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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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Bugs so far found:

Jupiter to Saturn Junction: "Complete a Corpus Spy with 3 successful data extractions on Jupiter" completed several times on Andrestea without it counting.

Mars to Phobos Junction: "Seal 3 Lith Fissures" did 3 Lith Fissures without it counting.

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18 minutes ago, SaintRin said:

I encountered this glitch in the ship:


I suspect that I got to the ramp too fast and then the ramp opened and I was already under it and it beheaded me like the sad potato that I am

I saw the same thing happen to my kubrow at one point.

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completing fissures but it still says 90% on my screen. Both times this has happened my friend, who didn't have this issue, got more void traces than me. I do not know if this is connected (the number dropped seems randomized) but thought it was worth a mention. And because the game doesn't seem to know I have completed the fissure it continues to flicker my screen.
Also when my friend picked my reward I didn't get the bonus trace. ironically this was the same friend and when I chose his reward he did get the bonus. Do you not like me DE? :(
Only other bugs that has affected me is getting stuck on the mission summary screen and having to re-log (twice) and the game not counting things towards my junction.

This isn't a bug but just wanted to say I feel all the colours during a void fissure are a but much. The game tints yellow, then theirs the yellow shield units and Eximus units using fire blasts all on one tiny part of the map while you look for small golden orbs.

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Would like to reiterate that the "Complete 3 Lith fissures" Junction challenge is busted. Tried letting others start it, I started it, started it and put the last bit of energy in it. Nothing.

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First off love all of the work and love you guys put into this game! It is what keeps me playing after so long!

That being said I think I found a pretty major bug that was introduced with specters of the rail.

Bug: Melee freezes your warframe in place. 

Description of problem: Heavy weapons like the war stop the player from moving entirely while the weapon is being swung. This problem is less evident but still exists with lighter weapons like daggers or staffs.

Affected: Melee weapons

Expected: Movement while weapon is being used to attack


For more information, Thread Link:

I checked through the patch notes for specters of the rail to see if this was an intended change and couldn't find any related information. So I believe this to be a valid bug.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you DE for all the work you have done and continue to do!


PS: please contact me if any more information is needed/wanted, I would be glad to help

Edited by The.Kraken
Forgot some info
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The sortie reward table isn't the only thing that's bugged. Completing a sortie mission doesn't even give the base 20k/30k/50k credits (RIP my 3-day credit booster).JjTHybZ.jpg


Turns out, RIP my credit booster even harder, as it appears that credit boosters applied before the update are bugged. I had been farming ceres dark sector the last day and a half for credits, getting 40k per run, but following the update, I tried again and only recieved 12,400 credits per run. 


I thought maybe this was due to the decreased level, so I ran a dark sector the same level as ceres used to be, sedna, and that rewarded the same amount of credits. QAfbDsA.jpg

Edited by Biscotchi
Credit Booster bug added.
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I'm having a bizarre bug that keeps resetting my full screen setting every time I quit and load up Warframe. Another bug I've notice is that when I select the option to go full screen while in restore down windowed mode, the game despite being in full screen mode will still think I'm in restore down windowed mode so it prevents my mouse cursor from going down in-game which prevents me from accessing the options and the quit button so in order to exit the game I have to ALT + TAB out of the game and manually close Warframe down from the task bar.

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Found out if you do not have the new relic segment installed and you click "Void Relic Refinement" in the escape menu, it will bring you downstairs without the ramp being down. This leads you to being stuck under the ramp if you run into it unknowingly like I did...?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-forma

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Bug #1:

The Jupiter Junction requirements are not updating after I do the spy mission requirements. I have fulfilled this requirement (of successfully extracting all the data) three times, but there is no change on the junction requirements.

Bug #2:

While exploring the starchart, I cannot click on the menu button in the top left to quick access other sections of my ship. I can to to navigation from any other part of the ship though.

Bug #3:Perhaps unrelated to specters of the rail, but I did a simaris daily task of synthesizing a number of targets, but my syndicate panel in navigation still says I am 0/4 targets synthesized. In the missions I scanned all their parts and the target disappeared, but Simaris never appeared and said thanks you like he usually does.

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The holster position for my Sydon on my Hydroid has the staff impaled through his chest. Also, where is the holster option bundle found on the market that was promised in the build notes. I only see singular holster options.

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4 minutes ago, sp4rtan148 said:

Idk if anyone has said this yet, but one of the requirements for the saturn junction is to successfully get all 3 data thingies hacked in a corpus spy mission on jupiter, but completing this does nothing.

Yup, mentioned it, and yes, it is broken. There's one for Mars to Phobos requiring that you seal 3 Lith fissures, but it is broken as well.

Edited by MartinVole
Included data
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9 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Hey there Tenno!  

This megathread will be used to house any general bugs / issues your encounter while playing through the Specters of the Rail update. Please note that KavatsVoid 2.0Market 2.0, Star Chart 3.0 and Archwing Movement all have their own bug threads - if you have bugs that fit within those 5 topics, please post it in the dedicated thread! I've listed them below for easy access:

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Please keep the following bug report guidelines in mind prior to posting:     

  • Be detailed - The more we know about the bug the easier we can identify and fix it. 
  • How did the bug occur? (What were you doing? What was happening in the match when the bug occurred?)
  • Provide screenshots and video evidence of the issue (if possible). 
  • Be respectful. Please do not use this thread to dev bash if you come across a bug. 

If you have general feedback on the Specters of the Rail update, please post it in the dedicated megathread.


There is an issue with my profile ,

I own a dark split sword and is accessible by me through the arsenal but for some reason it does not appear in my profile ,when i access it through the show profile option .

IGN- Censoredgolem96




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