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I dont like that they nerfed the Smeeta since its been in the game awhile


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There, I said it.

They've could've just justified it with something, like I don't know.....buffing something else?


It somehow it feels like they've just robbed something from the players. People who owns them felt that the time before the nerf made them felt secured that it was an intended feature (I'm not speaking for myself because I didn't like cats to begin with, but I'm sure someone should've felt this).


Nevertheless, Smeeta is still a beast in this game, along with Adarza,

Suggestion: While they're at it, why don't they nerf the red crit as well, that was broken

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Anyone remember Synoid Gammacor and how it out-dps'd all weapons for 3 months before it was nerfed?

Anyone remember how Nyx's Absorb drained 0.75 energy per second regardless of how much damage you put into it? That stayed for a month or two.

Change will always happen in Warframe, and some of these changes are to fix up broken features like Smeeta's rare resource drops. 3-6 rare resources for doing nothing is undeniably broken. 

Edited by Agentawesome
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17 minutes ago, (XB1)BURRITO DEVIL said:

You need to have above 100% crit in order to do so,and unless it is 130% red crits wont happen often

Tip:dont be a smartass

One of Smeeta's potential Charm effects is a short duration of guaranteed red crits, regardless of weapon stats.  I suspect that is what they were refering to as broken.

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If being in the game awhile exempted things from being nerfed.... Trinity's bless would still be ridiculously overpowered. 

(I am not complaining about her rework in the slightest, 99% was too much reduction)

Edited by PoisonHD
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(speculation ;)
DE have been watching the stats of what people use as companions.
The novelty of Smeeta has worn off and it's use is much lower now.
The community has realised that Vacuum is still the shiz, but nothing but Carrier has that.
The majority go back to using Carrier.
DE nerfs one of the now lesser used companions. Lesser used should mean less community uproar.


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I use Smeeta for the other buffs, not the "Rare Resource" buff as I don't need it.

DE didn't just make some overly crazy drop amount booster for people to exploit and then be like "Haha I'm taking it away now".

They didn't realize what it was doing and how badly it was affecting the intended loot design - in case everyone forgot they're called a rare resource, that means they're difficult to acquire.
It was never their intention to have "Rare Resource" proc the way that it did and they are just fixing it. Just be glad you actually have something that can proc both "Rare Resource" and "Double Drop Resource + Affinity"; enhancing your farm. Add that to a desecrate Nekros and/or pilfering Hydroid and you end up with plenty of these resources...

Edited by Alcoholism
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1 hour ago, Agentawesome said:

Anyone remember Synoid Gammacor and how it out-dps'd all weapons for 3 months before it was nerfed?

Anyone remember how Nyx's Absorb drained 0.75 energy per second regardless of how much damage you put into it? That stayed for a month or two.

Change will always happen in Warframe, and some of these changes are to fix up broken features like Smeeta's rare resource drops. 3-6 rare resources for doing nothing is undeniably broken. 


52 minutes ago, Misgenesis said:

Something being in the game for a while doesnt exclude it from changes.


31 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

If being in the game awhile exempted things from being nerfed.... Trinity's bless would still be ridiculously overpowered. 

(I am not complaining about her rework in the slightest, 99% was too much reduction)

i can understand u guys are missing my point because mod just changed much of it..

what i'm trying to say is that it was a game-breaking bug that was exploited at its release till this day of reckoning. and in my experience, DE would outright fixed it and everyone will be happy. So what took them so long? The delay was dangerous because the more it lingers on the game,, the more people thought it was a normal thing when they fixed it, rage ensues?

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51 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

If being in the game awhile exempted things from being nerfed.... Trinity's bless would still be ridiculously overpowered. 

(I am not complaining about her rework in the slightest, 99% was too much reduction)

Lol, I thought you was talking about pre-prenerf Trin with immunity for, I don´t know, 40 secs? and not about her after the first change.

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Oh! Ohhhhh... It's not a NERF it's a BUG FIX eh??!!?1

Just a reminder: Enemy balancing in Warframe is a dumpster fire. For instance: Nullifier shields and Bombards have way too much HP and yet they can snipe you at high levels without batting an eye.

But this cat that can curb farming time to an hour or so and let you play the game? We are johnny on the spot with this fix.

y u hate fun DE?


Edited by (PS4)El__Lobo_Loco
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I'm sorry but the rare resource thing needed to be nerfed.

