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Warframe needs beta-testers


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I woke up and saw new update. I've read patchnotes and was amazed by how new Kuva system is cool. Then I went to Warframe and understood that the system is REALLY COOL. And then I tried to play some trials and... Well, the least I can say is that I just went really mad. The enemies just were not spawning, so the trials were basically impossible to complete. So the thing I want to advice is to get beta-testers. Really, when every update comes with a critical bug it is not any good. I understand that it might be hard to find beta-testers but Warframe actually has players. The thing I want to tell is that DE can take beta-testers from regular players and give them exclusive glyphs, free/exclusive skins, platinum, etc. I'm sure there will be volunteers to take part in Warframe's growth. It is a great idea for both developers and players: developers get better reaction to their work, testers get exclusive items, regular players encounter a lot less bugs during their gameplay. It is win-win situation, so it would be great if DE actually did that. At last, if DE will actually see this topic and follow my suggestions I just want to add that there should be no exclusive mastery points. I mean, getting mastery sooner than others if okay, but getting exclusive mastery points will perhaps cause a lot of rage.

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1 minute ago, erny0507 said:

I thought the same, maybe should be a public beta-beta? build (whole wf is in beta) with alternates accounts that cant trade.

Yeah, that's it. I think that banning trade is a bit bad, but instead DE may ban just beta-beta items from trade so regular players couldn't acquire them.

1 minute ago, Richtor2415 said:

We are the beta-testers. I have no idea why DE hasn't brought WF out of beta yet, but technically it's still in beta. Either way, it's our job as players to help them out and report any bugs we find.

I don't even remember when was the last time when developers spoke that their game is in beta. Yeah, technically it is, but there's lots of updates gone from the time when OBT started. 

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3 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

We are the beta testers. It's waaaaay too much effort for little outcome to just have a PTR-type build.

Technically, Warframe is in beta, but who really thinks like that? A lot of years and updates are gone. The delay on updates should be about 2 weeks, but there will be several hotfixes in it already so it will improve gameplay experience a lot. Broken archwing was terrible and that could be bypassed just by adding around 1-2 thousands of beta-beta testers. It would be a win for testers too because they get exclusive gifts.

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8 minutes ago, KFears said:

Technically, Warframe is in beta, but who really thinks like that? A lot of years and updates are gone. The delay on updates should be about 2 weeks, but there will be several hotfixes in it already so it will improve gameplay experience a lot. Broken archwing was terrible and that could be bypassed just by adding around 1-2 thousands of beta-beta testers. It would be a win for testers too because they get exclusive gifts.

I'm sure a lot of people think like that, actually. If not consciously, then subconsciously. And as far as exclusive gifts? We already get the ability to have the dev team for the game consider our suggestions and feedback far more seriously than almost any other online multiplayer game, we have the ability to directly influence the game with such feedback, and that's pretty damn cool. 

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11 minutes ago, KFears said:

Technically, Warframe is in beta, but who really thinks like that? A lot of years and updates are gone. The delay on updates should be about 2 weeks, but there will be several hotfixes in it already so it will improve gameplay experience a lot. Broken archwing was terrible and that could be bypassed just by adding around 1-2 thousands of beta-beta testers. It would be a win for testers too because they get exclusive gifts.

But here's the deuce of it;

Who's gonna make those "exclusive gifts"? What would that even entail? Where would they find time to make these "exclusive gifts" that would be necessary to attract players (nevermind that there are people out there who would do it simply for the sake of improving the game)? DE comes across as incredibly busy for the size of team it has, and I can't see them diverting time just to make a couple bonuses for pre-update testers as well as setting up an entire other server for those testers to play on. 

Don't get me wrong, I think the idea has a good deal of merit. I just don't think it's practically workable.

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2 minutes ago, Wolfglaive said:

I'm sure a lot of people think like that, actually. If not consciously, then subconsciously. And as far as exclusive gifts? We already get the ability to have the dev team for the game consider our suggestions and feedback far more seriously than almost any other online multiplayer game, we have the ability to directly influence the game with such feedback, and that's pretty damn cool. 

I appreciate that my opinion actually matters a bit but amount of bugs after every big update is just nuts. The game is literally unplayable for one week.

1 minute ago, Angrados said:

But here's the deuce of it;

Who's gonna make those "exclusive gifts"? What would that even entail? Where would they find time to make these "exclusive gifts" that would be necessary to attract players (nevermind that there are people out there who would do it simply for the sake of improving the game)? DE comes across as incredibly busy for the size of team it has, and I can't see them diverting time just to make a couple bonuses for pre-update testers as well as setting up an entire other server for those testers to play on. 

Don't get me wrong, I think the idea has a good deal of merit. I just don't think it's practically workable.

Exclusive glyphs or dojo statues might be the case. Famous Warframe youtubers have their own glyphs so making around 10 exclusive glyphs for special beta testers is not a big deal. Of course, it is not that big of a reward, but that's still something. And the dojo statues are also not a huge work, but that's still something considering that there's no realy much of a lategame for now.

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2 minutes ago, taiiat said:

whatever testing you think Warframe should have, it already has.
there, conversation over.

If I may, I think he's pushing for an expansion of beta testing, or at least more testing than is immediately apparent? I'm not going to try to explain his argument, since he's probably going to articulate it better than I can.

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4 minutes ago, taiiat said:

whatever testing you think Warframe should have, it already has.
there, conversation over.

There's no need to talk that way actually. I'm just suggesting how to improve gameplay experience, not try to bully developers or something.

2 minutes ago, Angrados said:

If I may, I think he's pushing for an expansion of beta testing, or at least more testing than is immediately apparent? I'm not going to try to explain his argument, since he's probably going to articulate it better than I can.

Yeah, you've got the idea. This is what I'm talking about.

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1 minute ago, taiiat said:

it's plenty expanded. we'll try this again.


I want to ask you a question. Do you think it is enough testing when archwings don't work at all, players get stuck underwater and there are common crashes on infinite fissure missions?

It's some of the real examples of how terrible gameplay may feel because of some critical bugs. I don't blame DE extremely because they do a lot of work and almost all of those critical bugs were fixed in one week but still.

2 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

Buy, why should DE go through the effort of making exclusive beta tester gifts (which would send this community into a rage fueled frenzy btw) when every player, PC at least, had to agree to do exactly what you're wanting a dedicated team for?

I still think there should be two layers of beta-testing.

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5 minutes ago, Mr.Lube said:

Sure, the game is still in Beta and we are the Beta testers. However, even though the game is in Beta; DE seems scared to remove/ heavily alter certain aspects of the game. Which is the whole point of having a game in Beta.

You must be new here.

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