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Archwing Movement Is Worse Than Ever


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I never hated Archwings — when it was released it was kinda fun. Movement felt nice and responsive, flying through Corpus ships looked cool AF — no wonder people asked for Archwing racing mode. Archwing was clearly build with "indoor" maps in mind, but that's fine by me, never like too open maps anyway. Aaaand yeah, I do hate Archwings now. This "unlocked" camera achieves nothing, it only makes navigation harder. Turning animation looks silly now. And the worst thing — that unbearably annoying momentum that makes controls extremely unresponsive. It's simply impossible to play in Corpus tileset with movement like this.

DE, please revert Archwing to day-0 state and start over. Current "improvements" improve nothing, whole archwing system just goes nowhere now.

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You are mistaking "poor quality" with "not of my taste". Quite personally, I love the new movement, requires some more thought, feels much more fluid and "natural", and less restrained. Indeed, indoor maps suffer, yet we can argue that it's the maps that are outdated, not the archwing flying system. Not to mention how they don't suffer that much, you just have to be more careful and calculative when flying.

The movement is smooth and responsive. Complete 360° movement grants another layer of immersion, and honestly, the only thing I feel trully lacks is voluntary rotation controls.

Like too many in this forums, this thread is purely personal (dis)taste masked as feedback.

Say you don't like it as much as you want-- but don't be self centered to the point of equating that to poor quality.

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I honestly disagree. The old system for Archwing was clunky and felt like trying to swim through a pool of honey. The newer movement is much more streamlined and actually feels like space combat. The Corpus tileset doesn't work well with the new movement, but I'm sure there's room for some kind of compromise.

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The old movement was much easier but that being said, the new one is okay. OKAY. It needs the auto rotate turned off and it'll be fine for me. Did JV just earlier and i got so disoriented trying to melee that ball in the hole having the camera turn me as I was moving on its own. Seriously, i was moving straight ahead to the ball.. and it was spinning me


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57 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

You are mistaking "poor quality" with "not of my taste". Quite personally, I love the new movement, requires some more thought, feels much more fluid and "natural", and less restrained.

Yeah, right. I fail to understand how non-responsive controls feels "less restrained".

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I disagree, the newer movement system is more streamlined and fluid than the old one even though it takes a lot more time to get accustomed to since it's like playing a flight sim (6 degree woo).

Also, how's the control unresponsive? I don't seem to have any problem with the new controls (other than plenty of bumping to walls).

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5 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:

other than plenty of bumping to walls

Lol. That's exactly how controls are unresponsive. Previsously you used to turn with the same speed as you move mouse. Now you turn too slow, unbearably slow. Thus bumping to the walls.

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4 minutes ago, AlienOvermind said:

Lol. That's exactly how controls are unresponsive. Previsously you used to turn with the same speed as you move mouse. Now you turn too slow, unbearably slow. Thus bumping to the walls.

go say that to a war thunder forum. They'll laught at you.

Slow turning does not equate to unresponsiveness, it equates to the need of thinking in advance, and gives a sensational of inertia and weight to the frame. I like it a lot more.

Edited by tnccs215
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2 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

go say that to a war thunder forum. They'll caught at you.

I will, straight after they add maps with narrow corridors.

The thing is: DE made indoor maps obviously with instant turning in mind. And now those maps are broken and almost unplayable.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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8 minutes ago, AlienOvermind said:

I will, straight after they add maps with narrow corridors.

The thing is: DE made indoor maps obviously with instant turning in mind. And now those maps are broken and almost unplayable

That's... Not true. I've played them, and all they require is more thought and care.

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I tried to play a Rush type mission and all it consisted of was bumping into walls and being shot by enemies I can't even see because the game bugs and is zooming in my FOV. So I flipped a table and came to this forum to complain.

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Coming from a person that always liked archwing I agree yeah. The movement system is worse than the previous. Its fine in large open maps like caelus but in closed corpus maps its very limiting. Honestly the archwing updates could've been skipped all together. I'd have prevered them to spend the time fixing all the bugs rather than this unneeded update. Its not bad but its not an improvement either in my eyes.

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On 8/1/2016 at 2:09 PM, NeoRetro10K said:

I like the movement on the open-space maps, but the Corpus ships are kind of bad right now due to the inertia.

Also, auto-orientation ought to be removed entirely, and there should be a dedicated button mapping for "align to original axis".

If you have to "align to original axis" then what was the point in unlocking that axis in the first place? True roll buttons are needed and the controls need to be completely reworked to make it easier to fly. Right now it is like trying to guide a boat down a narrow corridor while the boat spins in random directions and your compass is telling you left is up. That to me is way more clunky then the old system which was no only easier to learn, but easier to control.

And as far as the inertia sliding goes, it makes zero sense. If we can accelerate to ridiculous speeds in an instant, we should be able to stop and turn on a dime in an instant as well. The way it is designed now gives conflicting information on how movement should work in Archwing (which is probably part of the reason why it's so frustrating for players to grasp). We either accelerate and decelerate slowly, or we can quickly change our directions on a whim.

