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The Salt Is Real


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So I just somehow managed to get through the pile of garbage that brought us the todays final Sortie mission.

And let me tell you, the salt is real!

Every 2 seconds, a blast from one of the hundred eximus that stand around you about to drown you in one hits, everywhere you look, 3 snow globes from eximus in the already indestructible mass of bulletsponges, and constantly having 0 energy because of the twenty energy leeches sucking you literally dry.

Not just the ridiculous amount of bulletsponging enemies is the issue. The fact that your extractors last an average of 20 seconds, if you manage to, makes this thing so frustrating.


Maybe I am just salty, maybe I'm talking smack. But listen to me: I don't care.


Warframe is broken and ever was. No fixes concerning bulletsponging and ridiculous scaling, not to mention armor scaling.

"Sortie is for the advanced players who seek a challenge", let me tell you what, this isn't a challenge. Neither is it balanced for the immense weapon builds of some of us. Our weapons don't scale, enemies do. So there's a brink at one point at which weapons, no matter how OP they are, just get useless.


"Balance"-- Sure man, believe it if you want to.

Edited by XenoFant
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2 minutes ago, aleco247 said:

Sounds like you just had a bad setup and/or team. When I went through it we had a Nyx for CC, Rhino to tank, Inaros doing Inaros stuff, and Nova for slow. We only lost like 2 or 3 extractors.

Lemme tell you what, it doesn't matter. Scaling is an overall issue, seemingly never about to end.

I just remembered all the things that want me to ******************************************* again.

Balance is not there.

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6 minutes ago, XenoFant said:

Lemme tell you what, it doesn't matter. Scaling is an overall issue, seemingly never about to end.

I just remembered all the things that want me to ******************************************* again.

Balance is not there.

Sorties are mean't to be very hard for the veteran players who have nothing to do. If you had a difficult time, maybe you're gear isn't ready yet. Try going as a tanky frame like Rhino or Valkyr.

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7 minutes ago, XenoFant said:

Lemme tell you what, it doesn't matter. Scaling is an overall issue, seemingly never about to end.

I just remembered all the things that want me to ******************************************* again.

Balance is not there.

They know the scaling is an issue, but they don't have an immediate change available, nor can they just insert changes like they do with other things. This is gonna take a while.

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My team sucked &#!, and I managed to pull us through. Warframe scaling is broken, but the mission isn't impossible. Try bringing an Inaros, built for range, duration and health. Plop on a Rage mod, and you have unlimited energy and unlimited blind dudes.

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Honestly if one of your issues is the damage they take you might not be  " advanced players who seek a challenge"

I rip through those enemies like any other, the enemy damage scaling is the primary problem not their eHP.

I do miss rolling through and ignoring Eximus fire waves though. In U19 they added a collision effect. You don't fall prone but it's not as useful and makes them a lot more annoying.

Energy Drain = Zenurik

Frost or Volt are basically req for lvl 100+ non-Infested Excavation.

Weapons don't scale but abilities double even triple their damage and they stack. 

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30 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

I do miss rolling through and ignoring Eximus fire waves though. In U19 they added a collision effect. You don't fall prone but it's not as useful and makes them a lot more annoying.

Well, damn, I though I was just having lag or timing it wrong. That is truly annoying indeed and kinda takes away the reward for being skilled enough to roll at the right time (not a terribly high barrier, but hey...)

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1 hour ago, XenoFant said:

"Balance"-- Sure man, believe it if you want to.

Balance? Pffft. Those are Sorties. They are perfect when they are hard. In fact they are very rarely hard enough. Or what, do you think the high level and tough conditions are there for everyone to be able to complete it, like some normal alerts that you speed run?

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2 hours ago, XenoFant said:

So I just somehow managed to get through the pile of garbage that brought us the todays final Sortie mission.

And let me tell you, the salt is real!

Every 2 seconds, a blast from one of the hundred eximus that stand around you about to drown you in one hits, everywhere you look, 3 snow globes from eximus in the already indestructible mass of bulletsponges, and constantly having 0 energy because of the twenty energy leeches sucking you literally dry.

Not just the ridiculous amount of bulletsponging enemies is the issue. The fact that your extractors last an average of 20 seconds, if you manage to, makes this thing so frustrating.


Maybe I am just salty, maybe I'm talking smack. But listen to me: I don't care.


Warframe is broken and ever was. No fixes concerning bulletsponging and ridiculous scaling, not to mention armor scaling.

"Sortie is for the advanced players who seek a challenge", let me tell you what, this isn't a challenge. Neither is it balanced for the immense weapon builds of some of us. Our weapons don't scale, enemies do. So there's a brink at one point at which weapons, no matter how OP they are, just get useless.


"Balance"-- Sure man, believe it if you want to.

Yes. And the last updates worsened the gameplay. Now, the gameplay is more sluggish, not fluid like it was before (later 2015). Our actions get skipped sometimes, some abilities are not properly synced and the enemy kills you. Sorties and enemies just became worse and unbalanced. 

There is players that talk about balance (not you) and do some theorycraft but the game dont have this, at this moment.

The fact is: there is no proper game testing team on DE. They just release changes and updates without test or talk with gamers. So you download and there is one,two,ten bugs and poor adjusts. No interface check: if you need to know the relic of other player and its refinement: not there. Its a big game with small teams. They need to hire more people and OTHER GAME DIRECTOR/PRODUCER     


Edited by CrisFenix
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Sorties exist to be unfair.  You can't complain about balance and use a sortie as an example.  That said, this mission was a bit harder than usual, but nowhere near as universally bad as you describe.  It sounds like changing your load out and group composition would have made it far easier for you.

