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Thanks For Watching Prime Time #130!


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Platinum Winners



Fan Art Recap - Codex Contest 3.0 Honorable Mentions


Megan's Fan Art Favourite


Megan: queenmercedes' Sweet Poison

Codex Contest 3.0 - Top 20


Fan Concept of the Week

(PS4)ophanim_raziel's Moirai - The Warframe of Fate



See you next week!

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Those various pieces of art are truly impressive. I am glad Frost was in one of the top five. All of those 80 some extra you showed off were very nice as well. That Warframe concept is also great. I am going to work really hard to make a very nice artwork for Frost since I love the Warframe so much and the creations you showed were quite inspiring. 

Edited by Tymerc
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1 minute ago, RavenCorella said:

Please let us select the winners of the context next time (Via a poll or something). There have been some entries with by far more votes in the thread and general appreciation. Too much Oberon 4me2handle. Other than that, keep up the fun streams. 

I won't change the selection other than having more KG ish arts!

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3 minutes ago, blazingcobalt said:

Some pretty nice arts picked for the top 20. (Err.. 30? I guess?) The one with Mag and Frost in the rain is really pretty. Although I'm kinda sad mine didn't make the cut but, there is always next time!

You and me are in the same boat, Blazing. Doesn't mean anything. :)

To be completely honest, I loved yours. I loved what you were trying to say with no words. :D
It was too cute for me too handle!  ^ - ^

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7 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

Really wish you guys add the honorable mentions in the game too. They deserve it for being so beautiful.

They're thinking about adding everything, but I really doubt most of the art shown will be added. Except for the 20-30 that were in the actual lineup. The 79 Honorable Mentions may never see the light of day after that stream I'm afraid.

But. Maybe DE will prove us wrong.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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12 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

They're thinking about adding everything, but I really doubt most of the art shown will be added. Except for the 20-30 that were in the actual lineup. The 70+ Honorable Mentions may never see the light of day after that stream I'm afraid.

But. Maybe DE will prove us wrong.

I think that 20-30 is already quite a lot... And 70+ is over the top. However, if they added everything, I think I would be quite surprised.

Let's see what will happen.

Also, congratulations to everybody. I have no idea how they even managed to choose. There was just a bunch of amazing artwork! Be proud of your creations!

Edited by Anavi_Ivy
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25 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

I'm absolutely baffled why this went in...


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...when this did not.

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Otherwise I have no objections to how this turned out whatsoever.

Same. Hell, many Honorable Mentions are even better then the top 3. Not questioning mine, but others... come on.

Edited by White-Gin
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27 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

I'm absolutely baffled why this went in...


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...when this did not.

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Otherwise I have no objections to how this turned out whatsoever.

Forgot about that last one.

Yeah shame, was really something. I think, unfortunately, they try to be a bit 'fair' in their decisions, but I suppose it is a contest afterall so the very best in quality and style should be chosen opposed to trying to balance things out. Not that the first piece isn't decent, just that the last is absolutely miles ahead in comparison and would be fitting in a liset.

Edited by Naith
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Thanks for featuring my art as an honorable mention! That alone makes me damn happy! ^_^

I hope all the honorable mentions get featured in the codex for real! They'll probably need a separate album in game to house it all.

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I'm not exactly sure why this one: http://i.imgur.com/XzLRPol.jpg is considered an honorable mention at all. While there are plenty of others that easily conflict with lore, this one directly shows ignorance of how Mesa's built in Peacemakers work-- her index fingers and thumbs are literally directly part of them.

The art is amazing, though. Don't get me wrong. It just particularly bugs me.

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Congratulations to all the winners! I was very honored to find out I'd gotten in the honorable mentions. Thank you for your consideration!

As for people confused by why some pieces were chosen over others, it's important to remember that the results of open contests like this, where the judges are not your peers and haven't published judging criteria, are not reflective of participants' skill or merit-- there are often a lot of factors at play, including personal experiences, subjective preferences/biases, or any number of other things that can affect how someone judges a piece for an award. In this case, the (shockingly) short time between 'close of submissions' and 'announcing the winners' may have had a lot to do with it as well. 

Also, don't forget: judging art contests are hard even for peers and professionals, and even the ones with very clear guidelines and metrics still disagree with decisions made half the time, so it's not unusual.

At the end of the day, I hope everybody understands that the results of a contest like this aren't really very meaningful, nor does it speak deeply of the merits or technical skill of the work submitted. Everybody should be proud of the work they did because they really love this game, and I think that showed in all of the pieces posted to the thread-- people clearly cared enough to try, and I thought that was wonderful.

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