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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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30 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

All I wanna say is DE is handling the Umbra thing 100% wrong. Deciding to be so secretive long after the cat was out of the bag, deciding so long after they mentioned releasing him on multiple occasions dating back to the end of last year, then deciding out of nowhere they wanted to do something innovative with him even though they had everyone already waiting months on end is one thing, but being super vague about when or where or what or anything is just leading to speculation. Its been 9 months and we have no details about what is actually going on. Its maddening, and all these blind followers assuring me that DE knows what they're doing even though they probably know less about it than I do pisses me off even more. But of course, this comment will be followed by another blindly hopeful retort, or another naysay or some other fanboy just saying exactly what DE wants them to say.

The thing which I am not actually certain that folks really get is this:


Digital Extremes do not actually owe you Excalibur Umbra.

The situation is not that of a company holding onto something which belongs to you, and which they are refusing to give back to you. The situation is not that of a company which has been paid in advance for something which they are now withholding. No-one has 'pre-ordered' Excalibur Umbra. Excalibur Umbra was not Kickstarted. It was not promised as a reward to any group of players, or to players in general. Exactly the form that it would not take has never been fully discussed. Excalibur Umbra has not ever been advertised or hyped in the global build at all. 



Now, that was kinda confrontational of me, and I'm sorry for that......but it is also the truth. Speculating about Excalibur Umbra is cool. Expressing interest in the release, and impatience when it appears to be delayed, is cool. Outright demanding Umbra, and acting as though it is something which already belongs to you, something which you already have the right to, that is the attitude which is being called out as entitled. This is because that is pretty much the dictionary definition of an entitled attitude.



Should DE release Excalibur Umbra? Yeah, they certainly should, loads of people are really interested. I'm one of those people. (Hell, I'm still posting in the thread, and have made a bunch of comments about how interested I am in what the lore implications of Umbra might be.)


Should DE release Excalibur Umbra soon? Yeah, preferably. I'd like to see it in action because it's a beautiful 'frame variant, and I'm really fascinated by whatever quest they have planned for it. Hopefully it's gonna shake up some stuff which we know (or think we know) about Warframes, their development, design, and creation.


Is it justified to come up with conspiracy theories, or to harass the devs? Absolutely not, and anyone who finds themselves doing so might be better off taking a deep breath, calming down, and just playing some games, or having beers with buddies, or whatever. Getting increasingly angry over something on the internet is very seldom a helpful course of action, especially when it's something that is purely out of your hands, and which is not of critical, life-threatening importance.



We all still friends?



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4 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

Yes, that is exactly what I want, for them to divulge in some sort of material information about the subject. Also, I may have put over 400 dollars into this game, but I'm not quite that rich, or I would buy DE in a heartbeat. By the way, thank you for responding exactly the way I said you guys would.

I'm surprised you're not patient to begin with, considering the fact that you are on console(under the assumption that you don't have a PC account). You're just going to have to wait it out like everyone else. I really want umbra too, but it's definitely not ruining my life or upsetting me with how long it's taking to come out. Try focusing on other things besides Umbra.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

All I wanna say is DE is handling the Umbra thing 100% wrong.

I disagree. The way they handled The Second Dream was somewhat similar, and it was an awesome surprise. DE is trying to do that again with Umbra, from what they've said about it on the devstreams. I welcome a lore-heavy introduction.

Excal was the first frame I ever played, and I sold him after hitting max rank back when I was still a relative newbie (before DE reworked him and introduced EB). I have been wanting to build another to see what I can do with him post-rework, and I'm waiting for Umbra so I don't waste resources. I could get impatient and salty about how long they're taking, but that won't change a thing (other than raising my blood pressure). DE will release it when its ready, and no sooner. And further, most companies don't tell players anything at all about future content until release day. At least we have something to speculate and get excited about.

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40 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

The thing which I am not actually certain that folks really get is this:


Digital Extremes do not actually owe you Excalibur Umbra.

The situation is not that of a company holding onto something which belongs to you, and which they are refusing to give back to you. The situation is not that of a company which has been paid in advance for something which they are now withholding. No-one has 'pre-ordered' Excalibur Umbra. Excalibur Umbra was not Kickstarted. It was not promised as a reward to any group of players, or to players in general. Exactly the form that it would not take has never been fully discussed. Excalibur Umbra has not ever been advertised or hyped in the global build at all. 



Now, that was kinda confrontational of me, and I'm sorry for that......but it is also the truth. Speculating about Excalibur Umbra is cool. Expressing interest in the release, and impatience when it appears to be delayed, is cool. Outright demanding Umbra, and acting as though it is something which already belongs to you, something which you already have the right to, that is the attitude which is being called out as entitled. This is because that is pretty much the dictionary definition of an entitled attitude.



Should DE release Excalibur Umbra? Yeah, they certainly should, loads of people are really interested. I'm one of those people. (Hell, I'm still posting in the thread, and have made a bunch of comments about how interested I am in what the lore implications of Umbra might be.)


Should DE release Excalibur Umbra soon? Yeah, preferably. I'd like to see it in action because it's a beautiful 'frame variant, and I'm really fascinated by whatever quest they have planned for it. Hopefully it's gonna shake up some stuff which we know (or think we know) about Warframes, their development, design, and creation.


Is it justified to come up with conspiracy theories, or to harass the devs? Absolutely not, and anyone who finds themselves doing so might be better off taking a deep breath, calming down, and just playing some games, or having beers with buddies, or whatever. Getting increasingly angry over something on the internet is very seldom a helpful course of action, especially when it's something that is purely out of your hands, and which is not of critical, life-threatening importance.



We all still friends?