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 What im having trouble with is the control input and responsiveness. Even minor attempts to correct travelling offcourse sends me flying into objects. Im not flying in the direction i want or am aiming to fly in. I have no problems keeping track of my positional awareness however.

There is a problem with myself however as my feedback is biased because my vision of archwing is a highspeed combat system reminiscint of gundam vs ex mixed with lylat wars 360*(aka starfox off the rails). I know others who have suggested and made requests have also based thier feedback on other games such as strike freedom force.

One thing though is the use of boost (space button). It should not cause me to climb altitude when im using it as a way to gain quick acceleration. It's so frustrating especailly when im trying to combine it with shooting moving targets while evading missiles and such. The camera too seems to love zooming in to the point my archwing is occupying my entire screen (even after the latest update that made changes to the camera).

Edited by CarrotSalad
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/3/2016 at 0:46 AM, Zyion said:

If you have to "align to original axis" then what was the point in unlocking that axis in the first place? True roll buttons are needed and the controls need to be completely reworked to make it easier to fly. Right now it is like trying to guide a boat down a narrow corridor while the boat spins in random directions and your compass is telling you left is up. That to me is way more clunky then the old system which was no only easier to learn, but easier to control.

And as far as the inertia sliding goes, it makes zero sense. If we can accelerate to ridiculous speeds in an instant, we should be able to stop and turn on a dime in an instant as well. The way it is designed now gives conflicting information on how movement should work in Archwing (which is probably part of the reason why it's so frustrating for players to grasp). We either accelerate and decelerate slowly, or we can quickly change our directions on a whim.

Roll controls are necessary too, but the "align" button would be useful in the Corpus maps, as it would be faster than just using roll manually if you wanted to align yourself exactly to the Corpus map. Unlocking the axis was still necessary for open-space maps, as it used to be too hard to aim at enemies above or below you, because you would just rotate the angle instead of following the enemy laterally. More in-game controls (both your suggestion and mine, since they're not mutually exclusive) would be best, especially seeing as switching between new and old flight models in the options, or based on tileset, is simply impractical.

And I totally agree that Archwing momentum should cancel out more quickly for the sake of gameplay.

Edited by NeoRetro10K
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Funny how the gun shoots where its not pointing. I used to like archwing but now i'll just do alerts. DE always breaking something in this game. Lesson 1. (If it aint broke dont fix it)    Easy solution is to in the option allow player to pick between old system and new system now everybody happy, but that'll never happen.

Edited by (PS4)B-I-G-_-R-O-B
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Archwing got worse for me because of this.


Open space battles are not fun because all of your weapon rely on pinpoint accuracy. There might be some that have explosion or a larger hitbox but that's about it. So you can't speed around and shoot stuff because it'd be impossible to hit anyway. So it just turns into a camping game which is really boring.

So I liked the indoor maps because then the enemies would come from less points and it'd be a bit more hectic. Sadly with the new flying system you can not boost at all or you'll hit every single wall at a corner. So it's just flying at the normal speed throughout the map unless there is a straight line on certain places.

This is not fun, it's not helping Archwing game mode at all.


If they want a faster paced Archwing with this new flying controls they need to think up of weapons like Smart Gun from Aliens that is auto aiming to a certain degree. They could do this on all weapons and I wouldn't care how powerful they got. At least it'd be fun.

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On 30.7.2016 at 2:27 PM, AlienOvermind said:

DE, please revert Archwing to day-0 state and start over. Current "improvements" improve nothing, whole archwing system just goes nowhere now.

I would go even further but keep in mind that it is just my opinion. Remove archwing completely and concentrate on what Warframe does best: fast paced PvE parkour third person shooter. I think archwing should not be part of warframe the same way as a third person foot soldier shooter mode should not be part of War Thunder. And use the freed ressources (developer, map designer, etc) to fix bugs and create new story missions. 

I would even pay for a Archwing-Removal Prime Access if that would motivate DE to think about removing archwing.


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We need roll controls. Till then, Indoor maps will make half the player-base sick. I don't usually suffer from motion sickness, but after taking some time to level some AW stuff, I ended up with a headache and nausea from trying to figure out orientation in indoor maps that have clear up and down.

Either lock rotation on indoor tiles like they did with sharkwing, or add roll controls for the benefit of all maps.

Edited by Demon.King
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On 07/30/2016 at 8:49 AM, tnccs215 said:

You are mistaking "poor quality" with "not of my taste". Quite personally, I love the new movement, requires some more thought, feels much more fluid and "natural", and less restrained. Indeed, indoor maps suffer, yet we can argue that it's the maps that are outdated, not the archwing flying system. Not to mention how they don't suffer that much, you just have to be more careful and calculative when flying.

The movement is smooth and responsive. Complete 360° movement grants another layer of immersion, and honestly, the only thing I feel trully lacks is voluntary rotation controls.

Like too many in this forums, this thread is purely personal (dis)taste masked as feedback.

Say you don't like it as much as you want-- but don't be self centered to the point of equating that to poor quality.

What he said

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