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@Digital Extremes - Update 19 makes Warframe feel Empty, Shallow and Hollow.


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Dear dev, I truly believe you took away the heart and soul of warframe by turning the endless void missions into a side-dish. Most encounters I have now, are so short, I hardly notice the people I’m playing with. You have somehow turned my fellow tenno into mere set-pieces.
Until update 19, the void was a very lively place because it offered a multitude of opportunities and a reasonable pay-off for your time-investment. You could leech, learn, level, showcase, make friends and also enemies. Tenno could push themselves beyond their comfort-zone, test equipment, strategies and also their social skills. All in a quite safe and informal setting.
Now you have dispersed this crowd over short and repetitive missions which require less, or even no interactions at all. More troublesome is that you have cut down the average time a squad spends in a continues game-session to about 25%. Less interactions and less time spend amongst tenno really hurts the overall experience!
You have no idea how freaking brilliant your freeform endless void missions were. Within the quite simple conventions for them, the human-factor could really “shine”. Positive and negative! I’m talking about self-imposed, and group-pressure, dependency upon other players, comparing ####-sizes, and the sickly promise of more loot. Just enough motivation or pressure to keep pushing yourself while enemy-levels surged to triple digits. Freaking brilliant! A lot of human drama without the harsh outcome of a failed trial. A tenfold better than any scripted occurrence in the game. My best memories are from T4 survival, playing with randoms and being exposed to some extraordinary playing-styles which really opened my eyes.
Warframe is not about hoarding prime gear, plat or mastery-rank. This game is about meeting people, sharing knowledge and trying to achieve the most effective synergy under extreme conditions. And with update 19, you took away our biggest and most heaviest populated laboratory for that. Warframe feels empty now, shallow, hollow.
The Sorties and Trials remain pretty bad-♥♥♥, but these are about problem solving, which must be done (preferably) as fast as possible. I call these “puzzle-missions” which become tedious and have no freeform flow to them. In any case, they don’t hold a candle to the magic that can happen during a long T4 session. The only thing that comes close now, is farming relics at Hieracon and being seduced to go for just 1 more extractor…
God, I really miss these long void runs with complete strangers. I miss the noobs, the snobs, the elitists, the rounders and the folks who can only connect with other people at 40+ min. Everybody seems the same now. Nobody is able to distinguish him- or herself within this short(er) timeframe.
My hope rests on the strategic genius within your company that will bring back the exclusivity and longevity of the endless (void) missions. There are so many fascinating ways in which you could alter these to suit your new business-model. Draco you can have, don’t care about that. But please, return to us the void, with all its trinkets and its gradual “freeform risk-reward system”. It was brilliant and really brought the riffraff together. Now we are just punching numbers, going from loading screen to loading screen and exposing our balls to some kind of radiation…
It feels like a gigantic step backwards.
Excuse my harsh words, no offense intended, I only hurt the ones I luv.
You’ll find me on Hieracon, leveling my Hydroid.

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@OP: How about waiting until the rest of U19 releases? A lot could conceivably change with the release of The War Within.

In addition, they're probably gauging reactions and have more tweaks and adjustments planned.

Just saying.

Edited by MirageKnight
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2 minutes ago, pauli133 said:

Breaking the endless, ugly Orokin Void tileset treadmill, with its monotonous missions and infuriating drop tables, was the best thing to ever happen to this game.

I dont see the difference in playing the same fissure over and over at a faster pace! 

So now play a Capture/Extractor like mission over and over and over....

Sounds... Monotonous to me.

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I haven't had a ton of time to really play the game recently, but, um, can't you still do endless Void missions?

Whenever you want?

Without a key?

I dunno man, aside from not getting prime pieces anymore, I don't see how you still can't do the exact thing you're upset over and still get that "team drama" you crave. Most who do long missions do so simply because they can. 

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There's something to be said for the argument the OP makes, in that long missions lead to more interaction between players, which is very much a positive thing. The problem here isn't that we can't do long missions anymore, but it is that there is absolutely no reason to. I do truly hope that DE find a way to make long missions relevant again, but it shouldn't be the return of the old, ever repetitive void.

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I don't understand what people are complaining about when they say void is gone. It's still there, your precious endless missions are still there, the rewards were simply moved somewhere else. You didn't play the endless missions because you enjoyed them, you played them because you wanted the rewards only. Well guess what, the rewards are much easier to obtain now, no more "need" to do endless missions. If you wish to do 1-2 hours of survival/interception or whatever people used to do, go ahead and do them, no one is stopping you.

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Hm having a blast doing void fissures.

In nearly every mission you encounter simaris targets, assasins, searching for cephs while having 2 main targets.

So much happens right now during a mission and thus also the rewards. And the pace switching because of those encounters feels awesome.

Farmed plenty of ducats and completed 3 prime sets that i needed in that time.

Can´t wait for my Amesha Tech to finish and play Gunframe :3

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I have to agree. It's a giant bumrush to the fissure with random people and its over and done in 5-10 minutes (unless you cant find the fissure of course) It's especially difficult when in a small clan, doing void missions with weirdos from recruiting was always fun, or torture.. either way it was an adventure and everyone took their time to enjoy the adventure.

