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8 hours ago, Daggerpaw1 said:

I've posted this in the general part of the forum, but I'm going to post it here again:

I like the new concept for Bladestorm, but in order to have Ash not be completely destroyed lategame (by having to fap around targeting every enemy you want to hit. Lategame and on Lua, you don't have time to aim at the enemies you want to hit. You need that 4 press to get you out of the way of damage immediately.) and have his DPS nerfed tenfold for the same reason...

Add the reworked Bladestorm idea functionality to the Bladestorm that already exists, so that you can target specific enemies by holding alt but if you don't hit alt, then Bladestorm functions just as it does now with the auto target system affecting every target in range. It would be very useful for missions with Manics and Sentients, as well as if you just don't want to hit everything on the map. As of right now, the reworked Bladestorm is just a glorified Fatal Teleport without the possibility of covert lethality.

I hope you listen to this. c:

I hope they don't. You've given a perfect example of press 4 to win in your first paragraph , which is exactly why blade storm needs to be changed. You've got invis and teleport to get you out of trouble. 

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15 hours ago, CY13ERPUNK said:

reply to quote: why not both?

neways ontopic : +1 DE

best DEvstream in recent times by far

a LOT more open dialogue and communication than we have gotten in awhile , but its tainted by the recent emo nerd QQ rage [while i DO want DE to be more transparent, having them ONLY do so after death-threats and mob rage is NOT a good way to do things, feedback loops and whatnot]

sad that we are again doing this 1 step forwards 2 steps backwards nonsense =/ ; should have put your foot down and kept vacuum as innate to sentinels at 5.5m, then ALSO given retrieve as innate to kavats/kubrows [and give chesa a new/different unique ability] ; then viola, companions can both now have a secondary loot gather side-function and keep them as valuable for that reason ; THEN...after a period of AT LEAST TWO WEEKS FOR DATA GATHERING... IF it was necessary, a 'band-aid' range extender mod could be created for sentinels, much like stretch works for frames, thus the sentinel range extender mod could increase all sentinel ability ranges [thusly affecting and increasing the innate vacuum's range if so desired] , and of course it could/would still be useful for any/all sentinels as well [say a 5 rank mod with +10/20/30/40/50/60% range increase]

Everything you've said + 1

p.s. This is how you do constructive criticism, not the wingefest that took hold a few weeks back. 

Edited by Kidkilla
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Referring to @lexrazor and @transformau5 's images as shown in the posts:


See text above the spoiler below this text you're reading right now as the title for the spoiled text beneath this text.



Firstly, the Frost skin. The 'Aleph, the First Promethean' concept seems to've inspired DE on their Frost Deluxe skin concept. It's obvious, but they threw some Odin on the side.

Secondly, the Chroma Deluxe Skin. I was wondering if DE would consider giving him an Immortal skin that changes his Pelt wings into Battalyst wings due to the Pelt wings actually being those of a Conculyst more than just a reskin. 


Textures in need of examining:


On that topic, for future, would DE consider having a look back at all the current Immortal skins (and any Deluxe skins that fall into this area, like Excal's Proto-armour), non-PBR'd Warframes (Nekros, Rhino, Vauban, Oberon) and their non-PBR'd alt helmets? Their rendering method clashes with the new PBR'd Primes (default/Thark Rhino helmet on Rhino Prime). 

Suggestions for Conclave weapon skins: May I also recommend considering Warframe Conclave skins?


On side of that topic, can weapons like the Grakata and Dera (Dera, Supra and other popularly used-in-Conclave weapons could do with Conclave skins; Akstiletto P with Conclave skin has a bugged magazine and why can't Nikana P use Dragon Nikana Conclave skin (even if it's a variant of the weapon) ) get a slight texture update?

Conclave Weapon stances in PVE?



Additionally, I've noticed a consistent inquiry into the possibility of making Conclave Stances available for use beyond Conclave. Doing this would alleviate the many requests for more melee stances, and would mean that special enemies could have the stances drop from them.

I'm wondering if DE's considering forming more Conclave Weapon stances to help combat melee bias. 



I have arranged these spoilers below their respective topics. I often do this to conserve space because people value their scrolling rates.

