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Stop adding forma to even more loot tables, invasions dont need them


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I don't mind forma in the 'alert tables', mixes things up a bit which is nice as long as they don't take away too many of the other items.  

I just wish they'd add a few more orokin reactors in the mix, saw a catalyst a few days ago which was nice bonus but the reactors have been a little dry, the last 2 (iirc) gifts of the lotus were catalysts and honestly I need reactors more than catalysts...

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just because you don't need it doesn't mean others don't. you may have the good luck of getting formas from relics, but some of us don't. plus, they already scrapped credits from invasions....what do you want them to offer? imo anything is better than these resources that I don't need 99% of the time 

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So I suppose they should also stop offering Orokin Reactors because I have 17 stored up and I definitely don't need any more? While we're at it, stop offering Oxium in alerts. I have enough to build everything that requires it at least twice over. Make it something more useful. Like Forma.

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24 minutes ago, Sintag said:

Because some pople might need a lot more Forma?  Also why are you running Relics solo?

A player runs low level solo fissures to better control the tracer drops using the charm buff from the smeeta cat.

Also, for forma drops, I do feel that Axi relics should never contain forma. This should be left to lith and meso and some neo only.

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I'm also running pretty low on forma so I was happy to see it on the invasion. I have pretty poor luck getting them from any relics, not just lith.

Here's an idea, instead of trying to block off access to something quite a lot of us still need and are happy to see, maybe just don't run the invasion with a forma reward?... or support the opposite side so that you don't get something you don't want.

Lots of invasions, all of the time.. paying out detonite or fieldrons only. (Mutagens and Alad navs if you're lucky). Pick one of them.

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10 hours ago, tastic said:

Why with the amount of common forma from lith relics are you adding even more forma into other loot tables, namely invasions.  Even running solo lith missions I get too many forma as it is, the game doesn't need more of it

I like having Forma on invasion drop tables - it helps newer/casual players obtain such an important item easier.

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On 9/17/2016 at 5:57 PM, LSG501 said:

I don't mind forma in the 'alert tables', mixes things up a bit which is nice as long as they don't take away too many of the other items.  

I just wish they'd add a few more orokin reactors in the mix, saw a catalyst a few days ago which was nice bonus but the reactors have been a little dry, the last 2 (iirc) gifts of the lotus were catalysts and honestly I need reactors more than catalysts...

The complete lack of a reliable source of Reactors and Catalysts Warframe firmly - and I stress, firmly - in the Pay-to-Progress category. To the point where calling the game Free to Play has become deceptive. 

Lets examine this:

Many things are locked away behind Mastery Rank. Newer stuff is locked away behind very high mastery rank.

MR depends on obtaining stuff and leveling it. As well as unlocking higher level nodes in order to get better mods.

To unlock higher level nodes, you absolutely require potatoes of both varieties. You simply cannot progress to end game - or even late star map - without potatoes. And you cannot reliably, regularly obtain potatoes simply by playing the game. And no, one every two weeks (of the variety DE chooses, and except for when they arbitrarily decide otherwise) is neither regularly, nor reliably. 

Ergo...the game is technically Pay to Progress. And just because you can obtain Plat through trade chat by obtaining stuff...does not change this. For two reasons:

1. Someone paid for the plat you are using for a potato...with cash. Key word: Pay. For you to obtain that item, someone had to pay.

2. In order to earn anything another will likely buy for plat you are most likely going to need to progress to places you will need a potato or two to reach.

The lack of these in normal game play basically makes the game Pay to Progress.

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15 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

The complete lack of a reliable source of Reactors and Catalysts Warframe firmly - and I stress, firmly - in the Pay-to-Progress category.

So one of both types every one to two weeks, a random chance for an alert, a random chance for an invasion reward, and the ability to trade in-game currency to other players to outright buy them, without the person spending a dime, makes the game, "pay-to-progress?"

Sure, if you don't consider that you can sell off even the junkiest of prime parts for 1 or 2 plat to people who don't feel like farming for ducat fodder. And before you start with that, "someone had to buy that plat," argument-- no. DE puts at least 3000 plat into circulation each week, sometimes 6000, sometimes even more.

Edited by Chipputer
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