinion should be reduced along with their range though the Grineer Hyenka master is completely fine i didn't take any damage that wasn't unreasonable or that was from too far away from them and i made sure that they were none nearby me in particular when i took the damage in fact the only enemy in some of the rooms i was in that was capable of fire damage was the scorcher.

Then there is the mission results screen that i have noticed it doesn't disapear after a mission is completed and remains on the screen until you have returned to your liset where you can finally close it now this isn't annoying but the transition from mission to liset just looks odd now and i have noticed a bit of frame rate drop when we re-transition from a mission to our lisets as well.

The next issue is the ablity to squad up with other players and run void fissure missions now you are capable of doing this but a problem i have encountered is that sometimes you are unable to re-run the mission with the same squad as in you try to selcet the mission yet you can't for some reason and it instantly closes down not even allowing you to select an artifact and etc with the only way to repeat the mission with the same squad is to leave it and rejoin.

And then when i complete a sythi target i am unsure if i am getting any rep reward for doing so since there is no indication of me getting or succeding in completing a sythi capture and i am sure i have not reached my rep cap for the day so i thought i would add that in here as well.

Now finally this one is kinda my fault but you see a few days ago i was rushing from my liset's nav consloe to my armory and back when i uh tried to get up the ramp too fast i ended up going under it and no i did not get stuck but instead i fell out of the liset to endless oblivion.

Other than those few problems i have found the update to be good though i hope these issue's are addressed so that us players can get the best experience warframe has to offer i just think that the scorcher's damage has been scaled way too high or something but so far i am happy with the other enemies and how they are balanced and so far i am impressed with the update of the star map the market and the addition of archwing and kavats to the game.

I hope this helps.


Edited by Standoff25
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I didn't mind the update that much till I started to do the new Voids. Feisers or what ever these things are called. I am trying to be civil by not swearing but i hate them. The developers stated that they would make the void more enjoyable. They failed to make it more enjoyable for me. I hate it. I hate having to go search for them. I hate looking for golden balls that drop when kill a creep. I hate having to pick up the golden Balls that you decapitate of the enemy. I hate having to run back and forth tilling the void thing with golden balls. I hate that the golden balls don't show up on the mini map. I like running solo so this is the most annoying thing in the game for me. I think they are specially annoying if you running solo.

I will vote to bring the old void back if they ever put up a vote. For this one reason alone. I HATE golden BALLS.

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Of all there things with this update bugs are expected as always and are soon fixed, but the Market sucks. Blueprints are hidden and super hard to find and it takes so much just to find out if a weapon or Warframe has a blueprint. There should be blueprint categories/tabs like before instead of making this game look 100% pay to play/ pay to win due to new players not knowing there is a way to craft weapons from blueprints you can obtain from the market.

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1. Can we choose what mission we want to do on the node as before? When there is a invasion on the node it seems we have to finish that invasion before we do the original node mission. 

2. Make the full star chart as the starting screen of the navigation. 


3. When i stay still, the screen is keep spinning. I don't know is it adjusting the viewing angle or something but this kind of "function" just make me dizzy. Like when you capturing the point in interception mission then the screen is start spinning so you have to keep moving to avoid this.

4. Since the basic viewing angle is more near your character, when you melee the enemy the view angle just smash right into that enemy you are attacking(worse than before). And you can not see clearly what really happened. Especially when you melee a large target like the Ogma. Can the viewing angle pull back while melee the enemy instead of "smashing into the enemy"?

Actually the over all viewing angle of the archwing gameplay should pull back. We should able to see the surrounding clearly from the wide angle and this makes easier for us to see where are we flying to or where are the enemies coming from. Now we have to keep turning our viewing angle to locate the target/the dying teammate especially when we are really close to it. 




Edited by WaterFalll
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There are both negative and positive aspects of this update but i'm here to discuss the negatives, and how they're effecting me in general.