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20 hours ago, CY13ERPUNK said:

reply to quote: why not both?

neways ontopic : +1 DE

best DEvstream in recent times by far

a LOT more open dialogue and communication than we have gotten in awhile , but its tainted by the recent emo nerd QQ rage [while i DO want DE to be more transparent, having them ONLY do so after death-threats and mob rage is NOT a good way to do things, feedback loops and whatnot]

sad that we are again doing this 1 step forwards 2 steps backwards nonsense =/ ; should have put your foot down and kept vacuum as innate to sentinels at 5.5m, then ALSO given retrieve as innate to kavats/kubrows [and give chesa a new/different unique ability] ; then viola, companions can both now have a secondary loot gather side-function and keep them as valuable for that reason ; THEN...after a period of AT LEAST TWO WEEKS FOR DATA GATHERING... IF it was necessary, a 'band-aid' range extender mod could be created for sentinels, much like stretch works for frames, thus the sentinel range extender mod could increase all sentinel ability ranges [thusly affecting and increasing the innate vacuum's range if so desired] , and of course it could/would still be useful for any/all sentinels as well [say a 5 rank mod with +10/20/30/40/50/60% range increase]


I disagree that they should have put their foot down. At this point we are in a better situation than when carrier only had vacuum, they're waiting to see what different sentinels are used and which are left behind.

They also mentioned about bringing it to Kavats and Kubrows but not straight away.

There really is no whatsoever gain from limiting the pickup range to 5.5m, it is a quality of life improvement that only helps the players have more fun with the flow of the game and having DE waste time making another mod to get the same range it had originally is just pointless and unneeded.

I agree it should come to all companions but I disagree with nerfing it and I believe they should listen to feedback. 

Because surely if there is one thing I can praise DE for is that they listen to their audience logically. 

Edited by Coherent_Exile
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On 07/10/2016 at 4:52 PM, lexrazor said:

I don't know. I still think IgnusDei's Aleph, the First Promethean concept is by far the best candidate for a Frost Deluxe skin.

It really would be very good both skins entering the game, they are well crafted and excellent choice x))

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15 hours ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

What ever happened to The Second Stream Podcast? Its no uploaded to soundcloud yet. 

A few content creators have already mentioned that it was recorded, though usually it takes a few days for it to be released. I would expect it tomorrow or Tuesday.

Edited by Shadow8600
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Devs, perhaps a less obnoxious version of the Ash Bladestorm rework that also doesn't force the player to sit and play cursor tag with enemies could be:

Bladestorm - Ash summons a single shadow copy of himself with his currently equipped melee weapon, every time Ash hits an enemy in melee his shadow clone also immediately teleports behind the target hes currently facing and does a single matching attack. Give it a reasonable duration and there you go. You have an ability that isn't just press 4 to auto-win, Ash doesn't have to be invulnerable for the animation, doesn't have to lose control of his character watching a cutscene play out, and its thematically similar to a storm of blades hitting enemies from multiple sides. Just set Bladestorm to only spawn a single matching clone attack per swing even if ash is AOE hitting the enemy so they don't get 50 copies of ash showing up because the player brought an Orthos prime with primed reach and does all sweep attacks to be op. I'm sure its possible to base the damage of the shadow clones weapon on Power Strength to keep the ability balanced and reasonable. I think it would make players happy to see a sweet shadow Ash helping the player kick enemies asses when in melee at high speed.

While your at the rework, a bit more base time or better scaling with duration on Ash's stealth wouldn't be the craziest idea....Just saying...

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About blade storm rework demo:

The problem is, you just slow him down, this doesn't really make it skillful nor interactive.
You just moves backward, it feels like the vanilla (slow) blade storm. And I noticed that Ash's clones only attack multi-tagged targets, so it is even slower than vanilla, because you need LoS to build the marks 1 by 1.

Your marked targets got killed by your teammates before you perform it, just like the vanilla version.
And this also creates new problems such as control issue, and blade storm still not synergies with his other abilities.

If you mark 18 targets, you will have to see the animation 18 times, just like vanilla version.
Slow build and slow execution, what if multiple Ash marks the same targets, it causes conflict to each other.

I'm sorry but it's very disappointing.

Just rework his ultimate completely (and also tweak his other utilities), I feel it doesn't have to be "blade storm" anymore.

Edited by aerosoul1337
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Having to mark target first...are you nuts? in a game like this that is all about moving around and speed, having to STOP is suicide....should have just made BS a toggle melee and having to control who you want to attack and chaining it together ie. Shadows of Mordor style..so its not just P4TW...

You did the same crap to MESA and her ULT is pathetic to this day unless you put her in a corner and let the enemies come to her.

