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Why did Valkyr get nerfed?


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4 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

She's already plenty strong, what are you taking about? You can effectively keep hysteria up forever, even now, you just need to know how to play in order to do so instead of being a mindless 'hit 4 and E spam for 2 hours straight' frame.

Her old hysteria was unhealthy for the game which is why it was merged. Other frames have had this happen, i.e. Trinity's Blessing. All other invincibilities are worse than hysteria: wukong isn't actually tanky and has diminishing returns, iron skin's invincibility only lasts for 4 seconds iirc and can't be recast, and Atlas's first ability doesn't prevent shield damage and is incredibly brief, lasting for only 1 second, if not less, and requires you to be up in someone's face to use so its invincibility has too many gaps in between.

Put up a video on youtube and show me how good hysteria is.

has to be above lvl 80-120 survival grineer and/or corpus 20-40 minutes SOLO.

now lets see how you know to play her :D

Do you accept this challenge?

Edited by Vyra
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When EB came out and Valkyr fans screamed to get similar damage buffs to Hysteria, it was fairly clear that she'd be OP with them.

Low sustainable TTK with High sustainable TTL? Not balanced.

I'm impressed that DE went the route of turning Hysteria into more of a mini-game than outright nerfing it's socks off.

Comparing Valkyr's impressive TTK/TTL abilities to Inaros or WuKong is a broken argument at the outset to me. Their TTK/TTL aren't exact matches to Valkyr.

Valkyr has a lower TTK than Inaros and a comparable TTL (not prone to die = not prone to die regardless of mechanic. Invuln Tank vs Regen tank).

Valkyr has a higher TTK than WuKong but enjoys a more stable TTL (Invuln tank vs Super reflexes tank). 


Asking, "Why can't Valkyr have more sustainable defense back?", in this case is the same as asking why Inaros' abilities can't do more damage or why WuKong can't have Defy offer more stable defense.  


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5 minutes ago, Vyra said:

Put up a video on youtube and show me how good hysteria is.

has to be above lvl 80-120 survival grineer and/or corpus 20-40 minutes SOLO.

now lets see how you know to play her :D

Do you accept this challenge?

I don't play Valkyr, but you keep insisting that Valkyr is only usable for her hysteria for some reason.

So here's some guy soloing T4 survival up till ~level 125 without using hysteria until his eternal war wasn't enough to tank level 128 or so heavy gunners: 

p.s. I believe this is pre nerf hysteria, but this person didn't need to use it at all until almost level 130, to prove my point of not needing hysteria for level 120 content.

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4 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

I don't play Valkyr, but you keep insisting that Valkyr is only usable for her hysteria for some reason.

So here's some guy soloing T4 survival up till ~level 125 without using hysteria until his eternal war wasn't enough to tank level 128 or so heavy gunners: 

p.s. I believe this is pre nerf hysteria, but this person didn't need to use it at all until almost level 130, to prove my point of not needing hysteria for level 120 content.

Published on Apr 1, 2015

At that time warframe was way easier...also pre-nerf ... also at that time i could do that with nova...or even mirage..lol

And if you don't play valkyr you have no idea... you should not criticize me or any other person who dislikes valkyrs nerfs...

first hand experience only please...

Edited by Vyra
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1 minute ago, Vyra said:

Published on Apr 1, 2015

At that time warframe was way easier...also pre-nerf ... also at that time i could do that with nova...or even mirage..lol

With the Naramon focus, I can argue it's even easier now. And were any of Valkyr's abilities changed outside of Hysteria? Warcry is still functionally the same and is incredibly strong, even with only 185 or 200% power strength.

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2 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

With the Naramon focus, I can argue it's even easier now. And were any of Valkyr's abilities changed outside of Hysteria? Warcry is still functionally the same and is incredibly strong, even with only 185 or 200% power strength.

useless against grineer at least... grineer kill you when you try to approach them with melee
do you even play warframe these days?

fk even lvl 50 grineer eat down armor in 1 shot...

as i said put up a video of todays gameplay with valkyr.. do a 40 minute lvl 80-120 survival not using hysteria with valkyr...then we talk again.

Edited by Vyra
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Another of this threads, like we not have enough already, valkyr is stil lsueful as she is a powerhouse and tanky as S#&$, she sitll has ehr high armor which puts inaros to shame in survival.

Just now, Heckzu said:

With the Naramon focus, I can argue it's even easier now. And were any of Valkyr's abilities changed outside of Hysteria? Warcry is still functionally the same and is incredibly strong, even with only 185 or 200% power strength.

And i guess people not complain as always because they turned "weak", but becasue tehy actualy have to think a bit more now, you can technicly slash nullifiers bubbles away stayign outside the bubble which i do combined with hysterias attack speed, learn to use what you have and not just one button to win, which she sadly was like ash is sitll, ohhhh the salt on that when his rework comes out, but yeah i still manage to surve against lvl 100+ enemys wih enough movement, how about learn to use to combine your stuff you have and stop relaying on the "best" ability.

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Just now, Vyra said:

useless against grineer at least... grineer kill you when you try to approach them with melee
do you even play warframe these days?

fk even lvl 50 grineer eat down armor in 1 shot...