#1 First and foremost, i find this the most impacting, is the removal of endless Void missions (Void Survival and Defense). This, i believe was a huge mistake by the Developers. I understand the objective of the Void rework was to minimize the grind and simplify acquiring prime parts. I respect that, i really do but that doesn't mean you have to eliminate the grind completely. Some players, including I, enjoy running long Tower 4 Survivals or Tower 3 Defense etc, but now, there's not much for me to play for. My frames...now are useless. What was the point of spending hours and hours, forma after forma, into a frame that now seems, casual. Casual purposes. You've taken away a great asset from the game. 


#2 'Nerfing Bonus Credit Rewards?' Now tell me please, is it a crime for a player to be stacked with credits? Is it a crime for players to farm credits with ease? And also, why and who decided to 'Nerf' the LOR bonus credits? Why? Why? Was it too rewarding... i don't understand. The main reason i run LOR (Law of Retribution) is for credits. The amount of Credits compensated the atrocious RNG that LOR has and now, you simply subtract a portion of it.  We need credits, both trading and Baro alike. 


#3 The absurd amount of bugs active. Whilst you guys were hosting Tenno Con, we had to suffer the infections that this update came with. 

- Affinity booster / Credit booster, disabled.

- Completing Sorties don't reward you with Bonus Credits.

- Host Migration will cause your game to Crash.

- Stuck in the mission progress window when completing a mission, forcing you to restart the game.

- ( I know this one isn't a big deal but it's still annoying) You characters is bugged, sitting in navigation when you've left a mission/dojo. 

And the list goes on. These are the main bugs I've encountered, but i am certain, the community can provide a list, 10x larger than mine. 


#4 Fusion Core rewards. Honestly, i'm not go into depth about this instead, summarize it in two words; absolute joke. 


That's all i wanted to state. This update, in my opinion, is probably the worst update I've encountered, throughout my years of playing. I don't necessarily hate it, i definitely see the positive aspects of this update and i think it's great. I just believe where the Developers are heading towards with this game, need to steer off a bit and adjust/revert some changes. 



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5 minutes ago, BiomiZ said:

#1 First and foremost, i find this the most impacting, is the removal of endless Void missions (Void Survival and Defense)

They are still there, you can still go and do a long survival/defence at levels equivalent to previous T4.

6 minutes ago, BiomiZ said:

( I know this one isn't a big deal but it's still annoying) You characters is bugged, sitting in navigation when you've left a mission/dojo. 

Pressing Esc is enough to fix that. Unfortunate but a minor bug.

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I would chalk everything up to them needing to rush this update. Everything released has been half assed. The numbers are wrong, there are multiple bugs, the new void system should have been an ADDITION to the current void. There was no reason to remove the current void.

Nullifiers which are controversial were buffed with no regard to player concerns.  

If they really planned it out they could have had the void give prime parts and relics to run void fissures. 

I appreciate the effort that they put in but they need to polish these things off. 

They shouldn't scrap an entire idea for a new one that cant fit the previous ideas shoes. 

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#1 - I do agree on your point. They endless missions almost irrelevant. However, I like the fact that DE decides to move all prime items to non endless missions so we don't have to waste at least 20 mins for a single part. I think the best fix would be giving more credits/core rewards to endless missions, thus giving them better purpose without increasing the grind.

#2 - 100% agree. I don't understand the fact behind nerfing credit rewards in the game. It's not like most of us had too much credits in the first place. Not all of us can do raids daily and have 50 mil credits in our reserve.

#3 - The update isn't complete. DE had to release the update at friday due to the deadline.

#4 - What's up with fusion core rewards? If you're talking about the fact that alerts can also reward cores, I think it's a good move to make alerts more rewarding.

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9 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:


#4 - What's up with fusion core rewards? If you're talking about the fact that alerts can also reward cores, I think it's a good move to make alerts more rewarding.

1 Core. Last time I ran 1, I was rewarded with 1 Rank 1 Uncommon Fusion Core. I don't know if that was a troll but i know i'll run another. xD

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26 minutes ago, Lijka said:

They are still there, you can still go and do a long survival/defence at levels equivalent to previous T4.

