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Bard Warframe Speculation, Discussion and Feedback Thread


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Ok, we got the promo about the new musician-like warframe.

I think I'm not the only one with a musical education in Warframe community. My instrument is piano. And I hope there's someone with musical education in DE team.

I assume that this frame would rather buff-support one than a warrior, similar to the bards who inspire others to fight. But please... I don't want that warframe to be a monkey with useless violin or something like that. Please DE let us some way to create through his abilities! Maybe it will be an opportunity to play some sound by pressing a key sequence right during the mission, or being able to record some sound sequence in Arsenal and then use the resulting melody in the mission. Just imagine what possibilities for creativity that trick will open. God, I'm full of ideas...

I know, I know, SOON™, maybe we will wait for that warframe for a 6-8 months... But I'm ready to wait much more if the result will justify the expectations.


Please forgive my emotionality. I like playing piano so much, but I haven't seen my piano for 2 years because of my studying in other city :( and that's why this new warframe promo triggered (in a good way) me that much.

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i'd rather they give him aura abilities where it gives different effects depending on which ones are active, dunno if toggles would be better or durations though, would be OP if they can activate all auras at the same time, so maybe a limit on how many can be activated

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8 minutes ago, Vance.Stubbs said:

I think musician themed warframe is a bad idea and brings more unneccesary fantasy vibes to the game. But that's just my opinion.

Dont be so quick to judge. DE hasn't even released any other information on it. For all we know it could be some archer shooting music notes using a bow shaped like a harp.

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6 minutes ago, Nitain_Prime said:

his/her ult will be a song with such a high pitch, causing enemies' ear to bleed

.... That should basically be Banshee's ability...
Since Banshees do that kind of stuff. 

While Banshee is more of a "scream/shout" theme, I think this new "virtuoso" frame will be more like a musician with actual instruments.

If he's (probably a male... DE always alternates between male and female) going to be "classical music" themed I'm going to crawl over the houses in the neighbourhood while naked and shouting "THEY PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE!"

Edited by Sturmgaard
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I'm thinking maybe, piano, violin... I dunno have an image in my head of a very fancy looking musician playing a violin, or twidling their fingers as though playing a piano whilst dancing through enemies the notes causing damage to the enemies in it's wake before  the final note is struck and then they bow, and cue the applause/explosion


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Well from first impression of the theme, I'd expect area of effects from this guy. Perhaps one of the powers produces different functions based on the song, which we create by doing actions to produce different sounds (combos).

Names? I vote for Aria, even though that sounds feminine.

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Musician Warframe reminds me some kind of support or buffer, like Sona or Lucio. I think it would be great, if Musician could buff/heal allies and reduce enemies damage/accuracy by toggle-able skills. One skill would attract enemies by staying in one place and playing some music. 

Or give it big axe-guitar, which play hard metal which stun enemies while slashing their comrates bodies. 

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So, it's basically the male Banshee. 


(And I do believe it's male, as DE alternates between male and female for regular frames and Titania was the most recent and is female.) 

I'm hoping for a Meistro or Conductor vibe with him.

To quote one of my favorite shows his abilities could be "Battle Waltz" or "Shotgun Blues".

Edited by Rhundis
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