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Asuri Nova and Davani Syandana Feedback


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Yeah guys I too fell for the FALSE ADVERTISEMENT. I thought the syndana was the arms also.......otherwise i wouldnt have paid 225. Can we get a time limited refund button?? I am really bummed out that i bought that terrible syndana i will never ever ever never never ever wear. It looks waaaaay to pointless as a syndana who even makes them for the love of god DE fire the artist who specifically made the syndana or DEMOTE THEM. 

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3 minutes ago, syni said:

I don't understand why so many people are expecting the special arms flailing effect to be tied to a syndana and work on multiple frames. It is a Nova deluxe skin, would make sense to only work on that skin, am i dumb? I just can't grasp this logic.

Youre not only one, it was pretty clear that Shiva arms will be tied only for Nova skin, not all frames since beginning. And yet people want refund

Edited by Myscho
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5 hours ago, Kelshiso said:

While I could've went on a tirade about how ridiculous the skin is, that's for the general discussion forums.

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Yea, I'm just salty that this somehow fits into the sci-fi genre but DE complained about leather straps from Tennogen designs.

Alas, I may be in minority about this, but this, for me, is the only deluxe skin not worth any platinum.

And, as a Nova fan, it pains me to say so.

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when we got awesome skins for banshee,trinity and saryn. this one does look bad compared to them. Everybody like nova almost 99% of the player base and expecting a gg skin for nova is not wrong. so that's why all the hate i guess. and those who changing colors and pretending its good are just compromising themselves coz it's done and we can't do anything now.

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6 minutes ago, 007-MusicalMind said:

when we got awesome skins for banshee,trinity and saryn. this one does look bad compared to them. Everybody like nova almost 99% of the player base and expecting a gg skin for nova is not wrong. so that's why all the hate i guess. and those who changing colors and pretending its good are just compromising themselves coz it's done and we can't do anything now.

Nah they were all expecting the arms to be part of the syndona because they didn't pay attention and are now raging when they realize they are part of the Nova skin's theme.

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Some one is going to like it, but putting it On the launcher so it cant be missed by us that hate the thing.  Put it where it should be and first page in the market, but not on the launcher DE.

@skin maker sorry but it looks bad

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10 hours ago, RahuHordika said:

It's just that people forget that there is such thing as custom colors.

(Tho helmet is meh)

its a crazy mix of hare krishna (hindu) and other eastern traditions, im not wearing this cultural headache ^^)

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4 hours ago, Flackenstien said:

To put it bluntly, I think that this stylish yet simple Syandana should also be able to project the same arms as Nova while A) Shield is recharging (with a defensive animation), and B) using the Meditate Emote (with a flowing animation).  

The hindu/asian/budist theme of the set is awesome, and It'd be nice for other Warframes to be able to share in that aesthetic.  

While a big appeal of the Nova Skin is the arms, the Syandana cannot be owned without purchasing the Nova Skin Bundle to begin with, so this will only draw more people to said bundle.

I think alot of things could have been done like having her balls float around or do something as well.

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5 hours ago, Alcatraz said:

I believe most of these Deluxe skins are actually outsourced by a single artist.

I thought this was done from someone at DE. Either way, most of the pics I've seen don't even use the default head, which is quite ugly. I like the halo. If only I can have that halo on other helmets or something.

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Now before you grab your pitchforks, hear me out.

It's pretty obvious that the Nova skin has a highly Indian motif towards it; the polearm a more general Asian feel and the syandana... Not so much. It's only logical to see that the arms, which not only hover behind the warframe but also animate belong to that Indian motif, which is why it should remain affixed only to this new Nova skin. Granted, when I first saw the pictures of Deluxe Nova I thought the arms were the new syandana itself; I never saw the little doll attachment then.

The only Warframe I can think of that can pull off this multi-hand schtick well is Nezha; see his deity depictions where he wields multiple weapons in several additional arms. I honestly think I'd get sick of seeing every 1 in 4 warframes run around with ill-matching arms floating off the back, whether it be Chroma, Rhino, Ash, Hydroid, Ivara, Frost, etc. etc. etc.

