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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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48 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Quoting the updated hotfix info for visibility. Thank you all so incredibly much for your opinions and feedback! We're working on another hotfix as we/I speak/type. 

Thanks again its all good.

I understand things need fixing but you folks are on it so its all good!

Meanwhile I have a commercial mall development waiting on info about a newer type of solar cell and hours before my presentation I have no messenger with solar panel specs and nothing in my email inbox so I had to delay my presentation so I rather read about Warframe instead of yelling at the solar panel CEO.

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1 hour ago, P0TAT0CANN0N said:

Also, do you want the numbers on the void RNG? Because it certainly has not gotten better I can tell you that now.


If only my problems were limited to a video games abundance or lack of virtual items instead of a potential loss of real life millions of united states of america dollars due to late or missing solar panel specs...arrrgh!.

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I've held quite a strong opinion about this recent update (and even more-so for the manner in which it was implemented)

but having played through the weekend, I feel more informed and wish to make an addendum to my original commentary.


The new star chart is aesthetically pleasing and (now) fun to navigate. However, the glaring issues still remain until/unless a hotfix

sees them changed.

     -Clicking-and-dragging across the map activates unwanted missions instantly, with no prompt to 'accept', etc.

      -Eris still registers as having uncompleted nodes for all Tenno, and refuses any Extractor deployment.

     -We cannot choose the mission type on any given node (i.e. Alert, Syndicate, Sortie). We may only access whatever the top layer of the node is.

     -Junctions feel buggy, and many are having issues with their completion progress being recognized in the junction.

     -Most importantly, I felt duped having this system dropped in front of us with no information on how we are to use it,

     why there are junctions, where we access the new Void segment, etc. This frustrated many.


The new market could be an improvement, but currently feels less intuitive and a bit clunky.

     -The drop-down menu would suit better as an active sidebar.

     -Blueprints feel very hidden, and the chat was/is flooded with the same question: "where are weapons bp"

      Some click-through tips on navigating the new interface upon a user's first interaction with the new market would be great,

      and/or include "Weapon Purchase" and "Blueprint Purchase" buttons.


Void Fissures, Relics, Traces, etc. are not an inherent evil, though many of us would deem it so. I've had to rely on information

from other users on acquiring these pieces, how to use them, how fissures and relics actually work, etc. Because of the complexity

(and stark difference from original Void access), I felt that asking others (who had asked others) on how to use this new system

showed how poorly the system was implemented in the first place.

     -On my first attempt to access a Void fissure mission, I discovered the new Relic segment aboard my ship. I also discovered that I lacked

     the required segment..... or the knowledge on how to use it, where to find this segment, etc. A mini-quest for acquisition (as is done for most pieces/parts

     aboard the ship) would have been perfect. Instead, I had to ask around. This also ties in the functions of junctions. I experienced numerous errors

     in trying to complete the Earth-Mars junction's tasks.

     -Void fissures, and how my relic would affect the outcome of the game and the rewards received, were just another of many questions

     I had to ask others for. The only easily accessible reference provided by developers were the release notes, which are typically

     vague as they 'announce' features, and are less intended to 'explain' them.

    -Every fissure game, I find one or all of my fellow Tenno have no idea how the system works yet, and are asking others for help.

     Though this community aspect sounds poetic, we should be able to rely upon development for a thorough description.

     The lack thereof feels like an oversight. A tutorial mission exposing us to our first fissure and the reward table would have been superb.

     -The lack of reactant and inability for solo-play feels unfair - plain and simple.


Archwing - something I have yet to play since the update. It sounds as though it will be unpleasant, though....

Lots of complaints of nausea, etc..... yikes?


Bugs were running rampant all weekend, as is typical of a large update. I've yet to see what has/hasn't been fixed,

though several of these issues I haven't encountered since the first 24 of this update (knock on wood).

     -Many, myself included, getting randomly stuck at Mission Summary at end of mission. Either the screen cannot be closed,

     or we exit the mission and are stuck kneeling in our cockpit.

