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So, how is Mag these days?


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10 hours ago, (PS4)Haileychi said:

Mag. One of the first three Warframes a new player can have, and an option for a seasoned player to keep in their arsenal. The Mag I believe is somewhat an underrated frame that is overshadowed by others, even if she is one of the first few ever since the game's inception. I chose her as my starter frame other than the revamped Excalibur and the not-so-changed Volt, because why not? I plan to keep her in early and midgame until I replace her with a stronger one for endgame, but I would like to hear about what others think of her abilities and stats Mag offers. But for now, let's go with her skills, then your thoughts on this high-shielded yet squishy Warframe.


Before the update, Mag was strong in a couple of situations and incredibly boring. Now she's very strong in many situations and pretty interesting (for me, anyway). Some of the best scaling damage in the game, moved from the scaling on enemy shields pre-rework to scaling on enemy damage in her current state. Syndicate hit squads will show up and I regularly solo kill the whole cadre with one Magnetize and a single magazine of my equipped weapon. As Mag I am usually topping squad damage without even trying. Mag is dope.

One of my favorite things about her is versatility in arranging her power values. A popular Mag build leans into Strength for the cost of Duration to maximize burst damage, but Duration builds assist Polarize and make her a really potent control mage for holding zones and objectives (Excavation, etc.). Range can help, but can get in the way (like Frost's globes), so it's kind of up to preferences.

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13 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

Before the update, Mag was strong in a couple of situations and incredibly boring. Now she's very strong in many situations and pretty interesting (for me, anyway). Some of the best scaling damage in the game, moved from the scaling on enemy shields pre-rework to scaling on enemy damage in her current state. Syndicate hit squads will show up and I regularly solo kill the whole cadre with one Magnetize and a single magazine of my equipped weapon. As Mag I am usually topping squad damage without even trying. Mag is dope.

One of my favorite things about her is versatility in arranging her power values. A popular Mag build leans into Strength for the cost of Duration to maximize burst damage, but Duration builds assist Polarize and make her a really potent control mage for holding zones and objectives (Excavation, etc.). Range can help, but can get in the way (like Frost's globes), so it's kind of up to preferences.

Feeling the same way *offers a virtual high-five*

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11 hours ago, NyxCrab said:

Magnetize is only a detriment if your team is only caring about their own kills or you place it in a wrong place. It's actually an amazing team ability because it stops gun fire from a specific area and groups all the enemies up, plus increases the damage allies do in that specific area without even needing to aim.

Yeah, right. What if your teammateds use hitscan shotguns or beam weapons? They wont be able to do any damage because of you.

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2 minutes ago, Ivan_Rid said:

Yeah, right. What if your teammateds use hitscan shotguns or beam weapons? They wont be able to do any damage because of you.

They are doing damage, and like Nyx said, it only matters if they care about end of mission stats.

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6 hours ago, God_is_a_Cat_Girl said:

Pull now has a really good use, pull enemies towards the bubble, a simple way to make use of 2 abilities without having synergy in numbers (which it also does).

I`m sorry, but have you actually tried that? It works only in theory, really. Enemies either hit cover and get just get knocked down, or fly over the Magnetize bubble. Moreover all the enemies that just so happen to be in a bubble are getting Pull`ed outside on subsequent casts.

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She's good. Not the End of all Corpus like she used to be but is now a all rounder, i find i use her versus Grineer a lot now rather than vs Corpus who i tend to defeat with Zephyr and a Tox weapon. Still wish i could go back and make her my Starter frame instead of the mistake that was volt.


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One of my favourites along with Trinity, Saryn, Inaros and now Equinox.


I've said it time and again, there are no bad frames only bad players.


Mag, like any frame, can decimate a lot of mobs quite quickly when used right. Of course you will find people that think she's garbage, not everyone can think past those quick kill ults. 


When used right, any frame is good. 


Mag is in a really good place right now. Magnetise/Polarise has kept me going on multiple occasions when people abandon excavators/defense targets to run off and get kills and I got swamped. 


Pull is fantastic for getting breathing space or bringing things in for a Crush.


I currently have 5 frames I love and Mag is one of them. 

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1 hour ago, Ailissa said:

One of my favourites along with Trinity, Saryn, Inaros and now Equinox.


I've said it time and again, there are no bad frames only bad players.


Mag, like any frame, can decimate a lot of mobs quite quickly when used right. Of course you will find people that think she's garbage, not everyone can think past those quick kill ults. 


When used right, any frame is good. 



This ^^ .

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2 hours ago, Ailissa said:

One of my favourites along with Trinity, Saryn, Inaros and now Equinox.


I've said it time and again, there are no bad frames only bad players.


