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Save Darvo Corpus Alerts - Absolutely AMAZING (Well, the First One Was, Anyway)


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This is everything Corpus should be:

-Varied mix of enemies


-Manageable number of sapping ospreys (if there were any)


-Awesome mini bosses mixed into waves


-The only power denial on the entire field came from a laser beam attack that could easily be dodged, that belonged to an easily distinguishable mini boss with limited spawns and reasonable scaling for high level gear. 


Just...do this, DE. THIS. I will never get tired of the menacing manner in which I fire at a Hyenna and it leaps onto the freaking wall and starts to make its way toward me all spider like, firing lasers as it comes. The things are just so utterly sci-fi cool. Honestly, if Corpus missions were like this, they would be my favorite faction not only in this game, but across all of the sci fi games I have experienced recently.

My only complaint is that magnetic damage needs to lose the screen fuzz. But that's a visual effect, not a mission complaint. Honestly, suddenly fuzzing someone's screen can give human eyes fits. Please stop doing that. I mean, sure, blur health and energy bars briefly. That's fine. But dont blur our view of the battlefield. Please.

But the Event mission itself? The spawn numbers? The enemy mix? Fantastic job. Well done. Well done indeed!


Edited by BlackCoMerc
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)RedChili69 said:

Babies cannot handle nullifiers lol.

Oh...it you folks again.

I never said Nullifiers are hard. They frankly arent. What they are is cheap and annoying. And tonight's mission featured enemies which were neither. It was challenging - far more so than a field blanketed in overblown bubble gum ever is, especially with Hyenna movement - but it was far more fun than typical Corpus missions.

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There was a laser beam attack?  I can't say I ever noticed that.  In the darkness I tended not to know there was a Hyena around until I'd picked up a magnetic proc seemingly from nowhere.  Maybe if I'd be playing at range it would have been different but I was running into their midst swinging cleavers.

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Gonna post it here as well. It's not a beam.

From the wiki:

Hyena Th's Repeater deals Electricity b Electricity Damage and Hyena Th itself possesses a constant Disruption Aura. Simply being near it will induce the Magnetic proc, scrambling the screen and instantly draining all energy as well as a large chunk of shields.

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I liked the alert as well. It was fun and challenging. The Corpus debt collectors were also a fun touch. My only issue were with the hyenas only being spawned as the Hyena Th variant. I dont mind the energy or shield loss upon being mag proced every half minute but the problem was the visual impairment which just got annoying after a while.

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Honestly, what was amazing about it? Constant harassing from Magnetic Hyenas..(zero indication for their aura range so you can't even avoid it).I literally couldn't use any of my abilities. I didn't enjoy it. While it was certainly not hard it was super anti-fun. Scrambled hud was also annoying but oh well I shot those bastards in the face with my Sancti Tigris so they would know their place.

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Yeah didn't realize it's another unavoidable Aura effect. That garbage needs to go.

Least they are limited spawns, though, so it feels more reasonable. Still, it being an avoidable Aura is DE not only failing to curb power spam...but actively encouraging more of it for CC...

Also...the screen blur is crap. Just knock it off already. Preferably before someone's epileptic seizure sues you into oblivion.

Really losing hope here...

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I must admit I played this with my mate last night (both MR10) and the whole time we sounded like excited school girls. We survived the ten waves and loved every second of it. I have to admit it's been possibly the most fun mission we've ever done and it's a shame we're both 40 years old and desperately needed our beauty sleep at 1:00 am or we would have done it again. Goddam work and family commitments!

Scrambled screen annoying? Yes, it added to the hectic atmosphere of trying our hardest to keep Darvo alive amidst the mayhem. Annoying? Yes, but wouldn't have had it any other way. Again it was all about the mayhem for us, we loved it.

THIS. This was awesome fun! Great work [DE], we had a ball!

Edited by D3TON8R
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2 hours ago, Zaniel_Aus said:

I'm glad they tried something different, energy sapping and power denial is something I've never seen in a DE event before ... oh wait ...

Are they even trying any more?

No. No they really are not. Energy sapping is just another form of power denial...the preferred late game crutch for adding "challenge" in a game that refuses to acknowledge the real problem of godlike players who cannot be challenged by reasonable, fair game design choices.

That said, I had a great time playing this mission. I think the limited spawn numbers help immensely. It makes them feel more fair even if mechanically they are not...

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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Indeed, was a fun alert.

The only thing I'd change about Hyenas (let's say Magnetic status in general) is that it prevents you from using your spells for xx seconds instead of a complete drain of energy with no way to recover it. As it is now, once you get rid of the magnetic status, you're still completely naked and relying on zenurik or energy pads/orbs. I'd rather being blocked for xx seconds and going back to my initial amount of energy once it's over.