Yes but the rewards are essentially rubbish compared to previously.


27 minutes ago, Lijka said:

Pressing Esc is enough to fix that. Unfortunate but a minor bug.

Yeah, it's an easy to fix bug. 

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28 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

I personally like the new void system tho...

I concur, i love the new reward acquisition system but i believe they could've taken this further and not limit a time for Survival for example. 10 mins for 1 reward is cheap. 

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Sup Bio, didn't expect to see you here.

1. Void, not much to say about it other than them being mundane gamemodes how, lets hope they'll add something worthwhile here. Maybe a Void fissure every Rotation C? Maybe even make 20-40 minutes increase your Relic grade, 60-80 and 100-120 makes them even higher. 

2. Pretty sure the credit rewards are bugged out at the moment, this wasn't stated in the patch notes. We should wait for a reply from DE.

3. Bugs are a part of every big content drop, wait a week or so for fixes.

4. The point of Fusion Core rewards from alerts was to compress the Alert Cycles from 15 days to 10 days so that items get rotated quicker. If you didn't notice, we have less Credit only/Core only alerts.

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1 minute ago, Agentawesome said:

Sup Bio, didn't expect to see you here.

1. Void, not much to say about it other than them being mundane gamemodes how, lets hope they'll add something worthwhile here. Maybe a Void fissure every Rotation C? :P

2. Pretty sure the credit rewards are bugged out at the moment, this wasn't stated in the patch notes. We should wait for a reply from DE.

3. Bugs are a part of every big content drop, wait a week or so for fixes.

4. The point of Fusion Core rewards from alerts was to compress the Alert Cycles from 15 days to 10 days so that items get rotated quicker. If you didn't notice, we have less Credit only/Core only alerts.

Haha, hey Agent (0_0)/

In regards of my fusion core statement, last time i ran one, i was rewarded with 1 Core. Even worse, the first alert i ran rewarded me with 1 Rank 1 Uncommon Fusion Core. I don't know if it's a troll or a bug but it's certainly not worth the time, for me at least. I expected something like x5 R5 Gold Fusions cores, instead of 1.

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46 minutes ago, BiomiZ said:

There are both negative and positive aspects of this update but i'm here to discuss the negatives, and how they're effecting me in general.

#1 First and foremost, i find this the most impacting, is the removal of endless Void missions (Void Survival and Defense). This, i believe was a huge mistake by the Developers. I understand the objective of the Void rework was to minimize the grind and simplify acquiring prime parts. I respect that, i really do but that doesn't mean you have to eliminate the grind completely. Some players, including I, enjoy running long Tower 4 Survivals or Tower 3 Defense etc, but now, there's not much for me to play for. My frames...now are useless. What was the point of spending hours and hours, forma after forma, into a frame that now seems, casual. Casual purposes. You've taken away a great asset from the game. 



I am complete with you on the voids.


DE could have simply given us BOTH things, yes! You don't have to completely remove one system to intruduce another if both would work well together. I kinda feel empty with the update. Apart from that I also find the new fissures quite boring, it's even more samey than the void keys.

Edited by Genoscythe
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2 minutes ago, BiomiZ said:

Haha, hey Agent (0_0)/

In regards of my fusion core statement, last time i ran one, i was rewarded with 1 Core. Even worse, the first alert i ran rewarded me with 1 Rank 1 Uncommon Fusion Core. I don't know if it's a troll or a bug but it's certainly not worth the time, for me at least. I expected something like x5 R5 Gold Fusions cores, instead of 1.

Actually it could be a bug, like how Junctions on reward 1 of each resource. I even ran a credit only alert the other day and it only gave 1 credit. Apparently additional awards seem to only award 1 of said item. 

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Just now, Marvelous_A said:

I found sorties not giving credits reward in the first day of SotR, but I thought it was a bug. Is this not a thing anymore? I mean, sorties weren't very rewarding in the first place and DE actually took away the credits? Seriously?

I do hope it's a bug, i really do otherwise, there's no reason, whatsoever to continue running daily Sorties. 

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