     -We are suddenly getting stuck beneath the ramp in our ships. This is either a bug, or a cruel trick. Newer players may not

     know that accessing Navigation, Arsenal, etc. from their own menu is an easy fix.

     -The aforementioned extractor issue on Eris feels like a bug.

     -I've experienced unusual/random lag issues since this recent update.

These bugs I have encountered myself, though I know many others have had a variety of issues.


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1) It was difficult to get a specific key for a mission that dropped a specific part. Now there are more relics then there were keys. (And those of us who didn't wait till the first hotfix and got only 5 types of each level for their keys of every kind can immediately feel how difficult exactly getting a specific relic is)

2) It was tiresome to do the same void mission again and again for a specific drop. It's now the same ''kill corrupted, feed the void'' mission for every drop. And you have nullifiers and bombards on top of ancient healers and everything else for t1. Level 20+ bombards on T1, might I add.

3) We had no way to improve the drop chance. Now we have a way. You just need to do the same ''kill corrupted, feed the void'' mission about 10 times to get 1 relic to almost uniform distribution of drops. With 6 drops and a uniform distribution, half the people will get it in 4 missions (40 if you count those needed to upgrade the relics, and a lot more to get those relics in the first place), but 10 out of 100 people won't get is after 13 missions with fully upgraded relics if they play solo, or won't get out of their way to make sure all 4 have exactly the same relic with them, and they all are refined to the max.

I personally thought we'll have the option to completely turn around the drop table, and upgrade in stages. But no. That would leave too little room for RNG, would it not?

4) We could go for prime parts whenever we wanted. And take people who didn't have time to farm the keys with us. Now we all have to farm for relics and then wait for the alert only to find out that 2 days in a row in about the same time T1 opens up in the section of the void that's placed after Sedna and 3 T4 level missions (corrupted level 40-45): MD, Sab and interception of all things. I'm talking about Mot sector T1 alert. Good luck, new players!

5) Archwing gear is now accessible! Nice. Until you realize you'll need to buy slots for those things now. If you'll bother with that mode at all with the new controls and movement (shoot back while pointing the gun forward, or sideways, why won't you?) on top of the old bugs like the ''my archwing is now huge'' one.

6) 5x core packs on Hieracon? Forget it. It's 3x core packs now.

7) Oh. level 30+ alert for a R5 core! Gives 1 R3 core. Alerts for an U5? Give anything from U1 to U3.

9) Went to the dojo? Return to the ship stuck in a seating position. Got out for that by pressing escape? Half the time you won't be able to use Navigation after that. And went from the arsenal to the navigation running through the ship? Your ramp will squash you into the floor because it's now descending slowly. Maybe because the ramp was OP and needed a nerf?

10) Sometimes you'll get stuck in the after mission report. With no escape but Alt+F4. Never happened to me before. It would crash on occasion, but never stuck like this.


Look, I can live with bugs. I could understand some mistakes. But as it was pointed out a lot, why release this when you don't have time to fix them? And why ditch the whole void concept?

I didn't like the moon spy, for example. I just don't like to fail the mission, and with the 15 minute ''no kill = fail'' invisible timer I can't solve puzzles without Goggling the solution.

But there were these void tears that took you through time.

When I heard about the new ''void tears'' that will spawn in normal missions and you'll have to do something to close them I though you'll need to travel through the tear and activate something, hack, shoot, slash, power up, freeze or burn, pull leavers in some order. Anything. Maybe even have a choice to upgrade your ''key's'' drop table to the next level or roll for loot. But I did not expect this ''kill the hoard, feed the void'' thing. In my wildest dreams I couldn't think this would be considered more fun, challenging and diverse then the old void mission by some people.

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17 hours ago, Crimwell said:

This new update. Great? Hate it? Everyone has opinions on the matter, some people don't care about it. I, for one, care enough about this game to log into my account and post a forum thread about it. Not many games inspire such progressiveness in me.


Specters of the Rail: What Happened To The Fun Of This Game?


I like this update, but bad things have happened.


Very. Bad. Things.


