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Sorties / High Level missions and constantly reviving players


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There is a new trend in sorties and high level missions and I'm hating it.  I have no idea how it started or why, and if a player does it I'm never reviving that player in a game.

What's the trend?  Using a squishy frame without vitality or redirection equipped.

It's starting to get really bad and really commonplace.  A Mag, Volt, Mirage shows up with 300 health and 300 shields and they drop ALL THE TIME throughout the mission.  At least once a minute, if not more.

Here is the conversation that always happens.


Me:  "Really dude?  You're running 300 health and 300 shields."

Selfish Tenno:  "Yeah, man.  I'm good."

Me:  "It's really selfish of you." (maybe throw in an expletive as well)

Selfish Tenno:  "I know what I'm doing.  I'm a really good player."

Me:  "I can tell when you're dropping twice a minute."

Selfish Tenno:  "What does my build got to do with you?"

Me:  "Other players are dying because we have to revive you at least once a minute."


I hate this.  It's selfish.  It's short sighted.  It's annoying.  I have no idea why any player would want to run around with no shields and no redirection on a sortie or high level mission and obviously be a liability for the team but they keep doing it.  

Before someone says "But I can do it!!!!"  Yes, a SMALL number of HIGHLY SKILLED players playing THE RIGHT WARFRAME know what they are doing and can do this.  I'm not talking to the MR22 Loki's that have 80% of their playing time in a Loki.  This is about the squishy Mags, Volts, Mirages, Embers, and so on who don't want to install an extra forma.

Before someone knee-jerks and types "He's trolling", you know this is a problem.  Asking a player to equip AT LEAST EITHER VITALITY OR REDIRECTION FOR SOME SURVIVABILITY is not being unreasonable.  At all.


Warframe is a team game.  Think of the team when you build out your warframe and don't cripple the team because you don't want to forma your warframe one more time.  Be a strong member of the team that contributes to the team and makes the team strong.

Don't make the rest of the team carry you.

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Well, for me personally I find no need to use any form of survivability mods except for Quick Thinking, since I am accustomed to playing squishy warframes due to my frequent usage of Loki.

Of course, there will also be players who are dropping every minute. But trust me, in my experience, if the player is going down every few moments, it doesn't matter if he/she has any survivability mods. He/she will just go down. That extra bit of shields or hp does not matter at all to someone who doesn't know how to avoid getting damaged by utilizing parkour/cover, unless Inaros is used.

Whenever I experience it, I'll still just revive the downed player no matter how many times he/she goes down, as long as it does not compromise the objective. Like you mentioned, it is a team game. We ought to help one another.

As long as the player makes an attempt to contribute to the team, even if he/she ends up being more of a burden, I will help (The player going down is most likely not enjoying the fact that he is getting wrecked by the enemies, and will probably feel quite guilty for it. Trust me, I've been in that position before.). However, people who decide to AFK and leech, deciding not to contribute ANYTHING to a team, are the ones that I will not help, and try any means possible to make them quit the game.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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20 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:



Don't bother yourself. Nothing will change because you vented on forums (except the fact you now might feel better :3)

It is up to player to decide to res or not to res. Personally, I don't revive meta exploiters (BS ash, simulor mirage), "hallway heroes" and "speed demons", Limbos, people who drop on their rear ends each 60 seconds (not always but usually), players who don't revive other players (unless those downed were mentioned in my not to revive list). So you're not alone in being picky XD

Edited by Teloch
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1 minute ago, Praxxor said:

Because your EHP doesn't matter at somr point, more CC and power can actually save you, Mag and Volt excel at that and Volt can pop a few shields to be pretty much immortal

But we're not talking about those players, are we?  Because those players wouldn't be dropping twice a minute.  :)

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I've never had those mods. Don't need them. If you have a good team and good players, It won't matter. Just because there are players who can't pull it off doesn't mean the rest of us should have to follow what you want.

They know they are going down, They will either improve or not improve. Just move on.

Edited by wKmike
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4 minutes ago, wKmike said:

I've never had those mods. Don't need them. If you have a good team and good players, It won't matter. Just because there are players who can't pull it off doesn't mean the rest of us should have to follow what you want.

You're looking at this wrong.

Are you a player that drops twice a minute in a sortie?  I'm guessing no.

So I'm not talking about you.  :)

I'm not saying people have to do what I want.  Players should feel free to equip their warframe with whatever they like.  But if a player keeps dropping in a sortie and I see "300/300" next to their name, I'm not reviving him.

They specifically choose to be fragile for no good reason, I specifically choose not to revive them.  Just like @Teloch said, I don't revive other play styles as well.

@Teloch @Carnage2K4 @Calwon5 Ranked!

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11 minutes ago, X3Evanescence said:

As long as the player makes an attempt to contribute to the team, even if he/she ends up being more of a burden, I will help. However, people who decide to AFK and leech, deciding not to contribute ANYTHING to a team, are the ones that I will not help, and try any means possible to make them quit the game.


Well, my "co-operation barriers" are much thicker. I don't mind other players underperforming and relying on me and others to do the job; in such cases I just leave them behind. I co-operate only with those who are not burden. 

5 minutes ago, Calwon5 said:

A rule I always follow is, never do those types of mission if you can't carry yourself. Exceptions to this rule would be raids. Other than that, be ready to carry the whole team if they fail you.


