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The Vacuum Within 


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I nonsense this update, which function Carrier now?
The Carrier turned a disposable sentinel because all the other sentinels now make a function that was specialty carrier.
Great solution does not it think?
Why not apply the same in warframes and let them all with the same powers as well? So is all the same and only changes the appearance.
Sorry the comment, but this update makes no sense to me.

Edited by angel.agf
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Carrier's vacuum range was 12m when maxed.  This is HALF the range.  And when you consider that when dealing with radius, it's probably 25% of the area.  It's a pretty huge nerf on Carrier/Carrier prime.  Why is it considered a SIN to want items vacuumed?  Companions are there for convenience, to take away drudge work from the game!  Bump the vacuum back up up to say 10m 360 degrees and I'll be relatively happy customer.

Edited by vjhawk
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6 minutes ago, Jester. said:

Tried this 'update' out.. was giving it SOME SLIGHT DOUBT... thought I will try first instead of crying more about it.. but guess f***ing what? The vacuum is HORRIBLE..Survival mission = RIP.. all the junk everywhere and the clusterf*ck of enemies everywhere.. and I am just here running around picking stuff up while dodging everything.. fun.. it feels like the 6M stat is an illusion.. since I have to pretty much STAND BY IT to pick up..

Here is a tip, DE.. how about instead of doing these useless tries for an 'update' go focus on your neglected promised The Wait Within? Because that will surely not be a disappointment, now would it? ^^ The more you drag things on the more it will be disappointing once it comes out, because I am 99.9% sure it wont live up to it's expectations, since people are expecting a polished game, because you delayed it so much.

The more you update the more you ruin it. To be honest you guys remind me of a crazed scientist that starts off by doing experiments that actually benefit humanity, but end up going crazy/psycho and just begin doing ones that are really effed up, however in his head are for the 'good of all' like making a 3 headed rat that can shoot cobwebs for some dumb reason...Yes that's how you guys are in my eyes now.. with all these stupid nerfs and 'fixes'... DE, please PULL YOUR S#&$ TOGETHER.. I do love you guys, but these past few 'updates' and delays have been really underwhelming and just plain out disappointing. 

Another 2 cents from lil ol me..


those 2 cents could net them a few thousand bucks, id hire him de

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Hey, I just wanted to point out that everyone who is saying it's a 50% reduction are not necessarily correct. It's by much more.

The volume of a sphere is calculated as 

V = 4/3(pi)r^3

A 12m radius means it would have a volume of roughly 7238 cubic meters.

A 6m radius means it would have a volume of roughly 905 cubic meters.

And if you didn't care about volume as most of Warframe gameplay isn't vertical but on a flat plane, then the area of a circle is calculated as

A = (pi)r^2

A 12m radius means an area of 452 square meters.

A 6m radius means an area of 113 square meters.


The nerf to range isn't by 50%, it's by much much more. As easier way to think about it is, a 6" pizza is not half the size of a 12" pizza.

Edited by Lucidity_XD
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Just now, Lucidity_XD said:

Hey, I just wanted to point out that everyone who is saying it's a 50% reduction are not necessarily correct. It's by much more.

The area of a sphere is calculated as 


A 12m radius means it would have a volume of roughly 7238 cubic meters.

A 6m radius means it would have a volume of roughly 905 cubic meters.

And if you didn't care about volume as most of Warframe gameplay isn't vertical but on a flat plane, then the area of a circle is calculated as


A 12m radius means 452 square meters.

A 6m radius means a radius of 113 square meters.



The nerf to range isn't by 50%, it's by much much more. As easier way to think about it is, a 6" pizza is not half the size of a 12" pizza.

Makes sense, I'm glad this was pointed out.

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6m sucks, it barely feels like it even works to be honest, especially with laggy host.

I honestly don't know what are you guys thinking, you are literally taking fun out of game for what purpose? I think this is the first time I see a developer nerf a QoL feature. All you had to do is to give vacuum to frames, maybe reduce it to 10m if for some reason you just can't live with 12. That would make 90% player very happy, but you take a step forward and two steps back.

Space janitors play free I guess.

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8 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

We're working on a fix for some crashes- hang in there! 

Can you also please 'Fix' the obvious typo in your 6m for vacuum? And just make it 10m 360degrees while at it? PLEASE.. for your own sake.. Save the ship before it sinks.. you can still do it.. no one will be salty about it and all this hate over 6m will be instantly forgotten..

More of my stupid two cents,


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23 minutes ago, xxswatelitexx said:

Can next update be named "Archwing Without" and remove 6 Degrees of Freedom?


  1. All enemies are oriented to the exact same axis- only player changes orientation
  2. There is no quick re-orient key, instead it is some akward move mouse to edge for 30 seconds until it turns.
  3. The mini map and waypoint marker does not properly point to correct location if not in proper orientation
  4. Much slower reaction time on tight turns.



Thanks for Vaccum fix - it was one great change that needed to happen. Just like removing 6DoF until its fixed.


I think Archwing would perform a lot better if they'd add a horizon.

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1 minute ago, Demogarose said:

I simply won't even be logging on until the Vacuum Nerf is reverted. I encourage anyone else who wants it fixed to do the same.

Maybe a large drop in daily logins will get DE to pay attention

or everyone could just carry on using carrier like before, in protest over range nerf and not being on kavats/kubrows, to completely mess up any tests they're doing...

Edited by LSG501
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4 minutes ago, Lucidity_XD said:

Hey, I just wanted to point out that everyone who is saying it's a 50% reduction are not necessarily correct. It's by much more.

The area of a sphere is calculated as 


A 12m radius means it would have a volume of roughly 7238 cubic meters.

A 6m radius means it would have a volume of roughly 905 cubic meters.

And if you didn't care about volume as most of Warframe gameplay isn't vertical but on a flat plane, then the area of a circle is calculated as


A 12m radius means 452 square meters.

A 6m radius means a radius of 113 square meters.



The nerf to range isn't by 50%, it's by much much more. As easier way to think about it is, a 6" pizza is not half the size of a 12" pizza.


DE, please take this post and learn something. You dont know nothing about your modifications...


DE is asking why people are quitting this game, who knows why?!

Edited by Merk_96
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All you guys had to do was make it so the vacuum mod could be equipped on any sentinel.

I mean, it's not like there is a ton of mods for them anyway, so taking up one slot for a vacuum would be a problem.

And thanks for making Machete even more worthless by creating a new, way better machete.


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i like that all the Sentinels have Loot Vacuum now

i don't like the loss of carrier's Vacuum, bring back the Vacuum mod with full range, 6M is bad for range. or bring back vacuum and make it were all Sentinels can use it full glory

i like the Ammo Case very cool wold make a better all use Sentinel mod


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