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A Simple Solution For The Nullifier "Problem"


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So I was running a mission on Jupiter a few minutes ago and I suddenly had a random thought about Nullifiers.

"Isn't it weird how Nullifier energy fields suddenly disappear when they're killed."

It makes no practical sense to me. I mean, it's not like the nully field generator is connected to the Nullifier's vitals, right?

Then it hit me. The solution to the longstanding Nullifier controversy.

It's simple, yet practical, it makes sense lore-wise, it's realistic, and it's neither a buff nor a nerf, it's a little bit of both, and it makes nullies a little more fun and dynamic to play against, rather than outright bullet sponges.

I propose that instead of just having to kill nullies to disable their energy field indefinitely, we have to disable / destroy the generator on their back (yes, even when we've killed them).

For example, instead of just standing their idly and blasting the energy field then the nully himself into oblivion, or rushing into the energy field and chopping him in half. We have to change our tactic somewhat. We have to prioritise the generator and destroy that. Even if we kill the nully, the energy field will still re-establish itself and pop back up after his death because it hasn't been neutralised. So we still have to disable / destroy it after the nully has been killed.

So yeah, basically, you don't have to kill a nully to disable his field generator, and you don't have to disable the field generator to kill a nully (however, it is preferable). If you're good you can do both at the same time, but if you're not so good, you have two different routes to take in neutralising the threat of a nully.

I think this would even things out a bit with Nullifiers because while it is buffing them a tiny bit, it's also giving you another means of dealing with them (if you know what you're doing and can coordinate yourself like any self-respecting, professional space ninja should be able to). I also think this would be especially valuable and rewarding for skilled players in high level content, as long as the health pool of the generator isn't too high of course.

P.S. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it makes no sense to me that Nullifiers constantly walk around with their energy field extended. As far as I'm concerned, until they're alerted, or until alarms have been set off, they should remain unextended to conserve energy.

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OP, you do realize how many of these guys there tend to be at the same time in a bit of a more high level endless mission, right?

While your suggestion might seem sensible it isn't really workable given the amount of these guys we tend to be facing.

Edited by marelooke
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In other words,


"I want DE to make Nulli's a even bigger pain in the butt because it's not annoying enough already to blast through their shield and lose your active powers just to get rid of the damn bubble".


I have a solution for you: REMOVE THESE §($(=§&!$$amp?)(/a=

Edited by o0Despair0o
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Aren't Nullies squishier than a simple crewman? I fail to see any reason to destroy the generator instead of killing the enemy carrying it, seeing as they would probably die from a more powerful sneeze. All I see here is a... buff? Or am I misunderstanding something here?

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While this would make sense, this isn't something I would like to be implemented. It's kind of a hassle because either way you would have to spray or get close to the nullifier to get rid of the bubble. It's the same thing, but now you would have to over kill.



I don't think you really understand what the problem is. This isn't a solution, it's a buff to nullifiers. 

Edited by Calwon5
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1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:

In other words,


"I want DE to make Nulli's a even bigger pain in the butt because it's not annoying enough already to blast through their shield and lose your active powers just to get right of the damn bubble".


I have a solution for you: REMOVE THESE §($(=§&!$$amp?)(/a=

This game is all about teamplay, right?

So if you have a good team, there will be 1 guy with a warframe who does not have any active powers / is not needed to use them while fighting a Nully (Ash, Nyx, etc.). And that guy can easily go inside the bubble and take down the Nully. Problem solved.

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2 minutes ago, MrM1 said:

This game is all about teamplay, right?

So if you have a good team, there will be 1 guy with a warframe who does not have any active powers / is not needed to use them while fighting a Nully (Ash, Nyx, etc.). And that guy can easily go inside the bubble and take down the Nully. Problem solved.

do that when there are tons of eximus around level 300. 

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5 minutes ago, MrM1 said:

This game is all about teamplay, right?

So if you have a good team, there will be 1 guy with a warframe who does not have any active powers / is not needed to use them while fighting a Nully (Ash, Nyx, etc.). And that guy can easily go inside the bubble and take down the Nully. Problem solved.

Now what about people who play solo, like more than half of the community unless the mission is freaking impossible solo?





That's right.

A few examples: Rhino's Iron skin. Valkyr's hysteria. Titania's buffs (I think). Or generally everything that "stays".


Seriously, I'm SO GOD DAMN TIRED of activating rhino's iron skin and then suddenly stand right inside one of those damn bubbles as soon as I walk through the door.

Edited by o0Despair0o
yet another typo.
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1 minute ago, MrM1 said:

This game is all about teamplay, right?

So if you have a good team, there will be 1 guy with a warframe who does not have any active powers / is not needed to use them while fighting a Nully (Ash, Nyx, etc.). And that guy can easily go inside the bubble and take down the Nully. Problem solved.

