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Melee weapons op?


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I am truly confused. Some one claims melee weapons are most op. This is insanity. Sdps normally sets standard. No melee is hitting 10k dps to my knowledge. With veykor hek hitting 65k sdps and lex prime hitting at 35k sdps. How are melees even close. Also will there ever be a 100% accurate warframe builder site. On what is precise formula for each weapon type.

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)haffmo said:

I am truly confused. Some one claims melee weapons are most op. This is insanity. Sdps normally sets standard. No melee is hitting 10k dps to my knowledge. With veykor hek hitting 65k sdps and lex prime hitting at 35k sdps. How are melees even close. Also will there ever be a 100% accurate warframe builder site. On what is precise formula for each weapon type.

Well I mean blood rush allows melee weapons damage to infinitely scale and combined with body count the melee combo will stay longer making it really hard to lose it. So it can easily out damage a lot of weapons depending on the multiplier + hits. But the thing you have to understand is the term "op" is insanely dependent on the persons likeness 

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Melee weapons scale better than any other weapon class in the game. Your Vaykor Hek will fall off and start hitting like a plastic toy while many melee weapons are still easily chewing through groups of enemies. But this is entirely dependent on two things: having the right mods, and understanding what you're doing.

Weapons like the Galatine Prime need only the shadow debt mods to scale very well, but I can kill enemies at literally any level using a serro or secura lecta or lacera. You can kill level 9999 enemies using these weapons, without all that much effort, if you know what you're doing. Not to mention the fact that covert lethality allows daggers to literally one-shot any unit that can be made susceptible to finishers.

You can't just go by what warframe builder or other calculators say, they will often lead you astray. Melee dps is extremely hard to calculate because of the incredible number of buffs it can get.

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1 hour ago, ---AweSomeXaV--- said:


I'm sorry what exactly did you fix? if you read any further into my message you would of seen what I said  " Well I mean blood rush allows melee weapons damage to infinitely scale and combined with body count " Blood rush is the mod that actually lets your melee weapons infinitely scale body count only allows you to keep it longer hence why I said combined with body count. Obviously would never happen but if enemy spawns were insanely broken and enemies would just keep clumping up and spawning right after one would die you'd keep the effect of blood rush w/o body count and again body count just allows you to keep the multiplier but there still wasn't anything wrong with what I said. Nor do I even know the purpose of why you would feel the need to correct me  

Edited by SolaireTheSunWalker
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42 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

What does Zenurik have to do with melee-weapons being strong? Zenurik provides some energy and that's great and all. But it doesn't help that much.


45 minutes ago, ClinkzEastwood said:

More like immortal frames/Zenurik OP than the weapon itself.

Melees are high risk high reward weapons, you have to get close to deal damage. If you're not immortal, it'd be a very dangerous playstyle.

I think you meant Naramon.

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53 minutes ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

I'm sorry what exactly did you fix? if you read any further into my message you would of seen what I said  " Well I mean blood rush allows melee weapons damage to infinitely scale and combined with body count " Blood rush is the mod that actually lets your melee weapons infinitely scale body count only allows you to keep it longer hence why I said combined with body count. Obviously would never happen but if enemy spawns were insanely broken and enemies would just keep clumping up and spawning right after one would die you'd keep the effect of blood rush w/o body count and again body count just allows you to keep the multiplier but there still wasn't anything wrong with what I said. Nor do I even know the purpose of why you would feel the need to correct me  

Chill dude

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2 hours ago, (PS4)haffmo said:

I am truly confused. Some one claims melee weapons are most op. This is insanity. Sdps normally sets standard. No melee is hitting 10k dps to my knowledge. With veykor hek hitting 65k sdps and lex prime hitting at 35k sdps. How are melees even close. Also will there ever be a 100% accurate warframe builder site. On what is precise formula for each weapon type.

Well, yes, some Blood Rush+Maiming Strikes combos are incredibly potent, ranged weapons cant provide the same kill per second, even after factoring in a constant reposition requirement. Then theres scaling Slash procs, ignoring any type of resistance, and additional multipliers from finishers overcharging those procs even further.

Ranged weapons can compete, but you have to run 4CP and Resonance Banshee, while Melee loadouts are usually completely self sufficient.

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Summary: All weapons can be effective if modded in specific ways, which are discerned by your way of fighting. Spoilers for details.



Example already stated: Acolyte (Shadow Debt) mods on melee weapons allow weapon damage to scale via crit or status chance. Odd weapons that do many hits at once (Sarpa is the crazier example) can get a very high hit combo, thus an incredible crit chance if modded this way.

Example 2: Stun+Finisher-opening move+melee = dead enemy: does not work on Ospreys, Sentient Fighter Drones, or bosses. This is self-explanatory and can be done with Excalibur and any melee weapon.

Melee drawback: Survival mission factor: In Survival missions, equipping melee or using it will drain life support at an accelerated rate. Only resort to it if you are certain the foe would die in one hit.



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9 minutes ago, ograzzt said:

"Infinite" scaling realistically stops at 4.0-4,5x multiplier. 

Yeah realistically it does stop around there but I also don't know the full conversation and don't know if the person who told OP melee weapons are op because it "has" the ability to infinitely scale or simply because they like it and in their opinion it's op. The word "op" is thrown around so weirdly in this game I'm just assuming they said it's op because of the bloodrush+body count combo. I could be wrong too :p

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You are looking for a DPS calculator? You are never going to get accurate numbers in a game like warframe. It depends too much on the situation. Most of the time you are fighting more than 1 enemy, so you can completely forget what any builder tells you.

Melee damage definitly isn't op. When you want to kill very high level enemies quickly, I wouldn't recommend melee. Melee mostly works in long survivals, where you have time to stack up your combo counter. Even there it can be tricky however, if you don't get enough enemies or you have to run somewhere because you are running out of life support.

Most of there time there is no need to max out your DPS however. You can just go with whatever is fun to you.

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16 minutes ago, gluih said:

Most of there time there is no need to max out your DPS. You can just go with whatever is fun to you.

This. Melee far outscales guns if you have a way to stay alive to use it, especially in combination with abilities. However, none of that matters for 99.9999% of the player base, as even the older rifles can easily kill all things expected of you with the right build. Just use what you enjoy and don't worry about it too much.

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41 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

Melee drawback: Survival mission factor: In Survival missions, equipping melee or using it will drain life support at an accelerated rate. Only resort to it if you are certain the foe would die in one hit.

I thought this was confirmed as a myth by DE? there were similar rumours about sprinting doing the same thing.

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47 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

Melee drawback: Survival mission factor: In Survival missions, equipping melee or using it will drain life support at an accelerated rate. Only resort to it if you are certain the foe would die in one hit.


It's 2016, yet people still believe this crap...

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Combo multiplier is a band-aid to much bigger problem.

Warframe is a few games in one:

  • beginner's experience when player has to aim for headshots, jump kick knock down and finish enemies
  • mid level when with build X and weapon Y with frame synergy Z, enemies are vaporized and killed in one hit.
  • arguably non existent endgame when you have zero threat and challenge from dying but still farming for resources, expecting new stuff and possibly improvements to some bugs and imbalances 

Knowing how to kill tough enemies very fast is not something you can unlearn. There are some reasons why not play effectively but most players enjoy being overpowered.

If you use melee and you don't feel OP as hell this means you are using it wrong - with not build X and frame Z. Maybe try weapon Y next time.

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