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What is the most generous thing a tenno did for you?


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good teamplay !

which has become more then rare in warframe and some "people" should think about

and my thanks go to the countless trinity users for their great support

everything else to that theme is going massively down in warframe, spoken to spontaneous mission-joins and im shure the root for that teamplay lacks and is going down is how the development of warframe goes

no need to believe me, its a fact ...

im not mentioning teamplay with friends, there mostly everything is clear with coop ^^)

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A guy I was trading with gave me Volt prime for free. I um... have a problem with free gifts usually though and ended up giving him a corrupted mod and a vaulted neo relic.

not a lot in terms of recompense, but hey, it eased my... guilt? not that exactly but.. you get the idea.


Im also a pushover when it comes to trading. I only need plat for the warframe slots so I never push for strict plat limits.

So when players who are MR 2-6 I trade with want something... I usually go do a little extra and pop in some nightmare mods or vaulted relics. I mean its nothing prejudiced towards MR 7+ but, usually thats the level where you reach self sustaining void/plat farming. I never have enough vaulted relics to share and do a run, and my RNG luck is minimal on solo relic runs, so I just give another the opportunity to do what I cannot.


but yeah. there are some real exemplars of  Tenno honor out there in the system

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I've gotten some Arcane Helmets from clanmates for cheap, which was nice.

Also had a clanmate help me out with the Hyena pack back when I was new and had difficulty getting Loki parts on my own.


Personally I'll give newbies some essential mods (and some advice to go with them) when I come across them in trade chat. Nothing that would fetch me more than 5 plat apiece if I sold them, but 5-10 mods for a number of newbies... it adds up.

I also sometimes message people who are advertising 'wtb something or other' for a price that I know is way above market average or run a few missions with new players to help them unlock a few more starchart nodes or just help them get warframe drops from more difficult bosses like Raptor that can be hard to handle solo if you don't have a top -notch loadout.l

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I mostly help friends and clanmates with missions/quests. I helped most of my clanmates to get Limbo and Atlas, for instance, because there are only a couple of my friends who actually bothered with getting powerful archwing stuff and leveling it (leave aside potatoing or formaing).

The most generous thing that was done by people for me was probably unlocking all the planets by killing all the bosses for me when it was possible. I still remember how hard it was to even get past Ruk as a newbie.

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5 minutes ago, sushidubya said:

Not too long after I started, a really amazing player from closed beta taught me how to parkour.  I miss the old wall launching very much as it now watered down, but yeah.  Couple years ago parkour was really fun.

A surprise will waiting for you :)

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I really appreciate this thread; it's inspiring :)

The most someone did for me...oh, I asked an older player about the kavat incubator segment and breeding. She gave such a lengthy reply and so many tips; I was at a loss for words. A guy from trade chat gave me 2 Streamlines a while back though I only asked for one xD


Before I found this, I didn't really do much for newer players. The most I did was trade a Paris Prime Grip for a random mod, then answering people's price checks.


Then I read this and got inspired! Been offering taxis a lot and did a little mod giveaway :)

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The most generous thing that happened to me was when I was spared from an ash prime in a radiation sortie when someone shot him in the face.

Normally I just hang out in low level missions guiding players and teaching them how to mod properly and complete different mission types, however, I don't play for them, I just revive them and do that kind of thing.

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My friend regularly sends me gifts. Her and I have spend hundreds of platinum on each other. Second place is either getting 5 catalysts from an alliance member on my birthday, or getting the Karak Wraith parts for free (no BP). There was also a super generous guy, who I didn't want to accept stuff from until I could give him something he didn't have. That was limited to rare conclave mods, which I had plenty of, and Vengeful Revenent, which I didn't have.

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A friend of mine wanted to buy plat and I had 75% discount on mine, so I gave him my log in and pass
He bought his plat and left 200 plat on my acc as a thank you. Also, another friend gave me archwing weapons parts
from syndicate to help me. On the other hand, I have given to other friends Mag set/Frost set, some prime weapons etc.
We help out each other a lot.

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I've never been given anything for free, but I have had a guy knock 10 platinum off a buy once as he knew I didn't have much plat.

Personally, I try to ensure newbies in trade chat don't get ripped off. When I see people offering too much for something or selling something for far too little, I'll always give them a PM to make sure they know its actual value. I suppose that might count for something?

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11 hours ago, Valathreon said:

It hasn't happened yet, but once they get their computer working gain, my friend is promising to give me the Nova Prime BP so that I can finish her.

Shame I didn't see this earlier. I traded two in for ducats earlier today, you could have had one :/

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When I started, I was given a Frost/Mag/Boar/Braton/Burston/ most of an Ember set (Spring 2014) and most of the basic mods after bumping into a player while trying to farm Serration (damaged mods didn't exist back then, either). Since then, basically any time I see someone asking after basic mods (elementals, basic damage mods, etc) in trade chat, I give them away.

I also randomly gift things fairly often. I genuinely enjoy playing the market in games so I always have a surplus of plat, 20p here and there for potatoes or 200p boosters etc is not a big deal and it gives me something to do with this mountain of plat I've acquired over the years.

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When I was still a newb, around 1 week old, I was trying to buy something. The events were quite hazy, but towards the end, I bumped into a fellow Tenno, and he decided to help me by giving me Armoured Agility, Vigor and Paris Prime Set, all for free, to help me tank up my other Warframes (which I had now): Loki, Nova Prime and Banshee.

Honestly, I was very grateful.


i still use paris prime

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Usually it's when I know I'm unprepared for the mission, and they know it too, and they just have absolutely saintly patience with me. Picking me up when I fall over and over, pretty much carrying me so I can get that alert reward or farm those rare mats. Telling me it's cool when I send an apology message. Hats off to you guys who do that. You make the grind bearable.

There was a player on Xbox who needed live time for his friend, so I gave him three 14-day trial codes I'd collected over the years, a couple Rainbow Six digital codes, and Alan Wake just because I already owned it. I didn't ask for anything in return, but he essentially unloaded his Prime components on me. Frost parts even. Nicest single thing a player has ever done.



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I got given a latron prime randomly when I was brand new, and then my housemate joined and badgered people as an MR 0 to take him ember farming in derelict to gift me her as a pressie since I was in hospital as she was being vaulted.

It started me out on a similar path, I tend to farm only for other people since I dont need to for myself nowadays, and I have a nice stack of ammo drums in return lol

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On one or two occasions, I've been given a Syndicate mod for free. A nice thing to do since any player could get at least half of them for free, but with a fierce walling off of the remainder of them augments (so at any level of play, half the players have about one half and the other have about the other half).So it's nice when we can bridge that gap, and even nicer when it's a free gift! I have payed it forward and will continue to do so.


:lotus: Honour to the Tenno.  :lotus: 


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