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Hilarious & Sad Moments With High MR Players


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Sortie survival. I was using Ash Prime with my standard team build 150% Duration and 100% everything else and smoke shadow

As soon as I joined the other 3 players complained about "another Ashole spammer". I said nothing and just carried on using my melee weapon and the ocassional Teleport. They were MR21, 21 and 19. After a about a minute into the mission the enemies begin piling up for some reason (likely that they weren't killing anything) Enemies begin piling up and one of them goes down. I teleport in and cast SS to revive. They complain why I'm not spamming Blade Storm, to which I replay that I can't since I don't run that build. They get mad, I carry on.

They go down like 20 times in the whole mission while I go down zero times, always jumping into the fray and saving their arses. Casted BS 3 times during the whole mission.

At the end they thank me for my efforts and apologize for calling me a spammer.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

It's really not that hard.  I usually play Grineer Sortie Defense as Frost and babysit the Operative.  I just follow him around, freeze enemies, and scream for help when a Heavy Gunner comes. 


That's also what I'd do, but without the idea of spamming an immobile globe. These operatives like getting themselves into danger. It's supposed to add to the challenge, I know, but sometimes they go to the worst positions.

When they end up in the middle of an all-heavy-unit crowd.. Ugh.

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Just now, LunarEdge7 said:

That's also what I'd do, but without the idea of spamming an immobile globe. These operatives like getting themselves into danger. It's supposed to add to the challenge, I know, but sometimes they go to the worst positions.

When they end up in the middle of an all-heavy-unit crowd.. Ugh.

LOL.  I have to say though, I think the worst out of all the Operatives was Darvo from Darvo's Bust. 

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10 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

Sortie survival. I was using Ash Prime with my standard team build 150% Duration and 100% everything else and smoke shadow

As soon as I joined the other 3 players complained about "another Ashole spammer". I said nothing and just carried on using my melee weapon and the ocassional Teleport. They were MR21, 21 and 19. After a about a minute into the mission the enemies begin piling up for some reason (likely that they weren't killing anything) Enemies begin piling up and one of them goes down. I teleport in and cast SS to revive. They complain why I'm not spamming Blade Storm, to which I replay that I can't since I don't run that build. They get mad, I carry on.

They go down like 20 times in the whole mission while I go down zero times, always jumping into the fray and saving their arses. Casted BS 3 times during the whole mission.

At the end they thank me for my efforts and apologize for calling me a spammer.

That's what annoys me. Ash Prime is one of my favorite frames, but I always have to expect hate because they expect a whole lot of 4 spam. I can't wait for the rework just so I can use him in peace.

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Did a sortie defense with my Excalibur where my EB was built for damage and had piss-poor efficiency and duration. Another squad member had Limbo and kept apologizing to me for accidentally banishing me when he meant to banish the operative.
With 3 waves to go, I finally responded; telling him that it was okay and that I needed the energy and protection.

5 minutes of constant, "sorry" and "whoops" directed at me before I finally put them at ease.

It was fun though, made another addition to my friend list so it was all good.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)A_SimpleName said:

Is it that MR21 Ember has on Arcane Energize and need energy pick-up to sustain his abilities? i.e. more than 2 energy per sec. Yes, he can roll out of banish. Also, WoF augment is good back-up CC. 

I'm not defending him. Just try to look at it at more angles. Hope this thread doesn't turn into a shaming threads. 

I believe so since he had it on the entire match and didn't use a single energy pizza. I kept an eye on him in case if it stopped so I could unbanish him for that very reason... or when he would actually start using his weapons... which he didn't in the first place and never stated he was going to later in the match we were in.

59 minutes ago, (PS4)AleDiorio said:

I started using banish on him for 2 reasons" 

did you ask him first?


I did but he never responded and well, he kept running into heavy gunners and bombard and getting downed. Just like how I explained above to the other guy, he never used his weapon so I started doing it. When I play Limbo, I play tactically and make sure to not be trolling with him. If he answered and didn't go down so often then I wouldn't have to revive him so many times. It isn't hard to ask or answer.

1 hour ago, KinetosImpetus said:

More often than not high MR are clueless? Do you have evidence or is this anecdotal and heavily influenced by confirmation bias? 