90% of the time, I'm grouped up with the opposite of what you would call a good team or even a team. 

Example: Spy: I swear I'll be doing the mission all by myself, even though I have three others with me in the mission.

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Well, the idea of this is really good.

I liked when you sad disable / destroy so there is other way could help us, control like the bursas, but without time.

This will allow us to be a noly and you can do anything you want inside it, and it want destroy till the corpus destroy it { the backpack on the noly, on the ground } so it will be like frost globe, but without frost, and have not health, but have a # of bullet disable { ex. 30 bullet and the bubble will go away, will replenish after 10s }

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first, you have to pop the bubble to aim their generator if you do it at range or you have to rush inside the bubble and go to their back and aim to the generator. I fail to see who´s actually gonna try destroy the generator before the nullie, since they are so fragile, basicly die even you shoot him with lato. And right now, what I do with nullies is rush into their bubble , gun them down then aoe power nuke or cc all those enemies gathered around him. With your change, this means, even if I kill him I have to destroy his generator, and that 0.1 seconds delay for aiming it would means death when there are let´s say 4 tech around him. Or corrupted bombards

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Nullifier solution:

Physical-damage weapon bullets will bypass Nullifier shields when they're at 50% durability (durability signified by increasingly transparent/dim Nullifier shields), but, as always, all elemental/ability/power damage is stripped from it.

Nullifier Backpacks can be equipped by Spoiler: Play War Within, and instead of nullifying powers, it AMPLIFIES them while adding a shield, but the power's range is halved.


If the enemy's corpse doesn't disintegrate instantly, you could deploy your SPOILER to rummage their backpack (AKA: steal their gun). This would grant SPOILER more playability beyond SPOILER missions. Some enemies, like Shield Lancers, will also drop their shields (aim becomes 'block' when shield is equipped).

Some enemies (such as Ancients) will drop a sort of wearable component that provide their special ability (i.e: Eximus; ice globe or fire blast).

Edited by Koldraxon-732
Formatting at fault.
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25 minutes ago, Master-Nachash said:

I propose that instead of just having to kill nullies to disable their energy field indefinitely, we have to disable / destroy the generator on their back (yes, even when we've killed them).

What if the backpack falls somewhere where you can't shoot it?  Such as falling through unbreakable glass, or into a crevice that can't be shot without punch through?
Now you have an unstoppable nullifier bubble that will stick around forever and come back no matter how many times you pop it.  And trust me, there are a lot of places that the backpack could fall into that would make it nearly unreachable.
In any endless mission this can quickly pile up and become utterly horrifying to deal with.
And not everyone has punch trough on their weapons to deal with those things.

Second is that this would be a large buff to the nullifiers, when you're tying to posit it as a balance to them.
All this would do is make them much harder to deal with for no real reason.
Nullifiers are already painful enough, they don't need this buff ontop of them.
And yes, it would be a buff.
Say you don't have an AoE/Punch through weapon and you rush into the bubble to clear it out.  You kill the nullifier and now you have to wait for the backpack to get into your line of fire so you can take it out (dead bodies are amazing at blocking shots in this game...especially if you kill them with a status proc).  Now you can't use your CC or anything to survive the massive number of enemies (especially techs/bombards) that were hiding under the bubble.

They are already strong enough that they don't need such a huge buff ontop of what they already have.  Further this would create too many issues of the backpacks falling into places that you can't shoot them and making essentially permanent nullifier bubbles.

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No way. In higher level missions these guys practically replace normal units. You have like 10 rushing at a time. I think this would be obnoxiously overkill having to run up, do an animation while getting blasted just to stop it while it randomly starts up in the middle of the animation and dispels you getting you killed.


They are bad enough as it is.

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No, no, no, no, no.


That is, arguably, one of the worst ideas i've seen on these forums.


In a sea of terrible ideas you managed to have one of the worst.


If ideas were food this would be like one of those greasy spoon meals that look like a trucker with the runs let loose on a plate. 


My babies nappy at 6am smells better than this idea.


This idea is so bad it makes Trinity's latest nerf look good.


No, just no ..... no.

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I don't see a solution to anything here... OP, the issue is not that the crewmen using the nullifier are too strong to kill, they present no problem whatsoever. The issue is the bubble itself. All you've done is made the bubble an even bigger pain to deal with. This is not a solution at all. 

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there is a simple fix to this idea and i think that it would be really good

1.- the null bubble generator turns off after a set time of his carrier being dead

2.- limit the bubble men to a top quantity (5, 10?) even in high level missions

3.- make them to be destroyed or hacked by a tenno, and when you hack them they overload, say in a 5 sec timer, and release a sort of EMP that burst and disable other bubbles in the vicinity of a fix time

the idea is in that case you can have a plan variation depending on the type of need, destroy them if it is the only one, hack it if there are more in the area


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