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War Prime


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I thought up a new powerful melee. It called War Prime the strongest prime melee weapon and the first weapon that has a physical dual type. A physical dual type is two physical types shares the equal amount of strength of the weapon for an example War Prime it get's both impact and slash power equally cause of Broken War's slash power and War's impact power was shared of their physical type power equal I got an idea of it's stats: Atk Speed-0.917, Impact-400.0, Puncture-50.0, Slash-400.0, Critical Chance-20.0%, Critical Multiplier-2.0%, Status Chance-30.0%, Slam, Slide, and Wall Atks-540.0, Conclave-100, and Polarities- 2x Naramons. The War Prime can be claimed as a blueprint, and be introduced in a quest called The Last Dream a quest where you face the Stalker and Hunhow using War Prime I would give you details on the beginning and the ending parts but I don't want to waste ya'll's time be if ya'll want me to tell you just ask. I would think that some weapon designer can make War Prime better than me I tried draw it in scratch to show it to the company but it's hard for me to draw it too advance for me. But I wish and hope the Warframe Company can make this weapon it would be amazing for anyone to like this idea and use War Prime it would disappoint me if this weapon is not created and my idea was not approved to them it's really not a bad idea but it anyone co worker from the Warframe Company see this please make this weapon and hope you approve this idea.

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So, let me just get this out of the way. The greatsword War is a sentient weapon, there were no prime sentient weapons, because the orokin and sentients were at war with each other.


Furthermore, your weapon idea is stupidly OP. No other weapon could even compete with it, and we already suffer badly from a very limited pool of top-tier weapons.


Also, Warframe is made by Digital Extremes. They are not called 'The Warframe Company'

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Please don't create duplicate threads.

I personally disagree with this idea. It doesn't help the bigger issues in the game such as power creep. Requesting a "most powerful ______ in the game" is very counter intuitive with the current state of the game, and the changes that are sure to be coming in the future.

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...But...What about the Lore? Prime's are weapons from the Orokin Era we get the parts for and build. We can't create any Prime Weapons. War was created by the Sentient Hunhow (using Stalker's hate (no, not the scythe), I believe), and to have "War Prime" would pretty much be saying, "Sentients can make Prime Weapons." And if Sentients can make Prime Weapons, why can't Lotus? Before that statement gets misunderstood, I am aware that she's supposed to have been weakened upon entering out solar system.

Basically, War Prime wouldn't make sense from a Lore standpoint, and it'd probably be MR locked (like, MR 22, probably), like regular ol' War (only MR 10 or 12, I think).

Also, it just doesn't really make sense.

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sorry to say that this idea will not be approved... for many reasons of what people above me said... it's ridiculously OP and no other melee will compete against it, it would break the lore considering back at the time the sentients and orokin were at war with each other.




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Well, the stats are insane.  That will never happen.

The concept itself isn't unthinkable though.  Hunhow claims the Orokin made weapons of sentient bones - and the tenno have been perfectly happy to pick up an enemies weapon for ages, and we pick war up and use it with our modding system awfully easy.  It's hardly unthinkable that the Orokin would've picked up sentient weapons and altered them for Tenno use, and I suspect we'd call those weapons primes now.

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43 minutes ago, (XB1)UKILR said:

...But...What about the Lore? Prime's are weapons from the Orokin Era we get the parts for and build. We can't create any Prime Weapons. War was created by the Sentient Hunhow (using Stalker's hate (no, not the scythe), I believe), and to have "War Prime" would pretty much be saying, "Sentients can make Prime Weapons." And if Sentients can make Prime Weapons, why can't Lotus? Before that statement gets misunderstood, I am aware that she's supposed to have been weakened upon entering out solar system.

Basically, War Prime wouldn't make sense from a Lore standpoint, and it'd probably be MR locked (like, MR 22, probably), like regular ol' War (only MR 10 or 12, I think).

Also, it just doesn't really make sense.

I'm thinking MR 30, and you get it as a log in reward on the 1500th day.

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As has been stated, since War is a sentient weapon, it cannot be primed, only Tenno weapons can. Additionally, you want a melee that deals 850 damage, and is both crit and status viable. No. That is simply too much damage for any melee to have unmodded.

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Just now, LuckyCharm said:

What if... we took the idea... Took the word prime off it.... 

And then gave it to the hunhow as a new boss ^-^ Then he wouldn't have to drop it. 

Because this idea is the most broken, unbalanced thing ever. I'd probably quit if this was added, because of how much it would destroy different playstyles

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1 minute ago, bowiespoon said:

Because this idea is the most broken, unbalanced thing ever. I'd probably quit if this was added, because of how much it would destroy different playstyles

Oh I never said anything about putting it in the hands of tenno. There are already bosses out there that are crazy annoying to fight (kela is top of my list given how her rockets pretty much are endless and 1shot most squishies) What's the difference between a hard hitting melee boss and a ranged one besides the fact he wont be shooting you with stuff so you have more breathing room

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41 minutes ago, Askell91 said:

Is this a joke?

Answer : Why yes, the meatbag known as "OP" is most certainly joking

Addendum : That, or the meatbag is simply calling attention to itself in a truly unfashionable way...

Query : Does Master wishes to exterminate this "OP"?


Edited by Railgun_Alter
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I wont judge, because I also was kid one day and had my ultra invincible original character with his Super Ultra Claymore of Bread Buttering +15, that could slice, dice, boil eggs and remove those annoying white fabric balls from dark clothing.

But I think you might need to slow down. 850 damage is about 6-7 times the damage of War and Fragor Prime.

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