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Bard Warframe Speculation, Discussion and Feedback Thread


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On 9/7/2016 at 4:17 AM, Zanoza-chan said:

Please DE let us some way to create through his abilities! Maybe it will be an opportunity to play some sound by pressing a key sequence right during the mission, or being able to record some sound sequence in Arsenal and then use the resulting melody in the mission.

They said it in the devStream, as well as every other thing related to her including PAX Aus that it will have a sequencer to make songs on. I think DS#86 had a preview of the actual work on it currently, and the PAX Aus had a rough idea but that's way different from the current. I'll leave the video segment of it in a spoiler to where they showed it off.




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Let's be real here: we all know what will happen. The Fandoms will come out the woodwork, as they always do. Expect theme songs for Doctor Who, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, definitely a few tracks from Undertale (Megalovania, Battle Against a True Hero, and so on), etc etc etc.

Also, memes. Lots and lots of dank memes. (nyan cat, rickrolling, etc).

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5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

all my upvotes will go to anyone who recreate Bodies - Drowning Pool  using the step sequencer. most appropriate song I can think of in the middle of a Grineer killing spree!


The Sequencer is really short, and seems to play sounds based on section and powers used. Best bet is possible the intro riff. Longest it looks like is maybe 10~20 seconds of different sound.



8 hours ago, Ketec said:

Did they address annoying kids spamming bright colored simulor  everywhere?


8 hours ago, Ketec said:

Why do i have to mute MY game just to not listen to all the crap people make on purpose to troll and annoy?

This is a community problem, while something they should consider, isn't a main deciding factor. There's also the option of leaving the squad if it's obnoxious (but why should I have to leave? Well, that's not my problem.)
Overall, it's going to be full of bad trolling at first, but it'll eventually die out after release. If you really don't want to deal with it, start making friends and invite them to do things or use recruit channel. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Wait... the BARD frame doesn't have buffing auras that move in an AOE around the BARD? That's like the definition of what a bard is. The music gives the buff and the music is generated by the bard as the bard moves. Deployables iat a single area... blech.

and after all the complaints about Simulor visuals and sounds this sounds like it's going to be 10x worse. I didn't watch the devstream but it sounds like we need that frame filter on public missions asap....

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Hopefully if you don't have music on (which i never do) then you can't hear the Bard music. If there is no way to turn the bard music off, I'll quit any mission with a bardframe or WF altogether. I've never had a frame specific complaint other than minor trollling that the person engaged in but this frame seems completely designed to annoy every other player in the mission.

If the sound AND visuals can't be turned off, then I can't really play with a bard on my team. i want to hear my teammates, not have them drowned out by one person's  music. I want to SEE my targets not a bunch of visual spam in my face - the kind like Limbo already has that gives some people headaches already. This is a recipe for disaster unless there is an option for others to NOT see or hear anything from the bard-frame (imagine 3 other people using bardframes in your mission)

DE, you must KNOW that there will be people who are going to create the most annoying visuals and music they possibly can to annoy as many players as possible. How can this have made it off the drawing board without an opt-in from teammates? I didn't hear anything about that in the devstream today however.

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7 minutes ago, Queen_Crimson said:

She hasn't even come out yet. Why precomplain when you don't even know if they'll deal with what you're afraid of? Wait until /after/ they mess up the release, if they do.

Because why wait to see the problem when you can try and stop it beforehand? With your logic, we wouldn't be able to discuss anything that hasn't come out yet. It's feedback, it doesn't have to require personal experience, provided you have enough information. This is a valid concern to bring up.

They are already aware of the fact that the music can be annoying. What I'd like is something to combat the obscene visual clutter.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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5 minutes ago, Queen_Crimson said:

She hasn't even come out yet. Why precomplain when you don't even know if they'll deal with what you're afraid of? Wait until /after/ they mess up the release, if they do.

They showed us a demo. Why not tell them what they should change before it's put live, rather than sit here and wait until it goes live and nothing is done about it?

It's not like they said, "this is extreme work in progress," like they did with a certain Eximus unit change.

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8 minutes ago, Queen_Crimson said:

She hasn't even come out yet. Why precomplain when you don't even know if they'll deal with what you're afraid of? Wait until /after/ they mess up the release, if they do.

To second that notion, we have such little information on how anything is going to work for her yet. At most we have that the step sequencer is functional and they have the visual fx in place.

10 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

We don't have all of the information. For all we know, maybe only Bards will be able to hear each other, or you'll have to be close to the center of where it spawned to in order to hear it. I totally understand, but it's personally to hard to make a call on how it's going to work out for players who are not playing miss Bard.

In other words, it's too early to make any assumptions until she is officially out or we get information on her (i.e. Warframe video spotlight) that's finalized.

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52 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

after all the complaints about Simulor visuals and sounds this sounds like it's going to be 10x worse

Oh, it is. At least the Simulor has one set sound and one set animation that's not that large. This is a large animation area that's going to have variable sounds associated with it, causing it to be more and more difficult to see and hear important things going on.

