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The 're-buff' to Vacuum actually made things worse


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Shade has ghost AND vacuum now.

Djinn has awesome CC AND vacuum now.

Wyrm has crowd dispersion AND vacuum now.

Helios has scanning AND vacuum now.

It's not only Carrier that has a bonus now, eh? What we now need is a buff so all of them are tankier, and we're set.

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To be honest, I am just glad because things really could have been even worse than how they ended up now.


Also, D.E did show a quick and immediate response to the feedback of the player base, so that's something as well.

Edited by NativeKiller
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I was fine with the vacuum nerf, and I'm fine with it being 12m again.

My only issue is that it reinforces the whole "If You don't like it, Complain about it till it gets fixed" mentality, Which is pretty toxic. Constructive criticism is fine, Crying and making death threats isn't.

Just recently the whole bring back the old void threads started to die out, And now I have a feeling that they are making a comeback due to how fast DE responded.

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6 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:
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So first, I just want to point out that there's zero reason to make thank-you threads for buffing Vacuum. People literally threatened them until they gave in. We should be ashamed, not happy with ourselves and them. They tried to make things better, and because of our childishness, the balance is worse than what it was.

On topic, the whole point of the Vacuum nerf was to ensure that the playerbase actually used something other than Carrier/Prime. With the nerf, there was actually some tiny reason to use something other than that Sentinel.

And then of course, players decided to throw a fit and make death threats to DE, and so they did the logical thing, and changed it so that every Sentinel had the original Precept.

Sounds great except now Carrier has both the ammo mutation, increased ammo capacity buff, and Vacuum. Which firmly puts it a nautical mile ahead of the competition, if they could be called that anymore.


So this is where's it's at? We whine, we rage, we threaten, and now the balance is even worse than when it started? This is what we wanted from the Vacuum changes?


im an individual and you cant talk for me here, thats for first

second, are you some academic ? (joke)

for the buff i will start farming now for double mods on my second account to use all sentinels and mostly where the double mods i need, for the weapons of all sentinels

i have everything for a enjoyable use of all sentinels on my first account :P and i always have had, vacuum gives me more free space for the main things by playing warframe, i think i dont have to explain what it is =)))))))))))))))))))

wow,  you have so many postings, are you a wellknown player or somebody which presence here is important ? LOL =)))))))

anyway, i dont care normally about threads like that, they dont carry fun or useful changes ... too serious for my taste

anyway2, GL, enjoy warframe ,-)

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I don't see how this makes anything worse. Before you had 6m vacuum on all sentinels. Now you have an option for 12m vacuum on all sentinels. How does this benefit the Carrier more than any of the others? Now, you can argue about the utility of Carries new precept, but that was already the case with the initial update.

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To be perfectly honest it's not as if Vacuum needed nerfing anyway. As an ability, it was absolutely perfect just the way that it was, it did what it said on the tin. With the current state that vacuum is in it's more like a weak suck, it's rather pathetic.

Giving it to all sentinels is the action of importance because it brings the much needed (you should have a 12 meter pick up radius anyway) ability to more than just one option. So if all the sentinels have it why introduce the nerf as well? It's just perplexing. Picking up loot and ammo during the midst of a mob filled, and chaotic, mission is difficult enough at the best of times.

One thing also confused me, who exactly labels the distances on these things? 6 meters? It's more like 2.

Knowing that the dude inside the suit is effectively a slim and average height human we can assume that the Warframe's are about 2 meters tall. Well looking at the distance things are away from my frame, I need to be about one height of that frame away, to actually pick something up with the new vacuum.

6 actual meters would be great, as within a 6 meter radius of the player. That covers a large amount of ground. As it stands the 6 meter value isn't representative whatsoever of your frame within the environment.

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2 hours ago, Inglu said:

I don't see how this makes anything worse. Before you had 6m vacuum on all sentinels. Now you have an option for 12m vacuum on all sentinels. How does this benefit the Carrier more than any of the others? Now, you can argue about the utility of Carries new precept, but that was already the case with the initial update.

You are 100% correct.

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8 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:
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So first, I just want to point out that there's zero reason to make thank-you threads for buffing Vacuum. People literally threatened them until they gave in. We should be ashamed, not happy with ourselves and them. They tried to make things better, and because of our childishness, the balance is worse than what it was.

On topic, DE did the logical thing, and changed it so that every Sentinel had the original Precept.

Nailed it. The community's behavior aside, this is what they should have done in the first place. I'd have preferred it be an outright frame passive, but this is infinitely better than what we had yesterday. If they had made a logical choice in the first place, either on their own or looking at the thousands of posts and threads about it, none of this would have ever happened. Never in my personal history of gaming have I seen such a foolish change pushed through, I'm glad they came to their senses about it.

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8 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:
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So first, I just want to point out that there's zero reason to make thank-you threads for buffing Vacuum. People literally threatened them until they gave in. We should be ashamed, not happy with ourselves and them. They tried to make things better, and because of our childishness, the balance is worse than what it was.

On topic, the whole point of the Vacuum nerf was to ensure that the playerbase actually used something other than Carrier/Prime. With the nerf, there was actually some tiny reason to use something other than that Sentinel.

And then of course, players decided to throw a fit and make death threats to DE, and so they did the logical thing, and changed it so that every Sentinel had the original Precept.

Sounds great except now Carrier has both the ammo mutation, increased ammo capacity buff, and Vacuum. Which firmly puts it a nautical mile ahead of the competition, if they could be called that anymore.


So this is where's it's at? We whine, we rage, we threaten, and now the balance is even worse than when it started? This is what we wanted from the Vacuum changes?


So you are free to choose any sentinel without nothing changing since nerf but you want others to not have this choice?


