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[TWW] Bug Report Megathread


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Stepping foot in the landing craft during the Purge sequence automatically kills my Operator and resets them to the Transference room. I figured it was my Sentinel landing a killing blow as it had several times before but even during attempts in which I reach it with full health I'm still forced to reset; always in the exact same spot. Perhaps it is the sentinel but I can't imagine it taking all 100 points of health in a single shot over several instances.

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Another, more minor issue:


After finishing the quest, moving around the ship/Orbiter as the Operator nulls your sigil color selection. It shows up fine if you visit the Transference room while controlling the warframe, but once you switch to the Operator the sigil returns to its default coloring.


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ok now i'm sad , sooo sad.... i start the quest, after my frame leaved the ship the game does not tell me anything , I reached the waypoint and no cutscene , nothing , i tried to restart the quest but now i can't load again the first one , now i have a quest on jupiter and when start i only see few enemy and nothing , cant' do nothing again.....

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16 minutes ago, Seraphiel- said:
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In the quest after when I woke up from the dream. The part where Ordis is talking to me and everything is normal with me testing my abilities in the ship, And ordis is telling me to be careful. After when that is done I went to the loading screen and my game crashed. After when I log back in I have my warframe again and after doing research it skipped the queen boss completely and when I continued the mission from where I was, I was going to the mountain with teshian and then completed the quest. Is it possible that I can have the quest again b/c I missed the queen boss completely. :c ty you in advance. 



This is exactly what is happening to me :( 

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3 hours ago, Gaminus said:


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Got a gamebreaking bug during the mission after you meet Teshin and the Queens.  My sentinel is with me, and keeps killing me, making it impossible to complete the mission.

This is frustrating.


Same here, sure is neat.

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Hey, IDK if anyone else has posted this, but I just finished TWW and it seems there was some kind of reward for finishing. To avoid spoilers, Ill just leave my actions at that I controlled and choose the middle route every time. Seems I'm not the only not getting a reward from the messages I'm getting from region.

Any help would be appreciated.

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3 hours ago, okelf said:

I started the 1st TWW mission on Lua, then aborted after loading because I forgot to set it to solo. Game crashed, after reloading the mission seems to have been skipped and I have another task on another planet now. Messaged support in hope for a reset on quest progress :/.


edit: after I realized i was on the wrong mission and aborted it, now the 2nd one is skipped as well and I'm on the 3rd.

same here

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Just now, DANCES_WITH_DUX said:

Hey, IDK if anyone else has posted this, but I just finished TWW and it seems there was some kind of reward for finishing. To avoid spoilers, Ill just leave my actions at that I controlled and choose the middle route every time. Seems I'm not the only not getting a reward from the messages I'm getting from region.

Any help would be appreciated.

I chose the bottom path everytime, so its not that it seems.

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Putting a spoiler on this one because it does mention some quest-sensitive stuff.


Don't know if someone reported this already, but during the fight with the Kuva Guards one of them got frozen and I couldn't harm them. I tried to fix it by restarting my game, but it ended up just skipping that part of the quest, so I missed an entire fight and probably a few cutscenes.

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I got a rifle riven mod where it requires me to get 3 RARE syndicate medallions, so i spent 2 hours doing my syndicate missions and i got ONE exalted (rare) medallion for red veil, and it DID NOT count! I thought maybe it would register after I turn it in,so i turned it into the syndicate medallion collection guy, still did not count toward the unlocking limit. 

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Just did an Ivara stealth run on Adaro (moved to asteroid tile set btw, and half the enemies now, lame) to rank up the new staff. Stealth XP seems to not only be not given to allies in range, but also isn't being given to the killer either. 99 stealth kills (almost, broke the chain once) and only got ~30k cumulative xp on the new staff. Should've gotten much, much more than that.

A friend joined to see if we saw the other's operator as normal during play (since it's not in the profile viewer, has that been posted yet? always wears zariman clothes and is bald...) and left after testing that, if such effects this. Will run another time at Telesto on Saturn in solo mode to check.

Confirmed: not getting stealth xp

Edited by Kelshiso
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Bug during Bossfight for TWW, you know which one.


Two issues: Due to the cooldown timer for my Transference its taking a painfully long time to build up enough charge to use.

Futhermore when I do get enough, activating Transference is... hit and miss. I've tried the default 5 bind (holding down of course) as well as the ability use bind. While they did work in the previous stage, they don't seem to want to function correctly during the fight againgst the Queens. So I'm stuck.


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I hit a couple issues, related to quest specific stuff:


1) Non-progression:


After getting kicked out of your warframe and Ordis is trying to kill you, I had the whole Helios is trying to kill you and the door won't open thing. It's worth noting that I did take Helios as my sentinel during the previous missions. Also, in the cutscene prior to this while your operator is getting back up and the conversation with Ordis is going, Helios was floating by in the background but completely non-animated. If a floating robot horseshoe can be in a T-Pose, that was how I'd describe it.

I was able to get past it after force-quitting the game and restarting a couple times.


2) Crash:


On the mountain after you fall down and there's the creature burrowing underground, I accidentally hit my gear key and it locked up.

However, right before this crash happened I saw the red text for the first hotfix, so I force quit and let the update do it's thing for 10 minutes or so.


3) Skipped a chunk of quest/story:


Directly after restarting from #2 above, instead of starting at the beginning of that section, it loaded me into what I assume is right after that part, where my operator already possessed upgraded powers. So I skipped whatever story stuff happened between the burrowing monster and ending up back outside with my powers back.


After all this though, I completed the rest of the quest chain, got the rewards, etc.

Edited by ARKARY
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Another bug I found soft locks a mission during the new quest (spoilers):


During the first trip up the mountain, and you find the campfire in the cave. I knelt down at the fire (cause ambiance) the slight movement forward triggered the cutscene with Teshin, at the end it did the "you died" thing and put me back at the bottom of the mountain. I scaled it again to find the door locked and I could do nothing but "kill" myself.

I had to alt+f4 to fix it, triggered scene and proceeded as normal.

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I have a riven mod MR10 locked and I can't equip it even though I'm MR22... It's unlocked btw and I can't even see it in mod selection in the arsenal, only in the mods menu.

Nvm, don't understood it's a weapon specific mod ^^'

Edited by Neofaucheur
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