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ash is my main warframe and favorite warframe. it is one of the only warframes that peeked my interest and the first that i properly built as well, and i have very mixed feelings about this rework,

the bladestorm is a pretty awesome ability, that kills everyone in the area and is pretty much an instant kill excluding bosses, capture targets and the field bosses like stalker and harvester and for the people,

i can understand why people hate ash's bladestorm since it kills every enemy in the area and takes every ones kills and fun out of it but limiting it to where he has to mark the enemy's is a bad idea since in the time ash takes to mark enemys, the other warframe's would have killed them,

which pretty much makes ash totally useless as a crowd control frame since you could choose another crowd control warframe, and ash's marking will expand the enemys he can kill but still its going to take time and the other crowd control warframes would have already killed the enemy's since warframe is a very fast paced game,

so that pretty much destroys ash for a lot of people and slightly of for me,

ash's ability smoke screen, which is a great ability for when you get into tight spots but still its pretty stupid to make a build around that since you could use ivara's or loki's invisibility ability, instead

and ash's shuriken ability is great for high level capture missions since you can stack the bleeding so high that its going to kill the enemy's in seconds and is great for bosses without immortality frames like raptor,

and teleport is great for taking out powerful high level enemys like heavy gunners and bombards,

and since the energy costs stack up for enemy's the efficiency blade storm builds are going to struggle with power but that depends how you tweak it for the cost. If you make it 5 per enemy people can get away with 1 or 2 energy efficency mods for enemy's but if you were to make it 25 per enemy then people would struggle a lot.

and the ash rework would make loki the go to warframe instead of ash since ash's rework makes ash on lower terms with loki instead of making him on even terms with loki

so that's my opinion and obviously my liking for ash is going to influence what i say, so try to find a something that will satisfy most ash fans and non ash and personally my solution is to make a bladestorm augument that auto marks and kills enemy's in your field of view and the cap of enemy's is 16 but also drags in the enemy cost function and raises it slightly so this is my opinion on the whole ash rework and i would like to hear other peoples solutions and opinion on what i said so feel free to quote

Edited by G6_tempo776
fixing spelling mistakes and adding possable solutions
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Great, now ash is the only frame with a multi-stage ult in warframe that isn't even good, i'll have a better time putting out DPS by spamming saryn's ult than wasting my time marking enemies to even make bladestorm worth casting, welp time to give Mesa the crown of DPS, since DE can't even think of a creative rework(despite all the time they had to came up with a rework, instead we get a mechanic change)

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Guys don`t you think Ash`s bladestorm should be pressed instead of healed down? think about it for some people when you hold it down it will be hard to look around because you will have to take your finger off the moving stick to look around (depending on the button config) and the enemies could kill you (sortie missions) however if you press it it would be easier. What do you guys think?

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The blade storm rework is just... so wrong.

There used to be a lot of rework threads that were far more creative and synergy better with his other abilities, but the dev seems to stuck in the concept of blade storm animations so it ends up nondescript.

The demo version feel like the vanilla (slow) blade storm with LoS nerf, this doesn't solve any problem but creates new ones.

It takes my time to mark my target, what if other players mark the same target too?


Please check this thread about blade storm feedback.


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On 2016/10/10 at 3:22 PM, xcynderx said:

Having to mark target first...are you nuts? in a game like this that is all about moving around and speed, having to STOP is suicide....should have just made BS a toggle melee and having to control who you want to attack and chaining it together ie. Shadows of Mordor style..so its not just P4TW...

You did the same crap to MESA and her ULT is pathetic to this day unless you put her in a corner and let the enemies come to her.

At least Mesa fires instantly, blade storm looks way too slow... slow marking and slow animations.
Even just stabbing blades on the target directly (like javelins) will be much better, this also solves the issue that enemies become invulnerable to others. But it should still be a "finisher" so that arcane trickery and melee combo still work.

But there are a lot more solid rework suggestions around the forums. Current demo doesn't solve blade storm's issue: enemy invulnerable to others and the camera issue.

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23 minutes ago, aerosoul1337 said:

At least Mesa fires instantly, blade storm looks way too slow... slow marking and slow animations.
Even just stabbing blades on the target directly (like javelins) will be much better, this also solves the issue that enemies become invulnerable to others. But it should still be a "finisher" so that arcane trickery and melee combo still work.

But there are a lot more solid rework suggestions around the forums. Current demo doesn't solve blade storm's issue: enemy invulnerable to others and the camera issue.

definitely true.

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