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Carrier should carry (leaving "Vacuum" for warframes)


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The latest video from this upstart kid, goes by the name of "Brozime" on the internets, got me thinking about Carrier, Vacuum, and item pick-ups.

First, if you have not seen it, I recommend you do:



From his video what stuck out to me was the precise demonstration of how running around picking up objects off the floor (without using Carrier) is a complete game-stopper... errr, fun-stopper even!

His points are all valid, but I'd like to add my own:

  • All warframes have a built-in vacuum-type loot radius. This could be done in a way where the drop is sucked in, but you don't necessarily see it floating towards you, and instead you just pick it up, as if teleported inside you. The options menu could have an option to activate/deactivate this mechanic.
  • I prefer if "Vacuum" stays a Carrier-specific precept, only with a different implementation which would be:
  • Carrier actually carries. The Vacuum Precept Mod would carry all those things that you have to pick up and carry, like datamasses, power cells, void fissure balls (gotta have Vacuum precept mod installed, of course).
  • Only one "carryable object" would be carried by Carrier at a time (one datamass, one power cell, one reactant). If fissure is activated, reactants are priority above all else.
  • Carrier (of course with Vacuum precept installed) could actually also suck up your dropped weapons like from when a Drahk master steals it.
  • Having every warframe's pick up radius increased would also help when you open a chest and it's contents drop but you don't get them because you're too far away, having to awkwardly get closer (or on top of) the chest to retrieve it's contents.

Doing this would allow you to carry said items while still being able to use your primary weapon. Datamasses I think would still need to be "picked up" by the player by using your use key, (except instead of you carrying it, Carrier does), to prevent afk datamass carriers. And then of course when inserting items carried by Carrier (like datamass into a console, or reactor cells into a reactor), you'd still have to point at the console/reactor port, and press your use key, and the item would go in as per usual.

How does this sound? Thoughts?

Edited by Zoretor
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i just watched that too, and my minor change to his suggestion, its instead of making the warframes have innate vacuum, make the companions have them, it'll solve the vacuum problem and make us want to always bring a companion

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9 minutes ago, Varacal said:

i just watched that too, and my minor change to his suggestion, its instead of making the warframes have innate vacuum, make the companions have them, it'll solve the vacuum problem and make us want to always bring a companion

If it was implemented in this way i would hope that even though it is tied to you having a companion that the vacuum radius would be around your frame still. With sentinels it's not much of a problem but kubrows, and kavats can get stuck, left behind, and eventually teleport back to you meaning it will miss many rooms of loot.

I'm in the boat of making it a natural thing for all warframes regardless of companion or not.

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I absolutely love the idea.

Making frames and companions more unique while removing their "one-trick-pony" mechanic, which made them popular and conveniant to use (looking at you, Nekros), is the right direction.

Edited by Lazarus-Fox
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If warframes had innate vacuum as part of design, and from level 1 then... the game would be much better. Simple as that.

As long as i do not reach status " have everything what ever wanted" i am gonna use carrier vacuum. And even then i still may use it on some frame who are going on blue pills.

Which means all other companions are here only to check out, and get some mastery level.

All this talking about balance, the player need to suffer, and farming as main selling point of Warframe is a nonsense to me.

Run after drops if you enjoy that. I will stick to the carrier as long as there is no alternative.

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That new carrier ability could help in situations where you want to use your primary more, or if you are stuck using only your primary because of a Sortie lol. And since Excavations and Fissures are popular, I can see that being a pretty neat power change for it once the innate vacuum ability becomes a thing.

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12 minutes ago, Ketec said:

Carry ability is quite worthless in reality. Wouldn't even bother with it.

You could carry multiple energy cells for excavation. Or use your primary weapon while carrier takes the data mass.

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U got it all wrong, carrier vacuum is intended.

It pick things up & carry it by sucking it & dropping it towards you, then the frame collect it all at once manually. It will keep carrying the stuff it sucked as long as youre moving fast & will only drop it when you stop or running towards the carrier.

If you ever experience the bug called "carrier.exe has stopped working" (where it only suck things up & wont drop it so your frame cant collect it) then you know how vacuum works.

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I feel like just giving universal vacuum for resource, mod and blueprint pickups (and leaving ammo, energy, etc. for carriers) would be enough, you don't really need every single energy/ammo pickup for majority of missions and equipment. On the other hand, though missing a rare mod/resource is obviously pretty bad, you don't want to miss even common ones too often.

Edited by Randomeer
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1 hour ago, Zoretor said:
  • Carrier actually carries. What would Carrier carry? Carrier would carry all those things that you have to pick up and carry, like datamasses, power cells, void fissure balls (gotta have Vacuum precept mod installed, of course).
  • Carrier (with Vacuum precept installed) could actually also suck up your dropped weapons, like from when a Drahk master steals it.