Mag, like any frame, can decimate a lot of mobs quite quickly when used right. Of course you will find people that think she's garbage, not everyone can think past those quick kill ults. 


When used right, any frame is good. 


Mag is in a really good place right now. Magnetise/Polarise has kept me going on multiple occasions when people abandon excavators/defense targets to run off and get kills and I got swamped. 


Pull is fantastic for getting breathing space or bringing things in for a Crush.


I currently have 5 frames I love and Mag is one of them. 

So very true here...

Anyways Mag isn't a bad warframe... just a very finicky one and requires a tad bit of understanding to see how much she can shine. She definitely has versatility and can be modded to suit your needs or others in some occasions. As much as I have played her; I've yet been hassled about her when I use her for Grineer Sortie missions. With Magnetize as CC and DPS with Polarize as an enemy debuff/ally shield healer, I've made it easier for my teammates to surpass every mission we have been in.

I've done a lot of different builds with her and so far a high power strength and high duration seemed to work the best for me and everyone else.

To the OP, if you do plan on using her... play her as you see fit for your circumstances.

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3 hours ago, Ailissa said:

One of my favourites along with Trinity, Saryn, Inaros and now Equinox.


I've said it time and again, there are no bad frames only bad players.


Mag, like any frame, can decimate a lot of mobs quite quickly when used right. Of course you will find people that think she's garbage, not everyone can think past those quick kill ults. 


When used right, any frame is good. 


Mag is in a really good place right now. Magnetise/Polarise has kept me going on multiple occasions when people abandon excavators/defense targets to run off and get kills and I got swamped. 


Pull is fantastic for getting breathing space or bringing things in for a Crush.


I currently have 5 frames I love and Mag is one of them. 


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6 hours ago, Hesyol said:

Mag is really cool. And you need to think at least a little when you use her

When I use her, all I can think is, "why did I pick her?" That or, "who should I replace her with from now on?"

5 hours ago, Ailissa said:

I've said it time and again, there are no bad frames only bad players.

That's not even remotely true though.


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21 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

That's not even remotely true though.


It really is.


I've seen all frames perform exceptionally well. 


Outside of the 5 I use regularly I dabble with all of them. I haven't had any issues getting any of them to perform well regardless of the mission. It takes a bit of modding and thinking but any frame can be great.


I stand by what I said, no bad frames, only players.


If you can't get the most out of a frame, that's on you.


I see you saying Mag is terrible yet plenty of us can use her well. The problem is squarely with you not knowing how to play that frame, not with the frame being bad. 

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6 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

I've seen all frames perform exceptionally well. 

No. All frames can get by at a bare minimum.

I can get the most a frame can offer out of any frame, but not all frames are created equal.

The problem is squarely with the frame being bad.

Look at it this way: Can I cut down a tree with a bicycle chain that I pulled off a bike?  Yes, but does that put it on the same level as a chain saw? Hell, no. Just because I can get by with the bike chain in a pinch doesn't mean that it is a "good" choice if I have the other option.

Edit: In case you are confused, Mag is the bike chain.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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The issue with her is you have people that legitimately, for whatever reason believe that a warframe that can with the push of a single button, instakill everyone on the map was legitimately balanced in any form. And the argument of "it's only against one faction" is kinda dumb when that faction encompases 1/2 the combat in the entire game. And no, nullifiers are not a good argument, I've used mag to nuke corpus in sorties before, and you can burn down bubbles using shield polarize.


but the question of "is she viable" "can I do sorties/bosses with her" then yes, you can use her to do so. She's a bit of a jack of all trades, which is fine if you intend to do any mission type with her (tip: shield polarize has a very large range and can be used to blow up corpus security cameras in spy vaults).

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2 minutes ago, TheThunder said:

more like jumping around like crazy since she cant stay in one spot due to sortie grineer oneshoting her

I always stand still directly in front of Sortie Grineer, laughing as they try to shoot me through Magnetize and kill themselves with their own bullets, pumping Rakta Arrows into the bubble for good measure.

The key to a good Sortie Magnetize Build is Natural Talent and/or Speed Drift, being quick on the draw with overextend magnetize bubbles on every group of enemies you see is the trick.

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16 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

I always stand still directly in front of Sortie Grineer, laughing as they try to shoot me through Magnetize and kill themselves with their own bullets, pumping Rakta Arrows into the bubble for good measure.

The key to a good Sortie Magnetize Build is Natural Talent and/or Speed Drift, being quick on the draw with overextend magnetize bubbles on every group of enemies you see is the trick.

Scorchs, Techs, Eviscerators, Bombards, Napalms.. its a false sense of security.


57 minutes ago, Obviousclone said:

The issue with her is you have people that legitimately, for whatever reason believe that a warframe that can with the push of a single button, instakill everyone on the map was legitimately balanced in any form.