I love the Void rework. It wasn't very fun farming rotation C survivals to get around a 20% chance at one item of 4 that you wanted. It's much better to pick your reward from the relics. Much better. I love the new star chart, it's a thousand times better to look at. The new content is fun and refreshing.


Now for the part that has made this game dead to me.


I've got close to 250 hours in this game, not much compared to some others, but quite a bit. I've invested money into this game because I want to see it grow. When it started growing into something that not only I, but many many others dislike, that's when things start dying. 


1: The experience system.


Experience towards weapons and warframes before the Specters of the Rail was sub-par at best. You could run missions all over the system and get very little experience for anything. This is why Draco was such a hotspot, people would go to level their weapons and frames there because there were no other viable alternatives.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


For some odd reason, the devs thought that taking away the player's only viable option to level their weapons was a good idea. Great idea. Let's do that. Draco is now dust and ashes, there is no place in the entire system, as of now, that is a good place to level your equipment. The devs have taken away Draco as some sort of "these guys are taking advantage of the system, we can't let this happen" sort of thing. Well, when the system is faulty, people will go to what actually works.


Here's a counter argument I've heard and my response to it:

-The devs want you to take your time leveling things, they don't want you to just plow through leveling and be done with it.


I understand why someone would think this. Really, I do. I believe that weapons should take some time to level, along with frames.


But not ten thousand years.


The fun of this game doesn't come, for me at least, from leveling my equipment. That's a bit of a chore, and Draco was the best place to go and get rid of that chore so I could take my newly leveled equipment and go have fun farming prime parts or whatnot. Now, they've taken away any options to level your equipment faster. This small chore called leveling has now become a poisonous thorn in everyone's side. I don't want to waste my time and energy using a forma on my weapons or frames, something I wouldn't have thought twice about pre-update. I don't want to spend my entire adult life leveling one frame to level 30, only to forma it, reset it to 0, and spend the rest of eternity as a spirit leveling up my newly forma-d frame.



2: Credits System


Credit rewards for missions were fine, possibly above average. I got a good amount of credits for most difficult missions I've run. I had boosters from various things applied to my account and got even more credits. Definitely worth it.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


Credits. It now seems that no missions give you any credits. I had almost 2 million credits chilling in my account a week ago. I'm now hanging around the 50k mark, always having to sell things to scrounge by. Why is this? Oh yes, they've taken away all the missions that give you good amounts of credits. Golly gee.


3: Fusion Cores


Fusion cores were always on hand if you kept running the missions that dropped them. Some mods can eat up your fusion cores, that's fine! Go out and get some more.


Enter Specters of the Rail update


Fusion cores....what were those again? I can't remember, I haven't seen one in a very long time.


Now, I can't just sit here and rant away without giving what I personally think would be a better solution.



Up it. Everywhere. People shouldn't have to repeat one mission multiple times to get experience for their weapons because everywhere else gives nothing. Increase the experience gained across the entire board. High level missions give you a lot, lower levels still give you a good amount. That way, people will be more apt to actually do missions on planets. I literally had no reason to go to a majority of the nodes on any planet unless I needed a specific thing. If this is implemented, I believe it will give people more incentive to actually do all of these nodes that have been created. Complete their star chart.



Rather obvious one, give high level missions a greater credit drop


Fusion cores:

Another obvious one.



The main concern, as I'm sure you've noticed, is experience. I have less will to play this game now because of the botched experience system. This was a wrong step in a wrong direction for the devs, and I truly hope they'll see this for the problem it is and attend to the mistake. This is a very great game, I love playing it. What I don't love is never getting experience, credits, and fusion cores for the multiple instances of 20 minutes of my life that I just used running a survival mission. 

1 reason to keep draco alive: forma and more forma

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Bugs is normal thing for so huge patch, and we all hope that all of them will be fixed later.
But the new void is horrible. This simple alerts with this mechanic of rifts are not even close to old void-missions. Players need a competition, сhallenge... not Korean grinding-mmo game. Now high-levels have not any reason to improve their stuff.

New map looks awesome and great (but can drop fps on weak PC-systems)

Cats are wonderful, everybody love cats :3

Arch-wing? Who ever played this? =D

Best regards.