I am really surprised about people that wants other to play like they want despite they are already free to do the same.....

Diversity opposed to fun when something doesn t impact BALANCE (it does not...on the opposite removes EFFICIENCE in Exchange of commodity) is wrong. 


FYI you are wrong for other reason also...

Ammo mutations mod are rarely used if not in conjunction with few weapons (see situational).

Many people already switched (need time to forma other sentinels) also it happens that the second (now first probably) best sentinel is baro only....

Many people already switched to Prisma Shade, i will once baro will bring it back (i was poor last time he brought it).

Also many poeple replaced ammo crate with old vacuum



Finally... the fact 50% sentinels are bad its not a reason to make everyone bad...

-Low armor/HP/shields

-you really do not want to have a sentinel shooting at things out of your control, that is why people don't use 3 of them.




FInally i didn t see any threat...playing an unfun game and supporting it is not a divine duty....but that is not a threat you pay for a service...and thanks to DE you pay how much you can when you can (well also when discounts happens)

Yesterday was like removing 50% if not more rewards....


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11 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:
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So first, I just want to point out that there's zero reason to make thank-you threads for buffing Vacuum. People literally threatened them until they gave in. We should be ashamed, not happy with ourselves and them. They tried to make things better, and because of our childishness, the balance is worse than what it was.


...... players decided to throw a fit and make death threats to DE, and so they did the logical thing, and changed it so that every Sentinel had the original Precept.

I think it was just 1 person who made the death threat, and he/she does not speak for us.

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Sentinels? Whats that? Can you eat them? I've been using only Kavats since they appeared

But seriously... No lol I just can't take it seriously. I can't believe there is so much fuss about stupid Vacuum. I never understood why everyone used Carrier because of this and now people found another RIDICULOUS reason to rage about.

I always thought that Warframe's community is one of the most normal for an online game. Please don't make me change my mind. Because lately people here start to make a fuss about every small thing. My god it's just a game after all

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12 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:



I'm a little confused. People really sent death threats at DE?

Wow, that's just sad. I actually really liked the change they made. With the 6m radius for vacuum and all sentinels having this precept without a mod.
Although, I have to disagree with you that the carrier is now a mile ahead all the rest. If you think about it, now every sentinel has their precept + the vacuum. So now the sentinels that do cc, or damage amplifying and other such things are insanely good. In fact, the carrier is behind the rest. All he has is an ammo increase and ammo mutation. And sure, if that suits you then that's great. But a lot of the other sentinels have much better abilities. Take shade:

Before, shade would only be able to make you invis. And that by itself is pretty good. Now, it has the power to vacuum AND make you invis. Then there's djinn (which I now use). It can now massively cc + it can now vacuum. This change is great. I enjoyed the original change, but this makes the carrier, in my personal opinion: the worst sentinel.

Edited by Arniox
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17 minutes ago, Hesyol said:

Sentinels? Whats that? Can you eat them? I've been using only Kavats since they appeared

But seriously... No lol I just can't take it seriously. I can't believe there is so much fuss about stupid Vacuum. I never understood why everyone used Carrier because of this and now people found another RIDICULOUS reason to rage about.

I always thought that Warframe's community is one of the most normal for an online game. Please don't make me change my mind. Because lately people here start to make a fuss about every small thing. My god it's just a game after all

Same here and also been using Kavats only since their Release. Crazy enough to think that somebody even made a deaththreat against DE because of this.

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Face it ladies and gentlemen.  The other sentinels are honestly not very good/outright bad.  Its always so much easier to pin the blame on Carrier, but even if they just deleted Carrier none of the choices beyond that are any good, and would make me want to take them.  I'd probably abandon them completely for Kavat/Kubrow usage.


Here's some food for thought:  How about they Buff/Revamp the other sentinels in their usage and utility?  I know, crazy thought I know.  

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The butthurt is real ahahahaha

I doubt that OP and the like care about those "death threats", this thread is nothing but a shaming tactic and a subversive attempt to make those people apologize who wanted universal vacuum, then ask for the old system back.

Edited by Sovyul
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3 minutes ago, Sovyul said:

The butthurt is real ahahahaha

I doubt that OP and the like care about those "death threats", this thread is nothing but a shaming tactic and a subversive attempt to make those people apologize who wanted universal vacuum, then ask for the old system back.


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2 hours ago, Arniox said:

Before, shade would only be able to make you invis. And that by itself is pretty good. Now, it has the power to vacuum AND make you invis.

I really would like to agree with you, but imho Shade's Ghost precept is pretty terrible compared to Huras' Stalk precept. Huras' Stalk has, I believe, a 30m detection range to proc invisibility with NO COOLDOWNS, whereas Shade's Ghost precept has a 10m LoS detection with a cooldown. Please correct me if Stalk and Ghost are statistically otherwise (with the exception of Ghost being LoS, it's LoS no question. :/ ). However, judging from this and if you've used Huras Kubrows extensively and comparatively to Shade, you would know that Huras are the better choice for companion-based cloaking for your Warframe.

All I can see from [Prisma] Shade right now is that it's a bullet sponge with a precept that makes it only attack when it is attacked (Revenge). It's Ghost precept is pretty damn useless in actual gameplay (unless I want to tippy-toe a Spy op for 40 minutes when it can be done in less 10 minutes; oh wait, Shade failed to make me invisible AGAIN... TRIGGERED).

edit: Unless the Ghost precept gets fixed, I am an absolute advocate against rumors for a Shade Prime in future Prime Accesses.

No. S#&$s. Given or Taken.

I will throw a table out the window if Shade Prime is a thing and the Ghost precept doesn't get buffed appropriately. :nerd:

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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