I mean, honestly. How am I going to hear that oh-so-important sound cue of the Corpus grenade toss that I can apparently spot and destroy before it goes off when the whole field is covered in various pulsating energy effects and someone's bad rendition of Darude - Sandstorm is blasting in my ears?

The fact that they want us to share our creations (which is becoming a more and more pointless sounding tool based on what I'm seeing every time the frame is demonstrated) leaves little hope that they won't make sure everyone else hears our customized music.

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14 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Why not tell them what they should change

If you don't mind me asking, what "should [they] change" specifically that's official and finalized? All they showed us was that she's functional and they have her ability animations in place. We literally have no idea if the visuals are just placeholders for what they want to do with it, and we don't even know if only Bards can hear the music and vice versa.

The only thing you can suggest "they should change" is her model (and maybe animations?) as that is already finished.
Again almost everything the OP is referring to is all conjecture, furthering that they do say time and time again, and almost anything on Devstreams are always subject to change or alter. Hence [DE] Steve saying "you're seeing how the sausage is made".

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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2 minutes ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

If you don't mind me asking, what "should [they] change" specifically that's official and finalized? All they showed us was that she's functional and they have her ability animations in place. We literally have no idea if the visuals are just placeholders for what they want to do with it, and we don't even know if only Bards can hear the music and vice versa.

The only thing you can suggest "they should change" is her model (and maybe animations?) as that is already finished.

I can suggest they should change absolutely anything. You don't decide what kind of feedback I can offer and until they state, "this isn't final," it's reasonable to assume that it is final based on their track record. Every time they've shown us anything about her that's a WIP they specifically noted that and they did not do that this time.

I don't want the current Bard anywhere near the final game. I want that to be known so that they take it into account. The idle animations, the power animations, the current iteration of that step sequencer that's getting more and more pointless with every step forward toward the frame's release. All of it is turning out to be nothing more than bad in my books and I want it all changed. I will state so. Suck it up and deal with it.

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18 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

If the sound AND visuals can't be turned off, then I can't really play with a bard on my team.

You mean like the SWISHSWISHSWISH blades flying everywhere of excaliber? or the constant stomping roar with 20 meter spikes of nidus? Or the blinding spam of miragalor?  What about the waves of annoyance that come off of banshee's quake spam?

I could go on because nearly every frame has its downsides in the effects dept.  A particular favorite is ember's 3rd.  That just blocks out the whole battlefield, especially if they spam it constantly.

You mentioned Limbo Cataclysm, but there are plenty of others.  What frames cause you to just abort now?

I really hope you aren't basing this complaint on the devstream displaying her powers because 90% of what you saw was placeholder graphics that are completely unpolished and unfinished.

The final result is probably not going to be anywhere near as bad as say, Vaubaun throwing vortexes everywhere with simulors being spammed by a mirage at the same time that frost has a globe that obscured vision of anything outside of it.

If you are concerned about the sound, then yeah that can probably be turned off, at the very least the repeats of the tones will subside after the initial cast.  It is a sound based frame so I believe they will take the trolling into consideration.  They've actually mentioned those very words "We are working to reduce the trolling aspects" in several devstreams.

So yeah, your concerns may be valid, but threatening to quit the game over it?  Well take care, you are obviously looking for any reason to leave at this point, no one will stop you.

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10 minutes ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

maybe only Bards will be able to hear each other

"Hey, there's this thing we're working on that we're encouraging everyone to share their creations with and show them off."

"Oh yeah. To aid that fact, you won't be able to hear other player's Bard frame."

Yeah. That's absolutely stupid to assume considering they want us to make our step sequencer creations into a social thing. You're going to be able to hear another person's Bard music.

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1 minute ago, Chipputer said:

Yeah. That's absolutely stupid to assume considering they want us to make our step sequencer creations into a social thing.

It is also stupid to assume the gfx and sfx will be so annoying as to cause one to leave WF forever, but yet this thread exists.  So ...

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3 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

I can suggest they should change absolutely anything. You don't decide what kind of feedback I can offer and until they state, "this isn't final," it's reasonable to assume that it is final based on their track record. Every time they've shown us anything about her that's a WIP they specifically noted that and they did not do that this time.

I don't want the current Bard anywhere near the final game. I want that to be known so that they take it into account. The idle animations, the power animations, the current iteration of that step sequencer that's getting more and more pointless with every step forward toward the frame's release. All of it is turning out to be nothing more than bad in my books and I want it all changed. I will state so. Suck it up and deal with it.

That's fine if that's how you feel, I have no qualms about that, but I think you're misunderstanding what is trying to be said now.

What @Queen_Crimson and myself are trying to say, for example one thing the OP said:

31 minutes ago, Shockwave- said:

How can this have made it off the drawing board without an opt-in from teammates?

We don't even know if other players will be able to hear the music in the first place if you're not a Bard anyway. I'm not saying the OP doesn't have a legitimate concern, but it's hard to get behind him/her if we don't know how it'll actually work. As of now it's borderline making up ideas of the worst case scenario.

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