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Should Nullifiers be affected by Punch Through?


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3 minutes ago, DJkillz said:

Punchthru to kill the nullifier seems a little too much and OP. But maybe punchthru to attack other enemies within the bubble .. now maybe that's not bad. Have punch they range just under what can hit the nullifier himself. But have punch thru that it can still attack other enemies inside the bubble, maybe with decreased dmg or something just another option.

Well, that's kinda what I said just with the damage not hitting the nullifier. My idea was that some level of punch through can penetrate the bubble, maybe with a damage decrease for projectiles passing through the bubble if needed. I think PT through walls decreases damage anyway but I'm not sure.

Edited by TyrannisPax
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I think the way the bubble functions should be reworked. Even if you do slug enough rounds into it to shrink, it still takes time to actually dispel, which doesn't include the recharge rate for when the bubble comes back. Yeah you could dash in use close range tactics, but that marginalizes every warframe that isn't a close range fighter and is absolutely deadly when they're housing hordes of other enemies in there. What everyone wants is an effective way to deal with them at range.

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Bad idea. 

Nullifiers need to be fixed, not nerfed into the ground.

I'd honestly be fine with their current rendition if their shield took longer to charge, they didn't have a dang sniper and if they didn't cancel abilities forever, and we're more akin to Scrambus units. 

Finally, decrease their spawn rate and ability to have bubbles overlap. That's honestly what makes them so OP as of late.

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Good idea! It surprises me that DE still isn't reworking nullifiers with SO many complaints about them.

2 hours ago, Dan2Rock4 said:

I agree it would be nice for punch through to work, but then nullifiers become almost jokes if you use a bow. 

Isn't that good? Bows will have more (deserved) attention

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4 hours ago, TyrannisPax said:

I think the title says it all. And I'm just putting this idea out there for people to consider, criticize or whatever. (Not sure if this has been brought up before, I'm new to the forums, please be patient with me if so).

Nullifiers have some... Interesting, if annoying, features. And with their recent buff it I feel like they could be given a decent weakness, aside from their general low health. Now, I'm not totally sure how the Punch Through mechanics work, but seeing how they go through walls it got me thinking whether or not this would be a good edition to the Null bubbles. With a damage decrease or balance of course, to prevent them getting one hit through the bubble by weapons like the Opticor. Or maybe that might be a good thing.

Yay or Nay?

Good feedback, but DE dont read feedbacks about Nullifiers.

Because fun you players! that is why.

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1 hour ago, Hesyol said:

Good idea! It surprises me that DE still isn't reworking nullifiers with SO many complaints about them.

They can't figure out any other way to stop us (well, slow us down) from fragging thirty enemies per second.

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Yep, one of the main problem with the globe dudes is that they limit weapon choice. You like snipers? Well, screw you! You like bows? Screw you! You like shotguns? Can you guess it? Yes, screw you! And that is very bad from a gameplay point of view. All weapons should be somewhat viable against nullifier. And making punch through work would help with that.

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it would be nice. there are lots of ways to fix them though, as mentioned by others in this thread.

personally I think all that's needed is reduced spawns (having 5 or more Nullifiers overlapping is just a piss-take), and make it so that Bows and Snipers can destroy the bubble a little easier. but I would be fine with them being removed altogether, screw those guys.

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9 hours ago, TyrannisPax said:

Well, that's kinda what I said just with the damage not hitting the nullifier. My idea was that some level of punch through can penetrate the bubble, maybe with a damage decrease for projectiles passing through the bubble if needed. I think PT through walls decreases damage anyway but I'm not sure.

lol fair enough. sorry i didnt read many comments lol. i shouldve read first :P

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honestly if there were no nullifiers or nerf them in some way.. it would make them too easy. and there already r some ways to instantly kill the nulli. aka glaive. and there was meant to be a mitter mod coming DE talked bout it like 2 months ago.. release a few new augment mods for weapons . 1 of em were for mitter that allows u to instantly pop the nulli bubble.

after the release of relics. the playstyle for players have change so so much that u nvr fight anything over lvl50 ish anymore (except sortie). y do we need to make stuff more easier than it already is... i talked all bout it in the following post. should read that if u wanna get a better idea of what i mean:

any changes to nulli will just make it too easy. and i honostly dont know but ppl here r saying DE will nvr change nulli system and totally ignore all nulli suggestion. (or something along that line) then this suggestion is a complete waste of time lol.

the only time u face some problems with nullis is when u cheese. other time nulli bubbles r soooo easy to pop. just takes a few bullets and then there is the fact that it charges back up really quickly lol but that is another different topic i guess.

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12 minutes ago, DJkillz said:


Well, you see the problem as it is at the moment is that the damn things just spawn like flies at higher levels, and in sorties more than one of them can be a death sentence. Especially on excavation or defense missions. And as mention in a comment above, bows, snipers and low fire-rate weapons are useless against them, which just makes their bubbles even more op. So far all Corpus units have been high damage - low health kinda things. Yet Nullers have an armour value that belongs on the Grineer.

Given how much health enemies have in higher level missions, I don't think affecting the bubble with punch through would be op at all. They can stll sneak up on you when you're looking the other way (believe me that happens a lot). At the moment if there's more than one of them in a crowd, well it's either sit at a distance and waste ammo or jump in and get instagibbed. They are unbalanced as they are right now, this would just give them a bit of a blindspot.

Hell, toxic damage goes through every shield but theirs and it isn't even a shield against physical damage!

Edited by TyrannisPax
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4 minutes ago, TyrannisPax said:

Well, you see the problem as it is at the moment is that the damn things just spawn like flies at higher levels, and in sorties more than one of them can be a death sentence. Especially on excavation or defense missions. And as mention in a comment above, bows, snipers and low fire-rate weapons are useless against them, which just makes their bubbles even more op. So far all Corpus units have been high damage - low health kinda things. Yet Nullers have an armour value that belongs on the Grineer.

Given how much health enemies have in higher level missions, I don't think affecting the bubble with punch through would be op at all. They can stll sneak up on you when you're looking the other way (believe me that happens a lot). At the moment if there's more than one of them in a crowd, well it's either sit at a distance and waste ammo or jump in and get instagibbed. They are unbalanced as they are right now, this would just give them a bit of a blindspot.

Hell, toxic damage goes through every shield but theirs and it isn't even a shield against physical damage!

dude.. i just mentioned above that "higher lvl" is gone -.- and for higher lvl i know its hard. and u need automatic weapons to be able to handle nullies. single shot wont do anything. especially bows, snipe, and maybe even shotguns i guess u can say. but still its not that hard.. aka glaive. or use auto weapons. or just go in bubble kill with melee. there r many options.. requires teamwork... this is for high lvl. for lower lvl it means nothing. but like i said above and previous msg.. u dont go above lvl 50 anymore. aka problem solved.

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