There are balance issues that need to be addressed but you can't get mad at a game mode that is doing exactly what it was designed to do.

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I had fun with it as Frost. It was probably the first time I didn't use Mirage + Simulor for the final mission of a sortie.

Hint: you can roll into / away from Arson Eximus attacks without being knocked down.

Edited by Zookes
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I cannot do sorties today, but max range/duration shatter shield Mesa + a 6 forma secondary (best examples are vaykor marelok and lex prime because Crit based) + arcane velocity makes mesa the GODDESS of cheese itself. CC, ridiculous Damage, and tanky as all balls. have a good day.


Sorties are end game content. My Mesa cost me 200p in arcanes, and 6 forma to make. This isn't something tonkor can do every time.

Edited by -Voltage-
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I did the final part 3 times today. First to complete the sortie. Then I decided to run it twice more at different times to power level formaed weapons. Eximus stronghold + 80-100+ level mobs as a Draco replacement?!

Well, it wasn't as spectacular as I had envisioned. The first forma run got my weapon to 28 from I think 4 or 5! So that seemed alright. We were in a group with a Vauban ccing everything and an Ash killing everything as I tried to stay in affinity range of everyone and spammed ev on Trinity. I finished that weapon in some other mission then tried it again with another forma. Only got the weapon to 14 in that run. Was highly disappointed. It's not like it was a very fast mission.

The third part sortie even with eximus stronghold was still inferior in xp/time than Draco despite requiring a lot more effort : - ( And they don't even let you get decent credits for your time and effort after the first run... God forbid a level 100 mission that takes you probably 15 minutes award 50k more than once a day! Even though we used to be able to do void captures that were dramatically easier to get more credits per time...

But anyway, I can see how it would have been difficult in groups without Trinity and/or significant amounts of CC. Difficult and unrewarding. I brought Trinity to cancel out the leech drain and luckily had strong CC frames in all my runs (including a frost in two of them). 

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5 hours ago, CrisFenix said:

The fact is: there is no proper game testing team on DE. They just release changes and updates without test or talk with gamers. So you download and there is one,two,ten bugs and poor adjusts. No interface check: if you need to know the relic of other player and its refinement: not there. Its a big game with small teams. They need to hire more people and OTHER GAME DIRECTOR/PRODUCER     


That is completely false.
DE is perhaps the only company I've ever seen actually collecting feedback from the players and using it to improve their game.
Moreover, they employ at least 3 different phases of play-testing: the first two are internal, one executed by a selected debugger squad and the second by a larger group of employees; then a specific test-server is deployed, on which selected players (mostly Founders and alpha-testers) play the updates as regulars and comb through the new add-ons.

After that, bugs can still be present. As an example, think of old Nintendo - the go-to company for bug-less games: triple-A titles went through months or years of play-testing before being released, and that just to have a 99% chance of the game being perfect.
If you don't know how programming and debugging work (please) don't blurt out nonsense.

Also, on a comic note:

5 hours ago, CrisFenix said:

They need to hire more people and OTHER GAME DIRECTOR/PRODUCER



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7 hours ago, Trayzerlol said:

i dont mind sorties being hard... ... IF!!!! the rewards are according to the difficulty / time invested. and no, a lens or latron part does not qualify as a good reward if you ask me.


Its a game, play it for the fun of completing the missions, the rewards are just a bonus. If you ahve to be bribed to play the game, then it's not fun for you.

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On 24 July 2016 at 5:03 AM, XenoFant said:

So I just somehow managed to get through the pile of garbage that brought us the todays final Sortie mission.

And let me tell you, the salt is real!

Every 2 seconds, a blast from one of the hundred eximus that stand around you about to drown you in one hits, everywhere you look, 3 snow globes from eximus in the already indestructible mass of bulletsponges, and constantly having 0 energy because of the twenty energy leeches sucking you literally dry.

Not just the ridiculous amount of bulletsponging enemies is the issue. The fact that your extractors last an average of 20 seconds, if you manage to, makes this thing so frustrating.


Maybe I am just salty, maybe I'm talking smack. But listen to me: I don't care.


Warframe is broken and ever was. No fixes concerning bulletsponging and ridiculous scaling, not to mention armor scaling.

"Sortie is for the advanced players who seek a challenge", let me tell you what, this isn't a challenge. Neither is it balanced for the immense weapon builds of some of us. Our weapons don't scale, enemies do. So there's a brink at one point at which weapons, no matter how OP they are, just get useless.


"Balance"-- Sure man, believe it if you want to.

Soooo not to rip on you man, but our team is Mastery Rank 9-12, and we did this sortie 1st go, the only main problem we had was the interception, the augmented shield was a little intense, but some alterations to maximise slash and toxin, and we had no issue.

The specific mission you speak of, it was a little annoying, but, 4 ppl pick up a core each, you all go to the next drop, Frost, Rhino, Saryn and a Nyx, took us about 15 excavations to get the 10000 Cry, needed, and the few we screwed up were just poor communication or a point appearing in front of half the squad en-route to another drop and us trying to defend 2...

I really didn't think it was that bad. 

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