The Void. Its been shoved to the side like some other planet with a few nodes that are pointless to play. It's "just another pub" now. Argon? Relics that restrict people to certain missions unlike prior when you could just roam whenever you wanted to. 1 Gallium and a handful of credits in a T4 equivalent sabotage? Yeh the Void definitely deserved to be turned into a tame drop dump and have its mystery and prestige entirely stripped from it. Deleting the void entirely would of been more respectful of it than how it has been left now.

Clearly, by the way everyones gobbling up the relic system, people enjoy the empty bumrush to gather their primes without much thought for anything else, but it has killed the games longevity and in time, it will stifle the community insofar as interaction beyond the frantic fissure rush. Sure you can do endless void still, but why bother when you can do it anywhere else for the same (nerfed) resources. No one needs that much argon.

Warframe is a shell of itself as a whole now. A ton of missions are gone and the complaints of those who couldn't farm quick enough (yet refused to ever buy anything from the developer) have broken the camels back. They'll all reach the "nothing left to do" stage in double time now. Well done.

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4 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

I have to agree. It's a giant bumrush to the fissure with random people and its over and done in 5-10 minutes (unless you cant find the fissure of course) It's especially difficult when in a small clan, doing void missions with weirdos from recruiting was always fun, or torture.. either way it was an adventure and everyone took their time to enjoy the adventure.

The Void. Its been shoved to the side like some other planet with a few nodes that are pointless to play. It's "just another pub" now. Argon? Relics that restrict people to certain missions unlike prior when you could just roam whenever you wanted to. 1 Gallium and a handful of credits in a T4 equivalent sabotage? Yeh the Void definitely deserved to be turned into a tame drop dump and have its mystery and prestige entirely stripped from it. Deleting the void entirely would of been more respectful of it than how it has been left now.

Clearly, by the way everyones gobbling up the relic system, people enjoy the empty bumrush to gather their primes without much thought for anything else, but it has killed the games longevity and in time, it will stifle the community insofar as interaction beyond the frantic fissure rush. Sure you can do endless void still, but why bother when you can do it anywhere else for the same (nerfed) resources. No one needs that much argon.

Warframe is a shell of itself as a whole now. A ton of missions are gone and the complaints of those who couldn't farm quick enough (yet refused to ever buy anything from the developer) have broken the camels back. They'll all reach the "nothing left to do" stage in double time now. Well done.

I agree

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10 minutes ago, DLVargas said:

Most who do long missions do so simply because they can. 

Im not sure where your getting your information for this but I do not agree.

Most who do long missions because "They Can" do it because "The Rewards"

The majority of pugger's don't understand because they typically extract at Rot C. this new system is great for them cause they don't understand the feeling of Rot Cx3-4 every time they use "1" Key.

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 i did dozens of void missions and then i got the part i needed ... now i do dozens of t1-t4 fissures to get the part i need - so nothings changed in that persepective. and as long as the game is as unplayable as its now i dont do more then i really need to do.

and cause game crashes visiting the dojo tradeframe is dead to me too.

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Clearly, by the way everyones gobbling up the relic system, people enjoy the empty bumrush to gather their primes without much thought for anything else, but it has killed the games longevity and in time, it will stifle the community insofar as interaction beyond the frantic fissure rush. 

nothing could be further from the truth. I can't count how many friends have stopped playing this game, burned out by the garbage grind in the void. slow pace, long missions, and punishing reward chances are not healthy for any game. By contrast, I see people excited by fast paced runs that could take them across an entire rainbow of tilesets and mission types, end in a reasonable and predictable amount of time, and always yield something interesting. 

People who have left before are coming back to this game. New people are joining. The fraction of the old cadre who are only satisfied by bitterness and fruitless grinding weren't some vibrant halcyon community - and they certainly weren't something for the game as a whole to cater to.

Edited by pauli133
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if u enjoyed them so much, go play them, they reward relics and sh*t, practically the same but we can also get relics along with the sh*t

this update made the game`s PVE actually enjoyable, for the first time in a damn long time, I still do endless survivals almost daily, but now I can pick the map, faction and level i wanna play, not the void and broken-as-hell corrupted all along

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

I dont see the difference in playing the same fissure over and over at a faster pace! 

So now play a Capture/Extractor like mission over and over and over....

Sounds... Monotonous to me.

I can play a fissure, come back a few hours later, and do the exact same tier of fissure in a different mission. Pre-patch, T4 interception remained T4 interception no matter how long I waited. I'll grant that it's not a perfect solution, and there's certainly more they could do with it (and it sounds like they will), but some variance in tileset/mission type/enemy faction/etc. is still greater than no variance at all.

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30 minutes ago, tank_iron15 said:

Dear dev, I truly believe you took away the heart and soul of warframe by turning the endless void missions into a side-dish

yeeah i'm gona say i am glad i can finally farm primes in an grineer asteroid instead of sitting in void listening to some religious chore song while i go insane

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