Wait, why cant we come up with conspiracy theories?! Guys hes a reptilian from the illuminati, get emmm!!!!!! 

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34 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

I'm surprised you're not patient to begin with, considering the fact that you are on console(under the assumption that you don't have a PC account). You're just going to have to wait it out like everyone else. I really want umbra too, but it's definitely not ruining my life or upsetting me with how long it's taking to come out. Try focusing on other things besides Umbra.

I tried, I really did. But its becoming like the elephant in the room, and I know it's not like they're giving us nothing else, its just they deliberately decided to keep delaying something they knew we all coveted. I wanna know if he's coming in update 19 or 20 or whatever. Its not the wait itself. You could tell me to wait until Christmas 5 years from now and I'll leave you alone. Its the INDEFINITE wait that bothers me. Of course some of you guys would sit here and wait 20 years without Umbra and sit here and tell me the same blah blah blah lore shmore crap.

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)MK Ultra K11 said:

Wait, why cant we come up with conspiracy theories?! Guys hes a reptilian from the illuminati, get emmm!!!!!! 

We shouldn't come up with conspiracy theories because it's not helpful. Conspiracy theory starts from the assumption that you are being plotted against, and is thus kind of insulting to DE. Conspiracy theories also have this tendency to act like Real Life Headcanon, in that people start assuming that they are true, or semi-true, or contain useful information. This leads to people coming up with angry rants which are, again, unhelpful and often kind of insulting to the devs.



Also, I find your accusation to be racially charged! We reptilians have never been found to operate any kind of mind control apparatus inside the Earth's atmosphere, and not all of us are with the Illuminati! #NotAllLizards

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2 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

We shouldn't come up with conspiracy theories because it's not helpful. Conspiracy theory starts from the assumption that you are being plotted against, and is thus kind of insulting to DE. Conspiracy theories also have this tendency to act like Real Life Headcanon, in that people start assuming that they are true, or semi-true, or contain useful information. This leads to people coming up with angry rants which are, again, unhelpful and often kind of insulting to the devs.



Also, I find your accusation to be racially charged! We reptilians have never been found to operate any kind of mind control apparatus inside the Earth's atmosphere, and not all of us are with the Illuminati! #NotAllLizards

Well, I find that to be very discriminative. I Identify as the earths atmosphere and have caught you lizards on numerous occasions. #atomsphererights

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3 hours ago, Apoc001 said:


 ...ya maybe they didnt read the op ....?


3 hours ago, Xero_Kaiser said:

I've been away from this game for a few months, but damn, they still never got around to releasing this skin?  That's actually kind of funny.  Frankly, I'm surprised anyone still cares.  

read the op 

its not a skin amigo its a  whole new warframe and beginning of a new line of warframes 


EDIT side note , saw this, so war within has cinimatic ..do we hope for umbra? 


Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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5 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

 ...ya maybe they didnt read the op ....?


read the op 

its not a skin amigo its a  whole new warframe and beginning of a new line of warframes 


EDIT side note , saw this, so war within has cinimatic ..do we hope? 


Dunno, Umbra was delayed from 2015 with  "we don't want him to be forgotten in a sea of releases, we want him to be special instead" (or something like that) excuse under the context of the second dream, atlas, wukong and nezha releases. Now we have vauban prime getting ready for his release, mag and volt reworks, all frames getting a passive skill, followed by U19 with kavats, lunaro, na'vi fairy frame, starchart 3.0 (probably with a new tileset, maybe even a new locations) a new cinematic quests, meaning that Umbra might be delayed again with the same excuse.

On the other hand, if new starchart brings a new planet (iirc steve said something hinting that somewhere, I might be wrong about it anyways) and Umbra is supposed to be a pleasant surprise, so he might be included anyways, so we go back to the same place and this post gives some of my current thoughts without saying anything new, so there's only one thing left to say:









Edited by -----LegioN-----
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

Lol at @ "Hopefully coming this year".

Didn't they say that last year? As far as I'm concerned they don't exist until they're released. I'm not gonna get hyped up about them since we don't know if we'll see them this decade.

Don't be silly! Of course it exists because people are playing with him right now in China.

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8 minutes ago, TheMuslimGamerGB said:

Don't be silly! Of course it exists because people are playing with him right now in China.

But that's a different game. There's a very real possibility of them having things we will never get. I'm not saying this is one of them since they've said it's coming...but I'm not holding my breath time-wise.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

thats umbra excal prime :D  ours is umbra excal 

two different frames technically 

but i hope you all on PC get it in 19 


Considering the fact that Excalibur Umbra points toward it being the same with a different color metal, you shouldn't be saying it's two different frames with such conviction. That statement is best kept to yourself until we actually get ours for a real comparison.

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6 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

Considering the fact that Excalibur Umbra points toward it being the same with a different color metal, you shouldn't be saying it's two different frames with such conviction. That statement is best kept to yourself until we actually get ours for a real comparison.


On May 5, 2016 at 11:17 AM, LogaMC1995 said:


Too much salt is no good for your health. Please reduce the intake in your daily diet.



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7 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

Considering the fact that Excalibur Umbra points toward it being the same with a different color metal, you shouldn't be saying it's two different frames with such conviction. That statement is best kept to yourself until we actually get ours for a real comparison.

the fact that excal umbra prime is a founders for china variant  with prime passive if memory serves and umbra excal we get is a global build versions wit different mechanics suggests at this point that they are separate frames, possibly at a later point DE will make the china variant the same or add in globals version 

but the fact that De has gone through a lot of effort to make global umbra special in terms of system, mechanics, lore, development of other umbras suggests they are different beyond just cosmetic tenno 

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