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Got a possible solution:

First, keep the new system. 

On the Star Map: Fissures cause Orokin to either replace all normal enemies, or Crossfire with them.

No mini excavation or Reactant needed.

Second, restore old void runs.

For Survival: 

No life support.

One new Fissure every five minutes. Void enemies drop Reactant which is still needed. Running over Reactant retrieves it, like life support now. Essentially Reactant replaced life support.


Each Tower is a Fissure. Lotus is using Void energy to close them as long as you control them. If enemies control them, you lose ground.

Other Void Missions:

Fissures are on the map. No extra mini excavation event, as all enemies are Orokin. Activate the Fissure to close it with the surrounding void energy. No Reactant.

Voila: Viva la Choice.

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Enjoying the game as always, but its obvious that many things doesn't work as intended. Couple of things i noticed and my suggestions.

- Survivals needs double rewards, expecialy void should wield more relics as it is orokin themed. People loved void but now it feels like its the least rewarding part of the game.
- Nodes needs allow you to chose acces on mission type if its either alert / syndicate mission / nightmare mission / regular mission / fissure.
- Navigation must display materials droped on given node as it used to.
- Fusion cores seems to be extremely rare now.
- Players should be able to transmute unwanted relics into traces or chosen reward from other relics.
- 6D archwing movement and random spinning is extremely confusing, old system was good just missed shooting while thursterboosting.
- DISPLAYS.... Theres so many codex images and we are only allowed to use fan arts and collected cefalon fragment images. Embers bottom on everywall got old already... Maby add genetic imprints displays?
- In fact its not easier to get rare part, parts that used to be rare are easly accesible now but others turn into ultimate rng madness, yet ppl doesnt seem to understand that.
- Economy seems to be destroyed for now, it will have heavy impact on both in game trades and platinum sales.
- Game is broken its obvious, ofcourse stuff will get fixed but WHY THE MOST COMMON ISSUES ARE IGNORED? Little regular hotfixes please...
- Sortie credit rewards still broken...

I know youre busy guys and everything is just fresh and need tweaks, thank you for your hard work.

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Just now, P0TAT0CANN0N said:

Oh I'm sorry! I thought we were in a forum about a videogame which you cared about! My mistake!

Naw. He's one of those types who spends most of their time posting about other game and unrelated subjects as a distraction to anyone actually trying to engage in more productive discourse.


Actual flaws in the systems introduced in Specters of the Rail aside, lots of questionable issues are being raised that sadly detract from the important points that need to be honed to a fine argument to being fixed. Things that baffle me how some basic problem-solving skill wasn't employed to work around.

Enemies spawn on your head when doing a void fissure - unless you don't sit under the fissure except when passing through to drop in reactant. Time spent posting this could be criticism of actual enemy interactions, not their spawning mechanism.

Available planet nodes are unclear - until you actually look and there's white, black and blue diamonds for done, unavailable and 'next'. Time spent posting this could be used to publicise progression-stoppers like Saturn Junction's failure to accept the Spy criterion.

Fissures are hard to find - except Lotus has a specific dialogue set for when you get close enough to the Fissure, just like bosses chime in again when you're only a couple rooms away, and most are on direct paths towards objectives/extraction anyway.


It's the little things; some people are more willing to come and complain than they are to actually explore the new game elements and UI (and presuming that a new player won't be able to do the same, when they'll actually be more inclined to look around and discover things in their unknown new game).


