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DE, we can fix nullifiers with one simple change.


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Yeah nullifiers suck and I don't want to defend them at all.

But they are only annoying when they overlap each other's bubbles and there's a huge crowd of high-level enemies within. Other than that, just running in and slashing them with melee helps.

But Sentinels at least can use abilities within the bubble. Also there's this new sentinel called Shade. Just saying.

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1 minute ago, Agentawesome said:

Problem is void fissures, when 4 of them spawn next to eachother with and entourage of Bombards and Heavy Gunners, disabling any for of CC and pretty much obstructing view of everything. Having to pick up 10 reactants in the midst of it all doesn't make it any easier. 

AOE BOOM all dead or close to dead.   (tonkor)

Or warframe that has great Melee survival ability while in a null bubble  *valk+Rage+lifestrike*


Ive never had these issues you speak of, I guess am just a player that adapts to my enemy :3

I willl say yes the corrupted sure are alot Beefer but the enemy scaling was changed as a whole what we think is level 28 enemy might not actually be a level 28 enemy with the old scaling!

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There's hardly anything to fix. The way Nullifiers are designed is that they're supposed to encourage fighting it on its turf, which is designed to put the player in a place of vulnerability. Because, you know, the Tenno are freakin' warrior gods to the extreme without any usual vulnerability, so yes, let's of course come down on an enemy that is ingenuously designed, because it switches up the norm.

It is the enemy created on the basis of:

  • We want Challenge
  • We want New
  • We Don't want Bullet Sponges

And it does exactly that. It forces you to engage it on its terms. You have to use a particular strategy to defeat it. That's so new and refreshing. Why is anyone complaining about this? I get the feeling the complaint is from people spending excessively, way too much time in endless missions and are combating Nullifiers scaled to extremes or scaled to excessive numbers. Look, if you're spending that much time in Endless, you're already exceeding the expectations of the game, and therefore your feedback beyond that point becomes moot.

And if you're not, and you just think in all scenarios the game presents these enemies are unfair, then I have this to say, and I've only ever said it in really controlled circumstances: Get good. Honestly, the Nullifier is one of Warframe's best designed enemies, and I say that completely without sarcasm. It keeps the Corpus mechanical operation, while also introducing an enemy that is new, has a bit of challenge, and isn't a bullet sponge. In fact, I don't get this talk of it getting a buff, because technically it's such a minor addition that I still have no problem with it. Who is so dependent upon Snow Globe, Bastille, or any other such placed ability that this really, really hurts anyone?

I'm beginning to think this constant whining I always see about the Nullifier is the result of players not realizing that yes, Warframe is trying to challenge you. It's trying to make you do something different than either A, gun it down with an op weapon, or B, blast everything around you with an inexplicable force. It's trying really, really hard to stimulate you beyond that norm, and we're going to bad mouth it for doing that, which is exactly what we asked for?

The only issue I have with Nullifiers now, isn't even them, it's just the fact that the Void Fissure 'challenge' is so obnoxious; Yes, let's spawn excessive numbers of heavy units right on top of the player, giving them no time to strategize or engage in any coherent manner. That's challenge, right? No. That's stupid. And that's my only issue with the application of Nullifier. Anywhere else, I have yet to even face a Nullifier, or Bursa for that matter, that I have been unable to deal with by just using a little thought.

1 minute ago, Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai said:


Thank you. Just, simply, thank you.

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This is the change that we all want, Nullifiers are easy to kill in the first place, however letting them get close to you and your abilities can be deadly, allowing us to kill them before they get the chance to get close to us balances this change.

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5 minutes ago, Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai said:

AOE BOOM all dead or close to dead.   (tonkor)

Or warframe that has great Melee survival ability while in a null bubble  *valk+Rage+lifestrike*


Ive never had these issues you speak of, I guess am just a player that adapts to my enemy :3

I willl say yes the corrupted sure are alot Beefer but the enemy scaling was changed as a whole what we think is level 28 enemy might not actually be a level 28 enemy with the old scaling!


Enemies within nullifier bubbles tank pretty well, issue is not every frame is a Valkyr, to make these missions viable only with a few frames is ridiculous. Void tears should be possible to be done with all play styles, not just for melee enthusiast. 

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7 minutes ago, Krion112 said:


:3 Yes yes and yes!

I was on Steve twitter page reading stuff there is a section that he says that the fissures need tunning badly as That many nullies are not actually planned, So they will be fixing the null spam Steve is aware of it :)



Edited by Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai
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5 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:


Enemies within nullifies bubbles tank pretty well, issue is not every frame is a Valkyr, to make these missions viable only with a few frames is ridiculous. Void tears should be possible to be done with all play styles, not just for melee enthusiast. 

that was only one method,
the other is boom and zoom strike tactics with AOE weapons!    Simular is great for this as-well as Tonkor.
and any other seldom tanky frame

Or really mobile frame and parkour Remember faster you move and being airborn = harder to hit via enemy.