This. So much this, bro.

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8 minutes ago, Calwon5 said:

A rule I always follow is, never do those types of mission if you can't carry yourself. Exceptions to this rule would be raids. Other than that, be ready to carry the whole team if they fail you.

This. I will ALWAYS bring a setup that can carry/complete a mission all by myself in the event that things go awry. I learnt that the hard way.

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Yeah I have a strict non-revival policy, I don't revive players who deliberately go into high end missions with low end defense. I don't revive players if I think it will get me killed in the process. I don't revive players who constantly die.

If it's a low end mission then I'll revive any newbie who dies, even if he dies constantly. But in a sortie you better come prepared.

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I dun revive him, dun revive that. Like it's some sort of a big deal.  For someone who claim to be playing for the team and all it sounds very hypocritical. Try to rez people when it's safe to do so and you'll be fine. It's not that hard.

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7 minutes ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

I dun revive him, dun revive that. Like it's some sort of a big deal.  For someone who claim to be playing for the team and all it sounds very hypocritical. Try to rez people when it's safe to do so and you'll be fine. It's not that hard.

The point they're making is that players go down so often, they actually can't really safely revive them, as they need to stop shooting repeatedly when they could have used redirect/vittles to not drop dead as often. 

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I've been using Inaros more and more on sorties because of this, so I can face tank while reviving.

OK some frames are squishy and survivability mods are not going to be a great help but c'mon, dropping every time a toxic eximus just spawns or a single slash proc occurs is ridiculous.

I do my best to revive in sorties though, my no revive policy is reserved for levelling spots. If you turn up at Akkad and can't be bothered to to put a vitality on your unranked frame, tough, you can bleed out in that gas cloud.

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"There is a new trend"
new .... 
well 80% of the players in this game is bad so they can take a rhino full vit rid and i dont know what more and they still die

but long runs in survivel t3 and later on t4(much new stuff)  where done with no survivel mods at all 

so its not a new trend
now when u go with randoms this happens because some one wants too take a sonar bashee too help the team but is random so  or other frame too help and the team are all around the map with zero team play 

so for players that dont want too riveve other players do it like me SOLO it and dont come too the foruns talking BS

Edited by venon23
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This topic also reminds me of players relying on better players to carry them in sorties. For example a low MR player with weapons that can't kill more than 30 enemies in sorties. Fortunately for them, there are a lot of show-off players who are willing to kill off all enemies for the highest kills in the end mission screen, helped them unknowingly. 

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In my book, Specially in Sortie/Survival, no one is allowed to die

I will always revive, no matter what.

I have many ways of staying alive while reviving.

Some are: quick thinking, shield pads, Rapid resilience,  Diamond skin (if in radiation mission), Ash BS or activating the lens before reviving, Arcane trickery and Grace and so on,,,,,,

In Short no one dies unless he is so far away from me and i cannot reach him in time.

If you play with Randoms, and you have a good built, be ready to carry or choose your own squad, or simply play solo (if it is not an interception)

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1 hour ago, Troll_Logic said:

There is a new trend in sorties and high level missions and I'm hating it.  I have no idea how it started or why, and if a player does it I'm never reviving that player in a game.

What's the trend?  Using a squishy frame without vitality or redirection equipped.

It's starting to get really bad and really commonplace.  A Mag, Volt, Mirage shows up with 300 health and 300 shields and they drop ALL THE TIME throughout the mission.  At least once a minute, if not more.

Here is the conversation that always happens.


Me:  "Really dude?  You're running 300 health and 300 shields."

Selfish Tenno:  "Yeah, man.  I'm good."

Me:  "It's really selfish of you." (maybe throw in an expletive as well)

Selfish Tenno:  "I know what I'm doing.  I'm a really good player."

Me:  "I can tell when you're dropping twice a minute."

Selfish Tenno:  "What does my build got to do with you?"

Me:  "Other players are dying because we have to revive you at least once a minute."


I hate this.  It's selfish.  It's short sighted.  It's annoying.  I have no idea why any player would want to run around with no shields and no redirection on a sortie or high level mission and obviously be a liability for the team but they keep doing it.  

Before someone says "But I can do it!!!!"  Yes, a SMALL number of HIGHLY SKILLED players playing THE RIGHT WARFRAME know what they are doing and can do this.  I'm not talking to the MR22 Loki's that have 80% of their playing time in a Loki.  This is about the squishy Mags, Volts, Mirages, Embers, and so on who don't want to install an extra forma.

Before someone knee-jerks and types "He's trolling", you know this is a problem.  Asking a player to equip AT LEAST EITHER VITALITY OR REDIRECTION FOR SOME SURVIVABILITY is not being unreasonable.  At all.


Warframe is a team game.  Think of the team when you build out your warframe and don't cripple the team because you don't want to forma your warframe one more time.  Be a strong member of the team that contributes to the team and makes the team strong.

Don't make the rest of the team carry you.

well that would be straight up mean, i would revive a fallen ally a million times, the extra survivability was removed in favor of extra power/utility for the team, this was/has never an issue for me, only when the mission is compromised that's when i don't revive, since i started playing Warframe i was downed severally with my Nova and met that 1 player who refused to  revive me, because i didnt have any survivability mods. But doesnt' matter, it's all team work, i place that extra duration/range mod to help the squad not myself

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