So yeah. I think the Syandana is perfectly good as it is. A neat little doll that hangs off the back, possibly even colourable into a voodoo doll pattern. It does not need to have those additional arms glued to it so every warframe can run around pretending to be Kali/Shiva/whomever.

It's nice as the small syandana that it is. As Baro Ki'teer says, Minimalism is making a comeback! So yes. I'm buying this set, but not because I want digital holo-arms dangling off all my Warframes' backs.

Now you can grab the torches and pitchforks.

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^This is the main source that people (aka the final product that were advertised) were relying on, since its linked to the skin and asuri package in-game. 

The huge number of posts were obviously not there just when the skin was released, so if you bought it when it came out you would not know.

I normally always research something before spending plat on it, but no threads anywhere.

Sure, you can blame impulse  but if no one bought it in the first place, who would make the threads pointing it out?

Plus, in the post here on the forums DE says :



Nova Asuri Collection

Embody the power of a divine entity with the new Nova Asuri Collection. Expand your levels of customization by adding a new deity-inspired Skin for Nova, a new Skin for any polearm weapon, and a sacred new Syandana to your Arsenal."


Honestly, does this, without the 4 glowing arms, look sacred to you?



And it is not unrealistic to think the Syandana could produce the arms and effects. Considering the Syndicate Syandanas, the idea is already there in the game, so no, its not far fetched.

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The syandana does not have the arms to begin with. its part of the skin itself. Its a problem though that the game does not tell you that.

So enjoy your minimalist, no digital holo-arms, syandana. (as it should be:p)

Edited by Airwolfen
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before you mistaken anything, why people complain is because Nova Syandana is shown to buyer that it is emitting arm from it but there isn't any way to find it out other than purchasing it. I am sure there are people who like it's overall design but there isn't a need to spit on those who bought it due to their own misjudgement?

Edited by Nijyumensou
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I can see where you're coming from on this.  Though honestly, I would definitely capitalise on the multiple arms for at least one or two warframes.  The issue of people just slapping it on and it being overabundant...  Most people, I notice.  Do not put as much thought behind their style as would be preferable.  So, there will always be people with lacking taste or propriety, using something with great potential all willy nilly.  Not a sufficient reason in my books, to limit options for those who do think things through.

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2 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

The syandana does not have the arms to begin with. its part of the skin itself.

So enjoy your minimalist, no digital holo-arms, syandana.

Of course, that's what I'm saying. I'm addressing the countless complaints that expected the little doll to provide the holo-arms and giving a counterpoint.

2 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

before you mistaken anything, why people complain is because Nova Syandana is shown to buyer that it is emitting arm from it but there isn't any way to find it out other than purchasing it. I am sure there are people who like it's overall design but there isn't a need to spit on those who bought it due to their own misjudgement?

When the initial Deluxe image came out (see link below), there was no mention of what would come with Nova. Like I said, I had assumed that the arms themselves were the deluxe syandana.


2 minutes ago, Gwevare said:

I can see where you're coming from on this.  Though honestly, I would definitely capitalise on the multiple arms for at least one or two warframes.  The issue of people just slapping it on and it being overabundant...  Most people, I notice.  Do not put as much thought behind their style as would be preferable.  So, there will always be people with lacking taste or propriety, using something with great potential all willy nilly.  Not a sufficient reason in my books, to limit options for those who do think things through.

That is a good counterargument. I'd honestly like to see it only on warframes that match (Nova, Nezha, definitely not sure who else), but there's no stopping or pleasing some others.

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3 minutes ago, Gwevare said:

Most people, I notice.  Do not put as much thought behind their style as would be preferable.  So, there will always be people with lacking taste or propriety, using something with great potential all willy nilly.

Just because you don't agree with someone else's taste doesn't mean they don't have any.

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