I can do Grinder sorties easily using melee-only Atlas and his kit is less offensive and has less defense than Valkyr, have you been playing warframe lately if you find level 50 grineer difficult?

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1 minute ago, Heckzu said:

I can do Grinder sorties easily using melee-only Atlas and his kit is less offensive and has less defense than Valkyr, have you been playing warframe lately if you find level 50 grineer difficult?

i said they eat down armor....(( i speak solo also ))

with a duration/efficiency/strength/armor build i am 1-3 shot dead...( using melee )
of course i could just AOE sonicor everything but my point is melee...
go onyl with melee weapon and see 1 bullet eats sheild, second bullet near deatn.. last bullet = death )


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8 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Inaros doesn't have invulnerability. 

it's within a couple stones throw of it, though.

25 minutes ago, Vyra said:

useless against grineer at least... grineer kill you when you try to approach them with melee

Grineer deal almost entirely Impact Damage, with some Slash.
they are literally the least suited vs Armor of the 3 basic Factions.

33 minutes ago, Vyra said:

At that time warframe was way easier...also pre-nerf

yeah, for the... Hysteria that the person in that Survival literally never used.
and some Enemies were only rebalanced as of July 2015, while that is April. so some Enemies have off the charts DPS compared to other counterparts.

you're making it sound very strongly that you're the one without hands on experience.

Edited by taiiat
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10 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

I can do Grinder sorties easily using melee-only Atlas and his kit is less offensive and has less defense than Valkyr, have you been playing warframe lately if you find level 50 grineer difficult?

I think you missed his/her point. Didn't say lv 50 grineer is difficult. What was stated was that EVEN lv 50 grineer can tear down armor easy. If lv 50 can do it, it would be a piece of cake for high enemies to do so. Vyra was negating the quote about the Naramon focus being useful.


Truthfully, everyone hates when their favorite or specialized frame is changed. Mag was my first and fav, but the latest change killed her(for me at least). We get use to playing a certain way and it can be very hard to change that when especially when its instinct to play that certain way. Some do not want to adapt. It means changing everything you know. Some may say its easy, but applying that to any and all situations is easier said than done for most.

So...OP, I feel your pain, but we gotta move on. Glad you got the answers you were looking for.

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I love how "still really powerful" is somehow equivalent to "trash tier."  Is she worse?  Yes.  Is she still extremely damaging and tanky?  Also yes.

Oh no, I have to be away from enemies (IF ONLY SHE HAS SOME SORT OF ABILITY THAT MOVES HER QUICKLY IN ANY DIRECTION BUT NAH RIPLINE IS CLEARLY ENTIRELY TRASH) to safely disengage Hysteria and be a bit more careful managing energy.  The new Hysteria rewards map awareness and planning, and still works perfectly as a panic button to escape a tricky situation or to take out significant targets safely.

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1 hour ago, Vyra said:

Put up a video on youtube and show me how good hysteria is.

has to be above lvl 80-120 survival grineer and/or corpus 20-40 minutes SOLO.

now lets see how you know to play her :D

Do you accept this challenge?

Doesn't seems that hard use warcry hysteria and a weapon with life strike as well as a decent gun mabye like a Braton prime.

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28 minutes ago, Ariies1st said:

I think you missed his/her point. Didn't say lv 50 grineer is difficult. What was stated was that EVEN lv 50 grineer can tear down armor easy. If lv 50 can do it, it would be a piece of cake for high enemies to do so. Vyra was negating the quote about the Naramon focus being useful.


Truthfully, everyone hates when their favorite or specialized frame is changed. Mag was my first and fav, but the latest change killed her(for me at least). We get use to playing a certain way and it can be very hard to change that when especially when its instinct to play that certain way. Some do not want to adapt. It means changing everything you know. Some may say its easy, but applying that to any and all situations is easier said than done for most.

So...OP, I feel your pain, but we gotta move on. Glad you got the answers you were looking for.

Because valkyr was OP and now I guess she more balanced but I think she should of been reworked more just like how volt should of been.

Edited by (XB1)MK Ultra K11
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9 hours ago, Airwolfen said:

500 health left and 100% armor buff, run into a nully bubble *poof* armor buff gone.

exactly. and that armor buff's health costs are returned to Inaros. stings when you try to snark, but really you have no idea what people were talking about, doesn't it?

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People complaining too much and DE swung wide on the nerfs. Haven't used her since, used to be my main too. I ran a eternal war build with armour, only used hysteria as a backup/health resupply. She can be used low lvl missions safely, mid lvl you have to be careful. Higher lvl you can forget it.

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13 minutes ago, ravend said:

People complaining too much and DE swung wide on the nerfs. Haven't used her since, used to be my main too. I ran a eternal war build with armour, only used hysteria as a backup/health resupply. She can be used low lvl missions safely, mid lvl you have to be careful. Higher lvl you can forget it.

Well, if the general consensus is that a skill is op, and those that argue that it isn't op can't provide a substantial counterargument (energy leeches and nullifiers screw over all warframes so it isn't a logical argument to use that to defend hysteria), then it becomes apparent that it's an issue and needs to be dealt with.

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