  • We've got greater repetitiveness in our Prime Part searches, with less rewarding teamplay (4 keys were 4 rolls before, only we got all of them) and issues with incomplete Key->Relic grandfathering (where's those Mag/Boar/Dakra relics?). More burden of keygrinding since you always need one and get only one part per relic.
  • We've got Nullifier changes making them even more anti-fun-police than before, the previous lose-lose design now with added player detriments that disincentivise mobile playstyles as you can no longer rely on things you leave behind remaining for when you return.
  • Void Traces are capped equal to the maximum consumption requirement, which is a cardinal sin of game development. Never waste player's effort: if you have 99 traces, you must go and do a whole extra mission to get to 100, in which every trace but the first is just wasted.
  • Grineer Scorches are ludicrously broken right now (no really. Go do a Derelict Exterminate and find yourself wondering where all that damage is coming from.)
  • Mag's "fix" for Continuous Weapons supercharging her Magnetise has made them drastically undercharge instead of being appropriate (~1% of dealt damage stored instead of 25%), and the whole 'absoprtion' mechanic still doesn't work with multishot or crit at all.
  • Sorties are not rewarding credits (and the UI is bugged, doesn't show rewards).
    • This combined with the removal of traditional Void means both the main sources of non-grinding credits have been removed from the game. Is Sechura still in business, or did that go the way of the Draco?


Please, people, before you post, spare a thought for whether your problem could be solved by yourself instead of 'needing' to be fixed by DE.

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So when I select a mission from the side menu in the navigation window (star map), it automatically throws me into queue. Before, it would only show me the location on the map and give more details of the mission, then I could select to start it. I want it to return to the previous way without automatic queue. Or give more information on the mission in the side window.

Personally I like the new star chart, and the flow is easy to follow for me. Tool tips would have been helpful figuring out the little icons and different colors.


About the market, the old one was better. Visually and mechanically. Took me a while to find blueprints. It's way too hidden and makes the game look more pay to win. Condensing isn't always better, just makes things harder to find if you don't know where it is.

Edited by Warfoxzero
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hey guys remember when alerts cover the nodes and you had to fix them?
well congratulations guys you managed to bring the problem back

also before the update my melee channel is on the RMB and it works fine now its still on RMB but it doesnt work, like its a dead button i had to remap my mouse button functions just to make it work

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6 hours ago, ShortCat said:

Released long before it was ready? They worked on it several months, at least since U18. In last devstream you could see how unfinished it was! Most chunk of work was put into Archwing and UI.

Archwing changes, while objectively good, don't fix the problem with the gamemode itself; AW is still disjointed from the main game and serves no purpose. This makes the rework absolutely worthless.

New Starchart looks like improvement of the old Starchart. Aesthetically I like it, but it still is just an UI update. This should not be impossible to do. Additionally, it still has a lot of issues, like not being able to select different missions on one node.!


Just because they worked on it for "serveral months" doesn't really mean anything when we all know that's the case. (It being released early)

Archwing is worse than it ever was. I don't even wanna rank the new weapons because it of, and I'm going to stay away until its problems are patched out.

One of the main issues with the starchart that I've seen is that there are HUGE progession stoppers... In terms of a new player trying to finish said starchart. Some of the objectives on some of the junctions are impossible to complete because they're based on the fact that you'll have to be there for when certain fissures open on that planet, or when Nightmare modes are there. Also, trying to have all the quests tied to the progression is not a good idea, also, we get chroma parts from completing certain junctions... So did they just remove the New Strange quest all together...?

There's a lot of problems with this update. Archwing and the starchart progression are just two of them. (I also really hate the Melee movement restrictions though. I hope it's just a bug)

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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1 hour ago, ControversyB said:

We are suddenly getting stuck beneath the ramp in our ships. This is either a bug, or a cruel trick. Newer players may not

     know that accessing Navigation, Arsenal, etc. from their own menu is an easy fix.

I had this issue early-on but haven't been able to reproduce it since. It seemed to have been caused when my kubrow decided to stay up in the landing craft while I went to check the arsenal. When I went to rush back up, the ramp wasn't down as it usually is, and it then proceeded to close on top of my head. XD

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They should have focused on improving gameplay, gameplay is what truly matters, not those non-gameplay stuff (but maybe that's in fact what they want to do from a business viewpoint).

What are the uses of all those powerful & good looking frames and weapons that you have improved over the years, when there ain't many interesting fights for the veterans anymore?  What is the use of farming?  Just for the sake of collection?

Are they just targeting new players, not caring for the veterans if they want to leave?