That would maybe even make me use the "-XX% Status duration on you" mod for hyenas' encounters

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I really wanted to be the first to post this thread.  I was thinking more of a:


Thanks DE for the awesome Orokin Reactor *cough* Oxium *cough* Alert.

Really enjoy this style of mission in that it is set apart from the daily humdrum.  The best part about it is that the mission was more useful for resource farming than regular missions but still maintained it's alert reward and gave us a good bit of Darvo face time.

Edited by zehne
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Today's mission thoroughly demonstrated why Comba and Scrambus are superior to Nullifiers.  No nullifiers, boss grade enemies, comba and scrambus everywhere.

But y'know what?  I was on a Limbo, a 'frame that lives and dies by its powers - and yet I did not feel cheapened by them.  This is a marked improvement from the AoE magnetic Hyenas yesterday.

They were satisfying to shoot, easy to identify, they didn't cause horrible visual pollution, they were challenging without being stupidly cheesy, and you can kill 'em with any weapon you got that's sufficiently strong - whether it's spike DPS (snipers, shotties) or sustained (assault rifles, machine pistols).  Hek, you could even stop their ability nullification without killing them by popping their helmets off.

I had a lot more fun on this alert than I've had fighting Corpus in the past three months playing Warframe, and all because the one unit that typically brings Corpus fights to a standing halt while you deal with them is gone.

DE, thank you for creating this alert, and I really hope that this one's indicative of future Corpus design going forward.  My only suggestion for improvement is to lessen the degree of interface-screw going on, and it'd be perfect.

Edited by Arkvold
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Guest GorgonTheHeroine

Truck loads of Nullies, magnetic Hyenas, constant hud scrambling, and no energy.

Seems ironic that the warframe built to tackle the Corpus (MAG), could only use her weapons and gear.

Love to hear any pointers on this.

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There's only one thing I want to say about those alerts: Forma Blueprint as a reward for the last, most challenging one? Come on, we can get truckloads of Forma Blueprints by farming fissures. An Exilus Adapter would have been a much better reward for an alert like this.

Edited by Forcereborn
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On 9/1/2016 at 8:11 PM, BlackCoMerc said:

This is everything Corpus should be:

-Varied mix of enemies


-Manageable number of sapping ospreys (if there were any)


-Awesome mini bosses mixed into waves


-The only power denial on the entire field came from a laser beam attack that could easily be dodged, that belonged to an easily distinguishable mini boss with limited spawns and reasonable scaling for high level gear. 


Just...do this, DE. THIS. I will never get tired of the menacing manner in which I fire at a Hyenna and it leaps onto the freaking wall and starts to make its way toward me all spider like, firing lasers as it comes. The things are just so utterly sci-fi cool. Honestly, if Corpus missions were like this, they would be my favorite faction not only in this game, but across all of the sci fi games I have experienced recently.

My only complaint is that magnetic damage needs to lose the screen fuzz. But that's a visual effect, not a mission complaint. Honestly, suddenly fuzzing someone's screen can give human eyes fits. Please stop doing that. I mean, sure, blur health and energy bars briefly. That's fine. But dont blur our view of the battlefield. Please.

But the Event mission itself? The spawn numbers? The enemy mix? Fantastic job. Well done. Well done indeed!


i actually do remember nullifiers being mixed in there, at least on ps4

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WOW, the fourth alert was the most cancerous so far, Nullies, Magnetic Hyena mixed with other kinds, carpet spammer Ospreys, lots of Scrambus and Comba. Even when I had energy I couldn't use abilities. DE, why must you be so cheap???? If I want to play a shooter I'd go play anything that is not Grindframe.

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My biggest complaint, and really the only one that I have, is that between the already dark map and the constant barrage from magnetic Hyenas, I can't see a damn thing. The only enemies that I could find were the ones that I was able to highlight with Ice Wave. Otherwise, I was pretty lucky to be able to actually see any enemies to shoot at. It was nice on Friday to have no Nullies, though. One thing I will say about Nullifiers, however, is that at least when they cancel your abilities, they don't also drain your energy pool and completely screw up your vision, like the Hyenas do.

Anyway, other than being so dark, I like these alerts.

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 I am having trouble with this one also.  It seems that Darvo is weaker today and yeah, the hyenas just run around at first making sure to drain everyone's energy then they fire explosive shots or well everything does and rain death on anyone that doesn't have enough hp.

 It's not like it's impossible, but it is taking ten times as much effort today to get prepped for it as yesterday took.  Some challenge, but some frustration.  Energy drain auras are very annoying because they just can't be avoided and are a bit too unpredictable.

 It will be the first time in a while where I go back to just nuking everything from orbit with rockets or penta.

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