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Who liked Star Chart 2.0 more than this one?


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17 hours ago, KJRenz said:


As a new player, can you tell me where I should go? Where do I go to progress? How do I unlock the other planets? Do I do this mission first or the one below the one I just completed?

As a new player I had no problem with that its common sense,if you wanted to play on Phoebe for w/e reason you needed to finish what was next to it first.What was next to it?Rhea.And its also common sense from other games than in order to pass on to "next level" (next planet in this case) you needed to defeat the Boss of the planet. What was so rocket science about 2.0? Dont tell me those are the only reasons why we got this stupid 3.0 starchart.Cant even see the Mission progress anymore(what an improvement yay) and takes longer to switch between planets and missions yay again.Oh,and no more green/yellow/red nodes either to see faster where there was an infection or something cuz all we have now is tiny dots for missions yay again.Hooray for making the market and the startchart overly complicated for no reasons because visual appeal > simple design and functionality.

Edited by svanced
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Na, I don't like SC 2.0.  It lacks immersion.  SC 1.0 made it very clear where you needed to go next if you wanted an O. Cell or the like.  I also liked the map-like quality of 1.0.

2.0 was just a mission list.

3.0 bring back the map like quality which is a good thing, but it does need some of the color coding UI stuff that lets you quickly differentiate between special mission types that was in 2.0.  It would also be great if mission types had special icons.  My biggest peeve is that when I'm all the way zoomed out and I click on a planet it starts a random mission instead of zooming into that planet.  Forgive me if that one has been patched already.

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18 hours ago, triclopic said:

i have been playing warframe for a while and i have recruited many players, and i just want to know.... does anyone else like the old NAV menu better? the new one is harder to navigate, doesnt show what resources are available on each planet, and wont let you do a regular mission if there is an alert on the same spot. basically, i want to petition the developers to change it back. it was so much better before :(


Most of the issues you're mentioning have been fixed.
You can now select which mission to do on a node, you can see the resources on a plant by hovering over the extractor symbol in the lower right hand corner.  And its much easier to navigate.
And it has a lot less dead nodes that are just repeats of the same mission 3 or 4 times per planet.

As for navigation I find this easier in many ways.
Especially for new players trying to figure out where to go.
They can follow the path through a planet quite easily and instantly see how far they are from the boss node or junction.

18 hours ago, giantconch said:

The old starchart had more nodes, more options for me.

Except that most of those were just dead nodes that were copies of other nodes on a planet.
I mean seriously, why have so many copies of nodes that are exactly the same?
Sure the current star chart still suffers from it a little bit, but at least its no where near as bad as 2.0
There really isn't a need for more than 1 node of each type on each planet, which starchart 2.0 had plenty of examples of 2 or 3 of the same node per planet, and I think its good that they removed them because it helps to concentrate the players that want to do that node at that level range onto a single node for faster and easier grouping.

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Star Chart 3.0 is the best thing in U19.

It could use a little touch up like little red/blue borders around grineer/corpus invasions, green borders around infested invasions and yellow for alerts. Not a lot though, don't want to take away from the overall picture. just a little color.

Also you can't access your menu while in star chart which results in closing the program when trade chat locks up.

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it's buggy, it's plays audible noise and music even when background sound is disabled.  it manages to be cumbersome, confusing, and annoying at the same time.  it broke basic functionality like 'repeat mission' or being able to access the start menu.  yep, it's perfect.

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I thought Star Chart 2.0 was much faster to navigate, especially for tennos using controllers... And honestly, it didn't look that much worse to me. At least it was an actual projection inside your ship and not some strange surreal space roadmap thingy.

Function over form is what you want when it comes to hud/interface. The new system is slow to navigate, requiring you to click on each node individually. It is also rather hard to tell which node is an alert/invasion/nightmare mission... Plus you can't simply click on a planet to zoom in. Heck, even worse, if you actually click on a planet from a zoomed out perspective, you often hit a node by mistake and it automatically starts counting down... Starting an unknown mission.

I also hate how the new star chart doesn't allow you to open the arsenal/other menus when it's open.... Want to change loadout... You have to exit out of the system, chance your arsenal, then get back and find the node you were at... Annoying.

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I like the new Star Chart More than the previous one.  I did not play the original long enough for me to form a valid opinion.  I think there are opportunities to improve the current star chart have been stated by others.  I think it is probably a more engaging experience for new players, which I am not (been playing for a good 2 years). 

It needs to display the resource table for the node or planet, which ever level the resources tables are held at now.  It could also use a legend to show what the colors mean.  I still don't know why some nodes pulse.

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On 7/21/2016 at 1:52 PM, triclopic said:

i have been playing warframe for a while and i have recruited many players, and i just want to know.... does anyone else like the old NAV menu better? the new one is harder to navigate, doesnt show what resources are available on each planet, and wont let you do a regular mission if there is an alert on the same spot. basically, i want to petition the developers to change it back. it was so much better before :(



on a positive note: i cant wait to get a new kavat. all the other new updates rule :)

2.0 was much more confusing to navigate than 1.0 was. 3.0 brings back the clarity of 1.0 while adding and improving the visual hooks 2.0 had. You can look at 3.0 and immediately know exactly where you have to go, which was how 1.0 was designed, the critical path was made clear. If you want to see resources, hover over the extractor icon. As for the alert issue, that's likely a bug more than restricting players with the ability to choose what they want to do at the time.

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For those asking for colour coding, be aware that colour blindness is a rather common handicap in the male half of the population (thankfully DE has been aware of this, The memories of having to hug every locker because I couldn't tell which ones were open and which ones were locked, ouch... If any DE reads this I still :love: you folks for that locker change back then, you have no idea how big of a quality of life improvement that was).

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1.0 was the best, no blingblong and pseudographic-effects, clear navigation. No improvement in 1.0-2.0-3.0 for the mission-abstract. For example i search a excavation with x-fraction and x-level.... search and search and search... look in the wiki... nice starmap. No Mission-symbol, bad zoomrange.

Btw the extractor-service is horrible.

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8 hours ago, Uzpian said:

 it's now easier once again to decide where you're supposed to go.

With 2.0, I can choose wherever I want to go, rather than being confined to a defined route. Plus, it's more difficult to navigate with the garbage zoom in/out function, thus I have significant difficulties choosing the exact node that I wish to play. 3.0 is now a cluttered mess and visually confusing (nodes have nothing more than tiny emblems to distinguish whether they are dark sectors or sorties or boss nodes, white routes vs blue routes with a mostly black background is painfully difficult to look at).

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On 7/23/2016 at 3:45 AM, Madho said:

With 2.0, I can choose wherever I want to go, rather than being confined to a defined route. Plus, it's more difficult to navigate with the garbage zoom in/out function, thus I have significant difficulties choosing the exact node that I wish to play. 3.0 is now a cluttered mess and visually confusing (nodes have nothing more than tiny emblems to distinguish whether they are dark sectors or sorties or boss nodes, white routes vs blue routes with a mostly black background is painfully difficult to look at).

To each his/her own i guess?

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They never rollback to 2.0 the curent one is perfect yes there maby some issues for new players but hey the game is in beta so if you dont like it stop playng and wait for the Final and full release of Warframe  : ] 

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On 7/24/2016 at 3:25 PM, Fugana said:

They never rollback to 2.0 the curent one is perfect yes there maby some issues for new players but hey the game is in beta so if you dont like it stop playng and wait for the Final and full release of Warframe  : ] 

Which would die in a couple of years, just like any other "completed" game in existence. It's better to keep it on the down low. Plus, they should not make it problematic for new players, their source of income.

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