Edited by modalmojo
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Here is my opinion on this update as a player with nearly 300 hours of play. To resume I would say that it's one good idea for two mistakes

The star Chart : pretty but not convenient! Numerous times I clicked on luna instead of earth and after 7-10 times it really started to irritate me. We cannot see what resources are recoverable on each planets. It's especially problematic for new players who are not used to go on the wiki.

Junction : Good Idea! Especially for new players. They will feel more guided on what to do in the game! Too bad it is so full of bug and error. I never did a single alert on earth but I somehow managed to unlock earth to mars junction ! Text error or bug? It appear some player are blocked in their progression due to some junction issues. 

The market : Just like the star chart! Pretty but really really not convenient. I don't like the fact that I always have to restart from the home section when the only thing i want is to go from a subsection to another. For example If i'm actually in the subsection boosters and i want to go to the subsection mod, I have to click on Home/ equipment/ mod. We just need a return button. Oh! and well done hiding blueprint that we can buy with credits. New players will like!

Kavat and archwing: I'm not really interested in either of them at the moment so I won't comment.

Void fissures: This new mode is the core of update 19 and sadly the most problematic. 

- First of all the mechanic is too complicated! A lot of players don't understand how it works, what is refining, what is void traces, how to unlock the segment...etc! Even if i'm sure that people will accustom with time, a little written tutorial on such a huge change would have been welcomed.

- Basically, our ability to farm prime part is now cut by four compared to the old void system. As many players pointed out, this change might be a real problem if you are looking for ducat. DE said that they will take that into account and will modulate Barro KI teer's prices accordingly. But if you want to adjust items price you first need to collect data on the money (aka ducats or prime parts). You have to take into account the frequency of drop , the number of missions realized by players, which items are more chosen than other. All of this will probably take time (week? months?). And during that time players will be stuck with high prices and less prime parts.

- According to DE, this decrease in the prime part farm is compensated with an increase in specific prime part farm. At the moment this is only a theory! Let me explain myself.  If four players do a mission with the exact same relic and succeed they will be able to choose any reward unlocked by any player of the squad. Ideally, it would be 4 different rewards on a pool of 6 reward! That's quite good! But to be in that condition you need four people with the exact same relic and most of the time that's not the case! Why? Well some people just don't understand yet how to maximize this new system and just throw their relic praying for something good to come out. Other just lie! They need a prime part but do not have the corresponding relic. They come in squad saying they have the relic requested and use another. They literally use other player to have a chance to obtain what they are looking for. As we have no way to see what relic is equipped by the other member of the squad it is nearly impossible to maximize the drop rate except if you play with 4 people that you know. The problem is the same for refined relics. People lie about their relic to make the most of other players refined relic and of the increased drop rate. Note that void traces are limited to 100! Why! I'm almost sure it is so you can't spare them.  Oh! A squad is recruiting flawless meso C1 relics! Too bad you used your 100 traces on a meso A1! Once again it is not possible to make the most of this new system. These problems are obvious and I cannot stop myself but thinking that they were left on purpose.

- The closing fissure mission is fast but very redundant! It's just an excavation mission but more messy. With enemy popping from the sky on a 20 square meter space, 4 tennos activating their power plus classic enemy from the mission the action is unreadable most of the time. I don't even talk about the nullifier and their bubble completely broken or when the G3 and the stalker invite them-self to the party. The classic mission has no interest at all. I personally liked void mission because it made me change my frame and equipment accordingly. Frost, trinity, nova, volt, mag, nekros... etc! I adapted myself to the mission. Now I just adapt to the fissure closing as it is the hardest part of the mission. Prime part farming was the core of the game for a lot of player. Now it is just one mission! What the point having multiple frame if I always have to take nekros to maximize my void traces farm. There is a real problem of design about void fissure missions and i'm afraid that the lack of diversity I mentioned will discourage many players to continue to play that game. 

Note: I hope void won't stay empty and that some reward will be implemented. For the moment there is absolutely no point going back there!



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The End-Of-Mission screen is experiencing a known visual bug for credit boosters. Fix is in the works.

