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Scorches have broken range [DE reply in thread]


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Not to beat a dead horse here but after Ingis got buffed Scorches are instakilling people at random. And when I say Scorch, I mean any arson eximus type unit will do their fire explosion, and some one will die instantly. This is all frames. And if you add in Quick thinking that doesn't help either. So there's that. Oh by the way it's also killing Wu through Defy proc duration. Step to it.



Just now, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey guys! NovusNova merged all related threads here. 

We're aware of the issue with Scorches and will be working on it soon :) 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was doing some Exterminate missions on Orokin Derelicts to open vaults. I'm unsure if this happens in any other mission type other than Exterminate, but I assume if it has Grineer in it then this probably does occur on other mission types. While playing I realized sometimes I would start randomly taking damage and be set on fire. I had no idea what was going on, but I believe I have figured out what's happening. I noticed whenever there was a Scorch somewhere in the room fighting Infested I would be taking damage when I heard him shooting. They're not aiming at me, not even anywhere near me. They can be on the other side of the room fighting the Infested, and I will start taking damage as if he is shooting at me. Therefore, because of this bug if you start taking random  damage and hear a Scorch you have to either quickly find him and kill him, hope he kills his targets, hope he himself is killed by Infested, or take a whole bunch of damage and possibly die. This bug doesn't seem to happen with Napalm's or Hyekka Master's it's only the Scorch's. It's not like it was a one time thing either, this happens every single mission I do there with every single Scorch that manages to get into a fight with Infested. I looked around and couldn't find anything else about this bug, so I wanted to report it so it could hopefully get fixed.

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So I was doing some Vault runs, or at least tried to.

Suddenly, while chilling around, I received damage, though no one was around and I started burning out of nowhere.

I looked for an enemy and found a Scorch in the next room firing like a maniac in all directions.

He damaged me literally through the walls, in another room, and did full damage.

The following picture shows the moment I started burning and the second one the Scorch firing at me.

If you look closely, I lost around 400 Health with Inaros' full Scarab Swarm (and the has about 340 armor without it). So the Scorch did around 400 damage within a few seconds, and that's BS!




Edited by XenoFant
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I was running a few a few Derelict missions minding my own business when all of a sudden I was taking damage and instantly dying. After a few revives I had noticed it was a Scorch from more than 50m away trying to kill infested, but was instead damaging me from an impossible range.

This is highly annoying and frustrating because there is no true way to know where the Scorch is after dying several times. Please highly reduce the range that the Scorch's Ignis can go, their flamethowers should not be sniper rifles.

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All grineer units equipped with Ignis weapon got this bug. 

apparently, they got 50m (rough) range with infinite punch through, the problem is that the damage range is longer than the fire so its even harder to understand what is hitting you. (insta-killed at spawn, the closes unit, wich was a scorch , was in the next room)

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I'm glad it wasn't just my friend and I having this issue. I took damage at random upon first spawning into ODE, and it seems very frequent and very strong when I get blasted out of nowhere only to find Grineer Scorches and Hyekka Masters two rooms away going berserk.

I'm noticing other threads being made about this too, decided to link them here to help raise attention.


Edited by Cephara
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Super simple.

During an Orokin Derelict Exterminate mission, I noticed that I was taking massive damage and being procced with fire even though there were no enemies near me. After dying and reviving, I turn a corner and/or run through a room and see that there was a grineer scorch/napalm/hyekka master that was standing way too far away for their flamethrower to hit me, added on to the fact that they had just shot and killed me through a wall, if not multiple. This has happened to me multiple times, and I am positive that it is not due to player error.


UPDATE: Just ran into a hallway in which a Grineer scorch was firing in the opposite direction, yet I was still taking the full damage.

Edited by AwsmWfl
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Seriously, pals, what the hell happened to these guys?

They fire in one direction, but somehow everything around scorch will be damaged in a range around 20m, ignoring any obstacles - including walls. Even our Ignis can't produce such a level of chaos.


1. Scorch is to the right of the pillar straight ahead of me.




2. Scorch is attacking an Ancient wich is standing in the doorway. Somehow I'm being damaged too.



Here's the funny one. Scorch TURNED AWAY from me completely, yet he damages me. Somehow.



3. Scorch is behind the wall.


4. He's attacking some charger.


5. See where the flames are coming from? From another side of the room! And it is coming to the far right. And yet I was killed by this flame.


Some more:


Fix this please.


Edited by ngrazer
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9 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Yeah Scorches and Hyekka Masters seem to defy solid walls and hit you around them.

I'm not sure if our Ignis works the same way but either way, its annoying as hell.


7 minutes ago, KJRenz said:

Seems to be a bug currently where Scorchers just have this AoE flamethrower, even if they're not facing you.

Works exactly the same as our Ignis. 40m range and 5m punch through.

Edited by -BM-Leonhart
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Just now, Grimlock84 said:

they use ignises.

the ignis has surprisingly long range and punch through.

if an ignis in those ODEs just happen to shoot infested directly infront of them theyll also hit you 3 miles away

Are you trying to tell us this is working as intended?

Because unless the Scorch is holding the Ignis backwards and deepthroating it so hard that it's peeking out the other end, there's no way it can hit someone standing behind them.

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I came here to post the exact same thing. Its not even funny how broken they are right now.

They can hit you across the room, between 3 walls, while aiming at a charger, with their back turned to you. They also have a near 100% heat proc chance and do thousands of damage per second.

Being in the same plane of existance as a scorch is enough to get hit, their concept of range surpases human/tenno understanding, its against physics and life itself.

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