I'm going to assume you play with your clan, play with high MR players who actually understand the game and/or solo often; but play on public games for a bit and you'll see what I mean. I could gather evidence for it yes, but why would I want to do that to appease you?

It is not confirmation bias or some battle to discrimate high MR players, it is just that it happens more than it should and some of it is hilariously funny at times.

I've also stated no naming and shaming and I planned on keeping it that way.

51 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

I wish a Limbo would do that for me.  Oh, and I also wish I had your tactics!


That is probably just me being me, although I do appreciate the compliment.

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I was time strapped so I decided to pull out my Banshee to get some fast daily rep on Berehynia.  Another MR 22 joined me and eventually complained that I shouldn't have brought Banshee without also getting an EV Trinity.  This was despite the fact I am Zenurik and can still carry half of the round on the quake alone.  He left after that first round because he felt Banshee is a waste of time without a Trinity.

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55 minutes ago, (PS4)Stanicek3 said:

That's what annoys me. Ash Prime is one of my favorite frames, but I always have to expect hate because they expect a whole lot of 4 spam. I can't wait for the rework just so I can use him in peace.

Yeah, we Ash fans get a lot of flak for using the frame we like, just because a lot of spammers use him (at least the bulk of them will run back to Miramulor and World on Ember as soon as the BS tweak deploys). The Blade Storm tweak still leaves a lot of non-adressed issues with the frame though, so I hope DE eventually gives him a proper and functional rework.

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So I brought nova prime to a sortie mobile defense with radiation hazard, and I had 2 frosts with me. A few seconds later an MR22 ash prime joins in, and at first i trusted him not to spam BS near us, but then he goes off to who knows where and spams the life out of BS anyway.

After a while the three of us started going down even with no enemies near us, so we "politely" tell him in chat not to use BS when he's irradiated.

He then travels all the way to where we were, downs all 3 of us with the synoid simulor, and leaves the squad :/

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Not quite the kind of story you're looking for, I suspect, but...

Doing a sortie a while back.  This was a PUG, but we'd done well the first two missions.  3rd was Mobile Defense.  We took care of the first terminal, ran on to the second, set-up there, wiped the few enemies that were already in the area, and look around.  After a bit, it dawns on people that the timer isn't going.  There's some... exchanges in the chat as people demand that the idiot with the key put it in already.  And, after a bit more of that, it finally sinks in that, in fact, none of us have the key.  It's still sitting back at the first terminal.  So, we had to run back across the map to the first terminal to get the key so that we could continue the mission.

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I was MR17 at the time and we were doing Radiation hazard excavation and I think it was sortie 3. There was a MR21 using a Mirage + Synoid Simulor. Now normally I don't mind Synoids in a Rad sortie since if you're careful not to run into the radiation clouds or pop the spheres regularly it won't kill your teammates.  But this guy, oh this guy was special. I would tell him to pop his Synoid balls and guess what? Just ignores me and continues to spam it. Dude kept killing me and the Mesa on our team, eventually I decided enough was enough so i jump into a rad cloud and kill him. When he was bleeding out I told him, "It doesn't feel good when your teammates kill you does it?" And he replied with, "Oh I didn't know you could do that." And I told him how I was telling him to be careful the entire game. He responds with some sorry excuse about how he took 4 months off from warframe. And I was like,"Seriously? You're MR21 and you don't know about Radation procs? And he gets all defensive about how he's got more experience than me and then uses the age old scrub excuse of, "I have more damage than you." When I was playing as Chroma with a Vaykor Hek equipped. He kept trying to justify himself about how having more damage = more contribution because it means you're preventing enemies from killing the excavator. Well guess what, that doesn't apply if you're the one destroying the excavator as well. Eventually he dies 4 times and then just leaves the party. And I laugh and think to myself, well can't out damage me now that you're out of revives. 

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3 hours ago, ZombieLorde91 said:



Here's an abridgement of your story:


1) You are supposed to know how Limbo works and you only lack the mods to show your true skills in the game.

2) You met one guy that didn't know how Limbo works.

3) He was MR21

4) Hence, all MR 21 don't know how Limbo works.


Very enlightening. Thanks.

With this kind of attitude in the world of real martial arts and real ninjas, your Senpai would kick you out the Dojo, flying.

