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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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4 minutes ago, Necrius said:

Maybe Umbras are actual power armors that will be worn by Tenno themselves?

Or it's just the way to sell us the same frame for the third time.

unkown at this time, but umbras are supposed to be different from primes, how is not yet known besides a different system of obtaining them and passive 

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A reminder to all that Datamining is not allowed on the forums, please refer to the forum code of conduct:

"2a) LEAKED/DATA-MINED CONTENT- Please do not promote or share leaks or data-mined information in the forums. If you are concerned about leaks please PM the DE staff. Continued posting of leaks/rumors will result in a warning point if the action continues after initial contact. We want to assure all Tenno are able to share in the excitement of new content when it is released to public. Addressing speculation and rumors takes attention away from the crucial content, changes, and fixes that are prioritized to further improve the game."


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Just now, NovusNova said:

A reminder to all that Datamining is not allowed on the forums, please refer to the forum code of conduct:

"2a) LEAKED/DATA-MINED CONTENT- Please do not promote or share leaks or data-mined information in the forums. If you are concerned about leaks please PM the DE staff. Continued posting of leaks/rumors will result in a warning point if the action continues after initial contact. We want to assure all Tenno are able to share in the excitement of new content when it is released to public. Addressing speculation and rumors takes attention away from the crucial content, changes, and fixes that are prioritized to further improve the game."


ill post this to OP so hopefully future events of this dont repeat 

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this forum is funny, the most of the time of the year people discuss what DE is announcing

and the "global changes" should be smth which have to be implented by giving a game

even this posting here, useless, unheared, ignored as 99 % of all postings here

enjoy the smiling faces with announcements on the sofa again

im out of this BS, all the best ^^)

i was long enough stupid enough to move in 600 bucks a year for 2 updates, thats not enough anymore DE =))

honestly ... and there are allready other games ... (^^

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Now i have been wondering about this since DE have mentioned that they are bringing in Excalibur Umbra in, but what exactly does one frame have over the other? (what does excal prime have that the umbra doesnt? vice versa) If any DE staff or anyone from the warframe server (cant remember what country its from, i think it was china) that does have Umbra could say what perks and drawback both versions share/dont share, that would be great.

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7 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Mako, consider the virtues of not getting your thread locked for spreading leaked and datamined material.

must have missed this post? notifications is being weird .....

 in the OP > FAQ it has stated for some time 


Please remember data-mining is a breach of Warframe's EULA. I don't recommend or condone datamining, because you're breaking an agreement that you willfully made with DE. Remember that the game is still in beta and you are participating in its development as a proof of concept before full release. Please be respectful and law-abiding, Tenno. However, given Umbra Excalibur's supposed aesthetic similarity to Umbra Excalibur Prime, and that Umbra Excalibur Prime is already available in the Chinese version, which runs on the same game engine, it's safe to assume that Umbra Excalibur would be very easy for DE to roll out if it's not in the global build's files already. Just be patient, it will be revealed when the time is right.

which was added per the last time leaked info made its way on this thread *cough..... shadowdebt* 

thats why i asked it be sent in a pm so i can check it out without it ending up here and causing havoc 


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7 hours ago, NovusNova said:

A reminder to all that Datamining is not allowed on the forums, please refer to the forum code of conduct:

"2a) LEAKED/DATA-MINED CONTENT- Please do not promote or share leaks or data-mined information in the forums. If you are concerned about leaks please PM the DE staff. Continued posting of leaks/rumors will result in a warning point if the action continues after initial contact. We want to assure all Tenno are able to share in the excitement of new content when it is released to public. Addressing speculation and rumors takes attention away from the crucial content, changes, and fixes that are prioritized to further improve the game."


the mere fact that a community member had to intervene on the situation must mean that whatever juicy gossip is floating around, it must have some level of truth to it. I'm curious and excited. Its about time something remotely interesting happened in this thread. Its been rather boring lately. I'm hoping this means that Umbra's prepped for 19.

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59 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

the mere fact that a community member had to intervene on the situation must mean that whatever juicy gossip is floating around, it must have some level of truth to it. I'm curious and excited. Its about time something remotely interesting happened in this thread. Its been rather boring lately. I'm hoping this means that Umbra's prepped for 19.

whatever comes i look forward to it 

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The way they explained it in the latest DevStream mention was that it's going to be like the Second Dream release; they're not going to allow any spoilers at all because, like Second Dream, if you'd known anything about the Operators, it would have ruined the whole thing. This makes me particularly excited for the Umbra release.

And from what I understand, Chinaframe's Umbra is basically a sort of Prime; just another version of the Frame. Global build is going to come with a whole mess of lore attached.

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Excal Umbra in China, is like a 'replacement' for Excel Prime.

Although it's been probably months since Second Dream release, Excel Umbra 'somewhat' appeared in one of the tease in Second Dream website, I may be wrong about this though.

There is a 'Megathread' about Umbra Excel though. (fyi)

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