I was able to come out of short exterminate missions with 60-120 neural sensors (which is more neural sensors than is required to build everything that needs them).  A 40 minute survival (relic farming) got me near 150 argon crystals.  That was just broken as all hek and made any concept of "rare" resource pointless.

I don't understand the community at times.
They rage on DE for making new weapons have high resource costs so that players have to play the game instead of just rely on their massive stockpile of resources (such as the Sibear), but when something comes along that allows you to stack so many rare resources that the very term is utterly meaningless they don't mind.
Here's the thing: If DE had kept in the broken amount of rare resources (and again it was only rare.  Smeeta couldn't get you Rubedo or Polymer bundles.  Only resources like Neural Seonsors, Argon Crystals, and Orokin Cells) that smeeta could give you they would have had to increase the resource requirements of weapons to stupidly high levels to compensate.

I mean people threw a fit over Sibears 30K cryotic requirement, how would people handle needing 450 Neural Sensors and 500 Orokin Cells along with 120 Argon Crystals in order to build something?
Afterall with smeeta that wouldn't take too much farming.  But if you don't have a smeeta you're just SOL.

And that is what keeping teh massive drops from smeeta would lead to.
DE would need to create bigger and bigger and bigger resource sinks...meaning that if you don't farm 24/7 with smeeta and get lucky then it would take forever to get the resources because of how rarely they drop otherwise.

DE can't just let something that allows such rapid collection of rare resources stick around.  It needed nerfing with how overpowered it was.

I mean seriously, you need what, around 225 or so Orokin Cells to craft everything that needs them.  With the old smeeta that was around 4-6 missions.  4 missions and you had all the orokin cells you need to craft literally everything in the game.
If you can't see how that is just utterly broken....

Edited by Tsukinoki
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52 minutes ago, cnlu said:

So what took them so long? 

Maybe because a large majority of the SoTR update was buggy? They had broken and inconsistent rewards for Relics, Trials, reduced credit rewards for Sorties, Dark Sectors and Trials, a few mods were missing from enemy drops, Alerts giving wrongly ranked cores etc, pretty much all the drop tables were screwed up. I guess the resource buff from Smeeta had unintended interactions, or occurred far too frequently than anticipated or tested (as a lot of the SoTR content were half tested and rushed). 

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58 minutes ago, (PS4)El__Lobo_Loco said:

But this cat that can curb farming time to an hour or so and let you play the game? We are johnny on the spot with this fix.

I'm sorry but this is just so disingenuous as to be close to lying.

It didn't just "curb farming time to an hour or so".

A single exterminate.  Not even 10 minutes in length could net you 60-120 neural sensors if you were lucky.
You need a grand total of 97 neual sensors (This is for all frames/weapons/lisets/archwings/companions and a reactor for every single frame (only 1 in the case of frames with a prime variant not 1 each) archwing and companion) without considering forma.
With the old smeeta you could get all of that in a short 10 minute mission if you were lucky.

And that was broken as hell.
Rare resources are supposed to take a while to farm.
You aren't supposed to be able to complete a single exterminate and then never need to farm that resource ever again to build everything currently in the game.
But that was what was literally happening.

Any game company in their right mind would have nerfed smeeta when it allows you to get more of a specific rare resource than you will ever need after a single short mission.

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IDK only thing I'm bothered by is that I actually bought two of the kavat starter things to make mine. Now I didn't do it for the 44 argon crystals (nor did I know the cat does that to such extremes) but I imagine some people did buy it for that reason exactly. And changing this now when they've given their money for it feels unfair. Just sayin'.

Edit: that being said, I'm fine with the nerf cause Smeeta is more useful than just that buff.

Edited by (PS4)brasaremean
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5 hours ago, Alcoholism said:

 -snip- It was never their intention to have "Rare Resource" proc the way that it did and they are just fixing it. Just be g -snip- blablabla

Don't be stupid. They knew. They let us get used to it. And then they nerf it.

Sure it was expected to happen, but don't act like you got all the wisdom and tell us what their intention is.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)brasaremean said:

And changing this now when they've given their money for it feels unfair. Just sayin'.

You paid for early access you get your money's worth. I farmed everything within a few days and have several kavats now. Not spending a dime was always an option too.

People paid tons of plat for lenses for focus as well. Focus system can be changed without notice and people have been sitting on their comfy naramon and zenurik passives for months now.

1 hour ago, Kletse said:

Don't be stupid. They knew. They let us get used to it. And then they nerf it.

When something game breaking occurs in War Within just remember what was eating up their resources k?

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