I feel like that's too much. Carrier should just carry surplus hp/energy/ammo you've picked up and hand it to you as you run out. 

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25 minutes ago, felixsylvaris said:

If warframes had innate vacuum as part of design, and from level 1 then... the game would be much better. Simple as that.

In your opinion.

There are those of us who personally do not like seeing loot flying at us, and consider Carrier to be a crutch.

Does loot fly at you in Skyrim?

Does loot fly at you in Borderlands? Or do you have hold a button whilst near it.

Does loot fly at you in isometric games? No, you click on it if you want it.

We as gamers are more than capable of playing without having loot fly at us at inconvenient moments (Having a channeled ability sucking up energy orbs permanently despite only missing 1 energy, no thank you). If you want that, great, there's Carrier for you to use, but don't force it on everyone else.

Edited by DeMonkey
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I would indeed like to see all warframes have an innate vacuum effect, though it would mean giving Mag a new passive.

Though instead of having Carrier pick up and carry datamasses and such (which could block progress if someone's Carrier picks up the mass while they're afk), I'd like to see Carrier pick up and store excess ammo, energy, etc..., up to a certain capacity, and drop it to you when needed.

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2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

In your opinion.

There are those of us who personally do not like seeing loot flying at us, and consider Carrier to be a crutch.

Does loot fly at you in Skyrim?

Does loot fly at you in Borderlands? Or do you have hold a button whilst near it.

Does loot fly at you in isometric games? No, you click on it if you want it.

We as gamers are more than capable of playing without having loot fly at us at inconvenient moments (Having a channeled ability sucking up energy orbs permanently despite being only missing 1 energy, no thank you). If you want that, great, there's Carrier for you to use, but don't force it on everyone else.

Warframe isn't even compared to Skyrim or Borderlands but, it is compared to Destiny and in Destiny unretrieved loot within mission will be sent to an npc for later retrieval so there isn't anything to be missed. 

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4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

gamers are more than capable of playing without having loot fly at us at inconvenient moments (Having a channeled ability sucking up energy orbs permanently despite being only missing 1 energy, no thank you). If you want that, great, there's Carrier for you to use, but don't force it on everyone else.

You make a valid point. Without Carrier I can make more efficient choices about the economy of pickups, at the expense of running after them.

Perhaps a vacuum effect could be introduced as a general warframe or companion mod, so those who want it have greater freedom of what they want it on, and Carrier itself can get a more unique precept than its current role in life as a loot sucker.

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I personally don't mind the system as it is. I used to dislike it, but now I feel fairly comfortable with the idea that I want the connivance, so I use carrier, if I want something else, I'll use something else.

Edited by ra9una
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An easy fix would be to have all mod & resource drops automatically added to the player's inventory without them having to walk over/near them and Carrier's vacuum would retrieve energy/health orbs and ammo. This would allow players to feel like Carrier isn't a necessity to obtain all the potential things they would have missed in mission needed to craft items and thus the welcoming to other companions. 

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14 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

In your opinion.

There are those of us who personally do not like seeing loot flying at us, and consider Carrier to be a crutch.

Does loot fly at you in Skyrim?

Does loot fly at you in Borderlands? Or do you have hold a button whilst near it.

Does loot fly at you in isometric games? No, you click on it if you want it.

We as gamers are more than capable of playing without having loot fly at us at inconvenient moments (Having a channeled ability sucking up energy orbs permanently despite only missing 1 energy, no thank you). If you want that, great, there's Carrier for you to use, but don't force it on everyone else.

Those games have loot that you may not want to pick up, like 'normal/trash' weapons or random worthless objects since your inventory is limited. On the other hand, pickups that don't really have a reason to not get picked up do get autocollected, such as gold in Torchlight 2, or (iirc) ammo and money lying around in Borderlands 2 (for some reason you need to slam interact button for ammo crates though).

There is no real reason to skip mods and resources in Warframe.

Edited by Randomeer
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Just now, Randomeer said:

Those games have loot that you may not want to pick up, like 'normal/trash' weapons or random worthless objects since your inventory is limited. On the other hand, pickups that don't really have a reason to not get picked up do get autocollected, such as gold in Torchlight 2, or (iirc) ammo lying around in Borderlands 2 (for some reason you need to slam interact button for ammo crates though).

There is no real reason to skip mods and resources in Warframe.

Mods and resources no. Ammo/Health/Energy/Life support yes. <- They actually make up the majority of the drops.

Each of those can be picked up when you're only missing a single point, wasting the remainder of the drop. I don't want that.

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I disagree with this in general. If you are not in a level for resources dont take the carrier, take something to destroy etc

I also wouldnt want the carrier to have all those extra uses, then noone would ever take anything else. The carrier doesnt need a buff and none of the warframes need a hoover buff!


Now an Archwing that sucks up resources... that I want :)

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