That sounds exactly like Strawman people had to deal with after giving feedback on reworked Saryn (even ones like me, who didnt even had the frame pre-rework). I guess the same would happen to negative BS feedback after Ash rework.


Here are some of my problems with Magnetize. There were more but they got lost to formatting.

Cast Delay. It is very annoying for quite a few reasons, some of those reasons have great synergy with each other and rest of its (Magnetize`s) drawbacks, creating even more drawbacks. Like enemy having time to move the effect at undesired spot, where is gets detrimental to the team. Or Energy and time being wasted if enemy dies before effect takes place.

Soft Auto-Aim. Despite being great hard CC disable and damage multplier, landing Magnetize on a high priority target may prove challenging. Whenever this juicy target is surrounded by enemies the closest one in a 90° gets targeted. Remember the Cast Delay? - well you have no idea who got targeted until effect goes up (or doesnt go up at all). My favourite case are drahks - they do happily charge past you after being auto targeted by Magnetize. And since the closest enemy gets targeted - it is most of the time being under your teammates gunfire and will die before effect takes place, energy and time wasted.

Hitscan and beam weapon interaction. Magnetize damage potential can be split into 3 portions - Direct Damage Multiplier (DDM),  Field`s Damage over time (DoT) and Explosion damage, with last two being codependant and ruled by the same set of conditions (so its easier to refer both of those as "DoT").

Well, the first one, DDM, works fine with all weapons and is taking into account multishot, crit, status - its the old Bullet Attractor portion and it works just fine, not much point talking about it to be honest.

Now, the second and third one are tricky. You ever looked at Magnetize page at wiki and thought "Hell yeah, I`m going for minimal duration/max range and charge this baby up with Tigris - get me a powerful killfield that explodes for duckload of damage!" - well, I did. And it does not work. Why? Because Magnetize doesnt account for multishot from hitscan weapons for purposes of calculating DoT and explosion damage. Magnetize absorbs literally one pellet worth of damage from hitscan shotgun, because of how they are done mechanically (this wonderful mechanic also gets us 100%status shotgun exploit). Critical hitscan weapons performance also is subpar - DoT portion wont benefit from either multishot or crit. Explosives? Nope, only initial projectile damage works. Beam weapons were the King for a while (good times), but then got hit with a nerfhammer. Got hit hard. Now Magnetize`s DoT portion seemingly absorbs 1/25 (4%) of Beam weapon damage instead of 1/4 (25%), assuming 100% power strength. Okay, so now we have to use projectile generating weapons, preferably with a punchthrough - those benefit from multishot as the projectiles register one by one whenever hitting the bubble, and punchthrough allows multiply hits for every projectile swirling around in a bubble. Alas, its not that easy - unless the corpse of initial target gets dissolved by Corrosive damage type all the punchthrough would get expended on that corpse. Sounds like an extremey limited selection of weapons and weapon builds for me.

4) Almost non existant gravitational pull. Like, seriously, enemies can casually stroll through that. Only times it is noticable is when enemies are knocked down, Confused or stand still in a Simulacrum.


Rest of the post was about how Mag is dependant on a very specific type of weapons, more so than Saryn, and about how annoying she can potentially be for a team that doesnt use such weapons. And about the tacked on pseudo-synergy with Pull and Crash, which do pitiful extra damage and only do that damage to initial target, even though its dead thank to Magnetize DDM.


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1 minute ago, Ivan_Rid said:

Scorchs, Techs, Eviscerators, Bombards, Napalms.. its a false sense of security.

Haven't been a problem for me yet. *shrug*

She's not perfect, I'll admit, needs tweaks, but she's not dogS#&$ as many would claim.

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Just now, Gelkor said:

Haven't been a problem for me yet. *shrug*

She's not perfect, I'll admit, needs tweaks, but she's not dogS#&$ as many would claim.

Well I do like her. But I`m capable of being critical of things I like.

She might be so much better if Magnetize cast delay becomes the same as Saryn`s Spore delay, and if hitscan weapons would contribute to Magnetize`s DoT and generate some shrapnel. No idea how to fix Polarize, yet.

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6 minutes ago, Ivan_Rid said:

Well I do like her. But I`m capable of being critical of things I like.

She might be so much better if Magnetize cast delay becomes the same as Saryn`s Spore delay, and if hitscan weapons would contribute to Magnetize`s DoT and generate some shrapnel. No idea how to fix Polarize, yet.

I'm kinda ok with polarize except, travel speed could probably be doubled IMO. 

I think the Pull synergy with magnetize could be looked at, like casting pull on a magnetize sphere would cause the sphere to radially pull into itself. 

Crush should be able to pick up polarize shards in the area and add those to it's damage.

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