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About the Fate of Alad V


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2 minutes ago, Ohgun said:

After the Second Dream quest, I was actually wondering what happened to Alad V after the end of the quest? What are your theories on Alad V's fate?

He was chased after by Stalker's fanclub: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Operation:_Shadow_Debt

He used the favor we "owed"him.

Just now, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Second dream isn't the most recent involvement with him we've had. The acolyte event was, when he called in his favor to save his skin.

Thats the problem with Events, it is likely that OP wasnt here for it.

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3 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

He probably has to regain enough resources to put himself back on the corpus map. Till then he's probably hiding away somewhere.


2 minutes ago, Venom-Snake said:

Darvo was hunted by the Stalker before, you know? http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/A_Favor_For_Darvo

I'm sure Alad is very well hidden.

We need to focus in other bosses, I miss Ruk, he only had 1 event he participated in, and nothing on any Quest.

Well it's just like Alad V to gather so much profit to get him back on the Corpus radar. As for Ruk... I think he's definitely the most under appreciated boss in the game.


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NPCs who could use more time in the spotlight:
 Lephantis, Kril, Raptor, Ruk, Clem, Maroo, the Syndicate leaders, G3, Lotus and Teshin, Ordis, and our Operators.

I really hope Vay Hek stays off the radar for a while longer. I HAPPEN TO LIKE MY ABILITY TO HEAR SEEING AS I PLAY WITH ALL AUDIO DIRECTED INTO MY HEADSET!!!!

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

NPCs who could use more time in the spotlight:
 Lephantis, Kril, Raptor, Ruk, Clem, Maroo, the Syndicate leaders, G3, Lotus and Teshin, Ordis, and our Operators.

I really hope Vay Hek stays off the radar for a while longer. I HAPPEN TO LIKE MY ABILITY TO HEAR SEEING AS I PLAY WITH ALL AUDIO DIRECTED INTO MY HEADSET!!!!

Vay Hek is definitely annoying when playing with or without a mic. Even is boss fight is irritating. I think Vay Hek is only an agitator amongst the Grineer.

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17 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

He probably has to regain enough resources to put himself back on the corpus map. Till then he's probably hiding away somewhere.

I imagine we'd see Alad V splinter off witha  group of corpus of his own, Maybe he'll become a part of perrin, who knows.

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1 minute ago, Latiac said:

I imagine we'd see Alad V splinter off witha  group of corpus of his own, Maybe he'll become a part of perrin, who knows.

I seriously doubt that Alad V will join the Perrin Sequence, as for creating his own group of Corpus he has the ambition to do so.

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7 minutes ago, Latiac said:

I imagine we'd see Alad V splinter off witha  group of corpus of his own, Maybe he'll become a part of perrin, who knows.

Yeeeaaah he's done too much awful stuff to our fellow WarFrames for us to forgive him so easily. Even though the WarFrames are just toys for us, HE didn't know that, and that's what's important!

Plus I don't think he actually likes us enough to take such a friendly stance with us. We 'helped' him sure, but we were just tools he could use to save his ampersand one more time. lol

Edited by Soldatto
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To be fair, the tenno community as a whole choose to support Salad rather then deny him the research. 

Now, Salad is probably holed up in some voidforsaken hideout in a distant corner of the system, emerging only briefly, to send Zanuka Hunters out to capture future test subjects. 

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4 minutes ago, Zezakh said:

To be fair, the tenno community as a whole choose to support Salad rather then deny him the research. 

Now, Salad is probably holed up in some voidforsaken hideout in a distant corner of the system, emerging only briefly, to send Zanuka Hunters out to capture future test subjects. 

Now we're reaping the seeds we've sown.

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Actually, he had plastic surgery and fled to work at a McDoggett's restaurant on Venus. He stayed there for a while and helped develop the new secret sauce, which made McDoggett's bacon cheeseburger a smash-hit around the solar system. Alad V quickly rose through the ranks until he became the manager of his own McDoggett's restaurant, literally climbing to the top of the food chain.

He still likes to go on vacation in the Tau system, where he spends his summer on Rectum IV, a planet famous for the advanced thruster technology developed there. He can't go this year, however, as the average inhabitant of the Tau system has the size and appearance of a peanut. Alad V ate the mayor of Tau by accident and is now a wanted criminal in the system. He's currently trying to reconcile with the Corpus, trying to get his old life back. He still eats at McDoggett's on occasion.

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Right now, Alad is an enemy of the Corpus. He has no allies, he has no funds, he has no resources, he currently has no means of doing anything he wants, heck he barely even has health.

Personally, I think we're more likely to see him turn into a full-blown ally sooner than any sort of significant threat.

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5 minutes ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

Right now, Alad is an enemy of the Corpus. He has no allies, he has no funds, he has no resources, he currently has no means of doing anything he wants, heck he barely even has health.

Actually we only know he has enemies, we know nothing about his contacts or allies and he'd be foolish to share them with us. He currently holds a bargain with the Lotus for assisting the Tenno during the second dream quest which means if anything he can broker information to get by. If we comprehend story at all - we can ascertain this bargain will be a detriment to us in some future scenario/event DE create. My guess is Alad will continue to get in over his head (considering we discover the Corpus are descendants of a certain ancient race in the galaxy) and will mess with things once again beyond his comprehension or control, and we'll have to bail the robodog dependant out again until he pushes his luck too far and gets, as he likes to put it, finally committed to the void.

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1 minute ago, SanguineSavant said:

Actually we only know he has enemies, we know nothing about his contacts or allies and he'd be foolish to share them with us. He currently holds a bargain with the Lotus for assisting the Tenno during the second dream quest which means if anything he can broker information to get by.

Actually, you make a good point. Just because he's officially an enemy of the Corpus, that doesn't automatically mean there's not anyone in there secretly helping him (not to mention non-Corpus contacts). About this "bargain", though, he already collected when the Stalker Acolytes hunted him down and we saved his sorry butt.

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Just now, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

Actually, you make a good point. Just because he's officially an enemy of the Corpus, that doesn't automatically mean there's not anyone in there secretly helping him (not to mention non-Corpus contacts). About this "bargain", though, he already collected when the Stalker Acolytes hunted him down and we saved his sorry butt.

Mm, which begs the question - what did she give him?

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44 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

NPCs who could use more time in the spotlight:
 Lephantis, Kril, Raptor, Ruk, Clem, Maroo, the Syndicate leaders, G3, Lotus and Teshin, Ordis, and our Operators.

I really hope Vay Hek stays off the radar for a while longer. I HAPPEN TO LIKE MY ABILITY TO HEAR SEEING AS I PLAY WITH ALL AUDIO DIRECTED INTO MY HEADSET!!!!

Vay Hek should technically be dead, since we kill him at the end of the nightmare trial.

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Personally, as much as I like Alad V as a character, I could use a break from his presence in the story. He's easily one of the most prolific NPCs in the game's story so far, surpassed only by Lotus. I'd much rather see some of the other bosses get some screen time.

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25 minutes ago, Ins. said:

Vay Hek should technically be dead, since we kill him at the end of the nightmare trial.

Even then, Vay Hek flies away. He is the only boss who doesn't have a hint of being killed in our encounters with him. I don't know, I figure that Alad V could show up as a syndicate for his best case and either fall back into a splinter Corpus faction or infested tech followers like Blackseed.

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