But the vomit null spam is an issue Steve is aware of and it will be tuned back

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38 minutes ago, DioBrandoTheHotVampire said:

mate, i solo'ed them with Mesa

I did to, but only survived cause of Zenurik. I got hotdropped (as in on top of me, byby shatter shield) by nullies 5 times during 1 min and 30 seconds. Even with a positive efficiency, i would've been rendered energy-less by the 3rd or fourth cause of recasting those buffs. And thata with a r8 primed flow. Also any new player has 0 chance against those fisures if they don't bring a heavily forma'd weapon. Lvl 50+ eximus bombards are fairly bulletspongy.

Also, it is cheap as hell that you get instant de-buffed because you didn't have the freaking foresight of a demi-god.

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7 minutes ago, undernown said:

I did to, but only survived cause of Zenurik. I got hotdropped (as in on top of me, byby shatter shield) by nullies 5 times during 1 min and 30 seconds. Even with a positive efficiency, i would've been rendered energy-less by the 3rd or fourth cause of recasting those buffs. And thata with a r8 primed flow. Also any new player has 0 chance against those fisures if they don't bring a heavily forma'd weapon. Lvl 50+ eximus bombards are fairly bulletspongy.

New players can't encounter lvl 50 Bombards unless some "good" guy taxis them to Axi fissure. And additionaly, Lotus gives us enough warning that these things are difficult. If you still decide to do this after what she warns you the responsibility is on you alone. In fact, despite all evidences of the contrary, I believe devs anticipated such reaction, because otherwise I can't explain why would they record "No one said this would be easy" line for Lotus.


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1 hour ago, Agentawesome said:

Agreed. Either this or don't let them disable buffs and only nullify radial effects within the bubble. Additionally let them spawn from fissures with no bubble because a sudden 10 meter bubble out of nowhere to ruin your day isn't fun. 

Better still: Fissures spawn Corrupted Comba/Scramba, not Nullifiers.

These events are sheer tedium as it is. Even Firefall had better spawn in events than this.

Enemies should spawn a distance away, and Nullifiers not at all.

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51 minutes ago, Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai said:

um :/

Nullies are easy as to kill with melee and with ranged weapons (my secondaries are normally picked for anti-null duty when its high tier mission)


i cant comprehend this whine

I agree, they're easy to kill, that however does not change the fact that fighting against them simply is not fun and severely limits what weapons and frames you can bring along

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Just now, cghawk said:

I agree, they're easy to kill, that however does not change the fact that fighting against them simply is not fun and severely limits what weapons and frames you can bring along

get gud? i guess?   THe null is there to force you to fight on his turf.  Pick your own fights and kill the nully on YOUR tearms.
I love wrecking nulllies  though the fissure spawning is bugged for them right now. so there is that.

Other then that nullies are fine :) There are other things that are Worse the a nullify  Like a @(*()$ bersa! :D

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Just now, cghawk said:

that fighting against them simply is not fun

I disagree. Fighting against them is no more or no less fun than against the majority of other enemies. They breack your reliance on abilities, and if your playstyle consists of solely relying on your abilities instead of your abilities and other tools that you have then the problem is not with nullifiers, it's with you.

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Just now, VisionAndVoice said:

I disagree. Fighting against them is no more or no less fun than against the majority of other enemies. They breack your reliance on abilities, and if your playstyle consists of solely relying on your abilities instead of your abilities and other tools that you have then the problem is not with nullifiers, it's with you.

Nullifiers totally shut down the ONE thing that sets Warframe apart from other shooters. If all high level content is going to rely on hordes of power cancelling Nullifiers, there is NO reason to play Warframe. I will just go play any other shooter.

And I don't think I am alone in this. Comba/Scramba are much better designed. They offer counter play. Why not use them and ditch Nullifiers?

Because turning your entire late game into a bog standard shooter is a good way to turn your players into someone else's customers.

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Maybe crafting somekind of anti nullifier thing and keep it in our gear which gives 3 secs time to kill with abilities under bubble and take out shields for few secs and give confusion effect with weapons shooting from outside the bubble.? i dunno something they should work out.

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Just now, BlackCoMerc said:

Nullifiers totally shut down the ONE thing that sets Warframe apart from other shooters. If all high level content is going to rely on hordes of power cancelling Nullifiers, there is NO reason to play Warframe. I will just go play any other shooter.

And I don't think I am alone in this. Comba/Scramba are much better designed. They offer counter play. Why not use them and ditch Nullifiers?

Because turning your entire late game into a bog standard shooter is a good way to turn your players into someone else's customers.

Here is your counter play 101 vs Nullies

Copter melee weapon Slice dice nullie = DEAD  HAve life strike and enuogh hp to survive said dive CHANNLING still works while in  nully! USE IT cant use your engery for anything else!

2. have a Aoe weapon run inside BAM (Tonkor) or simular!
3. have good secondary that's designed to hit nullies from what i see nullies only take 6 hits and then they are down (6 hits not matter what damage I think to a high cap but could be more hits if damage is low per shot, I love Ak-bolto's for this task or even Telo's! Rep AkBoltos <3)


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