Your credits are being doubled (the boosters are working - we swear!), but that number is not being accurately represented on the EOM screen. Please be sure to check your credit count in the market pre- and post-mission to see the real changes. If the number is still wrong, please submit a ticket to support and we'll get on remedying your situation ASAP. 

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Okay here are my two cents (439 hours of gameplay).

1. Nodes are being blocked by quests, meaning some quests we just can't do at the moment due to level issues or other reasons like waiting for a friend block a mission node completely.

2. If I type during a mission reward screen the screen locks up and I can't press anything until I kill the client manually and restart.

3. Please don't grey out the "Start without a relic" button during fissures.

4. Make the fissures show up on the map SOMEHOW, we just did a mission on a Corpus Ship tileset, it was impossible to find the fissure AT ALL. We ran through the whole map three times, wasted around 20 minutes and then just abandoned, I had a relic equipped, so did a friend, so it should have popped up even if the two random players that joined us had none.

5. Hieracon on Pluto has 10 of the 28 relics. No. Just... no. Spread them further, make them Void Tileset rewards, I don't care. The chances of getting the relic you want on Hieracon are HIGHLY unlikely simply because the relics occupy so many possible reward spots.

6. Please connect the market and the codex, highlighting with a little symbol which weapons you've already maxed out in the market, right now I, with my little, little memory space, have to write down the names of weapons in the market, double check with the codex, run back to the market.... and then forget everything I just checked and run back again.


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1 hour ago, [DE]Taylor said:


The End-Of-Mission screen is experiencing a known visual bug for credit boosters. Fix is in the works.

Your credits are being doubled (the boosters are working - we swear!), but that number is not being accurately represented on the EOM screen. Please be sure to check your credit count in the market pre- and post-mission to see the real changes. If the number is still wrong, please submit a ticket to support and we'll get on remedying your situation ASAP. 

This is true yes, but what about the lowered credit rewards? Is that intended or not? I just did the first sortie mission and received 4.533 credits in the mission summary screen and actually got 9.064 credits, which, funnily enough, is actually 2 credits short of being doubled by the booster. But before the update, sortie missions would give much more than this.

Edit: 2nd sortie mission gave 525 in EOM with 1048 actual credit change. Again 2 credits short, odd.

        3rd sortie mission gave 2075 in EOM with 4152 actual credit change. 2 credits extra awww yus. I went through some old screenshots and the 3rd sortie mission gave about 130.000 credits reward + the mission credits. Quite the difference

Edited by Ins.
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i would like to point the fact that before this update it was possible to get some judgement points kinda easily for people that just started the game, but now the first arena is lev 40 (i guess you removed the lev 20 one), this is quite depressing since i planned to do it slowly, and i kinda got punished for not doing it before the update, when i could.


edit: also it was better when we could see what missions were before unlocking them, now you cant decide to go the route that unlocks, for example, the excavation map in a planet, unless you check the wiki, and honestly, why ?

Edited by KouKayne
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The archwing's old moviments were so much better.This new controls are bad, the new camera is so close and because of that we can barely see the enemies not mention how much commits the combat system using melees. Find enemies become a tough task because is so hard to see. Please comeback for the old camera and moviment....it's not perfect but still was playable. I know you guys have a good intentions and want innovate archwing's gameplay but i don't fell this is the right path. Please Devs rethink about those changes.

I love archwing but....

My honest request .... Thanks !!!!!

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1 hour ago, Emryis said:

6. Please connect the market and the codex, highlighting with a little symbol which weapons you've already maxed out in the market, right now I, with my little, little memory space, have to write down the names of weapons in the market, double check with the codex, run back to the market.... and then forget everything I just checked and run back again.


i second this

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No and no and just NO

Navigation on the starmap is awful, sometimes you can't even read mission information or the path between node is unclear.

The market is not practical. It seriously need to be improve or old version back.

Void? I don't even recognize it! And fissure... nc.

clicked on the mission for the reactor, directly join a group to be ejected immediatly because I didn't have the prerequisites without being able to read em anywhere!


I left the game 5min after connecting, and have no desire to return.


GL Tenno.

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