Edited by disco_inferno6
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I might be one of the high MR who had made mistakes making people wonder... lol.

In spy sorties, I just want to do it fast. Whenever Im with pugs, I ask them if they know what they are doing and if they say no, I just say to them to let me do it. Of course that sometimes I make mistakes trying to go fast and everybody is probably thinking that Im just an idiot lol. 

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3 hours ago, LunarEdge7 said:

A better advice would be to asking her to use her 2 and 4 if possible, instead. If it's a negative range build, well, there was nothing she could do.

You have any idea how hard it is to cast 3 whenever the stupid operative gets out of it? It's 3, and 1, and 3, and 1, it goes on and on.

Actually, recasting the globe while inside of it will recenter the globe on you.  You can walk a single snow globe across an entire map if you want to.  You don't have to break it over and over unless you're lazy, neglected to move with the operative for some time, and now you need an entirely new globe a mile away from the first.

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38 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

Actually, recasting the globe while inside of it will recenter the globe on you.  You can walk a single snow globe across an entire map if you want to.  You don't have to break it over and over unless you're lazy, neglected to move with the operative for some time, and now you need an entirely new globe a mile away from the first.


I can't believe I forgot that. Was always used to breaking those globes upon request.

Either way, it'll still be a bother, doing that.

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5 hours ago, VikingoX said:

A nameless viking with a founder badge and loki knave avatar played a sortie while being very drunk one evening (its not uncommon that this player does so), forgot that he was carrying the datapack for the mobile defense terminal, the whole party was standing around waiting at the terminal for a good few minutes before the chat got filled with hate and insults. 

Like seriously, MR 22 with 2000 steam hrs and he didnt know he had to press "X" at the terminal.

I actually did that once and I was not even drinking.  I figured it out about 2 minutes in before anyone called me out.  But yeah I face palmed.  

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My biggest gripe are players over MR 10 and don't stay in affinity range on defense missions. 

That being said I have an MR 16 clan mate who admitted the other day he doesn't know how to bullet jump.  That came as a shock to all of us.


Another fun one was when I was farming for Ivara when I was MR 8.  Tier 2 Spy mission, everyone else was MR 14+. I took C, on the way to C they managed to trip alarms and let data get purged in A and B. I executed C flawlessly with a :/ face on the whole time. 

Edited by (PS4)HAHAHA-OH-WOW
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5 hours ago, Cyriann said:

As an old player with bot that much of a "good higher MR" representing Mt so called "level" I have met suite a few of ghost hilarious people, and it is true that the majority of those if the high MR grade were horribly rude, but then listen to this one :

I was at MR 8, in a public match using my trusty Volt, tagged with a Rhino MR... 18 by the time, with two MR 4.

It was a defense mission against the Corpus and obviously as Volt I was zapping the hell out of every enemy coming my way. One of the 4s had a Volt and asked me how I got that strength, getting himself downed while typing, I revived him and answered his questions tailing him so that he wouldn't die when answering. The second one then joined the Q&A to get more lore, tips and advices from me. 

And then the Rhino fell down, he got revived normally and quickly, the mission was still running smoothly, and right after started insulting me for "no knowing anything, that Volt was supposed to only give speed,  or damage" and yaddee yadda.

I didn't not answered to his provocative talk, and simply continued what I was doing. He kept on insulting the three of us, apparently his MR gave him the right to do so, in the end the mission ended at wave... 80 or something, the two 4s had their trouble surviving while the two others, we were simply wrecking the place.  Rhino had not spoken anymore after a while of silent, but at the end of the mission simply told the three of us that we should uninstal the game.

Weird story hey ? 

Now I'm around MR 14 or so, I have bad memory of this pointless thing, and received this so called advice again,  after a similar game, but this time from a MR 4 player. 


To me this story and the fact it happened but in a way backwards, show that this MR has no importance for what matters is the inderstanding and mastery of the system the game holds, while toxicity will always be here, it is important to not spread around false ideas. 

Yes many High MR are idiotic elitists, but so are many others even without a "Stamp" to move themselves right. So don't take that thing into account, only what the player, no matter his choices will offer you. 


I'm only a MR6, and therefore I don't know alot about anything, but my sad moment is when I ask for help and no-one answers. :( Sad Life.

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